@@d.hamilton9174 yeeep Great when i have to basically solo a squad that i just emp'd cus my level 45 bloodhound and bangalore (of which im surprised are even in platinum) wanna just camp :/
Or getting two guys who are together and they salty cuz you main their man so they selfish through the whole match not letting you know where their going then get mad if they downed it's annoying
im in gold 4 for this split and plat 4 for last split. Im really getting screwed over by those 3rd parties (more like 8 or 9 in kings canyon) but then again I cant help myself but to 3rd party other teams lmao.
It’s also pretty annoying that the Loss Forgiveness system is bugged out. I have teammates leave all the time or get put on a team with only one other and we’ll still not get loss forgiveness like the previous ranked season. Very unfortunate to say the least.
I hope so too but I highly doubt it. Pretty unfair because Kings Canyon has tons of third partying and being in Platinum with either only one teammate or alone makes it pretty difficult. I’ve lost countless points already. However, your video really helped me and I appreciate all the tips. Will apply this for now on.
cxmgaming I played three games one day, first game it put me as a solo in ranked. Second game I had team mates. Third game was a solo again. Had to stop for the day with bullshit like that
xProdigy Blue Yeah I don’t know what they were thinking when they designed the ranking mode for the season with how putting you solo and also if teammates leave you will lose points not having the teammates pretty much makes it useless.
I found out that bloodhound, Bangalore and Gibraltar are a dangerous trio. The bloodhound must do a lot of work in the team, when Bangalore use her smoke, bloodhound should scan to show where they are, when using ultimates I found that Bangalore should use hers first then Gibraltar's next.
I beat my meat when apex first came out I was on a win streak with some friends and this was are characters and I would use my bloodhound alt and just lazer people through the smoke but now apex is just trash
Omg. I didn’t even know it capped at 5. That is the most helpful tip. Cuz I’ve been going so hard for kills in ranked cuz I thought it was getting more points
This is the first episode I have watched from ur channel but I instantly subscribed. I love your videos because of the clear information u give and I also love the pure effort u show in them. Keep up the sick work man😄
This is a very solid guide and your tips are applicable to almost all situations. Also I really enjoyed the fights playing in the background. Very impressive gameplay.
Dat Boi same. When you’re raised in old school CoD games, sitting still means missing out. I’ve had to adjust to Apex. When your lobby has been sitting at 6 squads for the past 4 mins, you know you don’t want to be the first team shooting 😂
not going to lie my mentality about playing in kings canyon changed after this video. was hard stuck g2 made plat this morning after just this video. thanks for the tips. most are pretty obvious but i guess just hearing it helped a lot :)
I prefer these legends in ranked (My 5 teams) #1 Bloodhound, Pathfinder and Wraith #2 Bloodhound, Gibi, and Pathfinder #3 Bloodhound, Caustic and Pathfinder #4 Bloodhound, Wraith Caustic And finally #5 Bloodhound, Bangalore, Wraith Those are the my preferable legends for ranked. My top 5 weapon choices #1 Flatline and PK #2 R99 and PK #3 G7 Scout and Spitfire #4 R-301 and Triple Take #5 Sentinal and Flatline Best weapon choices ( I'm currently in Gold 4, best of luck to everyone grinding ranked and stay safe and away from the outside wrld because the Corona Virus will get you.
Wow. You made an actual guide... rather than your last video where you just told everyone to buy crap off your sponsors. Great video. I’ll be sure to watch again
I can’t get out of plat 4 because I went from silver 2 to plat 4 in 5 days after the split and plat is still filled with diamonds and preds so I just instantly die each game :/
Dashy [GD] try playing in diamond three lobbys my guy I get with apex predators right now in the split two it is basically impossible to win against them. Unless you go to a safe spot you know of that no one else does and loot up and fight
i’m gold 3 would have been out of it but friends don’t listen or are never online and when they do they play like 2 games then get off and randoms just suck
That's my exsagt situation I'm stuck in gold 3 too as of randoms that keep pushing for bunker with other squads and we get melted, I'm usually the last one left and there screaming at me to get their banners and im usually forced to 1 man squad an entire squad , I can hold my own against a team by getting high the ground on them and playing smart but I dont have the weapons or nades so I usually ditch squad there.Im a console player though on Xbox.
