People didn’t realize what Jackie really had gone through that tragic day. And for her to come out sane was a miracle within itself. Both were taken too soon.
EVERY time I see the Zapruder film I STILL hold out hope that THIS time it will be different- and EVERY time I am even MORE disappointed than the last time. It seems that the older I get- the more it hurts...
My parents used to have an LP Record of President Kennedy's speeches. Growing up in Singapore, JFK was very popular among our people. His tragic death meant the death of a Dream for a better world.
It's telling to me that the panel discussion ended abruptly...once the last statement of record being made that all conspiracy theories should cease, and that the Warren Commission should stand as truth.
"She was in panic, trying to move the stretcher inside the hospital..."??? Ehh, Excuse me... That doesn't sound like panic. That sounds like an eminently sensible thing to do!
We still talk about the murder of Julius Cesar today, so I assume people also will be talking about the JFK murder in 2000 years. The difference is, we know who killed Cesar and who was behind it, I wonder if the people of then will have the same certainties, or if it still will be a complete mystery whether it was Oswald alone, Oswald with others, Oswald purely as a patsy (and understanding he was), whether the people behind the murder were the CIA, "rough elements" within the CIA, the three "tramps", the self confessed snipers, the mob, the secret service, the army, the pro Castro Cubans, the anti Castro Cubans, LBJ, the oil barons, the steel barons etc etc... Apparantly, JFK made himself hated as much as Cesar, with so many possible suspects.... By then, I assume about 46 938 books will have been written on the topic.
Neither Dallas as a city nor Texas as a whole holds any shame or guilt over what happened that day. We were the ones trying to save Kennedy’s life. The fact that some Louisiana-born, Bronx-living, ex-Russian dropout spent some time in Texas means nothing.
I'm not correlating the statements? I don't understand the last sentence? Regarding LHO-what do you mean? Is that just pointing out that LHO was NOT a Texan? Not being 'cheeky' just clarifying? Thanks :)
Dallas and Texas should hold shame and guilt! What a fiasco the Dallas Police were!! A full page ad with TREASON over Kennedy's picture. He should have know better than to trust LBfuckingJ!
@@kerrybunnard2167 You can't blame Dallas, Texas, or the people of Dallas responsible. This was a plot to kill The President of your country and we still don't know who was really responsible. There had to be more than Oswald...that fatal shot threw the President backwards and parts of his skull flew backwards. Absolutely shocking and horrific to do this to a fundamentally decent man.
Nancy Davis me too, till the day I️ die, I’ll never forget it, my parents, and maternal grandparents were alive that day, I’ll never forget how this event changed their lives until they died.
Well all I can say & I talked it over w my grandpa that lived to 74 years old graduated HS in 63' & served in the Navy he believes too that j edgar hoover sought to have jfk killed..and of course being head of the fbi for such time since what the 30s? He disliked jfk & so did LBJ
Me too. I was very small but I could still tell you where I was (Aunt Dollie's house) and describe the pattern on her throw on the couch (yellow cabbages) and my brother in the crib in the corner standing up and watching TV with us. It has faded over time but I still remember,
@@morticindavis9410 Toucing, me and most rest of the world love their Great Heroes JFK and Nikita Khrushchev who have safe the world from Nuclear Holocaust. We will teach my kids from generation to genration who save the world and who killed our President. I'm a teacher .
Thanks for sharing. Seems that others also found this post pretty late. About the iconic photo they use as background. There's a perhaps less famous photo of the same situation only seconds later, where LBJ turns to his good friend, congressman Albert Thomas, who winks with a rather evil and pleasant grin, as if to say: - Well done, Mister President! LBJ quickly smiles back, according to the eye wrinkles and cheek position. Also Ladybird seems to have pleasant thoughts, but tries to hide them. This was happening in a most serious situation, where the president just had been assassinated and Jackie Kennedy still wore bloody clothes. How can anyone be so respectless, if this wasn't part of a plan? Everyone else is in a state of shock and disbelief. I think that picture, together with the Zapruder film, says more than anything about the conspiracy.
That’s absurd. Why would Johnson kill Kennedy? What evidence do we have for that? Did LBJ hire Oswald? We know Oswald did the shooting that day, even if you believe there were others. (I don’t) We have hard evidence that Oswald shot the president. He then fled and shot a police officer soon after. The bullets matched the rifle. They have a photo of Oswald holding the rifle. They have a receipt and a PO Box Oswald used to order the rifle. Witnesses saw Oswald carrying a long package that day, including his wife. Two men eating lunch two floors below Oswald heard the bullet cartridges falling on the floor. LBJ didn’t want to be president.
