they may be Christian (like me, so dont think im making fun of em lol) but they still have that brutal sound some of the most hardcore bands out there that are satinist. keep up that fucking amazing work Demon Hunter \m/
@skull2470 He is probably referiing to the physical church which is not necessary the terminology I would use is the Body Politic of Christ which we do need.
It's Christian band. So what? They make good music. Get over it, enjoy the music, and move on with your life. No sense arguing theology online... Unless you have no life, of course.
@ProductionsFatKat "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" would you want someone of another faith to come up to you and try to convert you to theirs?
@stickman2012 It's an unholy sound. Music is not supposed to be distorted, hence the "DISTORTION" in most metal/rock. Guitars are fine because they're string instruments. Distorted and amplified guitars are NOT.
@Leftunloved That's exactly what I'm trying to explain to you. Not all metal is Satanic. It's all just a jumble of musical notes, along with some lyrics and a drum beat. I know that some metal out there is Satanic, and I still enjoy listening to it. It's a great way to vent anger, rather than taking it out on somebody. All music is beautiful, except for the poor excuses of music such as Pop, Hip-Hop, Rap and anything of that sort.
@acidtrip45 if they believed i would be facing a horrible future staying on the path that i was currently on, then YES. I would hope they would care enough to share inspite of how I might initially respond. For us true believers and disciples of Jesus, those of us who are in an intimate relationship with HIM and not just merley religious or do-gooders, it would be utter HATRED for us to remain quiet about our faith and further more to stay silent in regards to the topic of hell
What's better than a relationship with God? And I don't want to start anything so please don't think I asked that in a demanding way... I was just curious.. :)
wouldn't you rather believe and find out you're wrong then to not believe and find out you're wrong? You don't find out until it's too late to change your mind
Wretched Egg If I tell you the sky is green, you can choose to answer "yes, it is" or "no, it isn't". But no matter how you choose to ANSWER, when you look at the sky, you will still see blue. What you believe cannot be changed.
@Leftunloved God loves all music that brings him praise(or brings people to Him) This music is a ministry(sp) for these people and it is where God has called them to go. They are reaching out to metalheads that otherwise would have to listen to Satanic music(not all metal music is satanic btw) These guys should not be torn down for what they are doing, for they are doing exactly what God says to do, go and make disciples of all nations.
@skull2470 As much as I hate to get into debates on youtube, I'll do it anyways. Doesn't it say in the bible that there is no "true" form of worship? That any form of devotion to Christ is counted as worship, not just that done at church, from what I remember you could kneel at a rock in a desert and it'll be just the same as if it were at a pew in a church. Just some minor speculation.
@Leftunloved He also said some so in that case he is not wrong. If he had said all satanist bands were hardcore THEN he would be wrong. Please read more carefully before you say someone is wrong. Have a good day
I have one question; Why, if a non-believer is getting a good message from good music, why would you try and deter them away from it by starting these pitiful, petty, disgusting little fights? Demon hunter is a good band, in more than one sense of the word; let everyone listen to a good message in peace. It is only planting good seeds in your mind that will come to fruition. Don't be misled-you cannot mock the justice of God. You will ALWAYS harvest what you plant. So let good seeds be planted.
@1God1Love1Way agreed and I heard a quote that was on a war of ages song saying Christians who accept Jesus with their lips an deny him by their lifestyles are the leading cause of atheism so we should all by like Christ he never shoved it down peoples throats and put them on the spot n wut not
@Leftunloved like stick said, if it glorifies God, then it brings happiness to Him. And christian Metal music helps ppl who metal and dont want to listen to the stuff that disses Jesus,.. of course if its not Christian it disses Him anyways... Tough spot because i love all mussic
@Leftunloved I believe that our opponent is god, as he is clearly filled with greed himself. I believe that god should fall down and allow another to rise. I believe that, "satan" as he was named when damned, should have a second chance if not full power as someone who can be helpful. "Satan" only wanted to become the greatest of goods, and he was damned to hell for it. He wanted it out of greed, but it was still the same driving power. You're the stereotype, and you embrace it.