Yea cuz there are like 10 teams in one small building at the end...if you are not that high in ranked and ur games are not like that i dont think u should be using wattson...the other champs are good tho
@@ninjahstef TBH i havent really found a good team comb yet im kinda struggling at plat 4 lol. However i believe that a Gibby would be useful for every team. The other two legends could be something more campy like caustic (Wattson is also good but i think she delivers better in higher ranks) and someone with more mobility like path or wraith if you want some good mobility-offense combo. BTW the dude in the video suggested crypto which i would avoid...like there are 8 squads in the last circle and people are coming at you from everywhere you cant just sit on your drone in a corner...cmon man
100% agree. Play aggressive early game to get a few kills, then use wattson/pathfinder to always have the best position and wraith to move from one to another and get your team out of danger if necessary. Can't do that with gibby... I get he's good but he couldn't replace any of those legends imo. Anyone who doesn't see the strength of pathfinder/Watson combo hasn't played them yet. I played it with wraith the past 2 days and we get top 3 almost every game. 3/4 wins and 1 top 3 in Plat 1/diamond 4 is pretty decent I'd say
I am gold iv and I am struggling to pass it. I think it’s impossible,everyone is a sweat. I want to get to diamond by the end of the season. BTW I am split 2
Gold 2 here ! I great tip if u play with random is use your teammates as meatshields and if ur team is losing a fight don’t be afraid to run away from a fight for your own rp
wattson is by far the most important on a team especially late game when your in a later rank, she’s extremely helpful, without her in most situations our whole team would have been dead
That's exsagtly what I'm doing now , Majority of ransoms on console just want to rush people and get kills start of game and get themselves killed if you go alone at least you have a chance I usually third party solo from a distance I use charge rifle and r301 and carry 2 thermites and 1 ark star and 1 frag I main wraith or lifeline so I dont carry alot of heals and can carry more nades if necessary it works just need to keep far away and high up.
I just watched your 1v3 a squad video and then this one and there are some great tips!your videos aren’t like other tip videos were it talks about changing setting and other dumb stuff like that but you give good,accurate,helpful tips!great content keep up the good work after all,I need all the help I can get in this game!
What rank are you friends? Or are you talking about causal? Once you hit diamond in ranked, playing safer and playing zone is the way to get points, unless your team can manage to get decent shields really early, then you guys can take on a few teams for easy points! Playing aggressive is about sticking with your team and trying to share the damage taken as a team, so lets you your teammate gets cracked and needs cover, you have to be there to send shots and take damage for them. Same thing goes for your teammates when you get cracked or very weak!
Every season I play Ranked, I end at Platinum IV I'm a solo player with a mic. Only time I communicate when they also have a mic. I already know by the time I get out of Gold where i'm at now in the split of this season, i'm gonna give up trying to go beyond Platinum with all these consistent losses I'm getting now. And i'm a Lifeline main, Wraith secondary, and Bloodhound if my two picks are taken
@@jasonmohr I got mine on my main account cause of a lot of luck and skill. I carried my teammates late game and killed like 6 with a mastiff so that was like 1200 damage or so. Advice I could give you would be to play either path or wraith, use good weapons (r99, pk, havoc, wingman, etc.), and get your aim and decision making to a point where you can consistently 1v3. There are typically 2 types of games to get the 2, 3, 4k badges. Games where you have the whole lobby come to you or you make crazy rotations to kill people. There aren't very few in between games but they do exist. Good luck and I hope you get your badge!
@@dydrono see thats where I struggle I can barely win 1v3s, I will get like 3 1600 games each day but never more, my decision making is probably horrific otherwise I would do better, my r99 aim is pretty bad but I have done better with the PK
I need your help! So me and my friend play ranked on console. I want to switch to controller on pc but I don't know if its cross-play. Could I possibly play with my friend if I'm on pc and he on console?
Thanks man! As I watched the breakdown I noticed how u suggested doing the opposite of basically everything I would’ve done so I definitely have some work to do!😭😂
I know I'm late but I just clutched my first game in octane thanks to your content. Keep it up! Your videos actually helped me! I still have a long way in improving but I'm grateful
When playing in plat with randoms, I get absolute idiots. One match our team composition was Mirage, Revenant, and Pathfinder(me). They chose the two most underpowered legends in the game that provide almost no benefit to a trio and have the lowest competitive potential. I also don't understand why sometimes I get teammates who are in gold when I am in plat. I've gotten gold 4 players on my squads and it makes me mad because a plat player would 100% be better than a gold player.
Mitch Mag I run Mirage in ranked because for some reason, higher ranked players just.. panic when seeing his decoy, which gives me the opportunity to push/make them pay. However, if I don’t think the team comp works with Mirage, or my teammate asks me to play somebody else, I swap characters.
I'm actually glad you went over the best combos because I main Lifeline, and I wasn't getting that far in Ranked with her. I happen to also main Wattson, so I'll start to focus on her more.
