@@paulsawczyc5019 no watch again bro, I have seen countless interviews, she is kind and humble towards him. When you see kindness you talk about paycheck? Open your eyes and start to see the difference between genuine kindness and playing a role
Michigan Kaku is a great speaker. He speaks with the authority of a well informed academic while retaining the wonderment of a child. I thought it was very endearing to watch the interviewer being genuinely drawn into the conversation - she looked as entranced as I believe many viewing this intriguing interview were.
Michio Kaku is less dismissive and more balanced than your typical mainstream orthodox scientist. He knows DATA is what’s required; but he’s excited about where the circumstantial evidence might lead. That’s how a balanced, objective and curious scientist must approach this.
@@petercollingwood522 For the science fair, Michio constructed a 2.3eV atom smasher in his garage. This particle accelerator was made of 400 pounds of scrap metal, 22 miles of copper wire, and generated a magnetic field 20,000 times greater than the Earth's gravitational pull... when he was 14
IF Im not mistaken.. the guy is driven by his own "spiritual physicist" beliefs and have concluded things that are not true on that basis with some ocean floor archeological finding in the past. My worldview lens tells me they wont find dna that is fully human.. even if they truly produce an ancient decomposed body to inspect. They might however find them to be ancient giants of old (hybrid products of fallen angel and sacrificed or lewd human female). That would be the alien species. And maybe some of those already walk amongst u all there?? What's your whitehouse doing declaring then denying then declaring those UFO-UAP things really for? Another secret lab science experimentation with some poor military personnel ? Curious how these things can "crash land" when they are supposedly highly advanced. Just why they always conveniently fall into military compounds/garages but the military never finds them; just terrorise themselves over sightings etc. Hmm, the age old xfile mysteries eh. Entertainment from US whilst the happenings of the royal family entertains from the UK :)
I’ve watched countless interviews with Kaku, this is the 1st time I have ever heard him say “of course they are out there, the question is can we contact them, but they are definitely out there” I’m shook
They have been contacting us, playing with us, for thousands of years, and all traditional religious systems make that clear. It is only in the last 150 years, with the rise of industrial civilization, that society has been forced by our elites to pretend that these forces don't exist. It's news to millions like you, living inside postmodern cultural narratives, but not to billions from other faiths who know nonhuman intelligences are real and have been interacting with us as long as we have been here.
I was convinced when the 2 air force pilots came forward. The female pilot really didn't want to do it but felt like she had to. I don't think people realize how good you have to be to fly these planes. They are so intelligent and are the best physically and mentally.
Finally a scientist that speaks logically about the prospects of alien lifeforms. I agree with every single last point he made and he made them convincingly, succinctly, and with passion. This man is a great personality, would like to hear his perspective more often.
I also highly recommend reading or listening to his books. They're full of amazing facts and theories about our Universe and what kind of future technology we can expect in the next Century and beyond.
I love the Michio smirk and smile. He knows things. Groovy person. Very funny off Camera. But still an extremely smart , interesting, and intelligent human.
@@ELpeaceonearth saw him at some conference somewhere, and was making a group of people by the stage laugh their buts off. I'm mostly deaf but the laughter happened after he uttered a bunch of words, so I assumed that around his friends. He is funny. But I do apologize for assuming. That's not right and he could have very well said something horrific and those around him are sick evil twisted people. I do not hang around him or know him personally. Please excuse my assumption that my observations are correct and that even though there are many ways to see a person funny off camera without hanging out with the person, my way is of observation is incorrect. Thank you.
It is good that top levels at the pentagon and within government are looking into this. Hopefully the truth will come out! The truth is going to be that it is not possible for a space ship to travel the stars. It takes light several years to get to the nearest stars. You would need to have a living crew that could go for hundreds of years reproducing new crew members. Or you could send robots. It's always going to be practically impossible no matter what technology we have. This is assuming the human race even last the next 200 years, which it's not looking like it will lol
He is open to the idea of the pentagon finally proving that there's no such thing as space traveling vessels that made it all the way across the galaxy only to crash land on earth like a rusty honda civic
What's always made me laugh is when people, also some professionals/scientists in the field, who say "It would be impossible for aliens to visit our planet as the distance between us and them would be impossible to cover". As if alien technology would be Tesla cars and Iphones 😂😂 MICHIO KAKU is the best!!!
If they can get here, then they are thousands of years ahead of us, if not more. Our sun is a baby in the galaxy, most stars are much older by billions of years, so those star systems have a huge headstart on us. I think they are here. And disclosure might actually be happening. Exciting times to be alive.
