Ho Ho Hoo! Now you got your Christmas, laddie! Hope you all have some good days and nights in these trembling times. And dont forget: Be nice and brave! HO HO HOOO!
I actually own both volumes but have not had a chance to work on anything with them. Just moved to a new daw, setting up new template, and getting everything balanced. I am so impressed with them. That Choir library is awesome btw. The best ones are always private. Keep it up Blake.
You know, Outset Island's theme has got to be one of the nicest bits of music from any of the LoZ games. There are a lot that pull at my heartstrings with nostalgia, sure, like Kakariko Village (in both A Link to the Past and Ocarina) but Outset is just--nice. Pleasant.
Ahh... the good times when i did't know how to crawl. Nothing beats grandma music, exept when she found out Aryell was gone. Liek if u cri evritijme :(
if you're talking about the WW ones, yeah, ZREO just played the theme on the instruments, nothing more. Dummeh changed a few things for the better, imho (sounds fantastic!) I advise you listen Twilight Symphony by ZREO. It's just a fantastic work based on Twilight Princess!
Is there any way we can purchase this version of the song? I checked itunes, and I believe you can only buy the christmas version of this song, but I would love to throw some cash your way for this track. I love this version the best. Keep up the good work.
I think you should put the entire soundtrack onto your to-do list. :D I love the soundtrack, as much as I love everything about Wind Waker. Also, could you do the theme song to Don't Starve?
- Aryll
***** Thats what I was getting at. XD
"Ask your partner to eat fruit so that way the cum tastes sweeter"
@@pollutedsouldier Big Brother Edward
=.= sleepy
When I hear this, all I can think about is Arin screaming "BIG BROOTTTHHHERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!"
big brotheeer!
Danny: oh my god
Danny: oh my god!! Barry, are you ok there buddy? (ear appears on screen)
Yay fellow Game Grumps fans
Wind waker was the first LoZ game i ever played... 61 times
The nostalgia
+Tom allen Still wish I could skip that 5 minute beginning cutscene...
all your music reminds me of Christmas.
now i want Christmass ;_;
;-; x2
Ho Ho Hoo! Now you got your Christmas, laddie! Hope you all have some good days and nights in these trembling times. And dont forget: Be nice and brave! HO HO HOOO!
Coming soon :)
Great. Years later, I finally got this out of my head, and now it's back. I hope you're satisfied.
As always very beautifully orchestrated, I like the choirs that are reinforcing the magical Xmas ambiance you've given to it :)
Only five seconds in and I liked it!
God damn nostalgia...I love it...
This is excellent - and I love your custom choir library. Orchestration here is one of your best.
7 yeas later and its still good!
it's so beautiful that it makes me cry :(
*everybody's favorite game
Wind Waker is one of the best :3
naawww its da best
Yeah ok cx
People might say that ocarina of time is better, but i laugh them in the face and sail away on an epic adventure!
It's always so nice to see a little blue box pop up on my TH-cam page, with another music track you uploaded!
Music like this makes me cry. ;D
Aaaah the happy childhood memories...
This is MADE to be listened to flawlessly, isn't it?
And by that, I mean that this was simply magnificent.
This made me happy. Very very happy. Great job.
This is the one of the first games I ever played man sure brings back memories
this is my fav LOZ song of all time thank you for this
God damn it Blake, I've been craving a game of Wind Waker forever. I don't have it/GameCube. Once again, an outstanding orchestrated song
Makes me want to play WW again :)
Awesomely done dummeh. Your style is really something now, it's instantly recognisable, very complex and well-balanced.
This makes me so happy.
Since wind waker is my favorite legend of zelda game this really brings back the feeling of sadness when I beat the game.
I´m most certainly glad to hear that. It´s one of my favorites. :)
I just discovered this channel. WOW, it's amazing!
I've been waiting for this!! Thank you blake! Seriously thank you!!
I stumbled across your channel a while ago and I have to say, you are amazing!
I actually own both volumes but have not had a chance to work on anything with them. Just moved to a new daw, setting up new template, and getting everything balanced. I am so impressed with them. That Choir library is awesome btw. The best ones are always private. Keep it up Blake.