Still stuck on Bronze :(... It's not just that it's hard to find Ranked Matches in my server, but also that I'm not good in KC map.... Not to mention I'm not much of a pro myself XD
@@gabydize As I said, Ranked Matches r hard to find in my server :( and also, if one doesn't earn any RP in a match, yes that'll lead to them being stuck in Bronze XDD
Can you make a vid about how many Kraeber shots can a Gibby eat. Here is my idea: The person shooting the kraeber will aim at center mass(or head for different trials), and must must ads before shooting*(reason for this axiom is to simulate a sniper fight from long range.) Gibby is wearing gold shield+helmet* Shoot one p2020 shot into gibby, so he is able to heal* Gibby has is gun shield up for the first Kraeber shot* Once the first Kraeber shot cracks Gibby's gun shield, gibby immediately starts applying a phoenix kit. By the time the kraeber reloads and shoots gibby for a second time, the Phoenix will get off before the 3rd shot comes round. Then gibby waits for the 3rd shot with a shield bat ready. Kreaber shoots 3rd shot; gibby uses shield bat. Right before the 4th shot is ready, gibby will have popped his battery, and the gun shield is ready to use again(it may not fully ready, but the any amount of gun sheild health will block the 4th shot.) Once the gun shield breaks Gibby will be able to use another phoenix since he has part of his health gone, and the kraeber will have to reload. I think this could be a cool science experiment that can give respawn a reason to nerf or buff the kraeber by at least making headshots down all players. Can you test to see if this might work?
Thanks for the advice. I have been stuck at plat 4 since last season. Before the split and as of today im still stuck in the same rank. With your tips i should be able to make it much further now.
In plat 2 I’m still seeing preds every match and you just have to focus on teamwork and positioning. Even if you have worse loot and worse aim, you can still beat good players with teamwork and positioning
David music because I was at silver 2 after the rank split due to being platinum 4 and been grinding yesterday and today and now I’m gold 4 lol sorry I forgot to explain that.
I'm going to save the link to this vid and send it to every single random I play with and tell them to do the same. Hopefully, like Pay it Forward, everyone will end up seeing it and there will be fewer randoms who think they're John Wick when playing ranked...🤘🤣
I've gotten to diamond twice solo (s3 and s4 on the first split) , love the tips, its actually fundamemtals but many people don't have a good grasp on zone placement and rotations. Also, never losing 1v1s, hitting your shot, and doing your best movement wise to avoid dmg. Hopefully I'll get to masters this split although KC is horrible for ranked and time plus internet quality is also a factor (working basically 50 hours per week and internet is pretty subpar in Puerto Rico) GGs Sultan, wish I could play with you but I play on PS4 , I know you do also but you mainly rock Xbox (no hate on the Xbox lovers, we all love games no matter the platform ❤)
I feel like lifeline is a really good ranked legend too because of her revive sheild. I feel like she could substitute gibby, although not having the dome could be deadly
When I start playing rank in a day I do pretty good I gain a good amount of Rp but after a bit I just start losing and going negative and basically lose all the points I gained earlier so I don’t make progress for days
I’m Diamond 4 right now and claiming it’s not to bad it’s just you have to have a team before you get in game and play. Communication is key because you already going to know how you want to play and when to push fights and even third party fight and one more big tip is getting in and out of fights as fast as possible. And Xbox one gang
You have xbox ? I'm stuck in gold 3 and usually am left 1 man squading teams with my teammates screaming down the microphone to collect their banners while I'm in the fight there in.
It's tough without a mic since communication is so important! You will get random teammates from time to time that listen to your pings but once in platinum, having a team with mics is pretty important!
Hope everyone is grinding Apex and staying safe! Leave a comment on your current Rank for Kings Canyon 👊🏻
Hey sultan
Why do many people i play with play ranked alot?
Sultan D I am on silver IV it is I just don’t play with good enough randoms and my friends play fortnite mostly
Pls like sultan
I'm a fan
Because there is that adrenaline factor to it and just to see how good you really are
For the ranked rewards at the end of the season! Can't wait for them 😍
Ring: *Exists*
My teammates: "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that"
Dead-AAA deadass this happens so much
“Death outside the ring is slow and painful, perhaps you should remain there”
I'm gonna loot and ignore all rings and pings
@@Sol-l4i4d then fuck off out of my lobby
@@nsewarte r/wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
Duos are going to make solo players life so much easier hopefully they can add duos ranked too.
Yeah, those with no friends usually get fucked in the ass during ranked cause they don't have a good team.
@@d.hamilton9174 yeeep
Great when i have to basically solo a squad that i just emp'd cus my level 45 bloodhound and bangalore (of which im surprised are even in platinum) wanna just camp :/
@@arakewithinternetaccess4378 Lol then they should play Wattson or Caustic. I hate those carried bronzes.
Maybe a solo ? But a duo no
Can't stress this enough... STOP LANDING WHERE EVERYONE ELSE LANDS!!!