@@normagrimstad8869 Hahaha to everything you just repeated like a sheep... But lastly, you say LBJ did NOT want to be president? Truly you have lost your mind
Am I correct that the “dropping Johnson from the ticket idea is first reported in Caro’s book “passage of power?” It seems to me that has run with its own legs in recent years. Perhaps what should have been stressed was “if the Bobby baker stuff hit the fan and we HAD to replace Lyndon… what does that mean for winning Texas. That makes sense to me. Perhaps that has been clarified somewhere?
Didn't think I'd stay tuned for more than 5 minutes but it was a great bunch of people sharing their experience of that event. Really interesting stayed for the end & wish I could have heard what Sid Davis had to say beyond the time limit !
Why make it a libray for the villain This green duck killed JFK as adequate witnesses against this animal such as malcolm mc wallace fingerpints, appointed allen dulles as influential member of warren omission who fired by Kennedy,Ms.Brown lbj mistress speaking, scientific test impossibility of 3shots in 2seconds with junk carcano rifle confirmed by the specific Expert,and more l wanted to ask 1.why you obstructed the existing law that autopsy shall be conducted at local Parkland Hospital by competent person/professional doctors only 2Why you allow dr. hume who has aknowledge and experience in the autpsy but put the quacksalver do it instead,why? 3. Why take JFK body away by force 4. Why the body wrapping and the casket changed 5.why JFK gaping wound reoperation or resurgery by patcing up 6.why you didn't comply with the President Protction Protocol let JFK sitting in the limo as a sitting duck with no one standing on the sides of his limo.There was one named Lawton but finally he was order off he opened up his arms as s gesture " hey,what the deal deal? " 7.why you didn't keep the limo with 2holes at the front shield or glass and cleaned the limo promptly then rushed it to michigan 8.why Officer JD Tippit, Oswald, Roger Craig, killed 9.why magic bullet? 10. How about the two bastards shooting from the grassy knowl not still at large not kept for investigation 9. The Right rear of the President disappeared.what it indicated 10.why you didn't released the relevant documents(millions) to the public as per the law but still being kept as classified up so far yet all important documents were entirely destroyed enough time for completely burnt57years time for documents,you could laugh loudly as you wish 11.why not lbj,nixon,bush,gerald ford. were investigated investigated Fly high or Riding high New World Order.
I had to go back and rewatch certain parts after learning that the woman the camera kept panning to was the daughter of Lyndon B Johnson, Luci Johnson. Much more impactful.
To him that does not work but believes on Him that justifies the wicked, that mans belief is counted for righteousness. Romans 4:5 I hate homicide injustice perversion conspiracy and assassination as much as as you do. Yet Jesus justifies wicked people who believe and allows nice law abiding country loving patriot unbelievers to burn in Hell. I do not know the beliefs of LBJ or J Edgar Hoover but I am not so stupid to think that I can get into heaven by my good deeds and good intentions of my heart and not being as sinful as these power lusting perverted men. I often do not like this part of God's grace that bad people who believe get access to Heaven & good people who do not still go to Hell. The work of salvation that credits us with righteousness making us pure does not always show up until the "final application." Yet as far as my performance goes I am not much better than them. I do not believe that the new birth requires a believing person to become good before or forces later a believing person to become good before God credits them with righteousness and salvation. I cannot tell you where these people went but if anywhere in the dash between the dates of their birth and death they believed IN THE ONE THAT JUSTIFIES THE WICKED then I am stuck with them for all eternity in spite of the wicked perverted lives they once lived. I hope however Jesus at least gives me a little distance from them in Heaven if they ever believed. The difference will show up between a good or God loving spiritual believer and one whom lived carnally or wickedly at the Judgment Seat of Christ where redeemed men are rewarded for their good deeds and censured for their evil deeds but do not burn in Hell but as far as where I will find them it depends purely on what they believed about Jesus Christ and what they received from Him. I can positively affirm this one fact. That if Jesus Christ did not as thoroughly pay for my post regeneration sins equally as much as He did my pre regeneration sins then I will go to Hell and I might think that applies to every one. If grace does not outgun our sins regardless of when they were committed then we all are doomed even the best of us. Though I also believe it is our responsibility to pray that God punishes the criminal deeds of men in power in this life or we shall all lose our liberties and our country regardless of where we are going thereafter. Sin is one thing crime is another yet faith in Christ redeems lost men regardless of what side of the razor wire they deserve to dwell or how they deserve to die & whether the government of men gives them what they deserve or allows them to walk.
