Hi! Janice & Jaguar. Thank You for sharing your Cameron Highlands vlog. Hope you did have a good time. Happy New Year 2004 🎉🎊🎈🥂 Wishing both a happy and successful year ahead.
Everytime my son long distance drive i will remind him to bring his car go to workshop for basic check for own safety because car stop at the highway definitely high risk so dangerous
I so long never go Cameron Highlands already. like the cool weather and sweet corns. 😂 Is it dangerous to latch your car to that vehicle? Thanks for sharing the details. Hope they don't mark up if they see Singapore car. 😂
Hi J & J, rules No.1 when flat tyre at the highway, DO NOT SIT INSIDE the car (making call or whatsoever) while waiting for assistance, it is too DANGEROUS cos someone like those cock-eye driver might bang your car from rear, what you said in your video for No.1 - No.4 are ALL CORRECT but looks like you did not follow the No.4 (standing behind the barrier of the left at the highway.
金马伦很多东西吃! 不用跑去吃ramli burger! 马来档的确很不错吃! 我们这里都是吃tom yam! 尤其是冷天气时!有和饭店(7-11)隔壁也不错! 可以去尝试! 其实来金马伦建议自己做火锅更划算! 就jio很多人一起上来, 然后买料自己做,(billion买食材就好了)! Centrum很多homestay, 可以考虑跟家人一起再来! centrum有brew house, 冷天气来杯啤酒! 人生就是爽! 金马伦不再是当年那种! Lake house应该去一下, 风景很不错! Smokehouse没有lake house风景漂亮但食物不错!
金馬崙的jungle trails 分切有十段山道,可在網上找資料選擇,喜歡健行的朋友不要錯過。
你们经过那家有口福餐馆真的不错,可以试试,我在2022年底的时候去过,推荐你们可以去The SmokeHouse吃个午餐还有不能错过的Mr Aisu的冰淇淋
本人是同志,感觉你们去的那间旅馆是同志友善的旅馆哦 从设计 和 小孩不准入住,很好也 马来西亚又多一个对同志友善的地方了~
Near brinchang a lot of affordable hotel and very convenient
Hi! Janice & Jaguar. Thank You for sharing your Cameron Highlands vlog. Hope you did have a good time. Happy New Year 2004 🎉🎊🎈🥂 Wishing both a happy and successful year ahead.
Everytime my son long distance drive i will remind him to bring his car go to workshop for basic check for own safety because car stop at the highway definitely high risk so dangerous
Wow didnt knew Cameron Highlands has such nice shopping center!
Call insurance 免费
怡保机场去金马伦250马币出租车。回来也是250马币。Capethon酒店去茶园包车80马币。去年九月份去的, 好多餐馆关门了, 吃了印度餐。
I so long never go Cameron Highlands already. like the cool weather and sweet corns. 😂
Is it dangerous to latch your car to that vehicle? Thanks for sharing the details. Hope they don't mark up if they see Singapore car. 😂
我刚回來,看地區吧,我去Brinchang 团圆火鍋飯店吃一人份的炒飯及滑蛋河(午餐及晚餐), -份才rm8.5。料中等,份量大,夠飽。
金马伦大自然, 云顶赌场!
哇佬。。tayar 都 botak 了。。
Hi J & J, rules No.1 when flat tyre at the highway, DO NOT SIT INSIDE the car (making call or whatsoever) while waiting for assistance, it is too DANGEROUS cos someone like those cock-eye driver might bang your car from rear, what you said in your video for No.1 - No.4 are ALL CORRECT but looks like you did not follow the No.4 (standing behind the barrier of the left at the highway.
yes, we notice this afterwards , so come out with advice ~ -
Yes, you are right! The moment I saw this video, i notice this also. Wanted to tell them the same and saw your comment.
I heard Brinchang area got more chinese food.
i will be in malaysia for 9 days in late march. i look forward to my trip there. love from canada.
welcome to malaysia! enjoy our food
no spare type?
金馬崙是42年前我們蜜月旅行的地方,住在美麗花園和傳統英式服務的Smokehouse Hotel, 對面是高爾夫球塲,有另一家西式大旅館,望眼只有許多散落在山區的私人渡假英式古宅,沒有商店,吃喝都在旅館。山區非常安靜幽雅。我們去採出名的草莓,山區可健行,是帶旅館準備的午餐,從旅館門口右轉,經過小村落進入森林走道探險一天,裡面有清溪瀑布可玩水,原住民的爸爸帶兒子仍然是原始純樸,拿長叉在河𥚃捕魚,媽媽披袍撿柴木,走到茶園村鎭,再經養馬地,途經好幾個村子,風景優美。當時交通不便,上金馬崙從吉隆坡搭計程車,在怡保吃午餐後,換另一輛計程車上山,(山路像台北到宜蘭舊山路的九彎十八拐),跟大J的爸媽印象中的老金馬崙應是一樣的。
还记得很多年前我在金马伦吃过kuew tiow kongfu,我就忘不了,我可以一直去吃。个人口味 @jiaquan
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