I just got into Platinum one as soon as I join a pubs match the jumpmaster refuses to land in any other place than skull town
Dallas Delgado2 well its pubs so why is that weird
Me - Laughing quietly
My mom - confused at what im laughing about
My brain - Caustic Gibraltar and Wraith posing like the three pillar men.
Prayneer plays awakened pillar men theme from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 2
I don't like playing with random as they don't rez and think they can win every fight
@@SultanDYT Hey a guide for winning with random teammates would be amazing!! It takes playing a lot more carefully to win with randoms.
@@phillipfennell3201 I agree
Or getting two guys who are together and they salty cuz you main their man so they selfish through the whole match not letting you know where their going then get mad if they downed it's annoying
@@Megatron-gl6ff yes that's so true waht platform u play on
im in gold 4 for this split and plat 4 for last split. Im really getting screwed over by those 3rd parties (more like 8 or 9 in kings canyon) but then again I cant help myself but to 3rd party other teams lmao.
Lmao I feel you!
I am stuck in gold 4 since last 2 days.
Play wraith
It’s also pretty annoying that the Loss Forgiveness system is bugged out. I have teammates leave all the time or get put on a team with only one other and we’ll still not get loss forgiveness like the previous ranked season. Very unfortunate to say the least.
Yea hope they give us our points back
I hope so too but I highly doubt it. Pretty unfair because Kings Canyon has tons of third partying and being in Platinum with either only one teammate or alone makes it pretty difficult. I’ve lost countless points already. However, your video really helped me and I appreciate all the tips. Will apply this for now on.
If your on console simply switch games to not lose points then switch back
cxmgaming I played three games one day, first game it put me as a solo in ranked. Second game I had team mates. Third game was a solo again. Had to stop for the day with bullshit like that
xProdigy Blue Yeah I don’t know what they were thinking when they designed the ranking mode for the season with how putting you solo and also if teammates leave you will lose points not having the teammates pretty much makes it useless.
I found out that bloodhound, Bangalore and Gibraltar are a dangerous trio. The bloodhound must do a lot of work in the team, when Bangalore use her smoke, bloodhound should scan to show where they are, when using ultimates I found that Bangalore should use hers first then Gibraltar's next.
I beat my meat has this worked out for anyone in diamond 3 and above this season?
Ross Chubarov what did you say
ImBasicallyKing it’s the original commenters name bro 😂
I beat my meat when apex first came out I was on a win streak with some friends and this was are characters and I would use my bloodhound alt and just lazer people through the smoke but now apex is just trash
Basically wall hacks
I never get into matches with Gibraltars so I guess it’s time to become the Gibraltar
"Everyone is good if not better than you"
Last guy dies without shooting a bullet 😂
Omg. I didn’t even know it capped at 5. That is the most helpful tip. Cuz I’ve been going so hard for kills in ranked cuz I thought it was getting more points
Same here man shits crazy
Yall are straight bots
Mr White lol
@@EBCX what you want boi
Mr White you are straight shit
I haven't played ranked since kings canyon had been gone. Now I gotta grind it out and get to masters using lifeline 👌
Lmaoo same u trynna squad up?
@@disrrptkod8021 I don't know when I'll be able to. Since quarantine started, my wifis been terrible 😔
@@ruemination02 lmaoo its koo bro
PS4 or Xbox? I might be able to help out (Plat 3 as of now)
This is the first episode I have watched from ur channel but I instantly subscribed. I love your videos because of the clear information u give and I also love the pure effort u show in them. Keep up the sick work man😄
Got to plat 4 in consistent grinding for 3 days now it’s getting interesting , I’m a solo player with a horrible kd lol
This is a very solid guide and your tips are applicable to almost all situations. Also I really enjoyed the fights playing in the background. Very impressive gameplay.
I have little to no patience when it comes to video games i have been trying to work on it though
Me too. LOL 🤣
I have this problem where I can’t stay still 🙄 from black ops and modern warfare 2 and 3 days if I do I feel like I am not playing the game
Dat Boi same. When you’re raised in old school CoD games, sitting still means missing out. I’ve had to adjust to Apex. When your lobby has been sitting at 6 squads for the past 4 mins, you know you don’t want to be the first team shooting 😂
Dat Boi I wish this was me. I always get pushed by the whole server the second I land.
not going to lie my mentality about playing in kings canyon changed after this video. was hard stuck g2 made plat this morning after just this video. thanks for the tips. most are pretty obvious but i guess just hearing it helped a lot :)
I've just reached diamond 3, this is where the real fun starts as a solo player
*Plat 4
i just install apex and got bronze4 at lvl1
@@wolvewick4414 liar
dont question me cus ur family tree is LGBT I think he means that his current rank is bronze 4. he can't start to rank up until level 10 though
@@noahsacks1900 ohhh, okay
Thank you so much you helped me play better and making the right decisions so much appreciated 😁
This was unexpected but I was happy too see this I play bang my friend played lifeline the other played bloodhound or sometimes I would be the Gibby
Gibby is King! I usually don't play without him!
