Hands down the best thing I have bought for my bike except for the Edge itself. Having said that my first Varia started to act weirdly after a year or so and then completely died. I just went and bought two new ones. Just in case.
Keep in mind that you are testing Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar, which mean they illuminate the area and mix the return in with the emitted signal. This means you cannot test them simultaneously. Let me explain. They produce a sawtooth kind of wave that is emitted. They all operate at the same frequency band (24-24.25 GHz) The return signal is used to determine distance and to some extend velocity (doppler shift). If you illuminate with 3 radars in the same direction at the same band it would be like shining 3 torches in the same direction at night, but only interested in the reflection of one. There are interference, it it could cause one radar to work better than the others. The sawtooth means there are less overlapping points than a constant frequency, BUT there are overlapping points and interference, and often "better" radars are more sensitive to interference. Now you ask but what about platoons. They typically synchronize their waveforms (to some extent) to reduce interference. Bottom line is never to test multiple FMWC & DBF radars in the same direction in close proximity.
Hi Gerhard, Thanks for your explanation. I tested the radars separately. However, let's say I would like to have them "side-by-side." How far away they would have to be from each other to avoid signal interference?
Sometimes I used to ride with some fellow guys, a lot of them have radar (more than 3). Mostly Garmin and I have a Bryton. The Garmin used to detect cars 1-2 seconds earlier and gives earlier clear signals but not significant difference, and all of them works correctly.
QUICK UPDATE - In the last few weeks, I have re-tested the Magene L508 radars and also the final version of the Bryton Gardia R300L (not the demo unit as in the video). Thanks to firmware updates, they are much more accurate. However, they still give more false positives than the Gardia, just not to the same extent. - I completely forgot to mention the speed limits in the video. Varia can detect vehicles with speeds of 10-160 km/h, while Gardia and Magene can only detect 10-120 km/h (relative to your speed). This means that cars going faster will not be detected. - Varia and Gardia also increase side visibility thanks to side LEDs, among other things. L508 does not.
Yea I bet if you had a garmin varia 5+ years ago when their first model came out you'd have a lot more false positives than now. Garmin probably perfected their algorithm now, which I'm hopeful the other companies also will given enough time. As long as the hardware for detecting is similar, there's no reasons why one device couldn't capture the same thing as the other given a good enough firmware.
I have the Varia. My wife bought it for me as a Christmas present. I never really thought I needed it. She got it because I am a bit hard of hearing from my time in the Marines and I was hit from behind several years ago. She thought it would help to keep me safer. I have to say, that I now hate the thought of riding without it. It is a game changer. It just always works. False positives are kind of rare. Sometimes, I think it is a vehicle that approaches but turns. I have never had a false positive in which the vehicle was shown as being close, so it doesn't really bother me. If they are a false positive. I have no experience with the other two. Your assessment lines up with other reviews I've seen on them.
Hi Miloš, thank you! Yeah, an updated version would be nice. The question is when it comes out because there are no rumors yet. Maybe next week at Eurobike? We will see! I will be there. :)
If Garmin would just release a radar/taillight (no-camera) with USB-C already, I'd go back to them. Until then, I'm happy enough with my Magene. (Made the switch right when the Magene came out and haven't really noticed any difference.)
@@cyclistshub I'm on IOS. Agree,Garmin has the edge in brightness,battery life and accuracy. It's perhaps a question of how much of a saving the Magene can be had for. I picked mine up for $132 AUD which was a steal.
Hi, I am glad you like it. Please, remember that Magene and Bryton pushed some firmware updates that reduced the number of false positives. You can read more in my updated articles. :-)
Thank You! I was looking for an offer for a Garmin 715, when I saw this comparison, and had to watch! I like the angular look of the one, but I will buy a Garmin anyway. Finn. Denmark 😄
I am from DK and the Garmins sold here only has solid light. I have one, but regret to have bought it. It works ok, but I would like flash light as well.
@@FlemmingWiltonHansen I have just tested mine, and that's correct (I haven't looked at the Guide, I admit)! I also would like to be able to add it to my saddle and not the seat post, as an owner of a Brompton! I have asked Garmin if I'm able to convert the mount, but haven't got an answer. But I can see the mount is held by a large bolt, so I will eventually find a solution anyway!
Own both a Varia RTL515 and a Magene L508. Prefer the Magene as it a "smart" light, ie has accelerometer and will go brighter when you brake. Advantages of Garmin is maintains an alert for a couple of seconds longer when a following vehicle matches your speed, the Magene drops the alert straight away. The Garmin has less false positives (about half in my experience) than the Magene, and the majority of false positives for both in my experience, appear to be caused by vehicles moving in the opposite direction, the larger the vehicle the more likely. Started with the Garmin, lost the USB port cover on a gravel ride, before sending it back for warranty bought the Magene, as I did not want to be without the radar. Since getting the Varia back, I lend it to friends who are radar curious, within a few days they buy the Magene. Readily available locally 125USD compared to 200USD for Garmin which is harder to find and everybody has been happy with their choice.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Nick. Does your Magene app also fail when connecting the radar? It happens to me all the time. :-( You reminded me that I forgot to mention L508's "brake light."
@@cyclistshub do not really use the Magene app to connect to the L508. It is set and forget for me. I do have issues with the app and a C406 Pro head unit.
my rubber usb port cover also came off my Varia. The first moment I saw it I thought, who designed that!!! I mean when it comes off which I figured it would!! the whole thing will get water in and won't work. Now I just stick double sided tape over it but it really is poor engineering on Garmin side to design a charging door that breaks off so easily... I was looking at the other two as a better design for the charging door as water ingress is where all my lights have failed in the past.. Now that I find there is a variance in radar detection I'm second guessing which to buy...
That's interesting. In theory, all units should provide the same experience. I've heard from multiple sources that the L508 gives more false positives, mine does too. The multi-car detection is not on par with RTL515.
