Reaction To Georg Schramm - Language of Politicians (German Satire)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 128

  • @prapsschnalinen6536
    @prapsschnalinen6536 วันที่ผ่านมา +32

    One of my all-time Favs. His Dark Satire is so well written and on Point.

    • @Icezapp1
      @Icezapp1 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Real satire, not dark. That is his whole purpose with this statement he made. Because it is dark in the field of speech

  • @heckyeahhd145
    @heckyeahhd145 วันที่ผ่านมา +41

    Like people said here, Schramm, Pispers and mostly Rether are just incredibly good. With Schramm leading the trio. I Miss him!

    • @ideal1968
      @ideal1968 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Schramm and Pispers are in a completely different league.
      Rether will have to eat a few more bananas if he wants to be that good.

    • @heckyeahhd145
      @heckyeahhd145 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ideal1968 ha! And i Miss His Baseball bat

    • @MaYstruction
      @MaYstruction วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ideal1968 I really don't think so. I agree, Sprachwitz-wise Schramm and Pispers are ahead, but the Rether's content is on par.

  • @brianoconner7645
    @brianoconner7645 วันที่ผ่านมา +38

    Schramm is (was) top notch, unprecedented.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Slowly, with the young horses... I remember a guy, what was his name again... Oh yes! Dieter Hildebrandt... Maybe that still means something to you, or are you just one of the little guys...

    • @RimshotKiller
      @RimshotKiller 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@melchiorvonsternberg844 Schramm was better than Hildebrandt. That's not saying that Hildebrandt wasn't fantastic, and as one of the classics he paved the way for many. But Schramm was better, and calling people little guys because you don't like their oponion makes you sound like a right twat. Just saying.

    • @Jeahrg
      @Jeahrg 50 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      nah he's boring as hell. rip him

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 45 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

      @@Jeahrg lol... Your school education was not only for nothing, but also in vain, you poor child...

  • @tosa2522
    @tosa2522 วันที่ผ่านมา +86

    Julia Kloeckner is known for her lobbying contacts, particularly with Nestlé.

    • @dancelord0708
      @dancelord0708 วันที่ผ่านมา

      She is on the dark side. Allso, the party she is in. Corruption, lobby politik. Wen there is a hell, she go strait in.

    • @Plantoffel
      @Plantoffel วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      Nestle pretty much had a „placement“ with her on the official channel of the German ministry of health and food (I’m pretty sure at least lol) and the Netle guy - as nestle does - talked a LOT of BS.
      Normally nothing major, but this with the approval of the minister is an complete catastrophe!
      They don’t even try to hide from who they’re getting paid!

    • @AliasSchmalias
      @AliasSchmalias วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      Julia Klöckner has had many scandals in a very short span. She made politics for the farmers and not for the animals. She supported animal abuse like postponing the ban of animal castration for several years, she wanted harder punishment for activists that exposed animal abuse and she said things like: "Pigs in captivity don't need to stretch their legs." which was her argument for not expanding the size of animal cages. A psychological sick and abuse woman. "But she looks good and she is a woman, and that's all that matters to many".

    • @SG_82
      @SG_82 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@AliasSchmalias I don't wonder, since she is a former poultry-farm owner. Transferred ownership to her husband before she became minister for agriculture.

    • @Schwuuuuup
      @Schwuuuuup 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      For those who don't know: she's with the CDU and one of the worst of them

  • @xxJOKeR75xx
    @xxJOKeR75xx วันที่ผ่านมา +24

    Julia Klöckner was minister of food and agriculture, but due to her lobbying friends she was also known as Nestlé Minister.

  • @thosch71
    @thosch71 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    I just love how almost every sentence in this show was a well placed sucker punch in Mrs Klöckners face. BAMM. Glad we live in a country, where you can do just right that, without 'disappearing' or falling from a balcony. I guess much of his speech was improvised at her sight in the audience.

  • @OrkarIsberEstar
    @OrkarIsberEstar วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    well Pispers and Schramm were asked if they wanna go politics. Pispers response was "in politics id have to kiss up to people i dont like to make things happen and thats not who i am. Im good at pointing out problems, id be bad for solving them"
    Schramm responded "Oberstleutnant Sanftleben, Lothar Dombrowski...those are characters i play on stage. Me, Georg Schramm, is an entirely different person, i studied philosophy and i would do terrible in politics. Lothar might be great to state a revolution, i am however, not"
    That said comedian Nico Semsrot actually joined a political party (the pirates) and was an EU delegate in the European comission for his party. He has some great clips abotu what happens in EU parliament and how people react when he calls them out on plenum

    • @RexKraemer73
      @RexKraemer73 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      Hello, Nico Semsrot joined the political party "Die Partei" and not "Die Piraten".
      He became one of two MEPs, next to Martin Sonneborn.

