Palindrome using two pointers technique: function isPalindrome(str) { let min = 0 let max = str.length - 1 do { if(str[min] == str[max]) { min++ max-- } else { return false } }while(min < max)
Awesome breakdown of key algorithms! 🎉 Definitely a must-watch for anyone preparing for coding interviews. Loved how clearly each algorithm was explained, especially the time complexities and practical examples. 💻 Thanks for making these tough concepts easier to grasp! 🙌
Hi, thanks for your video! On example 5 you can also use Array.splice() method. I believe, it looks more cleaner comparing to solution with Array.slice(). here's the whole solution: return str .split(" ") .map((item) => { const word = item.split(""); word.splice(0, 1, word[0].toUpperCase()); return word.join(""); }) .join(" "); }
Hi, For the MaxChar you can do this way : function maxChar(str){ let arr = str.split(""); let maxChar = ""; arr.forEach(element => { if(arr.filter(el => el === element).length > maxChar.length) { maxChar = element; } }); return maxChar; }
In my opinion I can give better and more javascript-style solutions for at least couple tasks. Maybe it's a little bit harder to read, but it works better when we are talking about js: var chunk = (array, size) => (array.length (str.split(" ") .map((word)=> (word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)).join(" "))) P.S. Good practice show O(n) complexity for each solution, because it's a think that can be asked on any interview.
idk if it is "cheating", but my solution for the steps makes use of recursion function steps(n, i = 0, s = "") { if (i > n) return; s = "#".repeat(i); console.log(s); steps(n, ++i, s); } steps(7);
Palidorme soluton - 2 pointer method function checkPalidrome2PointerMethod(str) { let left = 0; let right = str.length - 1; while (left < right) { if (str[left] !== str[right]) { return 'Not a palidrome' } left++; right--; } return 'It is a palidrome' }
function checkVowels(str) { let arr = [] const vowelsArray = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] let arrFrStr = str.toLowerCase().split('') for (let i of vowelsArray) { for (let y of arrFrStr) { if (i === y) { arr.push(i) } } } return arr.length }
Your solution for titleCase will not work if there is a character that is already uppercase so ArrayChunking solution and TitleCase Solution function titleCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(char=>char[0].toUpperCase() + char.slice(1)).join(' ') } function chunk(array, size){ let arr = [ ] for(let i =0;i
The for loop is using var which in turn the compiler recognizes the var but not its value. Second, the setTimeout has an arrow function and that creates a closure.
//To return all char if max occurence has more than one time function maxOccurence(str) { let charMap = {}; for(let char of str) { charMap[char] = (charMap[char] || 0) + 1; } let max = 0; let maxChar = []; for(let key in charMap) { if(charMap[key] > max){ max = charMap[key]; } } for(let char in charMap) { if(charMap[char] === max) { maxChar.push(char); } } return maxChar; }
//alternate newbie solution function capitilizeFirstLetter(str) { let arr = str.split(' '); let result = []; for(let s of arr) { result.push(s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substr(1)) } return result.toString().replace(/,/g,' '); }
Dear Instructor I hope you're doing well. I'm Victor, a student in your Machine Learning Model Deployment with Stream lit class. I’m reaching out for some clarification on [Machine Learning Model Deployment with Stream lit], as I’m having difficulty understanding certain parts. Could you please provide further guidance or suggest additional resources? If possible, I’d appreciate a brief meeting during your office hours. Thank you for your time and help! Best regards, Victor,
Guys these questions and answers are identical to Stephen Grider's Coding Interview Bootcamp udemy course. I get these are common questions but it just seemed too similar.
Palindrome with some kind of two pointers made with a for loop (also removes caps and spaces) function palindrome(str) { strToTest = str.toLowerCase().split(" ").join(""); let isPalindrome = true; for (let i = 0; i
1:00 Reverse String & Integers
11:29 Palindrome
15:58 Max Char
33:43 Array Chunking
41:56 Title Case
49:31 Anagrams
1:07:54 Count Vowels
1:15:21 Fizz Buzz
1:20:02 Steps String Pattern
1:30:52 Pyramid String Pattern
1:39:24 Bonus - Spiral Matrix
const palindromeWithTwoPointers = (str: string) => {
let left = 0;
let right = str.length - 1;
while (left < right) {
if (str[left] !== str[right]) {
return false;
return true;
I am very happy that i saw my Afghan and ex colleaque trainings at this channel.
Beatiful countryside landscape.
This was such a fantastic refresher/learning experience! Thanks!
For steps-string, on outer loop row
You're changing lives with your content. Keep inspiring!
This is excellent and able to be completed as it's short and straight to the point.
Awesome video! Thank you for making it 😀
amazing spiral Matrix. It really so hard for me to find out the way. Thank you for your code
Perfect, trainees will be ready!