Except that people don’t say it’s impossible for others to reach us, how would we know? Can you name any scientist who has said that? I think you’re misunderstanding the premise. What people say is that it’s impossible for us to reach others, at our current state of development.
We've been listening to literally this exact same crap since the end of WW2. Every generation it seems to get new legs. But its never more than variations on the same theme. Yawn.
@@petercollingwood522 you're absolutely correct.....he's only going to tell us what they let him tell us.......judge Proctor's story about UFOs way before Roswell was found outside of Dallas. Great read Google his name. I think it's Aurora TX. Not sure but it can be seen by his name. God bless you and your family.
How is it these advanced civilizations arrive here from across many light years in sophisticated vehicles... then somehow always "crash" when they finally get here???
He's no different to HG Wells and Arthur Conan Doyle and other intellectuals who wanted desperately to believe that two young girls had photographed Fairies in their back garden in the 1920's !
That may have been the best news segment I’ve ever seen. Regardless of subject matter. The interview was beautifully conducted and the conversation felt very real.
His a CLOWN, he actually believes the American government would reveal they have evidence of a crashed UFO and alien DNA 😂 I'm WAY LESS educated than this IDI0T and EVEN I know the American government would NEVER EVER admit such a thing lol
I am a big fan of Michio Kaku. He pretty much thinks the same way as I do. Tyson lost me when he came out as a leftist, and a proponent of the global warming hoax, and all the lefts crazy ideas on how to deal with a non existent issue, that would destroy humanity as we know it. Kaku is right. Follow the evidence. And as of now, there IS NO EVIDENCE.
I could listen to Michio for hours. The way he explains something as if a child would be able to understand while still staying very academic and precise. He's the frontman of curiosity in science, why, who and what. Never underestimate the unknown
I don't know if you have read any of his books, but he does a really great job of teaching some more esoteric and some advanced things in easy to understand ways. Great stuff imo
Look up what recently happened in Vegas. There was a 911 call placed of something falling from the sky and the callers saw 8 foot creatures with big glowing eyes standing in their back yard. Police report was made and everything.
I love the fact that people are worried about whether the aliens are hostile or not. Have you guys ever wondered about Homo Sapiens' reputation among aliens? Just look at how we treat our neighbours, ourselves and our planet. I'm afraid we're the monsters in this storyline.
Nah. We act like most animals on Earth, we eat others, fight for territory, fight for resources, etc. It is safe to assume this is normal in any planet where life develops. We are however in a transitional evolutionary period where we are learning to be less violent little by little. They might be patiently observing the process of our development, or could even be harvesting us or planning an invasion. Don't assume the universe is necessarily peaceful.
Well, in reality, its highly likely that many if not most civilizations would have a had a similar development to out own, consuming planetary resources, warring over those resources, and eventually overcoming these problems, just like we will.
“I think we’re just beginning to understand how beautiful this universe is…to assume there is nobody out there, is ridiculous…” Thank you, Michio Kaku! 💕🙏🏼😇
@@christopher9196 Why do you doubt it? With ALL of the technological sophistication we have achieved we have seen no signs of intelligent life anywhere else that our equipment covers. So we DO know that there is no intelligent anywhere near us. The nearest star cluster is the Plaiedes, right, at 440 light years from us. I would suggest any aliens coming from outside of our area would regard the Earth as a thing of beauty and valuable. But personally, I think aliens coming here are inter-dimensional, not inter-planetary. Either way, alien scientists would be bound to be fascinated with us.
I'm 57 years old and between the ages of 16 and 35 I must've read over 50 books about UFOs. I even checked books out of the Pennsylvania state library at the Capitat Building in my hometown Harrisburg. Btw, that library at the Capital building happened to have the most books on this subject than any other that I've visited. I even read Project Bluebook that the government put out. What I'm getting at is that this subject was ridiculed with the most cruel methods available for my entire life and now we are witnessing the exact opposite at almost the flip of a switch. It seems too good to be true to me. Especially since I'm aware of Project Bluebeam and it's potential to be employed to create mass panic and hysteria. Basically, why would the U.S. government openly acknowledge something they openly denied the day before? This doesn't smell right to me, and this is coming from a man that wished for disclosure his entire life.
Because they have to now. to many sitings and too much proof, and they are doing it so they can control the narrative of it before it comes out on its own.
