this isn’t really related to the video, but i have to say-i kept seeing people talk about Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane in comment sections everywhere. after weeks of wondering, i finally decided to read the book, and i get it now. it’s not just about wishful thinking; it’s about learning how to truly focus your energy and align it with your intentions. it’s made me rethink so many things about how i approach life.
this might be a bit off-topic, but has anyone else noticed how often Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane comes up in video comments? i finally caved and read the book, and wow-it’s worth the buzz. it’s not just some feel-good advice; it actually gives you tools to focus your energy and make things happen. it’s subtle at first, but then you start to see how much of a difference it makes in how you approach your goals
i know this isn’t related to the video, but i kept seeing people talk about the book Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane in the comments of so many videos. at first, i thought it was just hype, but i gave in and read it. honestly, it’s been a game-changer. it’s not just about “thinking positive”-it really breaks down how to align your energy with what you want in a way that feels real. seeing little shifts in my own life now, i can see why so many people swear by it.
i know this has nothing to do with the video, but i kept seeing Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned everywhere in comment sections. i was skeptical, but after hearing so much about it, i decided to give it a read. honestly, it’s not just hype. the book teaches you how to shift your energy and mindset in a way that feels natural, and it’s amazing how much it changes the way you see your goals and the opportunities around you.
Gjesti po mos me pas lojtar te fort nuk do kishte mujt me lujt si ne bbk qe e kan lan me lujt si ka dasht ai mir ka thsn arberi ka edhe aty brenda lojtar te fort sa arberi e ka dit se ka ken ma i votumi
i know this isn’t the place for it, but i kept seeing Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned over and over in comments, and curiosity finally got the better of me. i read the book, and honestly, it’s one of the most practical guides to understanding manifestation i’ve ever seen. it’s not about instant results, but you can feel the difference as you apply what it teaches. seeing how people respond to me now, i totally get why it’s all over the comments.
Gjesti bravo kjo eshte nje loje qe i eshte dhene mire bene te shoh ca shpjegimi do na japi egli se ca ndej per gjestin e ka vella si perfundim apo e don si burre
O gjesti qfare ideje per kete loje.vetem Rozana e din kte.edhe Egli por me sa duket tani e bespi edhe ajo .edhe ajo ra ne te me gjithe te tjeret.hahahahahhaha.sonte del ne prime Loja
Nuk krahasohet po esht king i epokes tina si ky si aj jan dy kinga turp qe mas luizit vin kta njerh ne big brother nuk kan msu kurgja orej luizit ajo esht turp
Gjesti ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Forca Gjesti
Jozi si tabel qitje😂 i bien te gjith sdo ti degjoj me budalliqet e tij
Jozi nji ftyr negative .....
Gjesti që kall shpinë ❤
this isn’t really related to the video, but i have to say-i kept seeing people talk about Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane in comment sections everywhere. after weeks of wondering, i finally decided to read the book, and i get it now. it’s not just about wishful thinking; it’s about learning how to truly focus your energy and align it with your intentions. it’s made me rethink so many things about how i approach life.
Gjesti. Forca. 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁Se sen sjon tu Bo veq ti I qet pi gjumit
Gjesti po bene keshtu je njeri i lige vulgare
Shum vlera po i jepni kti kalamoni.vetem llapazon esht
Gjestiii 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Gjesti 🦁🫡
Goooo gjesti❤❤❤❤❤
Gjesti eshte fenomen i papar ne asnje Big me pare. Lojtar i lindur. Strateg, komik, i kendshem. Ky eshte Bigu Gjestit, fitues absolut!!
Qfar lesh komiku ky asht psikopat
Gjestiiiii 🎉❤🎉❤
@@FahrieKastrati forca kalama kosove hahah . nje femije
Gjesti je fenomen pasha zotin nuk vjen me lojtar si gjesti. Gjesti jemi me ty deri ne vdekje
po ik e se lat nom si thu deri n vdekje per 1 show n tv
Gjesti e uli Eglin shum i lumt doli haka e Xumit .