no we stand as one body, we do not climb this mountain alone cause if we all did we would all fall, thats why when we reach the top we will not boast in our selves. yes there times where we spend one on one time with God that is important, but that is not the church, where three or four are gathered that is the church
@Leftunloved Look up a musician named Brian Head Welch. This is a christian man who overcame drug addiction and was the lead guitar in the metal band Korn. He came out with some metal thats Christian. Listen to the lyrics not the style. It doesent matter what style music it is just the place of the persons heart. Nothing that glorify God is ever going to be unholy/
I think its funny how these people get on here and think they know everything about god and can just judge everyone on here and tell everyone wrong from right, i dont know alot about god but i do believe thats his job to do? and you people that get on here and comment that this is bad music and you dont think its right, ok but dont you have to listen to it to start your judgments? bec thats what your goal is right? if you dont like it dont listen to it and then judge everyone on here in your comments, if you are a true christian then please let god do the judging and quit striking everyone down just bec they listen to music that you think is wrong, did god tell you that the music is bad? does the bible say you cant listen to christian metal? if anything god is upset with you for judging and being a hypocrite. listen to your own music and stop searching for things to comment your judgements. thank you.
@TheTreForce It doesn't have to be stated directly for it to be true. Just because the bible doesn't exactly state that you can't "state incorrect things about a subject" (lie) doesn't mean that you can.
@Leftunloved I don't know what you're talking about man, Some music just appeals to other audiences. You may like real churchy music but most of the people viewing this video like this. You know as long as the message of the song is christian and for God, I don't really think it matters. Me, I don't pick certain genres I like a lot of varieties of christian music. Check out "Hillsong United" and "Delirious?", those are some of my favorite christian rock bands. Take care.
@Leftunloved Have you listened to their lyrics? You have not won this argument because you never brought up any valid point. "Awaiting my end breathing in the day that finds me new. Redemption begins bleeding out the flaws in place of you. Awaiting my end breathing in the day that finds me new. Redemption begins Redemption Begins." Demon Hunter - Deteriorate A christian message. That is one of their softer songs, but they can't make both christian and satanic music. Can't serve two masters
@sethaaron42 wow hey watch what you say man. its true you have to have a close relationship with Christ to enter heaven, but it can not grow with out the church. the plant can not grow if it has the sun alone, and The plant can not grow if it is watered with out the sun. You can't have one with out the other the plant will die. the church is not a place it is we the people the body and Christ is the head. When you say we do not need the church you are beheading Christ!
@Jenovix where did i say anything about worship!? im talking about the church importance! why are you trying to turn away the church?! it is the body of Christ, WE THE PEOPLE! i know worship is our goal so don't act as if you know who i am! a follower does not need to go to church they want to! a follower will worship God on a rock in the desert at any time even at the edge of death! what do think a man who knows nothing about our God do?
@Leftunloved Why should I? Because I have proved you wrong and that I enjoy metal and some other music? I could have given you a number of stereotypes but I didn't, because it just makes me as bad as you. I even went out of my way to go to a church, ask a priest, "Is metal satanic?" He then said, "No. Music is only music, unless you put Satanic lyrics into it." I then asked him, "Ok, is metal Satanic if it is praising God and such?" He then said, "No, not in the least."
Psalm 150(NKJV)) 1Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! 3 Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! 4 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! 5 Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! 6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 That was a good comment until you cussed, I'm a christian too I don't really care for the screaming either. He has a good voice when he actually sings but I can't find one of their songs that don't scream.
@Leftunloved Response to number 3...Not all Christain bands have to be soft and hymnal. Nothing wrong with either soft or hard...All music that glorifies God is okay with me.
@Leftunloved So, your telling me that because God himself didn't say it, it doesn't count? How do you know God said that this is distortion? And music as far as I'm concerned is man made. I highly doubt that God himself created it. Either way, it was pretty much given to us, if he did create it. We have free will, is that not true?