I think they're getting us ready for some calamity they're getting us ready because these beings will show themselves that's what I think so slowly but surely they're admitting to this We are all being groomed 0:34
There may have been a genuine shift somewhere in the landscape of the situation to trigger this acknowledgement... or, there may be human ulterior motives at play. Your comment is definitely cause for thought.
You just articulated my very same opinion. I've read quite a bit, qnd have also personally witnessed several ufos myself. Two of those experiences seemed extraterrestrial to me, but I've also seen some stuff while I was living in Arizona that I suspected were our military. Either there is a contingent within our government who are aware of bluebeam, and trying to prevent it through disclosure, or these leaks and "whistle-blowers" are part of the plan. Or maybe both things are happening simultaneously. But it worries me that most people I know are so incredibly naive about this and so many other subjects. The same people who would openly mock me for calmly recounting my experiences yesterday, would turn around and demand a "global response" to the "alien threat" without ever pausing to actually think about it. I think this subject is just so scary to most people that they CAN'T think about it critically
A really good metric to measure intelligence by is an individuals acceptance in regards to what anyone can possibly know (as well as prrsonal limitations), and he fails at this. He doesnt have a stellar reputation in the world of science due to some of his wild claims. He did so even in this clip.. made absolute claims he has no evidence to support.
Yep he is so wise I suppose. I true scientist, very left brain genius guy.......he had a strange excited, detached fascination about how we can shoot 1 Million watts into the atmosphere to change the weather WOW! Either way I think he is very smart and maybe he should have had a few mushrooms.........On the other hand I think the earth has been just great for billions of years and the universe has been just great, leave it alone.....I'm quite sure the spiritually advanced aliens just shake their heads at us very warlike species and wondering when we will take responsibility and wake up that there is only one conciousness here in many beings...... Remember the golden rule? Do unto others as you would have done to you? hmmmm says it all....
My uncle WWII USAF, told the family about UFOS from the day he came home in 1945. He lived until 94 yrs of age & NEVER wavered. High ranking Officer, non combat, no medical problems. Healthier than most, he moved from the East to West Coast. I believed everything he said, at first the family thought he was crazy. Samuel Alfieri. Thank you Uncle Sam❤
Can you share a bit about what he told you. You might want to see if he left any documents or even photos or drawings. It can be submitted to NASA , they have an investigation team. I would however make copies and let them have those. Always keep the originals if any exist.
You guys are great. Proud of you NewsNation! I've followed you since Brian Entin reported on the Gabby Petito case. This is a REAL news station who cares about what they report on and their sources.
@@Arbiter85 Things seem to be pretty desolate right now...I have to agree. Who knows what the future holds for us. Maybe this will all calm down. Trust in God.🙏🤝
Can we just talk about what a fantastic interviewer she was????? She was so respectful and kind and appreciative of Dr. Kaku being on the show and talking to her.
People like Michio Kaku are important because their storytelling ability gets young people interested in subjects they may usually not be interested in, and thats a great thing...
Fantastic reporting!! It's so refreshing to see a real journalist taking this subject seriously and asking the right questions!! News Nation got a great jump over the other major news outlets by covering this story. I applaud their coverage and courage to tackle such an amazing topic. Thank you!!
I've been a huge fan of Michio Kaku for 20 years and he's definitely middle of the road scientist. He's very smart and thoughtful. He doesn't dismiss "crazy ufo/alien claims but he requires real proof of such.
True i agree with u, as for me too unless i see an alien spaceship or clear pics n video then i realy dont believe in this UFO thing at all,my granny is 101 this year shebtold me straight that those things dont exist including HELL
Michio kaku seemed a bit more cheerful than he typically does and its obvious this gal has a lot of respect for him. I try not to be positive on the internet but I must say - this was a good little interview, good job.
NewsNation you are making history with your reporting. I hope you guys and gals get a lot of credit for getting this information out. We need to keep the general public interested so disclosure doesn’t get buried like many times before. I can’t wait to see the full interview with the whistleblower David G. on Sunday. This all is so exciting!
I think this is the first step in a “process”to slowly inform humans that we are not alone in the universe, and that our human technology isn’t the most advanced in the universe.
This was a brilliant conversation, hope to see Michio Kaku on again soon! It's good to see the alien conversation being talked about more. There is a rich history of cases. Richard Dolan is one of the most knowledgeable people about the history of UFOs, you should have him on the show also!
Best interview I've seen so far with an expert on this new UAP story. Though despite the tongue-in-cheek aspect of some this news coverage, I'm seeing a lot of cautious anxiousness going on with all of these talking heads regarding this particular story. The ramifications of it being actually true are world-changing.
