The whole thing is to find the voltage across the 10 ohms resistor, we ignored that branch because, since that branch is parallel with the branch containing the series(10,2), the same voltage is expressed across them, meaning that voltage across the ignored branch is 36v and voltage across the other branch is also 36v, hence it does not have any significance on our calculation hence ignored.
Exactly what I needed. This helped me understand my homework.
Great, keep watching
Another nice lesson from SkanCity. Good job done man 👌
Thank you very much, Lot
Amazing explenation!
Thank you
Great exposition sir. God bless
Thank you.
Thanks for always watching
Very understandable! Thanks!
Thanks so so much
Good work 👍🏾
Thank you
U sabi teach 👍
Thanks boss very good explanation 🔥
You are welcome
Yeah so when you are being given only one registor to find the voltage drop across that resistor with 2 current sources
The current sources since are active elements contribute to the voltage drop of the resistor hence the Vd sum of current source * resistor.
The last example 3 , why did you ignored the two internal parallel resistance of 10 and 15 ohms??
The whole thing is to find the voltage across the 10 ohms resistor, we ignored that branch because, since that branch is parallel with the branch containing the series(10,2), the same voltage is expressed across them, meaning that voltage across the ignored branch is 36v and voltage across the other branch is also 36v, hence it does not have any significance on our calculation hence ignored.