I was thinking the same, my guess is a recovery position, but doing that as careful as possible. I have seen 3 versions so far - stabilisation of the head by placing hands under and keeping head in line with the spine, second is leaving person still as found, third is recovery position (in case of vomiting only probably (?) ) And... all these if a person is conscious. If unconscious and breathing most likely recovery position or just tilting of the head back to open airway to prevent spinal movement... who knows so much confusing information.
Thank you
How would you turn them if you were on your own and they needed to vomit? Thank you very much
I was thinking the same, my guess is a recovery position, but doing that as careful as possible. I have seen 3 versions so far - stabilisation of the head by placing hands under and keeping head in line with the spine, second is leaving person still as found, third is recovery position (in case of vomiting only probably (?) ) And... all these if a person is conscious. If unconscious and breathing most likely recovery position or just tilting of the head back to open airway to prevent spinal movement... who knows so much confusing information.