    • @OrkarIsberEstar
      @OrkarIsberEstar วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@RexKraemer73 ah dammit id love to blame it on autocorrect but it was my mind mixing it up XD

    • @Schwuuuuup
      @Schwuuuuup 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@RexKraemer73but he fell out with Sonneborn and was then without party in the EU most of the time

  • @GermanGreetings
    @GermanGreetings วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    I am glad, you found Georg Schramm 😁And I suppose, that you also found his clips as a german soldier... another universe, but on the same level absolutely brilliant 😆😂

  • @Sat-Man-Alpha
    @Sat-Man-Alpha วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    Georg 10:19 is without any doubt an institution and the political godfather of German political satire 😵‍💫🖖👍

    • @tomshublinski9054
      @tomshublinski9054 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      To me it's Dieter Hildebrandt.

    • @Sat-Man-Alpha
      @Sat-Man-Alpha วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@tomshublinski9054 he was the Generation before….

    • @tomshublinski9054
      @tomshublinski9054 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@Sat-Man-Alpha ok, then Hildebrandt is the GOAT.

    • @Sat-Man-Alpha
      @Sat-Man-Alpha วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tomshublinski9054 without any doubt!!!!

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@Sat-Man-Alpha He's only dead for 11 years...

  • @staubglanz
    @staubglanz วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    Schramm was amazing at what he did.

  • @Junakase
    @Junakase 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    It heals my soul to see Georg Schramm attack Julia Klöckner so viciously.
    She used to be the federal minister for food and agriculture, and was very well known for openly making politics for big food companies. She passed several laws to either weaken consumer rights or to prevent consumer rights from being strengthened. Furthermore, she is also a very good example for what Schramm is criticizing. On top of acting directly against the voters' interests, she also had the audacity to always praise her politics as the best ever politics for the people. Additionally, whenever she was confronted with criticism, she would just ignore it, and instead talk about what amazing things she had supposedly been doing.

  • @Vamirez
    @Vamirez วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Why don't journalists do that? Because next time someone else will take their place.
    I remember a case where a journalist did that and it was a major scandal. I found that really dumb, but that's how it goes...

  • @denkverlag1
    @denkverlag1 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Schramm is brillant… the translation conveys at best only about half of connotations and word-play he uses…

  • @Techmagus76
    @Techmagus76 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    No Mrs Kloeckner ignored the takeaway lesson of Georgs speech. She got the position as Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2018 to 2021. Crossed all no goes as minister by lobbying for Nestle and as good puppet blocked the traffic light rating system on food. Now she is official speech person for economic-political affairs of the CDU/CSU party (guess that counts as your field of expertise, if you study sociology and religion nowadays or is the the marriage to an antique car dealer?)) and treasurer of the CDU germany.

  • @pixelbartus
    @pixelbartus วันที่ผ่านมา +38

    Dieter Nuhr is one of the comedians, that love to claim, that they are threatened by cancel culture. And then they say, that there are things you can't talk about any more. And Nuhr has a show where talks about these things weekly on public tv, almost daily repeated on one of the regional channels. If that is the cancel culture, they are canceling him rich. He once was a middle class comedian, than he became a middle class populist.

    • @boom7713
      @boom7713 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      yeah, he is abysmal. punching down, not up.

  • @florete2310
    @florete2310 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    If you ever wonder why I'm obsessed about Georg Schramm... - this is a pretty good example for why that is.

  • @PetraNaefcke
    @PetraNaefcke วันที่ผ่านมา +32

    Dieter Nuhr is a wannabe political cabaret artist. The big names of true political cabaret consider him an imposter. I saw him live on stage once, and it was enough for me to never give it another try. There is a legendary performance of the late Dieter Hildebrandt where he addresses what he thinks about Nuhr and those alike, and it was nothing good. And Hildebrandt was not alone with his opinion of comedians trying to play political cabaret.

  • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
    @PropperNaughtyGeezer วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    What you might miss as a foreign speaker is that he speaks with an East Prussian accent, which is very rare today. The capital is now called Kaliningrad and used to be German. The residents fled from there during the war or were at war. Therefore, the rubber hand indicates that he (in the role) is a war invalid. But he never explains this. He only explained once that the hand was meant to appear aloof and unsympathetic, like this character.

