I'm surprised that Central were still using the Moon front cap as late in the decade as this. The region had long stopped using it as a continuity piece, the Cake had completely taken over by around 1985. In the early 80's, a local shopping centre installed two huge illuminated poster billboards. Only a single advert was ever displayed on one of them, for Central News East. It appeared in, I think, 1983 and featured the coloured Moon logo. I'm sure that Central must only have paid for a few months worth of ad space, but, because nobody else ever advertised on them, it stayed there for 13 years. The print on the poster had faded significantly, by the time it was removed. The only reason it came down, was because the centre was having a huge renovation which saw the unsuccessful billboards removed. So the Moon logo, inadvertently, persisted to be a dominating feature in the city right up until only three years before the brand was retired.
I'm surprised that Central were still using the Moon front cap as late in the decade as this. The region had long stopped using it as a continuity piece, the Cake had completely taken over by around 1985. In the early 80's, a local shopping centre installed two huge illuminated poster billboards. Only a single advert was ever displayed on one of them, for Central News East. It appeared in, I think, 1983 and featured the coloured Moon logo. I'm sure that Central must only have paid for a few months worth of ad space, but, because nobody else ever advertised on them, it stayed there for 13 years. The print on the poster had faded significantly, by the time it was removed. The only reason it came down, was because the centre was having a huge renovation which saw the unsuccessful billboards removed. So the Moon logo, inadvertently, persisted to be a dominating feature in the city right up until only three years before the brand was retired.
Thanks for sharing with us. Great episode!
One of the last episodes of Crossroads to use the Tony Hatch theme tune before they changed it.
The front door opening outward at Adam Chance's batchelor apartment, very weird.
Well, I thought this wasn't a bad episode at all.
Is there anybody know the episode date and number for this episode thank you. I would appreciate it thinks.
Episode #4428 (20 August 1987)