Best TH-camr to improve your apex gameplay. Thanks always Sultan
It’s crazy to see ur channels at 48k i remember when i watched ur vids at 12k
I'm in plat 4 and today got the number 350 and 380 apex predators as champion squad
I prefer these legends in ranked
(My 5 teams)
#1 Bloodhound, Pathfinder and Wraith
#2 Bloodhound, Gibi, and Pathfinder
#3 Bloodhound, Caustic and Pathfinder
#4 Bloodhound, Wraith Caustic
And finally #5
Bloodhound, Bangalore, Wraith
Those are the my preferable legends for ranked.
My top 5 weapon choices
#1 Flatline and PK
#2 R99 and PK
#3 G7 Scout and Spitfire
#4 R-301 and Triple Take
#5 Sentinal and Flatline
Best weapon choices
( I'm currently in Gold 4, best of luck to everyone grinding ranked and stay safe and away from the outside wrld because the Corona Virus will get you.
This is definitely what a gold 4 would say
Havoc and Hemlok
I only use wraith in ranked but my best weapon loadouts are wingman/r99 flatline/r99
pk/r99 g7/pk
wattson exists
Lol typical gold 4 player
Wow. You made an actual guide... rather than your last video where you just told everyone to buy crap off your sponsors.
Great video. I’ll be sure to watch again
Man just about like a week ago i was stuck at plat IV. And now i'm plat II, nearly plat I. Thanks for the tips man.🙂🙂🙂
My current rank: Diamond IV
Same happened to me but because i slowly got used to playing against those players, i made it through.
Im a pc player still watch your video and use tips in pc platform thx for awesome video love from india 🔥
I can’t get out of plat 4 because I went from silver 2 to plat 4 in 5 days after the split and plat is still filled with diamonds and preds so I just instantly die each game :/
Dashy [GD] try playing in diamond three lobbys my guy I get with apex predators right now in the split two it is basically impossible to win against them. Unless you go to a safe spot you know of that no one else does and loot up and fight
Are you on Xbox??
Same it’s so frustrating
MBFC TV no I'm on ps4
Lmao same here I’m diamond 3 and these preds lobbies ain’t no joke
The video I have been waiting for but
Bro u helped me alot like from a 4 to 8/10. Always looking upto to the next video.
That's awesome! Glad to hear that my man 👊🏻
i’m gold 3 would have been out of it but friends don’t listen or are never online and when they do they play like 2 games then get off and randoms just suck
That's my exsagt situation I'm stuck in gold 3 too as of randoms that keep pushing for bunker with other squads and we get melted, I'm usually the last one left and there screaming at me to get their banners and im usually forced to 1 man squad an entire squad , I can hold my own against a team by getting high the ground on them and playing smart but I dont have the weapons or nades so I usually ditch squad there.Im a console player though on Xbox.
Hey I am gold 2 almost gold 1 I am a crypto main and if u want to play with me my gamer tag is XD_spearz
And I play on ps4
Wraith, pathfinder and Watson is the best combo and I see most pros using this combo in tourneys. Good video edits!
Yea cuz there are like 10 teams in one small building at the end...if you are not that high in ranked and ur games are not like that i dont think u should be using wattson...the other champs are good tho
@@thehippo1744 what do you reckon then? I feel Watson is really good for ranked even though it sucks people play campy with her
@@ninjahstef TBH i havent really found a good team comb yet im kinda struggling at plat 4 lol. However i believe that a Gibby would be useful for every team. The other two legends could be something more campy like caustic (Wattson is also good but i think she delivers better in higher ranks) and someone with more mobility like path or wraith if you want some good mobility-offense combo. BTW the dude in the video suggested crypto which i would avoid...like there are 8 squads in the last circle and people are coming at you from everywhere you cant just sit on your drone in a corner...cmon man
100% agree. Play aggressive early game to get a few kills, then use wattson/pathfinder to always have the best position and wraith to move from one to another and get your team out of danger if necessary. Can't do that with gibby... I get he's good but he couldn't replace any of those legends imo. Anyone who doesn't see the strength of pathfinder/Watson combo hasn't played them yet. I played it with wraith the past 2 days and we get top 3 almost every game. 3/4 wins and 1 top 3 in Plat 1/diamond 4 is pretty decent I'd say
I am gold iv and I am struggling to pass it. I think it’s impossible,everyone is a sweat. I want to get to diamond by the end of the season. BTW I am split 2
DumbMemez _ same here bro
im silver iv and im proud of it but everyone is sweaty af
Gold 2 here ! I great tip if u play with random is use your teammates as meatshields and if ur team is losing a fight don’t be afraid to run away from a fight for your own rp
I’m trying to climb to gold again (I was gold 1 before splits)
Duuuude same , I'm stuck on gold , the randoms , the matchmaking is soooo horrible I always find opponents who are ex predator or diamonds
Close to 50k subs bro!U gonna make it to millions i believe in you with this vids nothing can stop you 👊🏻💙
Use single fire with carbine it’s very effective
wattson is by far the most important on a team especially late game when your in a later rank, she’s extremely helpful, without her in most situations our whole team would have been dead
v i r g i n yea her ult is op
What if your solo queing in ranked, what would help then!