I've had the Magene for about 2 years and I love it. However, I would gladly pay the extra $20 for the Garmin (on sale) to get fewer false positives and better multicar detection.
CW Transceivers sharing the same band operating side by side may cause interference to the one next or side by side. rear view radar flash light are CWFM transceivers is no different suffering interference when place fuse by side or less than 1 meter separation. To be conclusive as a responsible reviewer do test them one at a time. Hope this helps
I reviewed the radars one by one before comparing them in this video, so I had a pretty good grasp of their capabilities. One thing I could emphasize more is that the firmware and accuracy improve over time.
Regarding the missing light modes on the Garmin varia, I believe this might be due to german StVZo laws regulating not only the brightness of the taillight but also don't allow any blinking.
If there is something large and shiny or reflective behind the bike (reflecting the radar signal) , the radar may pickup a false positive of a vehicle coming from another direction
Bryton because of its boxy design and increased side visibility. But thanks to firmware updates, both give fewer false positives now and have basically the same accuracy.
I love the Bryton look, but the Magene is the cheapest one, it costs half of the Varia and 2/3 of Bryton. What bothers me is that AFAIK the Varia is the only one that will flash differently for the whole time when there is a car behind you, the other two will just blink once.
Hi Ondřej, after firmware updates, Magene and Gardia change the light patter during the entire overtaking period.
@@cyclistshub Oh hey! Thanks for the update, that's great news. I'm still torn between the Bryton and Magene. I like the look of Bryton (+ I already have their app, because I have their computer, but it can't do radar) and the LED, but it costs 130 USD, while the Magene goes for 90 USD (and I have their app too, because I have their speed and cadence sensors). :D
Wow, where did you find Magene for 90 USD? It's a great deal! I prefer Gardia as it also improves side visibility and has better mount. On the other hand, it's less customizable.
@@cyclistshub Oh, my bad, it's more like 105 USD with shipping. It's on Allegro, sent from China. Now the price difference is not that bad, so I think I'll get the Bryton. I thought customization is great, but I bought a Shanren Raz Pro, smart BT rear light and I set it once and forget. Thanks for being so responsive and kind!
@@cyclistshub Now I got it. There are two different models, Chinese and International models. What I got is the Chinese model which cannot be adjusted in the app same as what you have shown. So I decided to return it.
Thought it was a gimmick till I synced my head unit to my friends radar... Now I never look back. Looking to update my Garmin rvr315 to a flashing light, what annoys me is how easily the charging rubber door broke off my Varia 315 and how short the battery is now two years on having always kept it charged after every ride. Very bad design on the charger door, and now i know the first bit of dirt or water ingress and the whole thing won't work, blue tack and sticky tape are not great options to stop dirt from getting in the charging socket and its complex to go through Garmin support for a simple part which is otherwise non available !!! In Australia the Magene and Gardia can be purchased for exactly half the price of the Garmin...
Yeah, it's a great invention, and I hope for the 2nd generation to be even better. This video is pretty old and would deserve an update. Yeah, Asian alternatives are cheaper but also less accurate (providing more false positives) across the board.
I should receive iGPSport SR30 radar soon. Cycplus is also working on one that should have a battery life of up to 40 hours. Maybe you could wait until I review them. 😊
I've went recently with a Bryton simply because its a new piece of tech. It is rather an improvement of code that they have to figure now. I can wait for that.
Ahoj, hezká recenze, ale v případě Bryton Gardia hodně zavádějící. Radar Gardia R300, který porovnáváš, není oficiální prodávaná verze, ale nějaký předprodukční vzorek bez FW podpory. Oficiální verze Gardia R300L uvedená na trh až 3-2023 má jiný hardware a hlavně podporu FW aktualizací (teď už je dostupná verze 4.13). Škoda vynaložené prace 😔
Pravda, zapomněl jsem to ve videu zdůraznit. Dal jsem info alespoň do popisku videa. V psaném srovnání na to upozorňuji. Předpokládám, že používáš ofiko verzi - se kterými problémy se tedy nesetkáváš?
@@cyclistshub kupoval jsem letos R300L a porovnávali jsme s kamarádem s jeho Varia RTL515. Na začátku byla Gardia trochu zklamání protože hlásil víc pozitivních duchů. Bylo ale vidět že na tom v Brytonu makají a cca co 2-3tydny byly aktualizace. Teď s poslední 4.13 mi připadá spolehlivost srovnatelná s Varia. Falešný signal zahlásí oba jen výjimečně. Drobné rozdíly jsou ve zobrazení objektů na displeji. Zvládá také zobrazovat více aut. Pozice zobrazení na displeji mi ale připadá u obou nepatrně odlišná. Těžko to popsat a možná je to jen můj subjektivní dojem, ale pokud delší dobu jezdím s jedním radarem, zvyknu si jak pozice na displeji odpovida asi realitě a vzdalenostem za mnou a s druhým radarem se pak musim "prekalibrovat" na jeho zobrazeni. Možná je to jen můj dojem, rozdílný přístup výrobců nebo je to způsobené vzdáleností na jakou dokáží auta detekovat. U Gardia je vidět, že zvládá detekovat na větší vzdálenost. Myslím, že jsi ve videu nezmínil G-senzor a funkci brzdového světla u Gardia, taková blbustka, ale někomu se to třeba může při jízdě hodit.
Díky za sdílení zkušenosti. Už jsem kontaktoval Italský eshop, ze kterého jsem Gardiu kupoval, tak uvidíme, jak se k tomu postaví. Ano, brzdové světlo jsem nezmínil. Publikované video se bohužel hůře opravuje, než publikovaný článek. 😅
Zdravím Jirko, FW Gardie je R0.8.6. Před testováním jsem kontroloval FW všech radarů a případně je aktualizoval. Konkrétně u Gardie mi v appce promt na aktualizaci žádný nevyskočil.
ono je jedno s jakou verzí FW to je testovaná protože Gardia R300 není oficiálně prodávaná verze a nemá FW podporu. Prodávaná verze je R300L, má upravený HW a FW podporu s aktualizacemi.