Michael Byfield Dude, just by your writing I can already tell that you probably don't have much in your bank account. Why would anyone bother hacking your computer?
@stickman2012 Okay with you isn't okay with god. You don't judge the world. You don't control which things are sins and which are absolutely forbidden. You don't control what God allows and disallows. If god says you can't do it, you can't do it, end of story. God doesn't care if it's okay with you, it's still against the highest level of law.
@Leftunloved How can you call music with a Christian message satanic? Thats like the people calling Jesus demon possessed when he was casting out demons. Mark 3:23-26 states "23 So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: "How can Satan drive out Satan? 24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 26 And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come."
@Leftunloved This is almost as heavy as metal can get, if you want to get into the heavier genres such as Deathcore, so be it. That isn't even satanic. Most of them are Atheist. Not all metal or any other genre, is NOT SATANIC. You are just giving a stereotype, which is not true.
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 You really had to say satanist? Really? You had to include that? That's incorrect for 3 reasons... 1. Not all christian bands are really christian, sometimes they are actually satanism in disguise, hence the name "The Deciever" that satan was labeled. 2. Not all hardcore bands HAVE to be satanic, I've heard bands that are much more hardcore and death sounding than most satanic ones. 3. Satanism doesn't have to be hardcore, my great uncle was a strong christian but also a high
@DragonBallZFan13 It's not a christian message. Have you even listened to their lyrics? I want to end this, I've won the argument, you're simply driving it off course, and I'm not following it.
@Leftunloved Distorting your guitar for a different sound is not demonic at all, show me evidence from the bible that says it is. You're right Satan does distort the truth and make sinful things look really good, but this is pretty ridiculous saying that when you literally distort sound it's demonic. Read your bible more if you have one, it will help you a lot more than you think.
@TheTreForce No, I absolutely love metal I'm not christian at all. I was, however, raised christian. I KNOW that there is no such thing as a christian rock/metal band that has a distorted guitar. "God" disapproves of such things, the distortion of true sound. It's almost the same as the distortion of truth, to hide the reality, which is exactly what Satan does. Satan is a liar, and is the core of ALL distortion and of lies as well. Satan is the deceiver, you're simply fueling him.
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 All metal is satanic. It may not be intended, but they are all satanic, within your incompetent mind you know this, but since you're so eager to win this fight I will allow you to. I know what I'm talking about, you've said nothing about anything that I don't know. I know what I'm saying, I know that it's true, I know that you're simply trying to win this after it's dead. Just leave it, and move on already.
@kinnkilla2 Sorry that your whole church was full of hypocrates and how they didn't help you at all. I can see why God let go of it though. They didn't love other people, the pastor wasn't responsible for anything but what he wanted, and they wasted a good opportunity to spread the word. One part of me feels sorry for saying this, but the other part of me feels good to say this but thank God for splitting up that church. It was doing nothing to benfit Him, you know?
uuhh yeah it can grow without the church? because as long as you worship, you are the church. you dont need anybody else to improve your relationship with christ. its your job and your job alone.
There is no real "God" there is a high power that watches over us. if you wish to call that higher power "God" then go ahead. All i know is that there is something more out there watching over us. One Day we will find out what that actually is.
Not really. DH started playing Drop B since Summer of Darkness; in particular this song, while Deftones started tuning much lower and playing on a 7-string; I think the tuning is C# or something.
There is no evidence that god exists. So why believe in him. It's as simple as that. "Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure." - George Carlin
why live life knowing it doesnt matter, were there nothing aside this existence we should all not an extremist but tis a pain when people dont want to believe in anything more than pathetic humans...
Kiora Grace I believe life has no purpose, and that makes us free. We cannot succeed, we cannot fail, we serve nothing and nobody with our lives. Also, humans are not pathetic. Some of them are, of course, but not all.