That's exsagtly what I'm doing now , Majority of ransoms on console just want to rush people and get kills start of game and get themselves killed if you go alone at least you have a chance I usually third party solo from a distance I use charge rifle and r301 and carry 2 thermites and 1 ark star and 1 frag I main wraith or lifeline so I dont carry alot of heals and can carry more nades if necessary it works just need to keep far away and high up.
Anudeep Dk id advise u to try to get good with the g7 scout
Anudeep Dk god level skills
One of the best channels hands down
So did you see the prowler the teaser the gave us it looks really fire
Yeah! We need them soon!
Yeah I'm interested
I just watched your 1v3 a squad video and then this one and there are some great tips!your videos aren’t like other tip videos were it talks about changing setting and other dumb stuff like that but you give good,accurate,helpful tips!great content keep up the good work after all,I need all the help I can get in this game!
Sultan D my friends play aggressive an wins fights but I dnt know how to play like that, any tips 🤦♂️
Brandon Doucette Use cover to your advantage, try to always have the first shot on the enemy. Also try to play more on high ground.
Thanks FelyRider
What rank are you friends? Or are you talking about causal? Once you hit diamond in ranked, playing safer and playing zone is the way to get points, unless your team can manage to get decent shields really early, then you guys can take on a few teams for easy points! Playing aggressive is about sticking with your team and trying to share the damage taken as a team, so lets you your teammate gets cracked and needs cover, you have to be there to send shots and take damage for them. Same thing goes for your teammates when you get cracked or very weak!
Sultan D my friends are platinum and I'm silver
@@SultanDYT o
Awesome video man! I’ve been looking for a solid ranked guide. Can’t wait for you next guide for season 5! Keep the content coming. Subbed!
Every season I play Ranked, I end at Platinum IV I'm a solo player with a mic. Only time I communicate when they also have a mic. I already know by the time I get out of Gold where i'm at now in the split of this season, i'm gonna give up trying to go beyond Platinum with all these consistent losses I'm getting now. And i'm a Lifeline main, Wraith secondary, and Bloodhound if my two picks are taken
How many kills do you have and whats your kill/death ratio?
@@Ala_Diego 5,008 kills and kdr is 1.2
Same man. I can never get out of plat. Highest was last season when I hit plat 2 but that's it
@@nolansantellanes3836 highest i've ever been was plat 3 but I got deranked back down to 4 so it don't count to me
@@DorianGray32 I feel you. I'm at 4 and seem to not be able to get any RP
Ive been burnt out of apex after I got my 2k badge on my main account but that dont mean I won't watch you. Great content, keep it up man!
You the man! 🙏🏻
Bruh how, I can't get my 2k badge, my friend got his 3k already and I am bummed cause I can't even get the 2k
@@jasonmohr I got mine on my main account cause of a lot of luck and skill. I carried my teammates late game and killed like 6 with a mastiff so that was like 1200 damage or so. Advice I could give you would be to play either path or wraith, use good weapons (r99, pk, havoc, wingman, etc.), and get your aim and decision making to a point where you can consistently 1v3. There are typically 2 types of games to get the 2, 3, 4k badges. Games where you have the whole lobby come to you or you make crazy rotations to kill people. There aren't very few in between games but they do exist. Good luck and I hope you get your badge!
@@dydrono see thats where I struggle I can barely win 1v3s, I will get like 3 1600 games each day but never more, my decision making is probably horrific otherwise I would do better, my r99 aim is pretty bad but I have done better with the PK
@@dydrono also I'm on console
Thank you for this vid it helped so much
I need your help!
So me and my friend play ranked on console.
I want to switch to controller on pc but I don't know if its cross-play.
Could I possibly play with my friend if I'm on pc and he on console?
Thx man I wanted to get diamond for my first game ever, and I'm pretty good at Apex so I think I got a shot. Wish me good luck
Goodluck! 👊🏻
Same here, good luck too you
Good luck
Amazing vid Sultan
Thanks Matt!
8:30 I think that Caustics controller died
I think he was going for my teammate gibby!