@@cyclistshub Obě verze mají rozdílné vlastnosti. Zvýšili výkon diody a prodloužili dosah radaru. Původně uváděli dosah radaru podobný jako Garmin, máš to i v recenzi. Teď u toho co mám uvádějí až 190m. Ale uznávám, že jsem si to mohl chybně vysvětlit a výkony třeba zvýšili softwarově.
@@cyclistshub SEAsia. I can definitely look into those services if needed. Still suck though, the official Garmin shop (and other resellers) USED to have 315 and 515...but it's all gone now.
I can still see them on their website. Maybe try using a VPN? Anyway, there is an ongoing discount on RTL515, so it's possible Garmin will release a new model soon.
@@cyclistshub It's not that I can't see the page, it's that the stock is completely and utterly out in the country (for both 315 and 515). Even other local resellers in my country (on non-Amazon online shopping) don't have it anymore either. Only 715 is in stock But yeah, really hope for a new model. A new one with reasonable price and USB-C would be great
Thanks for this video Petr. I'd been out on a ride on the rural routes around me - fairly narrow roads, hedges, light traffic, poor road surface and had a sore neck from the constant looking over my shoulder checking if cars were approaching. This was early 2018. By chance I saw GP LLama's review of the Garmin RTL510 - th-cam.com/video/az6_XX9bIMs/w-d-xo.html - and he was right, bike radars are a game changer for certain road conditions. After 6 years its now less reliable and it feels less sensitive especially when cars are holding back behind you - I remember it still tracking these until they overtook. Hence I was very keen to see this comparison as I contemplate a new device. Given the Bryton is on sale for £75 on amazon and the magene is currently £99 and the Garmin is £169 I think I'll give it a go. PS - radar vs mirror. I used to commute in an urban area and used a rear mirror for this and it was perfect - more traffic generally going slower. I think the radar would become confusing pickings up too much info. But the radar is far superior outside the urban area - an early warning system which allows you to better navigate poor roads and overtaking traffic. I guess you could run both together but for me radar has become essential.
Hi Steve, I apologize for late reply. YT system marked your comment as spam. I have basically nothing to add except for the fact that firmware updates can negatively impact the performance of the radar. A mirror is not for me, but at least it's consistent. :-D - Petr
I agree that we should encourage innovation, but these " copycats" help move the industry forward because they often lead to innovation, new features, etc. Garmin set the standard with the Varia, much like Apple did with the iPhone (smartphones). In the end, consumers win. Monopoly is never good for consumers.
My Varia gives quite a few false negatives. Never noticed a false positive. Had two different units now, both behave the same. Basically if a car behind me is matching my speed, the unit doesn’t alert. Sometimes it happens where I was alerted to the car and then my unit shows the car disappeared though it’s still there. Sometimes it happens with a car I was t alerted to. 🤷♂️
I guess you mean a few false positives and no false negatives :) Yeah, I noticed that too, but I think if the car matches your speed and follows you for a few seconds, that's how the radar should work.
That's not a false negative, the Varia only alerts to objects moving faster than you. If it alerts and the car vanishes suddenly from the radar, I always look back.
Hi, if you mean the Bryton, it's a demo unit. I forgot to mention it in the video so I updated the description. I am already in touch with Bryton. They should supply me with R300L, which is the final that supports firmware updates.
As a cyclist of over 30 years experience can someone please explain the point of these things? How in any way possible does this contribute to your safety on the road? I know this view is controversial but I fail understand what you would be doing differently on your bike when your radar tells you there is a car approaching from behind? I understand the placebo effect that you might FEEL safer but are you actually protected from a car hitting you from behind? Are you cycling habitually so far from the edge of the road that you have to be told a car is approaching and move over? I just don't get it. How are you riding differently now to how you rode before you relied on this life-saving piece of kit? Can anyone give me an instance or circumstance where their radar has saved them from certain disaster?
Hey, Ashley, good question. I was wondering the same thing. Radar is useful in high winds, for example, when you can't hear the cars behind you and therefore can be scared off on narrow roads. It's also great on downhills when knowing there's nothing behind you makes it easier to overtake or ride in the middle to give you more room to manoeuvre. It's simply about knowing there's something behind you and you can prepare for overtaking. I hope it makes sense. :-)
I was also a +30year sceptic but I have to say I am a convert now. Will it keep a car from hitting you, absolutely not. But to me it's the much earlier knowledge of a car approaching and how many are approaching that I like. I have actually changed my riding style to be generally a bit more to center on back roads and feel far more relaxed . You know they're there so much earlier than when you'd hear them. When I get an alert I will then yield a bit of road by moving more to the shoulder. The flashing pattern changes as the car approaches and I do believe that has to have some benefit in getting driver attention. I'll always continue to look over my shoulder when necessary and not blindly trust the radar. I already had a compatible head unit so I figured I'd try it. Glad I did. Ymmv.
Having ridden for almost 40 years now I am not really sure how to describe it but this has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I do about half my rides solo and there just seems to be a better level of comfort this provides and I like that it not only warns me but gives me an indication of how fast the vehicles are approaching. Having this for over two years now the accuracy has been great, can’t think of a missed car (which could be a bad thing as I may rely on it too much). Between this and setting both the live track and incident detection on my Garmin unit has greatly increased my wife’s comfort as well since I do so many solo rides (thankfully incident detection notified my wife on a bad crash I had where I needed assistance).