To be fair, we as humans don’t have a great track record of treating other humans much less other species with respect or even basic decency so as an analogy, I don’t think we can depend on the good will of the visitors. The whistle blower himself said there had been some malevolent intent. But I definitely think we all need to stop the in-fighting and get our priorities straight. Things are getting very weird very fast.
This story could be the biggest story in the history of mankind. And some people think we can resist the threat of a species who has the technology to be here.
They've been in this universe/multiverse for way longer then humans... All human beings are originally a slave race, of genetically modified beings, created from over 20 various ET races to mine gold. We are also a long term experiment. These ETs could disintegrate the entire planet if they wanted. They can travel in sub space. A type of tech that is thousands of years ahead of us. If I were you guys be ready for a false flag attack, blamed on ETs, perpetuated by the US military to try to and discredit these beings and install a one world, NWO style government. Don't fall for it. Unless you see an ET with a fucking fazer about to disintegrate you, which you wont, don't fall for this Project Blue Beam bullshit. It' s all a lie. Some aliens already walk among us and we are the aliens as well. It's both. The US government can't deny the existence of offworld ET eben aliens any longer. And instead of just saying "oh we were full of shit about aliens, they're real, sorry" they are going to double down on the lie. Because they think they have to. And if they HAVE to admit the aliens exist know the aliens will definitely be hostile. Notice how she was spinning that angle? In reality the bad aliens are already here running the show, secretly and the good aliens are trying to uplift humanity. The bad ones will do everything in their power to stop it. Don't fall for it. The ruling class on this planet doesn't want to give up the easy money and tell people about Tesla style Zero point energy. If that tech comes out they'll lose their Babylon money magic petro dollar scheme. They cannot have that. They will do ANYTHING in their power to stop the good aliens from uplifting humanity. And this DEFINITELY includes a fake alien invasion. They would rather nuke the planet then give up the easy money and get real jobs. Trust me. Strap yourself in, we are in for an exciting ride.
Most people just think its more likely that this gets a lot of clicks and is just a product of greed. And in all likelihood, it is explained by greed, or fear mongering to control peoples behaviors. Wouldn't be the first time, would it? There's a reason big foot is so famous, and it's not because there's anything remarkable behind it. Just a lot of attention.
@@jbagelfishing2907 what? Extraterrestrial life forms trying to help humanity not annihilate themselves, is the biggest news story in the last 11,500 years.
Well, some people in the 1980s argued that certain films were made to prep the public for the announcement of Extra Terrestrial existance. They decided against it. So its a big conundrum.
And, reality is always stranger than fiction. I worked in two different US intelligence agencies for 21 years. I saw a lot of things (not alien related) that would be rejected as a Hollywood script for being too far fetched and unbelievable. And, again, not alien or UFO related, but most people would be shocked at some of the secrets the government has managed to conceal for many many years. It's quite easy. None of us want our pensions stripped away, or worst case, prosecuted. That's why the whistleblower protection for the classified UFO/UAP programs was so important, and why so many well placed witnesses have shown up since them.
She said the quiet part out loud: "convince our political leaders around the world we are far stronger as one". The globalists will soon transition us to their one world government.
Just a few hours ago in Las Vegas a police officer caught something falling from the sky on his body cam. 5 min later a family reported something crashed in the back yard and there were 2 8ft tall non human beings with Big Eyes walking around. The cops were spoked driving up to the home and straight out told them that they don't think they are crazy because another officer caught something falling from the sky so they believe them. I’ll try to post the news segment link, lol things are getting real i say!
I personally think Kaku is at least the United States’ greatest astronomy and physics educator (and other subjects) if not globally. No doubt all have unique styles and ways of presenting, but I love Kaku’s track record on public debates, education, and almost always staying cool even in tough situations (there was a Russia propaganda TV segment years back where they tried to insinuate democracy was a ruse and not optimal and goaded him into very leading, terrible questions and he handled it super well even though irritated). I actually saw another educator who couldn’t handle the audience in the auditorium without being a tad confrontational with them-a well known educator. Kaku can handle even ridiculous questions pretty well. I think he genuinely loves inspiring people to think rationally and take things with a rational mindset and approach with the scientific method.
@@alexferreira2160 he thinks a scientist is incredibly intelligent, and for some reason you have personal evidence that proves otherwise? At least give a clear idea of why the fuck you disagree instead of being dismissive and pissy like a princess.
