The Mega Diaper Babies aired on March 13, 1994. Partners In Crime aired on October 23, 1999. Stu Maker’s Elves aired on May 24, 1992. Where’s Grandpa aired on August 29, 1998. Cavebabies aired on January 22, 2000.
Cow Fly aired on August 29, 1998. Arthur’s Almost Live Not Real Music Festival aired on February 8, 1999. Chuckie Collects aired on May 1, 1999. You Are Arthur aired on October 2, 2000. Sailor Mouth aired on September 21, 2001.
Binky Rules aired on November 9, 1998. Cavebabies aired on January 22, 2000. Arthur’s Big Hit aired on September 6, 1999. DW’s Baby aired on November 18, 1996. Kids Are From Earth, Parents Are From Pluto aired on September 11, 2000.
Luv always makes me so happy! Love their cheerful music.
and in 2020 they are STILL my number one!
LUV is the most wonderful thing my ears have listened
Френк Фариан Был талантливым и чудесным продюсером. Какой шедевр он создал!
Patty, Marga and Jose are simply the best at what they do. Not going to compare them to other groups. Their work stands on its own merits.
No patty😢
Super Tonic ! Super Fantastic !
April 2020.
Definitely a 'Super Tonic!' 👍🏻
Čudovito lepa pesem.
Total Eurovision...Greeeeaaaatt!!
¡What a nice video!
The Mega Diaper Babies aired on March 13, 1994.
Partners In Crime aired on October 23, 1999.
Stu Maker’s Elves aired on May 24, 1992.
Where’s Grandpa aired on August 29, 1998.
Cavebabies aired on January 22, 2000.
Cow Fly aired on August 29, 1998.
Arthur’s Almost Live Not Real Music Festival aired on February 8, 1999.
Chuckie Collects aired on May 1, 1999.
You Are Arthur aired on October 2, 2000.
Sailor Mouth aired on September 21, 2001.
Klasse Musik.
Super Hans!
pure eye candy. and them music is not to bad either!!!!!!!!
Binky Rules aired on November 9, 1998.
Cavebabies aired on January 22, 2000.
Arthur’s Big Hit aired on September 6, 1999.
DW’s Baby aired on November 18, 1996.
Kids Are From Earth, Parents Are From Pluto aired on September 11, 2000.
Luv you're my number one
Das ist gut das Lied
I'll be your number one 😍😍😘😘
why this band is not popular like abba
So Marga has a twin sister working behind the scenes...
My Arya is my number one.
Неунывающие девчёнки!!!
de school uitvoering< etaleren etc>
a m e i
ABBA meets The Nolans meets Boney M.....
Kun je me vertellen uit welk programma dit komt?
Peter Boonstra lhhhj
Thankfully not her Number Two.
this is absolutely without doubt awful
You are absolutely without a doubt wrong.
В то время уже и POLAROID был, у них. У нас - фиг вам.
The best thing about the video is the Yamaha.