@@saleen3630 i tend to do that too, but I shouldn’t. I’ve noticed, that when you go too much to the shoulder, cars tend to care less about the safety distance while overtaking. Just this weekend I wished I had a radar. Had a strong headwind and was on a busy road. With the headwind comes a lot of noise so I couldn’t hear the cars from behind. Was overtaken and startled… guess I’m buying either a radar or one of this cheap littler rearview mirrors for the barend…if only they wouldn’t look so awful…
Magene L508 is the clear winner here. Using it now for close to a year, Garmin is overpriced and I have had zero false positives as I pair the Magene L508 with a Magene C406 Pro cycling computer. Magene has also released updates to improve performance and add GPS turn by turn navigation with a recent update.
Ive been riding Trieye the 1st ever formal pair of sunglasses a total revelation in cycling safety for two plus years after a almost fatal cycling accident as a semi pro 13 years ago. If it wasnt for Trieye id never have started road again. These should be main headline cycling news. It will bring back road cyclist. Why these are not main headline news is likely due to the brand loyalty and sheep mentality most cyclist get locked into. Im not one of those. Trieye has so sinked with my riding road i cross duel lanes never looking behind me. I have ZERO blind spots unlike a car or motorcycle. I can warn groups well ahead of time of on coming trailers behind cars somethung garmin will not pick up. It has totally givem me control of the road versus sitting on my bike a helpless victim. Itsthe quickest growing cycling glasses on the market yet few road bike shops stock these thanks to their brand loyalty. Sad but true locked in blinkers
I don't think there will ever be a ideal solution. If you drove cars with mirror and intoduced them now it would be laughed at. Trieye gets better as you use it. First things, size is critical. There 2 sizes S and M. If its too big it you will strain your eye so go for the small version. Once you tuned into these they become second nature keeping in mind they positioned at the same angle and head movement as you side car mirror. so it becomes simple with a slight turn of head and eye. You gain incredible confidence with these eventually. The flat mirror guages true distance between you and on-coming objects so the distances don't lie. Seeing what type of vehicle is approacing is critical to your safety. These are the game changer we actually been waiting for NOT ONLY FOR SAFETY. As a sprinter these offer massive advantages. No need to buck the head and give away your advantage before a sprint and its great for massive groups, they allow you to monitor the surrounds and take gaps you wouldnt have seen before. Demo a pair from a dealer and try it for a week with a open mind. If you approach it with a pessimestic view its a fail already. Garmin just never reduced my anxiety after my accident. However both in use is event better. This has allowed me to thoroughly enjoy road biking again.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It's possible that Magene polished the accuracy with their firmware updates. After all, this video is 10 months old. :-)
Just about everything Garmin makes is a piece of s&*t, starting with their marine products in the 80's until today. They have lousy customer support, poor user interfaces, and the real problem is that they don't even care.
Luckily, I didn't have to deal with their CS yet and yes, they user interfaces are bad. However, Varia radars are one of the best cycling gadgets ever.
2 years with Garmin Varia, it has never given me a single false warning. It’s definitely my best purchase so far.
I agree, one of the best investments in my cycling safety :)
Same here....
Exactly the same with my Garmin Varia - 18 months & no false warnings
I love my varia- but once it did give me an all clear after two cars passed while there was still a car behind me (that passed two seconds later).
Hands down the best thing I have bought for my bike except for the Edge itself.
Having said that my first Varia started to act weirdly after a year or so and then completely died. I just went and bought two new ones. Just in case.
Love my Garmin Varia. Surprised at how well it works and how useful it proved to be.
I'm using the Garmin Varia for years now, never had a false positive/negative, it's super usefull, and never failed me.
Not sure about the other 2 models, but have been using the Garmin for over a year and it never missed anything behind 😉
Yes yes, 100 % accuracy. :)
Keep in mind that you are testing Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar, which mean they illuminate the area and mix the return in with the emitted signal. This means you cannot test them simultaneously. Let me explain. They produce a sawtooth kind of wave that is emitted. They all operate at the same frequency band (24-24.25 GHz) The return signal is used to determine distance and to some extend velocity (doppler shift). If you illuminate with 3 radars in the same direction at the same band it would be like shining 3 torches in the same direction at night, but only interested in the reflection of one. There are interference, it it could cause one radar to work better than the others. The sawtooth means there are less overlapping points than a constant frequency, BUT there are overlapping points and interference, and often "better" radars are more sensitive to interference. Now you ask but what about platoons. They typically synchronize their waveforms (to some extent) to reduce interference. Bottom line is never to test multiple FMWC & DBF radars in the same direction in close proximity.
Hi Gerhard,
Thanks for your explanation. I tested the radars separately. However, let's say I would like to have them "side-by-side." How far away they would have to be from each other to avoid signal interference?
Sometimes I used to ride with some fellow guys, a lot of them have radar (more than 3). Mostly Garmin and I have a Bryton. The Garmin used to detect cars 1-2 seconds earlier and gives earlier clear signals but not significant difference, and all of them works correctly.
I love my magene L508 - i think firmware updates has made much of a difference
Mine does.
- In the last few weeks, I have re-tested the Magene L508 radars and also the final version of the Bryton Gardia R300L (not the demo unit as in the video). Thanks to firmware updates, they are much more accurate. However, they still give more false positives than the Gardia, just not to the same extent.
- I completely forgot to mention the speed limits in the video. Varia can detect vehicles with speeds of 10-160 km/h, while Gardia and Magene can only detect 10-120 km/h (relative to your speed). This means that cars going faster will not be detected.
- Varia and Gardia also increase side visibility thanks to side LEDs, among other things. L508 does not.
Hi, how is the multi-object detection now in the l508? It improved? thanks!
Yea I bet if you had a garmin varia 5+ years ago when their first model came out you'd have a lot more false positives than now. Garmin probably perfected their algorithm now, which I'm hopeful the other companies also will given enough time. As long as the hardware for detecting is similar, there's no reasons why one device couldn't capture the same thing as the other given a good enough firmware.
