As long as you help out around the farm, your considered a FARMER ok. Thank you for sharing your video... that makes us farmers just by watching... thank you.
I used to farm in Scott County, what township is your farm in. I used the same haybine, and, i always made a big windrow. It dried out much faster, and, when the hay was light, i could always rake to windrows together. I used a New Holland 273 baler and, loaded them on wagons, i got rid of my thrower, because i sold a lot of my hay, and, i wanted nicer bales. Do you use a bale hook to load? I once baled about 1200 bales in one long afternoon, the hay was heavy, i borrowed a bunch of extra wagons, and, my wife drove the baler. That was when i was young and fit, we spent the next day unloading and stacking in the hay mow.
Aww that's great news! I stacked my first wagonloads of hay back when we were first dating in college! It's actually my favorite form of weight lifting ;0)
I would assume you can find one in Canada, but I'm not Canadian so I can't claim to be an expert. It's called a Brillion seeder. A quick Google search should get you started with learning about them and where you might find one to use.
Thanks Millard! We've got a pretty good barter arrangement worked out: Mike fixes our 105 year old house up and I fix him up (I'm a physical therapist for my off farm job). The farm work I do for love.
With the dog shepherding and the help of a young lady you couldn't fail with that hay baling . Good weather too 👍🇬🇧
As long as you help out around the farm, your considered a FARMER ok. Thank you for sharing your video... that makes us farmers just by watching... thank you.
Heck yeah she’s a farmer now!! Just discovered your channel and I like it. Thank you for doing these!!
She’s a farmer now! She’s hooked!😁
Like the videos. Please keep doing them. Thanks.
عمل في الحقل مع الفاملي شي ممتع. ..
Doing Hay is no task for wimpier.. She’s a farmer Allright!!
I used to farm in Scott County, what township is your farm in. I used the same haybine, and, i always made a big windrow. It dried out much faster, and, when the hay was light, i could always rake to windrows together. I used a New Holland 273 baler and, loaded them on wagons, i got rid of my thrower, because i sold a lot of my hay, and, i wanted nicer bales. Do you use a bale hook to load? I once baled about 1200 bales in one long afternoon, the hay was heavy, i borrowed a bunch of extra wagons, and, my wife drove the baler. That was when i was young and fit, we spent the next day unloading and stacking in the hay mow.
I would see how she does unloading hay and if she is still smiling then she is a farmer good team work
If she helps you stack in the barn she's on the "A" team.
Aww that's great news! I stacked my first wagonloads of hay back when we were first dating in college! It's actually my favorite form of weight lifting ;0)
Hi there
Thank you for sharing this information with us. Is machine to seed Tef available in Canada? Could you share the link
I would assume you can find one in Canada, but I'm not Canadian so I can't claim to be an expert. It's called a Brillion seeder. A quick Google search should get you started with learning about them and where you might find one to use.
@@ravenviewfarm thank you so much! I found it
It counts!
Nice videos like your channel, what model baler in your New Holland ?
Hey Kerry! Thank you sir. If my memory serves and I don't mix my numbers up, it's a New Holland 276.
Is this type of teff seed edible? And where do you get your seeds? Thanks!
Could you please assist us get the full specs for a Teff/Alfalfa planter and manufacturer's name. Thanks.
hey love the hey
You might as well put her on the payroll. Looks like she got the job done.
Thanks Millard! We've got a pretty good barter arrangement worked out: Mike fixes our 105 year old house up and I fix him up (I'm a physical therapist for my off farm job). The farm work I do for love.
I would call Her a farmer
People watching videos to see way of growing ur voice is enough
U can show ur self 1 2 times but all video then it’s much
Good girl