Mu ka perzi qe disa ore,nuk po marr vesh sen.Mendoja qe po bente loje Gjesti por spo kuptoj gje fare 😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂loj loj po ca loje ra vet
Loj e ka mi bo llug krejt shpin e ka bo marrveshje me eglin😂😂😂😂😂😂 per me bind banort se se don eglin po ka lujt
Ishalla esht loj se è niente per loj po ky me duket sikur esht tu bo ket loj veq me pa se a esht tu lendu egli a jo a e do vertet apo jo
❤❤🎉🎉XH❤ GJ
this might be a bit off-topic, but has anyone else noticed how often Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane comes up in video comments? i finally caved and read the book, and wow-it’s worth the buzz. it’s not just some feel-good advice; it actually gives you tools to focus your energy and make things happen. it’s subtle at first, but then you start to see how much of a difference it makes in how you approach your goals
Ky po e ben tgjithen me fut livian ne loj sps esht shum n gjum 🤣🤣🤣
Livia po me pelqen ketu , se nuk e duroja hic, loje ose jo por po arsyeton drejt
Gjesti 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Gjesti e ban lojen me Eglin super
Gjesti forca🎉 lereni rehate sa I drejte
Forca Gjesti 🔥👏
Gjesti Xheneta tf pret zemër ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ja shkelën bishtin Gjestit😢😢
Forca gjesti🎉🎉🎉🎉
Naten e mir ahahhaaggaga
E ka rzu nje 2 meter njeri prej naltit ma bur esht gjesti se krejt kta na myti gjesti hahahah
Vendi yne është ndërtuar nga gra të forta...💜👑💜 E G L I 🇦🇱 GJESTI
Me gra baxhella😂
sa mir i bohet ksaj eglit se per gjestin eleminoi xumin
Gjesti ka te drejt ka hi 2 jav nuk mund ta dashuroi as ken sa vajza te ulta
Loja gjestit i tranoj 😂😂😂😂❤
Qenka uritur hijenat Pas gjestit ne ajer mbaj 1 Kunder gjithve kio o loja kio o cka gjesti Po Ben e ju Smundeni u kry cdo sen
Forca gjest 👑👍👑
Forca gjesti se je me i miri ketu
U knaq gjesti tu tall
Ça eshte ky kalama dy llafe di te thot
Po këtyre gjysheve edhe ju ha, edhe ju djegë…ç’farë të bëj Gjesti i vogël..!! 😂😂
Kjo eshte koha e rozanes me gje setin me i ra livias dhe eglit per loje 😂
i know this isn’t related to the video, but i kept seeing people talk about the book Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane in the comments of so many videos. at first, i thought it was just hype, but i gave in and read it. honestly, it’s been a game-changer. it’s not just about “thinking positive”-it really breaks down how to align your energy with what you want in a way that feels real. seeing little shifts in my own life now, i can see why so many people swear by it.
Egli hodhi alarmin ne shtepi Gjesti nuk me afrohet me 😄
Hahaha fillun edhe ata aty me “naten e mir” kur duan me thene qe ka marr fund biseda ajo qe than 😂 deka
Gjesti Kinguu
Gjesti mban respekt per Xumin .
Kur more Zumi ka ken ai qe e ka mbajt afer kur te gjith ju larguan e ne fund gjesti ja futi
Te ka tregue fillim moj shtrig ,gjest 👑
po ik mo mamaqir serb
kosova eshte serbi keni nje gjak
Bravi gjesti Eglinton vazhdoni deri ne fut
Gjesti xheneta 🎉🎉
Po Gjesti ka then nuk kame djenja
Kan bo plan prej dje me bo loj
Egli e tepron....bravo gjesti❤🎉
Loja e gjestit dhe e eglit tash te gjith bin ne grackë 😅
Forca. Gjesi se. Xheki inshalla Sante. Po. Hyn. ❤
I myti gjesti
i know this has nothing to do with the video, but i kept seeing Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned everywhere in comment sections. i was skeptical, but after hearing so much about it, i decided to give it a read. honestly, it’s not just hype. the book teaches you how to shift your energy and mindset in a way that feels natural, and it’s amazing how much it changes the way you see your goals and the opportunities around you.
Ikni moj sorra
E ka trazu krejt shpien... 😂
Gjesti po mos me pas lojtar te fort nuk do kishte mujt me lujt si ne bbk qe e kan lan me lujt si ka dasht ai mir ka thsn arberi ka edhe aty brenda lojtar te fort sa arberi e ka dit se ka ken ma i votumi
i know this isn’t the place for it, but i kept seeing Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned over and over in comments, and curiosity finally got the better of me. i read the book, and honestly, it’s one of the most practical guides to understanding manifestation i’ve ever seen. it’s not about instant results, but you can feel the difference as you apply what it teaches. seeing how people respond to me now, i totally get why it’s all over the comments.
Gjesti bravo kjo eshte nje loje qe i eshte dhene mire bene te shoh ca shpjegimi do na japi egli se ca ndej per gjestin e ka vella si perfundim apo e don si burre
O gjesti qfare ideje per kete loje.vetem Rozana e din kte.edhe Egli por me sa duket tani e bespi edhe ajo .edhe ajo ra ne te me gjithe te tjeret.hahahahahhaha.sonte del ne prime Loja
Livja stop
Gjesti largoju Eglit si ishte egoiste edhe po te shfrytezon po ta prish lojen
BRAVOOOOO Gjestiiiii 🦁💫🤍 oooo egliiiisheeee hiquuu prej Gjestiiit se ky e ka Dashuriiin e vet ne Zëmer
Egli eshte me lart se gjesi ose ndonje tjeter aty
Egli eshte me fundrina aty mire zamira 😂
Po ik moj Egli ti vet ju ke ngjit se le rahat e përndjek
Sa poshte ra egli
Egli karma ,cumi kenaqu tani ra poshte kjo
Gjesti ka me u bo si xumi versioni cop muti me 2sy ...a ka nis me i hy vetja nqef
Ja kuptun krejt lojen gjestit tash i vejn inat
Po bejn loj o njerez.
kosova serbiii
Ai nuk krahasohet Kure me luanin big brother 2
Nuk krahasohet po esht king i epokes tina si ky si aj jan dy kinga turp qe mas luizit vin kta njerh ne big brother nuk kan msu kurgja orej luizit ajo esht turp
Kalama do jesh ti me gjith macoket e tu
Ky esht Luan i ri dmth e myt te vjetrin muhaaahhahahaahha
Pirdho more gjest pirdhrobshi
Gjesti ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Gjesti ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gjesti ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gjesti ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Gjesti 🎉🎉🎉
Gjesti ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gjesti ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