People this was an obvious sharpshooter not one but two sharpshooters that killed our President these people are incredabile either they are delusional or just that stupid to believe that Oswald had anything to do was this He had a 19 Dollar rifle there is no way in hell that he could have possibly done this and the facts are these people are in denial
President Kenndey's intrest was in regrading a breathing treatment for the space program. As most know, Kennedy had just lost his 2nd son Patrick because of breathing issues, hence his intrest in this new tech.
Does anyone agree that it was not as “gracious’ as it was described here for LBJ to invite Mrs. Kennedy to observe the oath of office. This was a political calculation-a need for validation-as well as retribution. The staffers and the Kennedys intensely disliked LBJ. All these people crammed into a space in a hot airplane, that he kept inviting people into see it. Just repulsive, in my view.
obviously.....Johnson and Hoover were in on it, most likely DEEPLY in on it, and yet these otherwise very intelligent and caring people just won't believe it. That shocks me.
@@ag4allgood Yes.. And that ALWAYS surpasses Secret Service Rules and Protocols because a cool breeze is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than keeping the President ALIVE!! What a bunch of unfounded garbage!
It is incredible that these facts go over people's heads. Oswald was placed there. He was told that he would play a role but wouldn't be charged. That's why his face dropped when he was told he had been charged in the press footage... then he was shot.
The real killers put Oswald at the crime scene and shackled him there under the pretense of employment. Now all they had to do was lure JFK to that location and kill him then blame it on Oswald.
Yes, and remember working a the book depository is a government job with the school district! The Dallas trip was known about for a year, and a date put on the trip in June, 63.
@@HS-ie8tj To date there has been nothing credible or logical found that ties Oswald's job at the TSBD or Mrs. Ruth Paine who referred the job to him with anything or anyone conspiratorial. The closest tie may involve LJB's henchman Mac Wallace who had been employed with a company owned by Texas oil magnate David Harold Byrd who in 1963 owned the TSBD building. And LBJ's mistress Madeleine Brown explained that the rich and powerful Texas oil men conceived the JFK assassination as soon as JFK was noiminated for President. Mac Wallace, his hired back-up shooter Loy Factor, an Hispanic woman named Ruth Martinez serving as a radio-operating supervisor and Oswald were all at the TSBD 6th Floor for the assassination and unlike Oswald, Wallace was an expert marksman. Note that other 6th Floor windows were open at that time to accommodate other shooters as they stood back from the windows as they fired to avoid being seen. The southeast corner sniper's nest was the exception, clearly intended to implicate Oswald as a lone assassin. Thank you.
I was in the army for nine years and I was in the shooting team and I shot thousands of rounds and listened to thousands of rounds fired. When I had finished watching the smoking gun documentary where he concluded that the shot that hit JFK in the head was shot by accident by the Secret service from behind. I thought if that was the case then the shots would read differently. When I listened to the sound of the zaproder film I found three shots the first two were the same sound reports. The third one was almost simultaneously shot as the second a fraction of a second after the second shot. It was much louder and much closer. How sure am I 100%. 2 shots far from Zaproder and one really close. I read two different guns at two different distances.
There is no sound on the Zapruder film and there is NO known tape of the assassination. You were not watching the original film. The evidence is as follows: Z155 shot 1 misses Z221 Shot 2 strikes JFK and JC + 4 seconds Z313 SHot 3 strikes JFK in the head + 5 seconds Total time 9 seconds approx.
Isn't it ironic that the song "Give em' the old razzle-dazzle!" song from the musical "Chicago" was playing in the background while listening toward the end of this video?
Was Sid Davis Referring to Kennedy planning the Texas trip while in Tampa? Jackie was not with JFK in Tampa. I would think that he would know and maybe just a jumble of facts due to his age and the setting of an open forum talk.
Jumble of facts by his age is difficult.JFK very young and a man of wit and wisdom. Negligence sometimes may be . But all in all , JFK believed the snake beside him.
Does anyone ever wonder why JFK didn’t hit the floor of the car after the first shot. I know he had on the steel back brace, but, why did he just sit and remain the perfect target. Such a sad sad event. I was 2 when it happened.
The back of the jump seats that Governor and Mrs. Connally were sitting on were right up against the knees of the President and First Lady. I am sure that President Kennedy’s back brace had something to do with holding the President upright as “a sitting duck”, too. Even as President Kennedy began to fall toward his left after the fatal head shot, his back remained completely rigid.