I have the Varia. My wife bought it for me as a Christmas present. I never really thought I needed it. She got it because I am a bit hard of hearing from my time in the Marines and I was hit from behind several years ago. She thought it would help to keep me safer. I have to say, that I now hate the thought of riding without it. It is a game changer. It just always works. False positives are kind of rare. Sometimes, I think it is a vehicle that approaches but turns. I have never had a false positive in which the vehicle was shown as being close, so it doesn't really bother me. If they are a false positive. I have no experience with the other two. Your assessment lines up with other reviews I've seen on them.
Hi David, what a story! Be sure to kiss her because she picked the best she could. :-)
Nice review! I'd choose Garmin, but I'm looking for a new version with USB-C (w/o camera and with standard mount).
Hi Miloš, thank you! Yeah, an updated version would be nice. The question is when it comes out because there are no rumors yet. Maybe next week at Eurobike? We will see! I will be there. :)
I'm adding a like and subscribing because of the cap to the right of screen. Yalla!
Haha, thank you. It's Israel Start-Up Nation cap. :)
@@cyclistshub 🇮🇱👌🏻
This is a good review, thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
Very useful video, thanks. Your English is great too
Thank you. 😊
Best by far investment I ever made, Garmin. I agree with your detailed comparison. Garmin should have put USB C in ....
If Garmin would just release a radar/taillight (no-camera) with USB-C already, I'd go back to them. Until then, I'm happy enough with my Magene. (Made the switch right when the Magene came out and haven't really noticed any difference.)
SERIOUSLY? USB C is a deal breaker ? 😅
@@MarquitoRH they give you a cable ,they arent hard to find and youll have plenty of time to charge it
Had the Varia till it died,now on the Magene. The light programmability in the Magene is a huge winner over the Varia.
It's a benefit but not a deal breaker IMO. Btw. what operating system do you use? Android or iOS? :)
I'm on IOS. Agree,Garmin has the edge in brightness,battery life and accuracy. It's perhaps a question of how much of a saving the Magene can be had for.
I picked mine up for $132 AUD which was a steal.
thank you for nice review
Hi, I am glad you like it. Please, remember that Magene and Bryton pushed some firmware updates that reduced the number of false positives. You can read more in my updated articles. :-)
A thorough and intelligent review, good work.
Thank you! It means a lot to me. 😊
Thank You! I was looking for an offer for a Garmin 715, when I saw this comparison, and had to watch! I like the angular look of the one, but I will buy a Garmin anyway. Finn. Denmark 😄
Glad it was helpful! :-)
I am from DK and the Garmins sold here only has solid light. I have one, but regret to have bought it. It works ok, but I would like flash light as well.
@@FlemmingWiltonHansen I have just tested mine, and that's correct (I haven't looked at the Guide, I admit)! I also would like to be able to add it to my saddle and not the seat post, as an owner of a Brompton!
I have asked Garmin if I'm able to convert the mount, but haven't got an answer. But I can see the mount is held by a large bolt, so I will eventually find a solution anyway!
Thank you for your input
I am glad it helped. 👌
Own both a Varia RTL515 and a Magene L508. Prefer the Magene as it a "smart" light, ie has accelerometer and will go brighter when you brake. Advantages of Garmin is maintains an alert for a couple of seconds longer when a following vehicle matches your speed, the Magene drops the alert straight away. The Garmin has less false positives (about half in my experience) than the Magene, and the majority of false positives for both in my experience, appear to be caused by vehicles moving in the opposite direction, the larger the vehicle the more likely.
Started with the Garmin, lost the USB port cover on a gravel ride, before sending it back for warranty bought the Magene, as I did not want to be without the radar. Since getting the Varia back, I lend it to friends who are radar curious, within a few days they buy the Magene. Readily available locally 125USD compared to 200USD for Garmin which is harder to find and everybody has been happy with their choice.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Nick.
Does your Magene app also fail when connecting the radar? It happens to me all the time. :-(
You reminded me that I forgot to mention L508's "brake light."
@@cyclistshub do not really use the Magene app to connect to the L508. It is set and forget for me. I do have issues with the app and a C406 Pro head unit.
I see. :-) Thanks for your reply.
@@cyclistshubNot only magene, bryton gardia also have brake light ;)
my rubber usb port cover also came off my Varia. The first moment I saw it I thought, who designed that!!! I mean when it comes off which I figured it would!! the whole thing will get water in and won't work. Now I just stick double sided tape over it but it really is poor engineering on Garmin side to design a charging door that breaks off so easily... I was looking at the other two as a better design for the charging door as water ingress is where all my lights have failed in the past.. Now that I find there is a variance in radar detection I'm second guessing which to buy...
I got the Magene a few months ago and haven't had any issues with it. Haven't gotten false positives, and I can always see the line of cars behind me.
That's interesting. In theory, all units should provide the same experience. I've heard from multiple sources that the L508 gives more false positives, mine does too.
The multi-car detection is not on par with RTL515.
My Magene does not always show cars behind me whereas my varia is much more reliable
I agree with the reliability, but Magene L508 has never missed a car.
I use one year Magene L508 and never fail... !
Glad to hear. What about tha false positives?
Great review. Thanks 🤜🤛
Thank you! 😊
I've had the Magene for about 2 years and I love it. However, I would gladly pay the extra $20 for the Garmin (on sale) to get fewer false positives and better multicar detection.
Yeah, Varia is just so much more accurate. :-)
CW Transceivers sharing the same band operating side by side may cause interference to the one next or side by side. rear view radar flash light are CWFM transceivers is no different suffering interference when place fuse by side or less than 1 meter separation. To be conclusive as a responsible reviewer do test them one at a time. Hope this helps
I reviewed the radars one by one before comparing them in this video, so I had a pretty good grasp of their capabilities. One thing I could emphasize more is that the firmware and accuracy improve over time.
Thanks for the review.
Thank you. 😊
Regarding the missing light modes on the Garmin varia, I believe this might be due to german StVZo laws regulating not only the brightness of the taillight but also don't allow any blinking.