I love this song and the entire CD. Its therapy for me from all my painful childhood memories. And I'm a Christian.
0:46 "see all my pizzas catch ablaze"
wonderfullllllll song
Lol at first i was wondering what you were talking about cause your names Gods Army xD then i red the last part..
I like this song 👍
they may be Christian (like me, so dont think im making fun of em lol) but they still have that brutal sound some of the most hardcore bands out there that are satinist. keep up that fucking amazing work Demon Hunter \m/
@skull2470 He is probably referiing to the physical church which is not necessary the terminology I would use is the Body Politic of Christ which we do need.
yesss!! >:D
It's Christian band. So what? They make good music. Get over it, enjoy the music, and move on with your life. No sense arguing theology online... Unless you have no life, of course.
@kinnkilla2 Glad to hear it! =) I only pray that He opens that church's eyes and help them fix things. It's all you can do really...
@ProductionsFatKat "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" would you want someone of another faith to come up to you and try to convert you to theirs?
@skull2470 See, That is what I wanted to hear, not that people HAD to go to church but that they WANTED to. =D
@stickman2012 It's an unholy sound. Music is not supposed to be distorted, hence the "DISTORTION" in most metal/rock. Guitars are fine because they're string instruments. Distorted and amplified guitars are NOT.
@navarrodragon25 wow. i'm ashamed i even posted this. i cant believe i used to be so petty.
@Leftunloved That's exactly what I'm trying to explain to you. Not all metal is Satanic. It's all just a jumble of musical notes, along with some lyrics and a drum beat. I know that some metal out there is Satanic, and I still enjoy listening to it. It's a great way to vent anger, rather than taking it out on somebody. All music is beautiful, except for the poor excuses of music such as Pop, Hip-Hop, Rap and anything of that sort.
@acidtrip45 if they believed i would be facing a horrible future staying on the path that i was currently on, then YES. I would hope they would care enough to share inspite of how I might initially respond. For us true believers and disciples of Jesus, those of us who are in an intimate relationship with HIM and not just merley religious or do-gooders, it would be utter HATRED for us to remain quiet about our faith and further more to stay silent in regards to the topic of hell
What's better than a relationship with God? And I don't want to start anything so please don't think I asked that in a demanding way... I was just curious.. :)
wouldn't you rather believe and find out you're wrong then to not believe and find out you're wrong? You don't find out until it's too late to change your mind
Pascal's Wager. How come you don't convert to Islam, wouldn't you rather believe and be wrong than not believe and be wrong?
***** We have to make a stand for something, not anything
Aetheists can't choose what they beleive. Belief isn't alliegance, or a bet, or a conclusion. Belief exists inside a person.
Wretched Egg
If I tell you the sky is green, you can choose to answer "yes, it is" or "no, it isn't".
But no matter how you choose to ANSWER, when you look at the sky, you will still see blue. What you believe cannot be changed.
+felynecomrade Some people just want to believe though
For whatever reason (fear mostly)
@krijadesten hahaha yeah we're wrong for doing that but hey no ones perfect, the perfect one died a LONG time ago
I love being Norse and still enjoy music like this :D
@Leftunloved God loves all music that brings him praise(or brings people to Him) This music is a ministry(sp) for these people and it is where God has called them to go. They are reaching out to metalheads that otherwise would have to listen to Satanic music(not all metal music is satanic btw) These guys should not be torn down for what they are doing, for they are doing exactly what God says to do, go and make disciples of all nations.
What is it then? If it isn't God? What is this 'high power' without a name? At least we Christians can explain our God.
@skull2470 As much as I hate to get into debates on youtube, I'll do it anyways. Doesn't it say in the bible that there is no "true" form of worship? That any form of devotion to Christ is counted as worship, not just that done at church, from what I remember you could kneel at a rock in a desert and it'll be just the same as if it were at a pew in a church. Just some minor speculation.
Everyone should calm down and enjoy the song. There's nothing wrong with it.
