Baba cela ungsize ngse Maritzburg, so at home which is not my actually home but because of some situations ngigcine sengihlala khona so laykhaya they are renting a tuck shop ,so this tuck shop is small some of the stock are stored in other rooms including the room which i was sleeping on, the some of the stock was alcohol, so a week later ,amaphoyisa afikile athola lobutshwala so ke ngbe sengiwatshela ukuth utshwala obasestolo and luckly umnikaz we tuckshop wafika wavuma ukuth izinto ezakhe coz nemali ye fine yakhishwa uyena but kwaboshwa mina ,cela usizo coz leliphoyisa elangibopha like laphinda lafika after the incident lafika estolo still utshwala besabudayisa langenza lutho and i have recordings for this police selifika okwesbili libufica utshwala lakhuluma nje nomphathi lahamba ake niwuhlabe niwulawule ma Afrika kumanje ngine criminal record engingalazi and im going to court ngomhlaka 2 december for this case cela ningsize
Tsiiii nantso inkunzi phakathi kwenkunzi yabuya kwakhona ngongcedo kumphakathi wuntshu mntakabawo uZulu❤❤❤
Kazi ubani inyanga yodumo 😮
Baba cela ungsize ngse Maritzburg, so at home which is not my actually home but because of some situations ngigcine sengihlala khona so laykhaya they are renting a tuck shop ,so this tuck shop is small some of the stock are stored in other rooms including the room which i was sleeping on, the some of the stock was alcohol, so a week later ,amaphoyisa afikile athola lobutshwala so ke ngbe sengiwatshela ukuth utshwala obasestolo and luckly umnikaz we tuckshop wafika wavuma ukuth izinto ezakhe coz nemali ye fine yakhishwa uyena but kwaboshwa mina ,cela usizo coz leliphoyisa elangibopha like laphinda lafika after the incident lafika estolo still utshwala besabudayisa langenza lutho and i have recordings for this police selifika okwesbili libufica utshwala lakhuluma nje nomphathi lahamba ake niwuhlabe niwulawule ma Afrika kumanje ngine criminal record engingalazi and im going to court ngomhlaka 2 december for this case cela ningsize
Ubuye nayo bhuti
Icala maliyephambili lomuntu ukhohlakele udlwegulile yena abese phola angabo swa
Waze wawazisa umthetho musebenzubheke ngaku yena
She is not make sure...