Hey, Kevin,
Yes, it's the RTL516. By missing light modes, I meant pulsing or rotating modes. :-)
The Varia is the best 'gadget' I ever bought so far, I really feel more confident on the bike!
Great video ❤👍👍👍
Thanks, Marc. 😊
If there is something large and shiny or reflective behind the bike (reflecting the radar signal) , the radar may pickup a false positive of a vehicle coming from another direction
Yeah, I thought about this as well. But sometimes, there is nothing and I still get a false positive. 🤷♂️😀
Or even return an error. Happens near construction and when I have it in in a lift.
Which is better for you. The Bryton Gardia or the Magene Radar?
Bryton because of its boxy design and increased side visibility. But thanks to firmware updates, both give fewer false positives now and have basically the same accuracy.
I love the Bryton look, but the Magene is the cheapest one, it costs half of the Varia and 2/3 of Bryton. What bothers me is that AFAIK the Varia is the only one that will flash differently for the whole time when there is a car behind you, the other two will just blink once.
Hi Ondřej,
after firmware updates, Magene and Gardia change the light patter during the entire overtaking period.
@@cyclistshub Oh hey! Thanks for the update, that's great news. I'm still torn between the Bryton and Magene. I like the look of Bryton (+ I already have their app, because I have their computer, but it can't do radar) and the LED, but it costs 130 USD, while the Magene goes for 90 USD (and I have their app too, because I have their speed and cadence sensors). :D
Wow, where did you find Magene for 90 USD? It's a great deal! I prefer Gardia as it also improves side visibility and has better mount. On the other hand, it's less customizable.
@@cyclistshub Oh, my bad, it's more like 105 USD with shipping. It's on Allegro, sent from China. Now the price difference is not that bad, so I think I'll get the Bryton. I thought customization is great, but I bought a Shanren Raz Pro, smart BT rear light and I set it once and forget.
Thanks for being so responsive and kind!
Oh, I see. :-) Glad I could help.
I just got a Magene L508 and the thing is that I am not able to use the app same as you showed here.
Try to connect and disconnect the radar several times. The app is unreliable. 🥲
@@cyclistshub Now I got it. There are two different models, Chinese and International models. What I got is the Chinese model which cannot be adjusted in the app same as what you have shown. So I decided to return it.
Do you mean the MagicShine Seemee 508 vs. Magene L508?
@@cyclistshub MagicShine Magene Seemee 508 to be specific.
I see. I have the Magene L508. I had no idea that the Seemee doesn't offer all app functionalities.
@Cyclists hub What saddle bag are you using in this video?
Hi Greg, it's Scicon Elan 210.
Is it possible to mix match the cyclo computer & radar et al comp-magene & radar-varia
Yes, it is.
Es compatible el Gardia R300L con el Bryton 530?
da para instalar em canote de triathlon?
Yes. Eventually, you can buy a proprietary mount.
Thought it was a gimmick till I synced my head unit to my friends radar... Now I never look back. Looking to update my Garmin rvr315 to a flashing light, what annoys me is how easily the charging rubber door broke off my Varia 315 and how short the battery is now two years on having always kept it charged after every ride. Very bad design on the charger door, and now i know the first bit of dirt or water ingress and the whole thing won't work, blue tack and sticky tape are not great options to stop dirt from getting in the charging socket and its complex to go through Garmin support for a simple part which is otherwise non available !!! In Australia the Magene and Gardia can be purchased for exactly half the price of the Garmin...
Yeah, it's a great invention, and I hope for the 2nd generation to be even better.
This video is pretty old and would deserve an update. Yeah, Asian alternatives are cheaper but also less accurate (providing more false positives) across the board.
Do any of them have a one touch mute feature?
I am not sure what do you mean by that but probably not. You can change the light modes using some bike computers (Garmin Edges).
Does the sensors show info on the strava app?
Hi Luis, the Strava app can't display cycling radars.
I have Magene and Garmin, there is no way I can trust the info from
Magene radar. Garmin is the only radar I will trust.
Do you get many false positives with Mageme, or?
Battery life on these sucks. I would like to have at least 20h as of my computer. Hm the least bad seems to be Bryton. I think I will go for that🤔
I should receive iGPSport SR30 radar soon. Cycplus is also working on one that should have a battery life of up to 40 hours. Maybe you could wait until I review them. 😊
@@cyclistshub I'm really looking forward to a review of the IGPs😊
It just arrived, so I can start testing it. 😊
Once you try a Varia, you won't ride without one.
Plus , for the money get one with at least Garmin customer service and support
I've went recently with a Bryton simply because its a new piece of tech. It is rather an improvement of code that they have to figure now. I can wait for that.
Yes, we will see whether they will release a firmware update that improves it. :-)
Ahoj, hezká recenze, ale v případě Bryton Gardia hodně zavádějící. Radar Gardia R300, který porovnáváš, není oficiální prodávaná verze, ale nějaký předprodukční vzorek bez FW podpory. Oficiální verze Gardia R300L uvedená na trh až 3-2023 má jiný hardware a hlavně podporu FW aktualizací (teď už je dostupná verze 4.13). Škoda vynaložené prace 😔
Pravda, zapomněl jsem to ve videu zdůraznit. Dal jsem info alespoň do popisku videa. V psaném srovnání na to upozorňuji.
Předpokládám, že používáš ofiko verzi - se kterými problémy se tedy nesetkáváš?