From first impact to last impact was maybe 6 seconds? It’s all well and good to ask a question like this from a perspective of knowing what happened. But, imagine you are riding along in a parade and all of a sudden you experience the worst pain you’ve ever experienced, and six seconds later your life ends. It took me longer to type that sentence than he had from first to last impact. Open up your phone’s clock and run off six seconds...
He lacked flexibility. His back Dr wanted him to ditch the brace and jfk said it would be a new years resolution for 1964. AlsoHe was probably pretty stunned by the first shots.
He probably didn’t even have time to react or was in shock, it happened so quickly, and the first shot that hit him, while not fatal, did damage, bruised his windpipe, went through his neck, and as others have stated, he had a very tightly bound back brace on. There just wasn’t time to react.
In the documentary JFK to 9 11 Everything is a rich man's trick One of the Bushes or his exact double is filmed in the crowd. TH-cam search , no link provided. It's a 3 hour horror show. Well worth the time.
I own and have read over 20 conspiracy books over the last 35 years. I have to ask you Jerry and Wendel…have you ever read through a complete book defending the official conclusions?
LHO had the means, methods and proclivity to be guilty of the crime - alone. The ballistic evidence alone was enough for conviction. The three culprits behind the wave of conspiracy idiocy are Jack Ruby, Mark Lane and Oliver Stone.
People yet to be born shot him and spacemen and animals and a guy who knew a person that thought he may might have known some who might maybe be over there by that wellin the other part of that time he might be one of them over there by that kind of maybe. It’s simple really.
Oswald did it. Get over it! And don't superimpose 21st century sensibilities onto the early 60s! Things were done much differently then than now i.e. policing etc!
A little late for that... we will get over it when we get the full truth,but I don't think we'll ever get it from the Major Media...If you can still cling to the fantasy of Oswald Alone.. . then you can look awy on anything.
Dude if you really believe Oswald with that rifle hit Kennedy in the back of the head when clearly Kennedy was struck in the front of the head as well and four bullets in fact hit Kennedy and Connelly you are really a person in contempt prior to investigation because it is obvious that this was Alan Dulles and his followers real obvious
The silencing of Oswald will never go away ...
People didn’t realize what Jackie really had gone through that tragic day. And for her to come out sane was a miracle within itself. Both were taken too soon.
They barely missed her. Inches.
Eric Carmel, You bet.
Remember Bush 41 couldn't remember where he was,,,but a picture puts him in Dallas ,,,,
EVERY time I see the Zapruder film I STILL hold out hope that THIS time it will be different- and EVERY time I am even MORE disappointed than the last time. It seems that the older I get- the more it hurts...
I find it hard to believe that Ted Kennedy said he did not believe there was a conspiracy when both Bobby and Jackie knew there was.
he was drunkard
My parents used to have an LP Record of President Kennedy's speeches. Growing up in Singapore, JFK was very popular among our people. His tragic death meant the death of a Dream for a better world.
This struck me deeply and altered my life; a certain hope was gone forever.
Very sad moment in our history. Malcolm X,
Dr King then RFK. All very sad💔💔💔
Ok then how come right before Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby he said
“I’m just a Patsy”
That was on live T.V.
It's telling to me that the panel discussion ended abruptly...once the last statement of record being made that all conspiracy theories should cease, and that the Warren Commission should stand as truth.
Funny to hold this at a library dedicated to the man who engineered his death and took his job. Weird.
"She was in panic, trying to move the stretcher inside the hospital..."???
Ehh, Excuse me... That doesn't sound like panic. That sounds like an eminently sensible thing to do!
We still talk about the murder of Julius Cesar today, so I assume people also will be talking about the JFK murder in 2000 years. The difference is, we know who killed Cesar and who was behind it, I wonder if the people of then will have the same certainties, or if it still will be a complete mystery whether it was Oswald alone, Oswald with others, Oswald purely as a patsy (and understanding he was), whether the people behind the murder were the CIA, "rough elements" within the CIA, the three "tramps", the self confessed snipers, the mob, the secret service, the army, the pro Castro Cubans, the anti Castro Cubans, LBJ, the oil barons, the steel barons etc etc... Apparantly, JFK made himself hated as much as Cesar, with so many possible suspects.... By then, I assume about 46 938 books will have been written on the topic.