Thanks man! As I watched the breakdown I noticed how u suggested doing the opposite of basically everything I would’ve done so I definitely have some work to do!😭😂
Thank you for all the tips but I'd love to know some tricks for playing ranked with random (solo grinding)
Another good one is pathfinder/lifeline/bloodhound
My rank is diamond three I'm almost to diamond two but not yet
I know I'm late but I just clutched my first game in octane thanks to your content. Keep it up! Your videos actually helped me! I still have a long way in improving but I'm grateful
When playing in plat with randoms, I get absolute idiots. One match our team composition was Mirage, Revenant, and Pathfinder(me). They chose the two most underpowered legends in the game that provide almost no benefit to a trio and have the lowest competitive potential. I also don't understand why sometimes I get teammates who are in gold when I am in plat. I've gotten gold 4 players on my squads and it makes me mad because a plat player would 100% be better than a gold player.
Mitch Mag I run Mirage in ranked because for some reason, higher ranked players just.. panic when seeing his decoy, which gives me the opportunity to push/make them pay. However, if I don’t think the team comp works with Mirage, or my teammate asks me to play somebody else, I swap characters.
Mitch Mag I’m diamond and be getting Gold/plat players 😔
Plat is full of RP campers and bots it's almost unplayable if you're going solo
@Djxjxhxh Hzjsjsjssb lmao I feel you bruh
I'm actually glad you went over the best combos because I main Lifeline, and I wasn't getting that far in Ranked with her. I happen to also main Wattson, so I'll start to focus on her more.
Still stuck on Bronze :(...
It's not just that it's hard to find Ranked Matches in my server, but also that I'm not good in KC map.... Not to mention I'm not much of a pro myself XD
Keep playing and try to play with what you are comfortable with and you will get out of bronze soon enougth
But you don’t even need to put up any rp to play in bronze. How can one be stuck in bronze??
@@gabydize As I said, Ranked Matches r hard to find in my server :( and also, if one doesn't earn any RP in a match, yes that'll lead to them being stuck in Bronze XDD
Dope Video!😀
None of my friends play this game so I just play by myself😥
Malik Jones same 😔😔
@@aungn1280 what do you play on
That happens to me too😞☹️
I’m on Xbox if anyone wants to join. Trying to get better. Currently Gold 1 -Ace 0135
Malik Jones ps4
thanks bro im in predator #2 bcz of u xd keep going
Can you make a vid about how many Kraeber shots can a Gibby eat.
Here is my idea:
The person shooting the kraeber will aim at center mass(or head for different trials), and must must ads before shooting*(reason for this axiom is to simulate a sniper fight from long range.)
Gibby is wearing gold shield+helmet*
Shoot one p2020 shot into gibby, so he is able to heal*
Gibby has is gun shield up for the first Kraeber shot*
Once the first Kraeber shot cracks Gibby's gun shield, gibby immediately starts applying a phoenix kit. By the time the kraeber reloads and shoots gibby for a second time, the Phoenix will get off before the 3rd shot comes round. Then gibby waits for the 3rd shot with a shield bat ready. Kreaber shoots 3rd shot; gibby uses shield bat. Right before the 4th shot is ready, gibby will have popped his battery, and the gun shield is ready to use again(it may not fully ready, but the any amount of gun sheild health will block the 4th shot.) Once the gun shield breaks Gibby will be able to use another phoenix since he has part of his health gone, and the kraeber will have to reload.
I think this could be a cool science experiment that can give respawn a reason to nerf or buff the kraeber by at least making headshots down all players.
Can you test to see if this might work?
Damn,u genius.
Bro that's some big brain time
Thank you for the very informational video. Best I’ve seen yet. Subscribing! :)
Awesome! 👊🏻
They should make a digital threat sight for the ars and lmgs too they have it for snipers and smgs y not that would be dope af son
Yes like an AR/LMG holographic/thermal sight, would be dope!
Thanks for the advice. I have been stuck at plat 4 since last season. Before the split and as of today im still stuck in the same rank. With your tips i should be able to make it much further now.
Its really annoying how one of my best friends in IRL is on xbox and i cant play with him but luckily crossplay is coming out this year 😁
Cross play needs to happen soon!
OnlineCentral do you know if they have a relative release date
Wait theres gonna be cross play ???????
@@anonymousstranger3835 ye
Dude you are a very good at explaining things also just reached gold because this video
How to rank up in ranked:
Have some skill and get lucky with randoms who can do more than 100 dmg and don't run away every few seconds.
Gold is piss easy solo tbh
One of the best vids ive watched tnx i learned a lot
I got to plat 4 in 4 days and it was a MISTAKE these predators are ON MY HEAD
Lol same! I started gold 4 after 2-3 days i was back to plat 4 but i kept getting into lobbies with diamonds or predator.