@Leftunloved He also said some so in that case he is not wrong. If he had said all satanist bands were hardcore THEN he would be wrong. Please read more carefully before you say someone is wrong.
Have a good day
you know this is the first video if watched without someone cursing thank the lord im tired of people like those.
Im pretty sure it says in the bible praise God with all your instruments something along those lines
I have one question; Why, if a non-believer is getting a good message from good music, why would you try and deter them away from it by starting these pitiful, petty, disgusting little fights? Demon hunter is a good band, in more than one sense of the word; let everyone listen to a good message in peace. It is only planting good seeds in your mind that will come to fruition. Don't be misled-you cannot mock the justice of God. You will ALWAYS harvest what you plant. So let good seeds be planted.
This Thursday April 25 Demon Hunter with SIEGA in ARGENTINA
Good Song
@1God1Love1Way agreed and I heard a quote that was on a war of ages song saying Christians who accept Jesus with their lips an deny him by their lifestyles are the leading cause of atheism so we should all by like Christ he never shoved it down peoples throats and put them on the spot n wut not
kris cornell? dig this tune
@Leftunloved like stick said, if it glorifies God, then it brings happiness to Him. And christian Metal music helps ppl who metal and dont want to listen to the stuff that disses Jesus,.. of course if its not Christian it disses Him anyways... Tough spot because i love all mussic
@Leftunloved I believe that our opponent is god, as he is clearly filled with greed himself. I believe that god should fall down and allow another to rise. I believe that, "satan" as he was named when damned, should have a second chance if not full power as someone who can be helpful. "Satan" only wanted to become the greatest of goods, and he was damned to hell for it. He wanted it out of greed, but it was still the same driving power. You're the stereotype, and you embrace it.
no we stand as one body, we do not climb this mountain alone cause if we all did we would all fall, thats why when we reach the top we will not boast in our selves. yes there times where we spend one on one time with God that is important, but that is not the church, where three or four are gathered that is the church
Look up a musician named Brian Head Welch. This is a christian man who overcame drug addiction and was the lead guitar in the metal band Korn. He came out with some metal thats Christian. Listen to the lyrics not the style. It doesent matter what style music it is just the place of the persons heart. Nothing that glorify God is ever going to be unholy/
I think its funny how these people get on here and think they know everything about god and can just judge everyone on here and tell everyone wrong from right, i dont know alot about god but i do believe thats his job to do? and you people that get on here and comment that this is bad music and you dont think its right, ok but dont you have to listen to it to start your judgments? bec thats what your goal is right? if you dont like it dont listen to it and then judge everyone on here in your comments, if you are a true christian then please let god do the judging and quit striking everyone down just bec they listen to music that you think is wrong, did god tell you that the music is bad? does the bible say you cant listen to christian metal? if anything god is upset with you for judging and being a hypocrite. listen to your own music and stop searching for things to comment your judgements. thank you.
thank you someone agrees with me. I'm a Christian I listen to metal music.
@TheTreForce It doesn't have to be stated directly for it to be true. Just because the bible doesn't exactly state that you can't "state incorrect things about a subject" (lie) doesn't mean that you can.
@Leftunloved I don't know what you're talking about man, Some music just appeals to other audiences. You may like real churchy music but most of the people viewing this video like this. You know as long as the message of the song is christian and for God, I don't really think it matters. Me, I don't pick certain genres I like a lot of varieties of christian music. Check out "Hillsong United" and "Delirious?", those are some of my favorite christian rock bands. Take care.
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 No, I show you the other side of the words you take as one-sided. There's at least two sides to everything.
I'm non-religious and Demon Hunter are one of my favourite bands. Who gives a fuck :D
@Leftunloved Have you listened to their lyrics? You have not won this argument because you never brought up any valid point.
"Awaiting my end breathing in the day that finds me new.
Redemption begins bleeding out the flaws in place of you.
Awaiting my end breathing in the day that finds me new.