  • @Nightara
    @Nightara วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    About the last thing you mentioned with these people going into politics: I strongly disagree with that idea. Yes, they are doing a very good job at pointing out what's going wrong, but that's the job of political satire. The job of a politician (In theory, at least) is to make things right - which is related to pointing out things that are wrong, but it's not the same thing.
    We already have plenty of populist parties in Germany, especially BSW and AfD, who gained a massive following in the last couple of years by doing exactly what you said: Point out the things that are (At least in their opinion) wrong about German politics. And yes, they do have a point in some of the things they say, but that doesn't mean they're even remotely close to having a SOLUTION for it, too. Critics point out PROBLEMS, politicians offer SOLUTIONS (Yet again, in theory). That is not the same thing. And because of that very reason, neither political satire artists nor populist parties are fit for ruling a country.

    • @witthyhumpleton3514
      @witthyhumpleton3514 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I have to disagree. People who work in cabaret are just as much part of the population and society as anyone else.
      Within a democracy, any person can be elected and is fit to rule, their potential stupidity is meant to be held in check by those around them, other representatives and experts alike.
      So there is no reason why someone who creates satire, cabaret or comedy should be any less fit to rule a country than a lawyer, a doctor, a farmer or a teacher on dancing lessons. Their professional skills are not what dictates their suitability, but the fact that they represent the people who chose them, at least in theory.

    • @PotsdamSenior
      @PotsdamSenior 6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      That's why I would prefer outside experts in the government. Not career politicians. We do have one, the health minister is actually a professor for public health. Just the right profession for the job. And he is, unsurprisingly, not very popular. Neither politicians nor the public want people in power who know what they are doing. Because they don't say the things people want to hear.

  • @thosch71
    @thosch71 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Short remark: Our Bundespräsident is the head of the state, but has no real political power. The president's actions and public appearances represent the state itself, its existence, legitimacy, and unity. He signs new laws which are initiated by the parliament and formally calls new chancellors to service, which themselves are also elected by the parliament / the current governement. He also serves sometimes as the country's good conscience, kind of. Someting like the king in the UK.

    • @PotsdamSenior
      @PotsdamSenior 6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      On paper he has a lot of power. He could appoint *anyone* to be voted on for chancellor. Doesn't have to be a member of parliament, doesn't have to belong to any party, doesn't have to be a politician. And he could refuse to sign laws.
      It's just the tradition that he appoints the one who was the main character in the election campaign (I can't find the term "Kanzlerkandidat" anywhere in the constitution! It's a position which doesn't exist), and that he blindly signs almost anything put in front of him. The presidents have willfully and knowingly given up their power.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@PotsdamSenior Well said! You nailed it...

  • @gorfaroth4570
    @gorfaroth4570 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Politician Julia Klöckner was sitting in the audience. 14:37

  • @Kiyuja
    @Kiyuja วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Dear God, Schramm and Pispers in the same room. Thats like when Spongebob crossed the energy beams on his cannon...

  • @DaxRaider
    @DaxRaider วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    there is a young jorunalist "tilo jung" who streams whole parlement press conferences to youtube and he is famous for asking the same question over and over again saying to the press spokesmen that his question wasnt answered at all.
    but now the spokesmen just answer with "i think we have said all about this topic" or "i have said my point" even if they have said ABSOLUTE NOTHING about it xD
    so it doenst work sadly xD

    • @Techmagus76
      @Techmagus76 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      to add: The channel is called "Jung&Naiv" . I would only partly agree as he still not simply let it slide and brings things up in follow up question. If somebody is not willing to give answers then he/she receives no further invitation for an interview from Thilo Jung. Last but not least is always calm and very fair (let anyone given their views and standpoints on things, show opposite viewpoints, possible flaws where the guest get the chance reacting to.and i never have the feeling he tries to win the debate).

  • @MaYstruction
    @MaYstruction วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    6:30 ... because you don't get accredited / access to fancy party events of that politicians if you ask questions they don't like.

  • @rudolfclemens8798
    @rudolfclemens8798 9 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

    You are a very good observer, listener and your reflections about our german sense of humour by a Brit are far away from what we are used to know from most of your British compatriots. I am really positively surprized. Go ahead, you are doing a good job.