In plat 2 I’m still seeing preds every match and you just have to focus on teamwork and positioning. Even if you have worse loot and worse aim, you can still beat good players with teamwork and positioning
Wow most unrated youtuber sultan d
I love your tips bro thanks for your effort 😁👍
Thank you! 🙏🏻
I’m at gold 4 and was at platinum 4 before the split
Matthew Beets how you get gold im in platinum3 and before split it becom silver 1 and now im gold4
David music because I was at silver 2 after the rank split due to being platinum 4 and been grinding yesterday and today and now I’m gold 4 lol sorry I forgot to explain that.
Promise to not forget hearting us when you get more subscribers
I'm going to save the link to this vid and send it to every single random I play with and tell them to do the same. Hopefully, like Pay it Forward, everyone will end up seeing it and there will be fewer randoms who think they're John Wick when playing ranked...🤘🤣
I've gotten to diamond twice solo (s3 and s4 on the first split) , love the tips, its actually fundamemtals but many people don't have a good grasp on zone placement and rotations. Also, never losing 1v1s, hitting your shot, and doing your best movement wise to avoid dmg. Hopefully I'll get to masters this split although KC is horrible for ranked and time plus internet quality is also a factor (working basically 50 hours per week and internet is pretty subpar in Puerto Rico) GGs Sultan, wish I could play with you but I play on PS4 , I know you do also but you mainly rock Xbox (no hate on the Xbox lovers, we all love games no matter the platform ❤)
Octane tho
These are great tips. Apex is my first ever BR / competitive shooter, but like anything else, getting better comes with time and experience.
**sad revenant noices**
😂😂 He needs a buff, not the best for ranked in my opinion!
Played since 3 weeks rn with my buddies and your tips got us to platin rank. Next season we get that diamond
I’m gold 2 but I’m stuck coz my friends don’t come on
Edit : ransoms spam their banners
Manzeaxee23943ZK I feel you 🤣
D3 haven’t played much either, usually get my kills in end game and play patient like u said
Well I can’t play apex with my friends because
They play shitnite all day obsessed and keeps convincing me to redownload it
Apex is better 💙
I play both but these days i'm just grinding ranked and not even playing fortnite AT ALL
Cap Joe then delete it
Fortnite has become boring :(
Hey sultan d I just wanna say thx for this vid it really helped me especially the legends layout part 😊
hackers in every 2 matches of 3
True! I feel bad for PC with the hackers.
Great video once again brotha
Stuck on diamond 4, whenever I get into diamond 3 I just get put back down. This helped out a lot bro hopefully this will help me to master!
Heyy sultan it's me again thanks for finally making this I have needed it*
Love the content bro!!! Only thing is, is im not good at this map but this definitely helps!
I subscribed and turned on noti 🔥
Another tip is don’t try to box fight against the last player, chances are you’ll end up getting shitted on because it’s ranked
I feel like lifeline is a really good ranked legend too because of her revive sheild. I feel like she could substitute gibby, although not having the dome could be deadly
When I start playing rank in a day I do pretty good I gain a good amount of Rp but after a bit I just start losing and going negative and basically lose all the points I gained earlier so I don’t make progress for days
the first ever helpful guide
I’m Diamond 4 right now and claiming it’s not to bad it’s just you have to have a team before you get in game and play. Communication is key because you already going to know how you want to play and when to push fights and even third party fight and one more big tip is getting in and out of fights as fast as possible. And Xbox one gang
You have xbox ? I'm stuck in gold 3 and usually am left 1 man squading teams with my teammates screaming down the microphone to collect their banners while I'm in the fight there in.
ivan Lopez looking for a solid team player? Add me! Trynna find some homies to play in Diamond right now. Gamer tag is OGkilla851
@@zaylvlzup4250I would but I'm only gold 1 atm
Once again another amazing video! Thanks for the tips!🤗👍
Hey Sultan, I’m trying to be like you with your tips, is it ok if I use some of your tips in my video?
This is some gold right here.. Time to practice. Thanks man
Im gold 5 but I don't have much so I can't communicate and my teammates barely listen to my pings what should I do
It's tough without a mic since communication is so important! You will get random teammates from time to time that listen to your pings but once in platinum, having a team with mics is pretty important!
Aye man I need a decent team mate who listen too I wouldn’t mind playing with you man cause I have time to play...... I have a mic
@@Dat-Boi-Camoja bet my Psn is XxpootietangxX
@@SultanDYT also what type of mic do u suggest something that's not quite expensive
White Boy You can use a cheap set of ear buds that have a mic. $10 to $20 will get you by.
Awesome video man! Well deserved like!
Great vid
I won 2 times in rank and reached iv silver and got a 2k badge,I’m so proud of my self thanks to u.