Redemption begins Redemption Begins." Demon Hunter - Deteriorate
A christian message. That is one of their softer songs, but they can't make both christian and satanic music. Can't serve two masters
Where in the Bible, the Good Word of God, says metal and rock music is bad even though it has a Christian message?
@sethaaron42 wow hey watch what you say man. its true you have to have a close relationship with Christ to enter heaven, but it can not grow with out the church. the plant can not grow if it has the sun alone, and The plant can not grow if it is watered with out the sun. You can't have one with out the other the plant will die. the church is not a place it is we the people the body and Christ is the head. When you say we do not need the church you are beheading Christ!
@homegrove123 If it's not good to some extent, it's bad to some extent. There is no in-between. Now get out of our discussion.
@Defaultprogramer yea its a little disturbing...i must admit ive done my share but all you can do is sit and read the bible and pray
now now our goel as christians is too help them see the light and bring them to God not threaten them that their gonna burn in hell
this is confusing im new to this band but why is everyone in the comments talking about religious and non-religious
@Jenovix where did i say anything about worship!? im talking about the church importance! why are you trying to turn away the church?! it is the body of Christ, WE THE PEOPLE! i know worship is our goal so don't act as if you know who i am! a follower does not need to go to church they want to! a follower will worship God on a rock in the desert at any time even at the edge of death! what do think a man who knows nothing about our God do?
@Leftunloved So you just twist words? Anyone can do that. Oh, your special because you make something twisted.
@Leftunloved Why should I? Because I have proved you wrong and that I enjoy metal and some other music? I could have given you a number of stereotypes but I didn't, because it just makes me as bad as you. I even went out of my way to go to a church, ask a priest, "Is metal satanic?" He then said, "No. Music is only music, unless you put Satanic lyrics into it." I then asked him, "Ok, is metal Satanic if it is praising God and such?" He then said, "No, not in the least."
Psalm 150(NKJV))
1Praise the LORD!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
2 Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
3 Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the lute and harp!
4 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
5 Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD!
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 That was a good comment until you cussed, I'm a christian too I don't really care for the screaming either. He has a good voice when he actually sings but I can't find one of their songs that don't scream.
came on here hoping to see that others love this song to but what's the first thing I see..... another Christian vs atheist argument
demon hunter > justin bieber
@krijadesten so true whats with the f bombs
im not sure why my computer was signed in with the last commenter below but i signed out whoever you are ifox army
Response to number 3...Not all Christain bands have to be soft and hymnal. Nothing wrong with either soft or hard...All music that glorifies God is okay with me.
@Leftunloved So, your telling me that because God himself didn't say it, it doesn't count? How do you know God said that this is distortion? And music as far as I'm concerned is man made. I highly doubt that God himself created it. Either way, it was pretty much given to us, if he did create it. We have free will, is that not true?
i better not find out anybody is haking my computer or the law will be involved thank you
Michael Byfield Dude, just by your writing I can already tell that you probably don't have much in your bank account. Why would anyone bother hacking your computer?
@stickman2012 Okay with you isn't okay with god. You don't judge the world. You don't control which things are sins and which are absolutely forbidden. You don't control what God allows and disallows. If god says you can't do it, you can't do it, end of story. God doesn't care if it's okay with you, it's still against the highest level of law.
What this music is about?
i made that comment and i went to submit it and it said my computer was signed in by ifox army
Jesus Christ loves you .
@lonelyBLAZE1 sorry man, imma potty mouth xD
@Leftunloved How can you call music with a Christian message satanic? Thats like the people calling Jesus demon possessed when he was casting out demons. Mark 3:23-26 states "23 So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: "How can Satan drive out Satan? 24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 26 And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come."
@Leftunloved This is almost as heavy as metal can get, if you want to get into the heavier genres such as Deathcore, so be it. That isn't even satanic. Most of them are Atheist. Not all metal or any other genre, is NOT SATANIC. You are just giving a stereotype, which is not true.