Everyone is living with their interpretation of reality, being that it is a mirror of a mutual fantasy, blind to the viewer. Time to roll up some absolute top shelf 500% pure THC moonrocks dipped in extra bubble hash, grown aeroponically in the most perfect conditions in the smack middle of Humboldt county, filled with full spectrum terpenes
Aliens or demons, don't exist. Also, lets say would be real, violent psychopats, aliens can't be that inteligents to have this kinds of thechnology, when you are not connected with God, Source you are limited in knowledge, can't go that far. They are just fiction, to justify their science and religion, to brainwash peolle into disfunctional ways of thinking and to fail into perciving reality as it is.They don't exist, at least not as depicted in films, serial movies or Bible. Instead there are low energies, as entities and they can only manifest throught humans, as humans...these entities can't posses a material or a light body, as Angels or other high energy spirits...they manifest as distorted thoughts, behaviours, feelings, possesing, ocuping human mind with obsessions, depressions, anxiety, stress, confussion, hysteria, fears, fixations, blockages, fear, hysteria, anger, jealousy, feeling weak, feeling as victims, feeling as agressors, frustrations, feeling limited, feeling the lack... wanting to suicide, to dissapear...bcz when not connected with God it hurts so bad, it creats so much suffering for humans. These entities can posses human mind, when we have a distorted perception, bcz this psychopatic society and bcz traumas, post traumatic personality disorders, (narcisists, psihopats, borderline, codependents (the demon or entity of victim and agressor) and other menthal illnesses, when we are not connected with our true selves with God, Source. And also high Spirits, as Angels or other forms of high energies, as love, power, compassion, gratitude, inteligence, light beeings connected with God, Source, they have body of light and also can materialise if they wish. ♾💗🌞💗♾
How "gorgeous" and glorious our universe is🌹 It seems to me, we are more of a danger to ourselves than extraterrestrials are. As long as "they" help save the human race and our beautiful planet, I'm all in! 🙏
@goransvraka3171 "we" don't belong to those groups. Those are monsters , and they hurt living beings. Sure we might be human, but greer never pulled the curtain back on the elephant.
The last time we opened that Pandora's box, we created entire extinction/origin myths within our own culture. The day we announce we are active players in a game we don't understand may very well be the day we are reset once again.
@@attemptedunkindness3632 the reset is upcoming, and rather near. Do you know what the origin of the world myth is? mythos (Borrowed from Late Latin mȳthos (“myth”), from Ancient Greek μῦθος (mûthos, “report, tale, story”). Doublet of myth. mythos (plural mythoi or mythoses) Anything transmitted by word of mouth, such as a fable, legend, narrative, story, or tale (especially a poetic tale). A story or set of stories relevant to or having a significant truth or meaning for a particular culture, religion, society, or other group; a myth, a mythology. The proper meaning of the word isn't how it came to be defined in English, a false story, but rather anything transmitted through the word of mouth (because they were illiterate, or didn't have writing)
While i don't disagree with anything he said here, as someone who wants to see the UFO topic taken seriously, I wish we could keep Michio Kaku far away from it.
For 30 years the US government has openly admitted there are things flying around, and openly created a branch of the government to investigate them? Hmm.. dont remember THAT happening before...
Before the governments told the public about UAPs, people: "If UAPs are REAL then why wouldn't the government tell us?!?! Fake" After the governmentS tell us: "bullshit, I dont believe you". Keep moving goal posts. Yall believe they are making this all up, but 2 years ago believed everything the government told you about Covid?? What in the cognitive dissonance is going on here?!? Hahaha fact is, until people see it, in front of them themselves, they will never believe it.. they save THAT energy for believing in magic sky gods that created the universe in 7 days... but yes, aliens is WAAAY to crazy to believe hahahaha
Well, she says the evidence he’s claimed to have seen. He’s claimed to have seen classified documents and heard things about these programs. I think that’s the evidence she’s referring to.
@@Nunya111 He was also high up in the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency which sounds to me like they deal a lot with different types of surveillance satellites. There have been rumors going around that last year or the year before one of these satellites picked up something coming from deep space and going into earths atmosphere in a controlled way. He might have first hand access to that data, if it really happened.
Of course. Anyone saying no doesn't know much about the whole history. Look at project blue beam. It's been a CIA plan for many years to fake a UFO sighting or invasion to gain further control. With today's tech and control of media, it would be so easy. Especially these comments saying this couldn't possibly be fake.