Neither Dallas as a city nor Texas as a whole holds any shame or guilt over what happened that day. We were the ones trying to save Kennedy’s life. The fact that some Louisiana-born, Bronx-living, ex-Russian dropout spent some time in Texas means nothing.
I'm not correlating the statements? I don't understand the last sentence? Regarding LHO-what do you mean? Is that just pointing out that LHO was NOT a Texan? Not being 'cheeky' just clarifying? Thanks :)
Dallas and Texas should hold shame and guilt! What a fiasco the Dallas Police were!! A full page ad with TREASON over Kennedy's picture. He should have know better than to trust LBfuckingJ!
@@kerrybunnard2167 You can't blame Dallas, Texas, or the people of Dallas responsible. This was a plot to kill The President of your country and we still don't know who was really responsible. There had to be more than Oswald...that fatal shot threw the President backwards and parts of his skull flew backwards. Absolutely shocking and horrific to do this to a fundamentally decent man.
Brandy Moore I don't understand either. Lho was INNOCENT AND A PATSY.!!!!!!
Whenever I hear "Dallas" and or "Texas", I think of that horrible day.
Amazing that the American public put up with such an obvious hit
Nancy Davis me too, till the day I️ die, I’ll never forget it, my parents, and maternal grandparents were alive that day, I’ll never forget how this event changed their lives until they died.
Well all I can say & I talked it over w my grandpa that lived to 74 years old graduated HS in 63' & served in the Navy he believes too that j edgar hoover sought to have jfk killed..and of course being head of the fbi for such time since what the 30s? He disliked jfk & so did LBJ
Me too. I was very small but I could still tell you where I was (Aunt Dollie's house) and describe the pattern on her throw on the couch (yellow cabbages) and my brother in the crib in the corner standing up and watching TV with us. It has faded over time but I still remember,
All the world, Nancy.
@@morticindavis9410 Toucing, me and most rest of the world love their Great Heroes JFK and Nikita Khrushchev who have safe the world from Nuclear Holocaust. We will teach my kids from generation to genration who save the world and who killed our President. I'm a teacher .
Thanks for sharing. Seems that others also found this post pretty late. About the iconic photo they use as background. There's a perhaps less famous photo of the same situation only seconds later, where LBJ turns to his good friend, congressman Albert Thomas, who winks with a rather evil and pleasant grin, as if to say: - Well done, Mister President! LBJ quickly smiles back, according to the eye wrinkles and cheek position. Also Ladybird seems to have pleasant thoughts, but tries to hide them.
This was happening in a most serious situation, where the president just had been assassinated and Jackie Kennedy still wore bloody clothes. How can anyone be so respectless, if this wasn't part of a plan? Everyone else is in a state of shock and disbelief.
I think that picture, together with the Zapruder film, says more than anything about the conspiracy.
That’s absurd. Why would Johnson kill Kennedy? What evidence do we have for that? Did LBJ hire Oswald? We know Oswald did the shooting that day, even if you believe there were others. (I don’t) We have hard evidence that Oswald shot the president. He then fled and shot a police officer soon after. The bullets matched the rifle. They have a photo of Oswald holding the rifle. They have a receipt and a PO Box Oswald used to order the rifle. Witnesses saw Oswald carrying a long package that day, including his wife. Two men eating lunch two floors below Oswald heard the bullet cartridges falling on the floor. LBJ didn’t want to be president.
@@normagrimstad8869 Hahaha to everything you just repeated like a sheep... But lastly, you say LBJ did NOT want to be president? Truly you have lost your mind
Who benefits? That’s where.
Am I correct that the “dropping Johnson from the ticket idea is first reported in Caro’s book “passage of power?” It seems to me that has run with its own legs in recent years. Perhaps what should have been stressed was “if the Bobby baker stuff hit the fan and we HAD to replace Lyndon… what does that mean for winning Texas. That makes sense to me. Perhaps that has been clarified somewhere?
This was awesome. Thank you so much for posting.
Didn't think I'd stay tuned for more than 5 minutes but it was a great bunch of people sharing their experience of that event. Really interesting stayed for the end & wish I could have heard what Sid Davis had to say beyond the time limit !
Why make it a libray for the villain This green duck killed JFK as adequate witnesses against this animal such as malcolm mc wallace fingerpints, appointed allen dulles as influential member of warren omission who fired by Kennedy,Ms.Brown lbj mistress speaking, scientific test impossibility of 3shots in 2seconds with junk carcano rifle confirmed by the specific Expert,and more l wanted to ask
1.why you obstructed the existing law that autopsy shall be conducted at local Parkland Hospital by competent person/professional doctors only
2Why you allow dr. hume who has aknowledge and experience in the autpsy but put the quacksalver do it instead,why?