  • @D4l4m4r
    @D4l4m4r วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I would like to point out that Schramm does indeed have a way with words. He is extremely eloquent and does use a lot of words that are fairly uncommon, even old fashioned, compared every day German. Therein lies the irony. Because he complains about the way politians talk in their own language, the language of power, while at the same time he is also using his own language - the language of the intellectual.
    On the other hand, of course... what we see here is not actually Georg Schramm, but Lothar Dombrowski, the disgruntled pensioneer - one of the many personas, Georg Schramm uses. Other personas like the August or Major Sanftleben, are considerably less sophisticated in their use of language.

  • @katharinawienecke9446
    @katharinawienecke9446 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    You should react to "Die Anstalt" if you like this. Julia Klöckner was voted out. She is not missed, at least not by me.

  • @jackkotter4401
    @jackkotter4401 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Kloeckner is the incarnated platitude

  • @Cactus_Chef
    @Cactus_Chef วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Wow, for once the English subtitles are pretty good!

  • @kackbratze9624
    @kackbratze9624 วันที่ผ่านมา

    If there were even the slightest chance that politicians in a talk show could be exposed to uncomfortable questions, they would no longer appear in that format. They would simply transfer the power of their presence, which is determined by the anticipated viewership, to another talk show where they are not exposed to this risk. For this to change, all talk shows would have to work together to prove that the authenticity and truthfulness of statements are more important than ratings and sold ad minutes-but that won’t happen. There would always be someone who declares their own advantage as the highest priority and would seize this opportunity. And the mere theoretical possibility of this scenario prevents any show from even starting down that path, because then they would end up on the wrong side-the side of truth and sincerity, but not the side of money.

  • @Ingwerbrot
    @Ingwerbrot วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Great video as always! Please react to the OKTOBERFEST or WIESN in Germany! Would be amazing

  • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
    @PropperNaughtyGeezer วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Best charakter from Schramm is OTL Sanftleben. "Das Weichziel ist der Mensch." Sadly I dont find a version with propper english subtext.

  • @zweispurmopped
    @zweispurmopped วันที่ผ่านมา

    I used to follow every of Scramm's words. Then I heard an interview with him made by a Swiss radio station, in which he let show how certain he was about there being Chemtrails, not condensation trails.
    You sigh and move on, another star has fallen.

  • @kaibroeking9968
    @kaibroeking9968 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    You are very close to graduating to Kalkofe's Mattscheibe!

  • @giniinthebottle5777
    @giniinthebottle5777 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    i miss him so much

  • @gwalshgwen
    @gwalshgwen วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Seeing Julia Klöckner among the audience, is satire by itself, but seeing her laugh makes it even more disgusting.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Och... Das ist so ähnlich, wie wenn eine Führungskraft in der Wirtschaft, zu einer Domina geht, um sich durchprügeln zu lassen...

  • @Kadarin187
    @Kadarin187 วันที่ผ่านมา +28

    1. Dieter Nuhr is a german comedian with, I think, often bad programs. He gets a laugh now and again but when he dips his toes into political commentary it's often adjacent to conspiracy theory or just plain wrong.
    2. Journalists don't question politicians more harshly because then people would just stop coming to those talk shows, the ratings would go down, the show would be canceled somewhere down the line.

    • @hermannschaefer4777
      @hermannschaefer4777 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      No, Diether Nuhr is simply a hit-and-miss. One laugh, one wtf is just normal watching his shows. He was a co-founder of the German Green Party, but left quite some time ago; he is also the author of one common German bonmot: Wer keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal Fresse halten. (If you have no idea, just shut the fuck up.).
      It's often stated that he became right-wing-ish in recent years, but that's not really the case, he is more or less nowhere to be found, but likes to take on the Green Party.

    • @Lightkie
      @Lightkie 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@hermannschaefer4777 I don't know why you started with "No". What OP claimed can be easily verified on Wikipedia to be true. Also that he has been nominated by the FDP for the federal assembly that elects the German president.

    • @hermannschaefer4777
      @hermannschaefer4777 9 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@Lightkie "verified on Wikipedia" - YMMD

    • @Lightkie
      @Lightkie 6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@hermannschaefer4777 You don't have to believe Wikipedia. That's what the reputable sources are for that are linked after every single sentence there.

    • @hermannschaefer4777
      @hermannschaefer4777 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@Lightkie Don't make it any worse..

  • @ralfschmitz6757
    @ralfschmitz6757 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    The best!

