Rachel Bates Hello. The disc does have the Old Testament and the New Testament on it and it's $81.00 There is a separate disc that you can purchase that has test questions but other than that, there's really no dedicated Teacher's Manual since each lesson has a page showing you what your completed lesson should look like. Each lesson is a little different than the one before but we usually split them into several sessions since there is some Bible reading to do as well that pertains to the lesson. I want to make sure that the girls are grasping what the story and lesson is really about rather than than trying to complete it too quickly. :) I hope that helps!
I just ordered the K-3 CD.
Thank you for the video, I found this very helpful!
Does the CD include the teacher's manual, the Old Testament, and the New Testament? How long does it take you to complete a lesson?
Rachel Bates Hello. The disc does have the Old Testament and the New Testament on it and it's $81.00 There is a separate disc that you can purchase that has test questions but other than that, there's really no dedicated Teacher's Manual since each lesson has a page showing you what your completed lesson should look like. Each lesson is a little different than the one before but we usually split them into several sessions since there is some Bible reading to do as well that pertains to the lesson. I want to make sure that the girls are grasping what the story and lesson is really about rather than than trying to complete it too quickly. :) I hope that helps!
Wondering which set you have, the K-3 or the 4-Adult version?
Jennifer Dietz I believe it's the K-3 version.
aplacetonest what version of the Bible are the scripture references?