Palindrome using two pointers technique:
function isPalindrome(str) {
let min = 0
let max = str.length - 1
do {
if(str[min] == str[max]) {
} else {
return false
}while(min < max)
return true
function palindrome(str){
return str === [...str].reverse().join("")
Awesome breakdown of key algorithms! 🎉 Definitely a must-watch for anyone preparing for coding interviews. Loved how clearly each algorithm was explained, especially the time complexities and practical examples. 💻 Thanks for making these tough concepts easier to grasp! 🙌
My solutions for questions 9 "steps" and 10 "pyramid".
for (let i = 1; i
Very informative. Thanks so much for sharing. Though there is a simpler solution for #9, steps:
const steps = n => {
for (let i = 1; i
// every method
function palindrome(str) {
return str.split('').every((ele, i) => {
return ele == str[str.length - i - 1]
// two pointer technique
function palindrome2(str) {
let start = 0
let last = str.length - 1
while (start < last) {
if (str[start] != str[last]) {
return false
else {
return true
yea, using two pointers is faster
I was also commenting 2 pointer solutions..
Sine you just have to run loop 1 time only...
So engaging and interesting thank you sir for this lecture ❤
Very informative and helpful.
it was very useful. but I will suggest the following solution for problem 9.
function foo(n){
You could just use Array(i) instead of Array.from({length:i}), nice solution!
it was very useful, help me a lots for the interview
Hi, thanks for your video!
On example 5 you can also use Array.splice() method. I believe, it looks more cleaner comparing to solution with Array.slice().
here's the whole solution:
return str
.split(" ")
.map((item) => {
const word = item.split("");
word.splice(0, 1, word[0].toUpperCase());
return word.join("");
.join(" ");
For the MaxChar you can do this way :
function maxChar(str){
let arr = str.split("");
let maxChar = "";
arr.forEach(element => {
if(arr.filter(el => el === element).length > maxChar.length) {
maxChar = element;
return maxChar;
In my opinion I can give better and more javascript-style solutions for at least couple tasks. Maybe it's a little bit harder to read, but it works better when we are talking about js:
var chunk = (array, size) =>
(array.length (str.split(" ")
(word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)).join(" ")))
Good practice show O(n) complexity for each solution, because it's a think that can be asked on any interview.
var 🤢
Love this video ❤
Thank you Free code Camp for providing DSA in Javascript and also need more content on JS DSA
function pal(str){
if (str === str.split('').reverse().join('')){
return true
}else {
return false
1:39:20 This is such an overcomplication... One 'for' loop is more than enough here:
for (let i = 1; i
Big o notation for repeat function is o(n) which is similar to a for loop. So ur solution is also the same.
Thanks for your help 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
loved the tutorial by Mukhtar!
OMG please do this but with Java or Python
Ther is ful apk in webstores
Excellent, thank you.
Love this
Very helpful.
function palindrome(str) {
//with two pointer technique
var stringArr = str.split('')
const reverseArray = (arr) => {
let i = 0;
let j = arr.length-1;
while (i < j) {
let tmp = arr[i];
arr[i++] = arr[j];
arr[j--] = tmp;
return arr
const reversed = reverseArray(stringArr)
return str === stringArr.join('')
my solution for the Pyramid String Pattern exercise: function pyramid(n, level, body, space) {
These are way easier than "easy" leetcode problems.
function reverseIt(str){
let newArr = '';
for(let i = 0; i< str.length ; i ++)
newArr += str[str.length -i-1];
return newArr;
We want more videos on these String and Array manipulation methods and programming questions
so just with these, are we going to be able to complete the legacy js data structures algorithms certification on freecodecamp ?
Need this in Python!
We are learning well from these type of Videos
But please zoom in something more so that we can see the screen properly.
function steps(num){
for(let i= 0; i < num; i++){
let str = '' "
for(let j=0; j
great and awesome thanks sir but with steps this is a little modification const (no if and else)
for (let i=1; i
Thank you
idk if it is "cheating", but my solution for the steps makes use of recursion
function steps(n, i = 0, s = "") {
if (i > n) return;
s = "#".repeat(i);
steps(n, ++i, s);
function isPolindrom(str) {
let check = str.split('').reverse().join('');
return str === check ? true : false
Palidorme soluton - 2 pointer method
function checkPalidrome2PointerMethod(str) {
let left = 0;
let right = str.length - 1;
while (left < right) {
if (str[left] !== str[right]) {
return 'Not a palidrome'
return 'It is a palidrome'
I'm having a hard time understanding what part of the reverse function is the actual part doing the reversing can someone please clarify...
My solution for Spiral Matrix
const spiral = (num) => {
const matrix = Array.from({length: num}, ()=>Array(num).fill(0)) // n*n matrix filled with 0's
let i=0, j=0;
let count = 0;
Sir make full course about game developement and javascript full dsa video
0:22 He owns a farm
function count(str){
let counter=0;
// for(let i=0;ifi===str[i])) {
// counter++;
// }
// }
for(single of str){
if (['a','i','o','e','u'].some((fi)=>fi===single)) {
return counter;
console.log(count("aj code"));
so after this we can go to leetcode and start grinding ?
probably not
function checkVowels(str) {
let arr = []
const vowelsArray = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
let arrFrStr = str.toLowerCase().split('')
for (let i of vowelsArray) {
for (let y of arrFrStr) {
if (i === y) {
return arr.length
Dec 25: 50:26
Honestly, any companies could ask questions like these?