  • @CatzHoek
    @CatzHoek วันที่ผ่านมา +29

    Don't take away that Dieter Nuhr is good.
    The guy totally became hyper conservative, absolute outlandish opinions in the last years. 10+ years ago he was a popular, solid cabaret artist but nowadays you are moving on thin ice with the guy.

    • @Sat-Man-Alpha
      @Sat-Man-Alpha วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      @@CatzHoek Nuhr is finally too much AFD-Ideas-friendly…

    • @fzoid3534
      @fzoid3534 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Very interesting. I watched many of his early programs and loved them. I haven't watched him for so long now. Since I stopped watching TV I lost contact with many people that would simply appear on the screen.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Komisch, dass da andere, durchaus geschätzte Kabarettisten in seinem Programm auftreten dürfen und es auch noch gerne tun... Kann es sein, dass du ein wenig unter Wahrnehmungsverzerrung leidest? Das findet man sonst fast nur bei rechten Spinnern...

  • @_qlone
    @_qlone วันที่ผ่านมา

    Phew, that the Nestlé hand puppet even laughs about it...

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Was wäre dann die Alternative gewesen? Den nicht vorhandenen Schwanz einklemmen und davon rennen...?

  • @maxhelm6157
    @maxhelm6157 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The Greatist !!

    • @azzteke
      @azzteke วันที่ผ่านมา

      Learn English!

  • @Oradon01
    @Oradon01 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Ich liebe Schramm.

  • @GermanGreetings
    @GermanGreetings วันที่ผ่านมา

    Georg Schramm as ''Oberstleutnant Senftleben'': 😁😆🎈

  • @entermesser178
    @entermesser178 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @JacksLoom
    @JacksLoom วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    @Who Is Mert? If you wanna see Language of Politicians practiced to perfection react to this next. (The Interview you see is real! Nothing staged. It caused a shitstorm in Germany)
    It als seems normal until it doesnt anymore.
    Love your reactions!

  • @FritzMaly
    @FritzMaly วันที่ผ่านมา

    Angela Merkel and Olaf Scholz are brilliant examples of mutch talking and few saying politicians. My German fellow people may afford it.....

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Äh, nö... Because that's about diplomacy and it's done so, for centuries. Something else, I can explain to you? How about the sense of our existense, here on earth...? I don't let die people stupid. Even right wingers...

  • @markalexander71332
    @markalexander71332 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hi. By the way there is a Volker pispers Podcast.

    • @OppaEnno
      @OppaEnno วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @robby_roboter
    @robby_roboter 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    I don't think it's the role of a journalist moderating a talk show to force the invited politicians into giving a clear answer. They should ask critical questions and leave it up to the guests to decide how they want to present themselves. In my opinion, the problem only arises with the interpretation of the consumer, who watches such a format and tolerates this kind of nitpicking by politicians instead of penalizing this behavior.

  • @Rezzatoni
    @Rezzatoni วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    At 8:14, "bubble" isn't the correct translation of the german word "Blase"; what Schramm meant was "blatter" (also Blase in german) ...

    • @Lightkie
      @Lightkie 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Blase means both bubble and bladder (not blatter) and it's a wordplay on both meanings, so bubble is not exactly wrong, just incomplete.

  • @SolistFrankHerrmann
    @SolistFrankHerrmann วันที่ผ่านมา

    Georg Schramm über Armageddon und den Einfluss Messianischer Endzeit-Bewegungen
    The problem with cabaret artists is that they are regularly politically left-wing and, whether consciously or unconsciously, are ultimately also characters in the game, the other side of THE SAME coin.

  • @nicmau9332
    @nicmau9332 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Hi, I want to suggest to you some more german rap songs...
    first of All everything from 'die fantastischen vier'. they are the godfathers of german rap.
    and some crazy and good stuff...the orsens- schneeweiß, or the 275er with 'holz'
    or finalty stuff from 'seeed' and Peter fox.
    mfg nic

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Äh, was? Die Fantas, waren Hip Hopper, von Anfang an. Und bitte erspar uns Erwachsenen, den Müll aus vermeintlichen Ghettos. Das ist eine Kunstform für Leute mit mäßigem Talent und der dazu passenden Bildung. Gruß aus Bayern...

  • @matthewrandom4523
    @matthewrandom4523 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Dieter Nuhr is another genius of German Kabarett!

  • @markusjentzsch7932
    @markusjentzsch7932 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Used to like Nuhr.Long time ago. Imo he kinda sucks now.

