Safety first is the golden rule. I worked as a track -man relayer for British Rail in the 70’s. Track safety was drummed into us during training and working by very experienced trainers and gang bosses.
A. E. Perlman, Chief Engineer. The same Al Perlman who was behind the disastrous merger between the New York Central and the Pennsylvania Railroad, as well as destroying every NYC steam locomotive.
Essentially, all safety videos teach this one very simple thing: *DON’T BE STUPID* In the book of Proverbs in the Bible, it talks allot about Foolish people. The Fools will die because of their foolishness. That screams truth when you watch safety videos.
agree with you 100%. the forrest gump saying " stuipd is as stupid does" applies also. the videos and job training on safety should be used to work safely and go home everyday in one piece for your loving family not in a box going 6 feet down.
Intense but honest!! A video that should be recognized!!
I love how they actually stage a speeder "accident" where people probably got hurt.
Safety first is the golden rule. I worked as a track -man relayer for British Rail in the 70’s. Track safety was drummed into us during training and working by very experienced trainers and gang bosses.
A. E. Perlman, Chief Engineer. The same Al Perlman who was behind the disastrous merger between the New York Central and the Pennsylvania Railroad, as well as destroying every NYC steam locomotive.
This is between 1941 - 1948, as A.E. Perlman was promoted to general manager of the DRGW in 1948.
Safety rules are made for good reasons!!!
Same here
At 1:56 it looks like Union Pacific's Provo Sub in today's modern era.
26:58 my gosh that’s intense
This might be an ideal safety film for MOW crews from Union Pacific.
This seems like a interesting time to live...
Is this copy right free?
Torpedos now called detonators🙂
Essentially, all safety videos teach this one very simple thing:
In the book of Proverbs in the Bible, it talks allot about Foolish people. The Fools will die because of their foolishness. That screams truth when you watch safety videos.
agree with you 100%. the forrest gump saying " stuipd is as stupid does" applies also. the videos and job training on safety should be used to work safely and go home everyday in one piece for your loving family not in a box going 6 feet down.