3. Why take JFK body away by force
4. Why the body wrapping and the casket changed
5.why JFK gaping wound reoperation or resurgery by patcing up
6.why you didn't comply with the President Protction Protocol let JFK sitting in the limo as a sitting duck with no one standing on the sides of his limo.There was one named Lawton but finally he was order off he opened up his arms as s gesture " hey,what the deal deal? "
7.why you didn't keep the limo with 2holes at the front shield or glass and cleaned the limo promptly then rushed it to michigan
8.why Officer JD Tippit, Oswald, Roger Craig, killed
9.why magic bullet?
10. How about the two bastards shooting from the grassy knowl not still at large not kept for investigation
9. The Right rear of the President disappeared.what it indicated
10.why you didn't released the relevant documents(millions) to the public as per the law but still being kept as classified up so far yet all important documents were entirely destroyed enough time for completely burnt57years time for documents,you could laugh loudly as you wish
11.why not lbj,nixon,bush,gerald ford.
were investigated investigated
Fly high or Riding high New World Order.
@@ag4allgood Agreed.
@@niyomphusopha9755 AGREE!!
I had to go back and rewatch certain parts after learning that the woman the camera kept panning to was the daughter of Lyndon B Johnson, Luci Johnson. Much more impactful.
RIP to Adlai Stevenson, the canary in the coal mine.
LBJ was such a crook, he should not have had anything named after him. He is now in a dark place with Hoover, and Dulles.
To him that does not work but believes on Him that justifies the wicked, that mans belief is counted for righteousness. Romans 4:5 I hate homicide injustice perversion conspiracy and assassination as much as as you do. Yet Jesus justifies wicked people who believe and allows nice law abiding country loving patriot unbelievers to burn in Hell. I do not know the beliefs of LBJ or J Edgar Hoover but I am not so stupid to think that I can get into heaven by my good deeds and good intentions of my heart and not being as sinful as these power lusting perverted men. I often do not like this part of God's grace that bad people who believe get access to Heaven & good people who do not still go to Hell. The work of salvation that credits us with righteousness making us pure does not always show up until the "final application." Yet as far as my performance goes I am not much better than them. I do not believe that the new birth requires a believing person to become good before or forces later a believing person to become good before God credits them with righteousness and salvation. I cannot tell you where these people went but if anywhere in the dash between the dates of their birth and death they believed IN THE ONE THAT JUSTIFIES THE WICKED then I am stuck with them for all eternity in spite of the wicked perverted lives they once lived. I hope however Jesus at least gives me a little distance from them in Heaven if they ever believed. The difference will show up between a good or God loving spiritual believer and one whom lived carnally or wickedly at the Judgment Seat of Christ where redeemed men are rewarded for their good deeds and censured for their evil deeds but do not burn in Hell but as far as where I will find them it depends purely on what they believed about Jesus Christ and what they received from Him. I can positively affirm this one fact. That if Jesus Christ did not as thoroughly pay for my post regeneration sins equally as much as He did my pre regeneration sins then I will go to Hell and I might think that applies to every one. If grace does not outgun our sins regardless of when they were committed then we all are doomed even the best of us. Though I also believe it is our responsibility to pray that God punishes the criminal deeds of men in power in this life or we shall all lose our liberties and our country regardless of where we are going thereafter. Sin is one thing crime is another yet faith in Christ redeems lost men regardless of what side of the razor wire they deserve to dwell or how they deserve to die & whether the government of men gives them what they deserve or allows them to walk.
Agree wholeheartedly.... those 3 names should be stripped from every public building & piece of infrastructure.
@@soteriology1012 that so long🙂
People this was an obvious sharpshooter not one but two sharpshooters that killed our President these people are incredabile either they are delusional or just that stupid to believe that Oswald had anything to do was this He had a 19 Dollar rifle there is no way in hell that he could have possibly done this and the facts are these people are in denial
President Kenndey's intrest was in regrading a breathing treatment for the space program. As most know, Kennedy had just lost his 2nd son Patrick because of breathing issues, hence his intrest in this new tech.
pookiebear364 Intrest?
@@brandymoore7191 ????? Interest yes !!@@
@@brandymoore7191 you we are te we we t tee time
Patrick died because his lungs weren't developed at only 6 mos of development.