  • @DaxRaider
    @DaxRaider วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    Dieter Nuhr became very conservative, like a conspiracy theory guy ... 10 years ago he was a popular i went to three of his live events and he was my favorite but nowadays 🤮you cant watch him without throwing up ... its like listening to trump xD

    • @xxJOKeR75xx
      @xxJOKeR75xx วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      It started with his misinterpretation of a candle's CO2 emission and his hate against Greta Thunberg. I liked a lot of his earlier stuff but he really took a hard turn there.

    • @GermanGreetings
      @GermanGreetings วันที่ผ่านมา +2 Trump ? Come on, that`s absolutely exaggerated.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Yep! Der Nächste mit Wahrnehmungsverzerrung... Warum treten denn andere, recht respektierte Kabarettisten bei ihm auf? Warum hat er eine eigene Show, bei der ARD, von der niemand behaupten kann, dass sie besonders rechtslastig wäre. Warum schafft es heute keiner mehr, seine Analyse bis zum Ende durchzudenken? Dabei war doch das Blei praktisch schon raus aus dem Sprit, als ihr aufgezogen worden seid...

  • @MellonVegan
    @MellonVegan วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Nuhr was funny to me as a kid. I haven't really followed him since then but it appears as though he went from saying things we all said (but could be misconstrued as being only right wing talking points) to things only AfD voters say. Just really leant into the populism. Again, I've seen very little of his recent material but from what I've seen, that's what it looks like

  • @robby_roboter
    @robby_roboter 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Kann mir jemand erklären, warum er ‚Sp‘ und ‚St‘ nicht als ‚Schp‘ und ‚Scht‘ ausspricht? Kommt diese Aussprache aus dem Altdeutschen, einem regionalen Dialekt oder einem internationalen Akzent?

    • @whatanonsense856
      @whatanonsense856 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Ich kann es nicht sicher sagen, aber ich vermute, dass die Figur "Lothar Dombrowski", die Georg Schramm hier spielt, in einem regionalen Dialekt sprechen soll. Die Aussprache von "Sp" und "St" klingt für mich eher norddeutsch.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@whatanonsense856 Ja, so ist es...

  • @eisikater1584
    @eisikater1584 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Schramm, Pispers, and to some extent Rether, all did excellent political cabaret / satire. Unfortunately, Nuhr is still on the loose, whose "political" comments never really contradicted the current government agenda, whatever it was at the time. He'd be better off telling simple jokes, but then again, his arrogance wouldn't allow that.

    • @Sat-Man-Alpha
      @Sat-Man-Alpha วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@eisikater1584 you are completely Right….

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@Sat-Man-Alpha Well done, the word play...

  • @HustlerHorstRuediger
    @HustlerHorstRuediger วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Dieter Nuhr showed his true colors around the pandemic when he leaned heavily into conspiracy territory while critizising the laws to reduce the spread of covid and also took a very vocal anti green stand (basically making fun of people believing in climate change and trying to do something about it). He showed a world view in wich he places himself well above the average human and is now getting a lot of flak for it.

  • @dasaggropop1244
    @dasaggropop1244 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    i think talkshow hosts have to play nice with political guests to a certain degree or they wont come back, their party might not send people anymore, they might damage their network etc.
    thats why im not a fan of that format. its mainly used to publish books and platform horrible ideas without critical comment

  • @HittesMittes
    @HittesMittes วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Dieter Nuhr is a comedian (Actualy a cabaretist but not as well regarded in this particular craft) who was very successful in the 2000s. He is actualy successful to this day but since he agrees on quite some talking points of the AFD, he fell out of favour for the younger generation and at the same time regained popularity among the older generation. He is in a weird spot right now, I would advise you to not react to him. There isnt this one clip of very dense quality anyway, he makes so many shows per year, it kind of waters down the punch of his material. (Edit: I dont say that I think he is a bad person, he is just in this place of controversy and I think you reacting to him may spawn some upset people in the commets.. its not worth it)

  • @fanneboom
    @fanneboom วันที่ผ่านมา

    klöckner csu., we have some expirience with those bavarian family and friends party members.
    The csu starter über GOAT was F.J.Strauß, fun fact he died on Oct 3rd ('88, sus) some years later the german reunion day was set on Oct 3rd, just sayin.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Ähm... Die Klöckner, stammt aus der Pfalz und ist demzufolge, Mitglied der CDU. Also nix mit Bayern. Und wegen dem 3. Oktober, war es eher der Tatsache geschuldet, dass man keinen weiteren Geburtstag der DDR mehr haben wollte. Und der wäre am 7. Oktober wieder fällig gewesen...