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 You really had to say satanist? Really? You had to include that? That's incorrect for 3 reasons... 1. Not all christian bands are really christian, sometimes they are actually satanism in disguise, hence the name "The Deciever" that satan was labeled. 2. Not all hardcore bands HAVE to be satanic, I've heard bands that are much more hardcore and death sounding than most satanic ones. 3. Satanism doesn't have to be hardcore, my great uncle was a strong christian but also a high
@DragonBallZFan13 It's not a christian message. Have you even listened to their lyrics? I want to end this, I've won the argument, you're simply driving it off course, and I'm not following it.
@Leftunloved Distorting your guitar for a different sound is not demonic at all, show me evidence from the bible that says it is. You're right Satan does distort the truth and make sinful things look really good, but this is pretty ridiculous saying that when you literally distort sound it's demonic. Read your bible more if you have one, it will help you a lot more than you think.
@TheTreForce No, I absolutely love metal I'm not christian at all. I was, however, raised christian. I KNOW that there is no such thing as a christian rock/metal band that has a distorted guitar. "God" disapproves of such things, the distortion of true sound. It's almost the same as the distortion of truth, to hide the reality, which is exactly what Satan does. Satan is a liar, and is the core of ALL distortion and of lies as well. Satan is the deceiver, you're simply fueling him.
the only person i need is Christ :D
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 All metal is satanic. It may not be intended, but they are all satanic, within your incompetent mind you know this, but since you're so eager to win this fight I will allow you to. I know what I'm talking about, you've said nothing about anything that I don't know. I know what I'm saying, I know that it's true, I know that you're simply trying to win this after it's dead. Just leave it, and move on already.
Quickly! comment about religion and start a debate before someone talks about the actual music!
can we just shut up and listen to music? :o
@kinnkilla2 Sorry that your whole church was full of hypocrates and how they didn't help you at all. I can see why God let go of it though. They didn't love other people, the pastor wasn't responsible for anything but what he wanted, and they wasted a good opportunity to spread the word. One part of me feels sorry for saying this, but the other part of me feels good to say this but thank God for splitting up that church. It was doing nothing to benfit Him, you know?
@19XxMAGGOTxX95 ranking illuminati member. Always remember... Satan was an angel. The greatest.
uuhh yeah it can grow without the church? because as long as you worship, you are the church. you dont need anybody else to improve your relationship with christ. its your job and your job alone.
wats white
Killing demons isn't christian. We should forgive and forget.
Or let the big winged guys with flaming swords do their job, I don't know...
This aint metalcore??
Yea okay well let me see some Biblical proof that this is such a terrible thing regardless of the glorious message that that lyrics my hold.
they didnt copy, they were out then demon hunter came and fucked that shit up lol
im non-religous too haha i have something better than that...relationship
There is no real "God" there is a high power that watches over us. if you wish to call that higher power "God" then go ahead. All i know is that there is something more out there watching over us. One Day we will find out what that actually is.
This intro is a RIP-OFF of Bloody Cape by Deftones. Listen to how similar they are!!!
+felynecomrade There are some similarities but I wouldn't call it a rip-off.
It's probably the sound of both guitars being so similar that highlights it. Maybe not a rip-off, but undeniably VERY similar.
Not really. DH started playing Drop B since Summer of Darkness; in particular this song, while Deftones started tuning much lower and playing on a 7-string; I think the tuning is C# or something.
There is no evidence that god exists.
So why believe in him. It's as simple as that.
"Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure."
- George Carlin
why live life knowing it doesnt matter, were there nothing aside this existence we should all not an extremist but tis a pain when people dont want to believe in anything more than pathetic humans...
Kyle Zawacki you have a point
Kiora Grace
I believe life has no purpose, and that makes us free. We cannot succeed, we cannot fail, we serve nothing and nobody with our lives.
Also, humans are not pathetic. Some of them are, of course, but not all.
Oh yeah there is.
+Kyle Zawacki Don't confuse proof and evidence.