Does anyone agree that it was not as “gracious’ as it was described here for LBJ to invite Mrs. Kennedy to observe the oath of office. This was a political calculation-a need for validation-as well as retribution. The staffers and the Kennedys intensely disliked LBJ. All these people crammed into a space in a hot airplane, that he kept inviting people into see it. Just repulsive, in my view.
As Jim Garrison would say fairy tales are dangerous.
Jim Garrison has been thoroughly discredited.
obviously.....Johnson and Hoover were in on it, most likely DEEPLY in on it, and yet these otherwise very intelligent and caring people just won't believe it. That shocks me.
Why were so many windows allowed to be opened along the motercaid?
pookiebear364 The summer heat here in Texas makes Hell feel cold, and a lot of places didn’t have A/C yet. That’s why the windows were open.
@@brandymoore7191 November is in the fall not summer.
@@gerardmcglynn3027 Exactly right, it was still warm & people wanted to wave / greet the President & his wife.
@@ag4allgood Yes.. And that ALWAYS surpasses Secret Service Rules and Protocols because a cool breeze is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than keeping the President ALIVE!! What a bunch of unfounded garbage!
Windows were allowed to be open to ensure the success of the mission. Watching something from the LBJ Library on the JFK assassination. LMAO
Hmm, parade organized by 5 weeks , Oswald got hired five weeks before, and he did this on his own?
It is incredible that these facts go over people's heads. Oswald was placed there. He was told that he would play a role but wouldn't be charged. That's why his face dropped when he was told he had been charged in the press footage... then he was shot.
You don't know what you're talking about. The parade route was not even announced until 2 or 3 days before he got there.
The real killers put Oswald at the crime scene and shackled him there under the pretense of employment. Now all they had to do was lure JFK to that location and kill him then blame it on Oswald.
Yes, and remember working a the book depository is a government job with the school district! The Dallas trip was known about for a year, and a date put on the trip in June, 63.
@@HS-ie8tj To date there has been nothing credible or logical found that ties Oswald's job at the TSBD or Mrs. Ruth Paine who referred the job to him with anything or anyone conspiratorial. The closest tie may involve LJB's henchman Mac Wallace who had been employed with a company owned by Texas oil magnate David Harold Byrd who in 1963 owned the TSBD building. And LBJ's mistress Madeleine Brown explained that the rich and powerful Texas oil men conceived the JFK assassination as soon as JFK was noiminated for President. Mac Wallace, his hired back-up shooter Loy Factor, an Hispanic woman named Ruth Martinez serving as a radio-operating supervisor and Oswald were all at the TSBD 6th Floor for the assassination and unlike Oswald, Wallace was an expert marksman. Note that other 6th Floor windows were open at that time to accommodate other shooters as they stood back from the windows as they fired to avoid being seen. The southeast corner sniper's nest was the exception, clearly intended to implicate Oswald as a lone assassin. Thank you.
The Warren Commission report “still holds after 50 years”? Amazing!
The truth endures
Only in the minds of people who are easily duped.
@@LM-qs6eq read Bugliosi’s book…it debunks all the conspiracy claims thoroughly. I used to be a conspiracy buff for 30 years until Bugliosi
I was in the army for nine years and I was in the shooting team and I shot thousands of rounds and listened to thousands of rounds fired. When I had finished watching the smoking gun documentary where he concluded that the shot that hit JFK in the head was shot by accident by the Secret service from behind. I thought if that was the case then the shots would read differently. When I listened to the sound of the zaproder film I found three shots the first two were the same sound reports. The third one was almost simultaneously shot as the second a fraction of a second after the second shot. It was much louder and much closer. How sure am I 100%. 2 shots far from Zaproder and one really close. I read two different guns at two different distances.
There is no sound on the Zapruder film and there is NO known tape of the assassination.
You were not watching the original film.
The evidence is as follows:
Z155 shot 1 misses
Z221 Shot 2 strikes JFK and JC + 4 seconds
Z313 SHot 3 strikes JFK in the head + 5 seconds
Total time 9 seconds approx.
Isn't it ironic that the song "Give em' the old razzle-dazzle!" song from the musical "Chicago" was playing in the background while listening toward the end of this video?
When was this filmed?
7 yo
October 30,2013
Oswald shot no one.
So bye, bye Miss American Pie. No one said it didn't mean this.
What’s the date of this interview ? 1992 ?
I think he meant American 'conscious' not consciousness...
Was Sid Davis Referring to Kennedy planning the Texas trip while in Tampa? Jackie was not with JFK in Tampa. I would think that he would know and maybe just a jumble of facts due to his age and the setting of an open forum talk.