@@cyclistshub kupoval jsem letos R300L a porovnávali jsme s kamarádem s jeho Varia RTL515. Na začátku byla Gardia trochu zklamání protože hlásil víc pozitivních duchů. Bylo ale vidět že na tom v Brytonu makají a cca co 2-3tydny byly aktualizace. Teď s poslední 4.13 mi připadá spolehlivost srovnatelná s Varia. Falešný signal zahlásí oba jen výjimečně. Drobné rozdíly jsou ve zobrazení objektů na displeji. Zvládá také zobrazovat více aut. Pozice zobrazení na displeji mi ale připadá u obou nepatrně odlišná. Těžko to popsat a možná je to jen můj subjektivní dojem, ale pokud delší dobu jezdím s jedním radarem, zvyknu si jak pozice na displeji odpovida asi realitě a vzdalenostem za mnou a s druhým radarem se pak musim "prekalibrovat" na jeho zobrazeni. Možná je to jen můj dojem, rozdílný přístup výrobců nebo je to způsobené vzdáleností na jakou dokáží auta detekovat. U Gardia je vidět, že zvládá detekovat na větší vzdálenost. Myslím, že jsi ve videu nezmínil G-senzor a funkci brzdového světla u Gardia, taková blbustka, ale někomu se to třeba může při jízdě hodit.
Díky za sdílení zkušenosti. Už jsem kontaktoval Italský eshop, ze kterého jsem Gardiu kupoval, tak uvidíme, jak se k tomu postaví.
Ano, brzdové světlo jsem nezmínil. Publikované video se bohužel hůře opravuje, než publikovaný článek. 😅
I tried the Megene, and their was lots of False Negs ;/ so I just returned..
Gardia byla testována s posledním FW ?
Zdravím Jirko, FW Gardie je R0.8.6. Před testováním jsem kontroloval FW všech radarů a případně je aktualizoval. Konkrétně u Gardie mi v appce promt na aktualizaci žádný nevyskočil.
ono je jedno s jakou verzí FW to je testovaná protože Gardia R300 není oficiálně prodávaná verze a nemá FW podporu. Prodávaná verze je R300L, má upravený HW a FW podporu s aktualizacemi.
V čem tkví ta úprava HW?
@@cyclistshub Obě verze mají rozdílné vlastnosti. Zvýšili výkon diody a prodloužili dosah radaru. Původně uváděli dosah radaru podobný jako Garmin, máš to i v recenzi. Teď u toho co mám uvádějí až 190m. Ale uznávám, že jsem si to mohl chybně vysvětlit a výkony třeba zvýšili softwarově.
i cant aford any of these, would it be silly if i just put a mirror on the outside of my handle bars on one side? haha
No, a mirror works too. 😊
Thank you. 🙏
Just plain sucks that my country doesn't have Varia 515 on sale. We can only get the 715, which is immensely more expensive.
Where are you from? Have you thought about using a package forwarding service?
@@cyclistshub SEAsia. I can definitely look into those services if needed. Still suck though, the official Garmin shop (and other resellers) USED to have 315 and 515...but it's all gone now.
I can still see them on their website. Maybe try using a VPN? Anyway, there is an ongoing discount on RTL515, so it's possible Garmin will release a new model soon.
@@cyclistshub It's not that I can't see the page, it's that the stock is completely and utterly out in the country (for both 315 and 515). Even other local resellers in my country (on non-Amazon online shopping) don't have it anymore either. Only 715 is in stock
But yeah, really hope for a new model. A new one with reasonable price and USB-C would be great
😮 supply chain issues I guess.
Thanks for this video Petr.
I'd been out on a ride on the rural routes around me - fairly narrow roads, hedges, light traffic, poor road surface and had a sore neck from the constant looking over my shoulder checking if cars were approaching. This was early 2018. By chance I saw GP LLama's review of the Garmin RTL510 - th-cam.com/video/az6_XX9bIMs/w-d-xo.html - and he was right, bike radars are a game changer for certain road conditions.
After 6 years its now less reliable and it feels less sensitive especially when cars are holding back behind you - I remember it still tracking these until they overtook. Hence I was very keen to see this comparison as I contemplate a new device. Given the Bryton is on sale for £75 on amazon and the magene is currently £99 and the Garmin is £169 I think I'll give it a go.
PS - radar vs mirror. I used to commute in an urban area and used a rear mirror for this and it was perfect - more traffic generally going slower. I think the radar would become confusing pickings up too much info. But the radar is far superior outside the urban area - an early warning system which allows you to better navigate poor roads and overtaking traffic. I guess you could run both together but for me radar has become essential.
Hi Steve,
I apologize for late reply. YT system marked your comment as spam. I have basically nothing to add except for the fact that firmware updates can negatively impact the performance of the radar. A mirror is not for me, but at least it's consistent. :-D
- Petr
Garmin. We should support innovation not copycats.
I agree that we should encourage innovation, but these " copycats" help move the industry forward because they often lead to innovation, new features, etc. Garmin set the standard with the Varia, much like Apple did with the iPhone (smartphones). In the end, consumers win. Monopoly is never good for consumers.
@@cyclistshub Really? What new features did they bring apart from the lower price?
Customizable light modes via app, additional light modes, Cycplus plans light synchronization and longer battery life, USB-C (:-D)...
@@cyclistshub OK, longer battery life and USB C is indeed an improvement, the rest is irrelevant to me.
Yes, some features are irrelevant to some, but important to others.
My Varia gives quite a few false negatives. Never noticed a false positive. Had two different units now, both behave the same. Basically if a car behind me is matching my speed, the unit doesn’t alert. Sometimes it happens where I was alerted to the car and then my unit shows the car disappeared though it’s still there. Sometimes it happens with a car I was t alerted to. 🤷♂️
I guess you mean a few false positives and no false negatives :)
Yeah, I noticed that too, but I think if the car matches your speed and follows you for a few seconds, that's how the radar should work.
That's not a false negative, the Varia only alerts to objects moving faster than you. If it alerts and the car vanishes suddenly from the radar, I always look back.
How's the accuracy with the update? For safety devices such as radar. It would be nice to be 100%
Hi, if you mean the Bryton, it's a demo unit. I forgot to mention it in the video so I updated the description. I am already in touch with Bryton. They should supply me with R300L, which is the final that supports firmware updates.