How didn't I notice!!?? This is incredible!!
love when you do wind waker music its my favorite zelda game and you do amazing jobs on these songs
Aaaand finally I decided to give in and subscribe. I DON'T want to miss that one!
simply amazing...
I'm so fucking happy that I'm bawling my eyes out and laughing at the same time.
Thanks! Man, they really sound great there, good job!!
Love your works. You are amazing
You know, Outset Island's theme has got to be one of the nicest bits of music from any of the LoZ games. There are a lot that pull at my heartstrings with nostalgia, sure, like Kakariko Village (in both A Link to the Past and Ocarina) but Outset is just--nice. Pleasant.
Amazing. Just like every other video you put out. You have real talent.
I loved wind Waker so much
Never mind, I see you have already, I loooooooove it! :D
Such nostalgia!
Just amazing
“Very nice reinterpretation, especially with the add chorus.” (-James)
Beautiful :) One of my favorite Zelda songs!
I think you really hit the spot with this one--I think this is one of your best. ;)
I really like the 'ooooo' vocals. It gives it a bit of an Elfman feel.
I find the Christmassy vibes make the song very majestic!
Quintessential starter-town music!
😳😳 So reminds us of childhood!
wonderful, and I'm just waiting for the day of the BK one.
Ahh... the good times when i did't know how to crawl. Nothing beats grandma music, exept when she found out Aryell was gone.
Liek if u cri evritijme :(
Christmas hitting Outset Island hard
This sounds straight out of the sims XD but seriously, I love your work. Absolutely fabulous.
Please just do the whole WW soundtrack. YOu are amazing, these covers are beautiful... SOOOOO GOOOD.
that was awesome!
man. you are a god.
You are a genius!!!
The fucking bells... is just 👌👌
So gooood!! I would literary pay you money for you to orchestrate the big sea score D:
Dem shivers.
Feels like a christmas song.
So lovely~ ^_^
damnit. now i feel like i need to play the game again, nostalgia could be a funny thing.
Wonderful music...
Now stop following me, strange snotty child!
Sounds incredibly Christmasy. You really like your bells and choirs don't you?
I love this SO MUCH! May I please use this in an upcoming video of mine? Thanks.
Sounds Christmassy I like it
I wish you would post this track to loop for ten minutes or longer. :)
Oh, I mean the Christmas bells ^^ (I'm french so I don't know the english name xD)
BTW, it's still a pleasure to hear this music ^^ :)
Yea so this randomly came on auto play and I sat there with my jaw dropped for the whole song
ooo I like this one
Basically it's the Christmas calendar's Outset Island theme without bells ^^
My childhood 😢
if you're talking about the WW ones, yeah, ZREO just played the theme on the instruments, nothing more. Dummeh changed a few things for the better, imho (sounds fantastic!)
I advise you listen Twilight Symphony by ZREO. It's just a fantastic work based on Twilight Princess!
Just too good dummeh. Just too good :)
The only video game music that I can stand even the 284th time
And now there's an Hd version of this game that's fully orchestrated
Outro is the Max Payne theme for anyone wondering.
Please do the whole Wind Waker OST.
i love you
Is there any way we can purchase this version of the song? I checked itunes, and I believe you can only buy the christmas version of this song, but I would love to throw some cash your way for this track. I love this version the best. Keep up the good work.
I cry
They need to get this guy to do the music for Wind Waker HD.
I think you should put the entire soundtrack onto your to-do list. :D I love the soundtrack, as much as I love everything about Wind Waker. Also, could you do the theme song to Don't Starve?
sounds like Dany Elfman composed it. Love it
Just saying..i saw youre on spotify but only a few songs. i need them all!
They should just throw this in the hd version. like, very rudely just throw it. :)
wonderful again, dummehhhh...
I love you.
OMG MY FAV SONG EVER IN ZELDA HISTORY!!! Ok i really need to calm down...hey any cello sheet music for this piece?
yeahhhhhhhh :D
If only this made it to the Wind Waker HD... :(