Jumble of facts by his age is difficult.JFK very young
and a man of wit and wisdom. Negligence sometimes may be . But all in all , JFK believed the snake beside him.
The last free thinking world leader America will ever have
Does anyone ever wonder why JFK didn’t hit the floor of the car after the first shot. I know he had on the steel back brace, but, why did he just sit and remain the perfect target. Such a sad sad event. I was 2 when it happened.
The back of the jump seats that Governor and Mrs. Connally were sitting on were right up against the knees of the President and First Lady. I am sure that President Kennedy’s back brace had something to do with holding the President upright as “a sitting duck”, too. Even as President Kennedy began to fall toward his left after the fatal head shot, his back remained completely rigid.
From first impact to last impact was maybe 6 seconds? It’s all well and good to ask a question like this from a perspective of knowing what happened. But, imagine you are riding along in a parade and all of a sudden you experience the worst pain you’ve ever experienced, and six seconds later your life ends. It took me longer to type that sentence than he had from first to last impact. Open up your phone’s clock and run off six seconds...
He lacked flexibility. His back Dr wanted him to ditch the brace and jfk said it would be a new years resolution for 1964.
AlsoHe was probably pretty stunned by the first shots.
@@patrickparham6241 he was wearing a back brace which was bound to his legs. He was sat upright and could not bend fully at the waist. Extremely sad.
He probably didn’t even have time to react or was in shock, it happened so quickly, and the first shot that hit him, while not fatal, did damage, bruised his windpipe, went through his neck, and as others have stated, he had a very tightly bound back brace on. There just wasn’t time to react.
Oswald no mató a jfk.
In Dallas:JFK, LBJ, Nixon, George HW Bush, …hhhmmmmm Was GW Bush there?
GWB was still in high school.
In the documentary
JFK to 9 11 Everything is a rich man's trick
One of the Bushes or his exact double is filmed in the crowd.
TH-cam search , no link provided.
It's a 3 hour horror show.
Well worth the time.
All the lies coming out of these people...
Here we go again..
Kinda random, but, Julian Read's ears.... he can probably hear the sunrise.
Most interesting.
Lbj did it.
No evidence LBJ did it, just suspicion
That's not remotely funny.
I was in The fifth grade, A girl in class was listening to the World Series when I came over her radio that’s the screen.
And the lie continues!!
So you think these guys were lying? About what?
....stay in the country, boy.
Bush Sr. Did it!
Let the cover-up continue
A solid 12 minutes of blowhard nonsense before the "real speakers could speak " *fast forward* past the first twelve minutes.
You're welcome.
These commentators are more guilty than Oswald
Oswald was innocent
I own and have read over 20 conspiracy books over the last 35 years. I have to ask you Jerry and Wendel…have you ever read through a complete book defending the official conclusions?
The lebron james library
This was a waste of time.
LHO had the means, methods and proclivity to be guilty of the crime - alone. The ballistic evidence alone was enough for conviction. The three culprits behind the wave of conspiracy idiocy are Jack Ruby, Mark Lane and Oliver Stone.
Secret service kill them and you know it yeah yeah do you Ray for LANY plugged in right in the back of the freaking score nice with exploded in bullet
Either not very bright or accessories after the fact.
People yet to be born shot him and spacemen and animals and a guy who knew a person that thought he may might have known some who might maybe be over there by that wellin the other part of that time he might be one of them over there by that kind of maybe. It’s simple really.
This idea that LBJ was behind it is total BS!
Really? Explain, O Learned One.
A nut with a gun. No conspiracy.
Notice no blood on the dress
There's a photo of her holding Bobby's hand wearing the same dress with blood on it
Oswald did it. Get over it! And don't superimpose 21st century sensibilities onto the early 60s! Things were done much differently then than now i.e. policing etc!
A little late for that... we will get over it when we get the full truth,but I don't think we'll ever get it from the Major Media...If you can still cling to the fantasy of Oswald Alone.. . then you can look awy on anything.
Dude if you really believe Oswald with that rifle hit Kennedy in the back of the head when clearly Kennedy was struck in the front of the head as well and four bullets in fact hit Kennedy and Connelly you are really a person in contempt prior to investigation because it is obvious that this was Alan Dulles and his followers real obvious
The immense ukraine arespectively mark because tempo correspondingly lie out a unruly beaver. capable, uneven sousaphone
good job, Oswald. you too Sirhan