Is this MERN Stack developer needs to Study DSA ???… And I want to know Any best book for DSA( Data structure and algorithms )……????
this video course is the best for learning algorithms in Javascript :p
Your solution for titleCase will not work if there is a character that is already uppercase so
ArrayChunking solution and TitleCase Solution
function titleCase(str) {
return str.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(char=>char[0].toUpperCase() + char.slice(1)).join(' ')
function chunk(array, size){
let arr = [ ]
for(let i =0;i
I did each of them in a different way but still working in the same performance😶🌫
for(var i = 1; i {
}, 1200);
Output is
for(let i = 1; i {
}, 1200);
Output is
The for loop is using var which in turn the compiler recognizes the var but not its value. Second, the setTimeout has an arrow function and that creates a closure.
const palindromeWithTwoPointers = (str: string) => {
let left = 0;
let right = str.length - 1;
while (left < right) {
if (str[left] !== str[right]) {
return false;
return true;
//To return all char if max occurence has more than one time
function maxOccurence(str) {
let charMap = {};
for(let char of str) {
charMap[char] = (charMap[char] || 0) + 1;
let max = 0;
let maxChar = [];
for(let key in charMap) {
if(charMap[key] > max){
max = charMap[key];
for(let char in charMap) {
if(charMap[char] === max) {
return maxChar;
//alternate newbie solution
function capitilizeFirstLetter(str) {
let arr = str.split(' ');
let result = [];
for(let s of arr) {
result.push(s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substr(1))
return result.toString().replace(/,/g,' ');
Max chars:
function maxChar(str) {
const usedChars = {};
for (const char of str) {
usedChars[char] = usedChars[char] ? usedChars[char] + 1 : 1;
return Object.keys(usedChars).sort((a, b) => usedChars[b] - usedChars[a])[0];
Dear Instructor
I hope you're doing well. I'm Victor, a student in your Machine Learning Model Deployment with Stream lit
I’m reaching out for some clarification on [Machine Learning Model Deployment with Stream lit],
as I’m having difficulty understanding certain parts. Could you
please provide further guidance or suggest additional resources? If
possible, I’d appreciate a brief meeting during your office hours.
Thank you for your time and help! Best regards, Victor,
Guys these questions and answers are identical to Stephen Grider's Coding Interview Bootcamp udemy course. I get these are common questions but it just seemed too similar.
i'm sure no one understand this
Palindrome with some kind of two pointers made with a for loop (also removes caps and spaces)
function palindrome(str) {
strToTest = str.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("");
let isPalindrome = true;
for (let i = 0; i
For String and Int reversal and Palindrome -- .every and two pointer techniques:
//const reverseString = (theString) => theString.split('').reverse().join('');
// const reverseString = (theString) => [...theString].reverse().join('');
// ARRAY.EVERY(element, index, array)
const reverseString = (theString) => {
let reversedString = '';
const reversiosa = (character, i, charArray) => {
// using index and array (all tests pass)
// let lastElement = charArray[charArray.length - ++i];
// return reversedString += lastElement;
const j = charArray.length - (++i)
return reversedString += charArray[j];
// using element (all tests pass)
// return reversedString = character + reversedString;
return reversedString;
// const reverseString = (theString) => {
// let i = 0;
// let j = theString.length-1;
// let stringArray = [...theString];
// while(i parseInt(reverseString(theNumber.toString())) * Math.sign(theNumber);
const isPalindrome = (theString) => reverseString(theString) === theString;
const stringToReverse = 'jar';
const expectedReversedString = 'raj';
const reversedString = reverseString(stringToReverse);
let expectedAndReceived = `expected: ${expectedReversedString}; received: ${reversedString}`;
if(reversedString === expectedReversedString) {
console.log(`pass - reverseString('${stringToReverse}')
} else {
console.error(`FAIL - reverseString('${stringToReverse}')
let intToReverse = 53;
let expectedReversedInt = 35;
let reversedInt = reverseInt(intToReverse);
expectedAndReceived = `expected: ${expectedReversedInt}; received: ${reversedInt};`;
if(reversedInt === expectedReversedInt){
console.log(`pass - reverse a POSITIVE integer
} else {
console.error(`FAIL - reverse a POSITIVE integer
intToReverse = -54;
expectedReversedInt = -45;
reversedInt = reverseInt(intToReverse);
expectedAndReceived = `expected: ${expectedReversedInt}; received: ${reversedInt};`;
if(reversedInt === expectedReversedInt){
console.log(`pass - reverse a NEGATIVE integer
} else {
console.error(`FAIL - reverse a NEGATIVE integer
Max chars :
function maxChar(str) {
const usedChars = {};
for (const char of str) {
usedChars[char] = usedChars[char] ? usedChars[char] + 1 : 1;
return Object.keys(usedChars).sort((a, b) => usedChars[b] - usedChars[a])[0];