As a cyclist of over 30 years experience can someone please explain the point of these things? How in any way possible does this contribute to your safety on the road? I know this view is controversial but I fail understand what you would be doing differently on your bike when your radar tells you there is a car approaching from behind?
I understand the placebo effect that you might FEEL safer but are you actually protected from a car hitting you from behind? Are you cycling habitually so far from the edge of the road that you have to be told a car is approaching and move over? I just don't get it.
How are you riding differently now to how you rode before you relied on this life-saving piece of kit? Can anyone give me an instance or circumstance where their radar has saved them from certain disaster?
Hey, Ashley,
good question. I was wondering the same thing. Radar is useful in high winds, for example, when you can't hear the cars behind you and therefore can be scared off on narrow roads. It's also great on downhills when knowing there's nothing behind you makes it easier to overtake or ride in the middle to give you more room to manoeuvre. It's simply about knowing there's something behind you and you can prepare for overtaking. I hope it makes sense. :-)
I was also a +30year sceptic but I have to say I am a convert now. Will it keep a car from hitting you, absolutely not. But to me it's the much earlier knowledge of a car approaching and how many are approaching that I like. I have actually changed my riding style to be generally a bit more to center on back roads and feel far more relaxed . You know they're there so much earlier than when you'd hear them. When I get an alert I will then yield a bit of road by moving more to the shoulder. The flashing pattern changes as the car approaches and I do believe that has to have some benefit in getting driver attention. I'll always continue to look over my shoulder when necessary and not blindly trust the radar. I already had a compatible head unit so I figured I'd try it. Glad I did. Ymmv.
Having ridden for almost 40 years now I am not really sure how to describe it but this has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I do about half my rides solo and there just seems to be a better level of comfort this provides and I like that it not only warns me but gives me an indication of how fast the vehicles are approaching. Having this for over two years now the accuracy has been great, can’t think of a missed car (which could be a bad thing as I may rely on it too much). Between this and setting both the live track and incident detection on my Garmin unit has greatly increased my wife’s comfort as well since I do so many solo rides (thankfully incident detection notified my wife on a bad crash I had where I needed assistance).
Just try it. Before I tried it, I had the same thoughts. After, well. I definitely want one. But the price point hurts. So I haven’t got one till now.
@@saleen3630 i tend to do that too, but I shouldn’t. I’ve noticed, that when you go too much to the shoulder, cars tend to care less about the safety distance while overtaking. Just this weekend I wished I had a radar. Had a strong headwind and was on a busy road. With the headwind comes a lot of noise so I couldn’t hear the cars from behind. Was overtaken and startled… guess I’m buying either a radar or one of this cheap littler rearview mirrors for the barend…if only they wouldn’t look so awful…
Magene L508 is the clear winner here. Using it now for close to a year, Garmin is overpriced and I have had zero false positives as I pair the Magene L508 with a Magene C406 Pro cycling computer. Magene has also released updates to improve performance and add GPS turn by turn navigation with a recent update.
Buy a mirror to and then you will really know what is going on behind you! 😉
Yes, it's also a possibility, but not too suitable for roadies. :-)
Ive been riding Trieye the 1st ever formal pair of sunglasses a total revelation in cycling safety for two plus years after a almost fatal cycling accident as a semi pro 13 years ago. If it wasnt for Trieye id never have started road again. These should be main headline cycling news. It will bring back road cyclist. Why these are not main headline news is likely due to the brand loyalty and sheep mentality most cyclist get locked into. Im not one of those. Trieye has so sinked with my riding road i cross duel lanes never looking behind me. I have ZERO blind spots unlike a car or motorcycle. I can warn groups well ahead of time of on coming trailers behind cars somethung garmin will not pick up. It has totally givem me control of the road versus sitting on my bike a helpless victim. Itsthe quickest growing cycling glasses on the market yet few road bike shops stock these thanks to their brand loyalty. Sad but true locked in blinkers
Hi Paul,
Great! I am glad you find Trieye useful. I've tried it at Eurobike and it's pretty simple, but clever idea!
- Petr
I don't think there will ever be a ideal solution. If you drove cars with mirror and intoduced them now it would be laughed at. Trieye gets better as you use it. First things, size is critical. There 2 sizes S and M. If its too big it you will strain your eye so go for the small version. Once you tuned into these they become second nature keeping in mind they positioned at the same angle and head movement as you side car mirror. so it becomes simple with a slight turn of head and eye. You gain incredible confidence with these eventually. The flat mirror guages true distance between you and on-coming objects so the distances don't lie. Seeing what type of vehicle is approacing is critical to your safety. These are the game changer we actually been waiting for NOT ONLY FOR SAFETY. As a sprinter these offer massive advantages. No need to buck the head and give away your advantage before a sprint and its great for massive groups, they allow you to monitor the surrounds and take gaps you wouldnt have seen before. Demo a pair from a dealer and try it for a week with a open mind. If you approach it with a pessimestic view its a fail already. Garmin just never reduced my anxiety after my accident. However both in use is event better. This has allowed me to thoroughly enjoy road biking again.
chujowa czapeczka, na biurko, ale materiał fajny.
please don't be a robot slow down with talk thank you
Thanks for the feedback. I had a feeling I talk too slow compared to other youtubers. 😀
Your talking speed seems fine to me. 🙂
Ok. Thanks for your feedback as well!
@@cyclistshub your talking speed is fine. good video BTW,
@@kaboon11thanks, I appreciate it. 🙂
I use Magene with firmware update e never fail!!!!
Thanks for sharing your experience. It's possible that Magene polished the accuracy with their firmware updates. After all, this video is 10 months old. :-)
Just about everything Garmin makes is a piece of s&*t, starting with their marine products in the 80's until today. They have lousy customer support, poor user interfaces, and the real problem is that they don't even care.
Luckily, I didn't have to deal with their CS yet and yes, they user interfaces are bad. However, Varia radars are one of the best cycling gadgets ever.