@@crypt1d550 To make the public believe in aliens from other planets, which is exactly what the military and the media have been trying to do for literally decades.... This is not rocket science. Many people have been predicting a fake alien invasion from the establishment being perpetrated, for literally decades as well... May want to check out the Reagan speech about humanity unifying around an outside ET threat. I'm not confident you have the mental faculties or honest intent to understand but I've given you enough to start understanding... if you are capable...
No. It's more like he's decided to make these claims himself, to become the next Bob Lazar and bathe in the attention, fame and fortune provided him by the gullible and UFO nuts. I'm actually surprised you can't pre-order his forthcoming book yet. There will be one, I have no doubts.
Fantastic host. No snickering or silly music, just serious, nuanced questions and a humble approach to the topic.
She snickered a bit at the end tbh
@@scottbarnett3566 She was giddy at having him as a guest, get real.
Reporters do what they are told - they don't wanna lose that big paycheck.
@@paulsawczyc5019 100%
manufactured consent
@@paulsawczyc5019 no watch again bro, I have seen countless interviews, she is kind and humble towards him. When you see kindness you talk about paycheck? Open your eyes and start to see the difference between genuine kindness and playing a role
He's correct. No more goalpost moving or grifting, give us the goddamn clear-cut proofs.
already did to Congress. Now it’s just up to the Congress to share stuff with us.
Even though they did say they were doing a meeting on it I don’t know if that would be public but that’s exciting.
If they were smart enough to get here I doubt they'd wreck
Fuckin A !
its locked down by the DOD
Don’t let this story die, this is amazing stuff
@@LyubomirIko prove it
@@LyubomirIko Maybe, but you don't really know that for a fact. At least try to have an open mind...
@@LyubomirIko But why? What's the motivation?
@@Yeh-suh Could be many different things. Increasing the defense budget (corporate handouts) could be one.
Michigan Kaku is a great speaker. He speaks with the authority of a well informed academic while retaining the wonderment of a child. I thought it was very endearing to watch the interviewer being genuinely drawn into the conversation - she looked as entranced as I believe many viewing this intriguing interview were.
That's the Detroit version right?
Minnesota Kaku
Mississippi Kaku
Miami Kaku
Missouri Kaku
@@MizanQistina hahaha
@@MizanQistina Don't forget everyone's favorite, Kentucky Kaku!
Michio Kaku is less dismissive and more balanced than your typical mainstream orthodox scientist. He knows DATA is what’s required; but he’s excited about where the circumstantial evidence might lead. That’s how a balanced, objective and curious scientist must approach this.
No. Not really.
Very well said, this. Thank you.
@@petercollingwood522 For the science fair, Michio constructed a 2.3eV atom smasher in his garage. This particle accelerator was made of 400 pounds of scrap metal, 22 miles of copper wire, and generated a magnetic field 20,000 times greater than the Earth's gravitational pull... when he was 14
@@petercollingwood522 you're a atom in this brilliant man's eyes that will be smashed
IF Im not mistaken.. the guy is driven by his own "spiritual physicist" beliefs and have concluded things that are not true on that basis with some ocean floor archeological finding in the past.
My worldview lens tells me they wont find dna that is fully human.. even if they truly produce an ancient decomposed body to inspect. They might however find them to be ancient giants of old (hybrid products of fallen angel and sacrificed or lewd human female). That would be the alien species. And maybe some of those already walk amongst u all there??
What's your whitehouse doing declaring then denying then declaring those UFO-UAP things really for? Another secret lab science experimentation with some poor military personnel ? Curious how these things can "crash land" when they are supposedly highly advanced. Just why they always conveniently fall into military compounds/garages but the military never finds them; just terrorise themselves over sightings etc. Hmm, the age old xfile mysteries eh. Entertainment from US whilst the happenings of the royal family entertains from the UK :)
I’ve watched countless interviews with Kaku, this is the 1st time I have ever heard him say “of course they are out there, the question is can we contact them, but they are definitely out there” I’m shook
They have been contacting us, playing with us, for thousands of years, and all traditional religious systems make that clear.
It is only in the last 150 years, with the rise of industrial civilization, that society has been forced by our elites to pretend that these forces don't exist.
It's news to millions like you, living inside postmodern cultural narratives, but not to billions from other faiths who know nonhuman intelligences are real and have been interacting with us as long as we have been here.
There are at least 300 million habitable planets in our galaxy, and there are billions more galaxies in the universe. Of course there are aliens.
I see but he said the same on Joe rogan’s recent podcast .
A has been physicist jumping out in front, to make himself relevant again…I’m shocked lol.
Indeed I always remember him dismissing UFOs as kooky nonsense whenever the subject came up
I was convinced when the 2 air force pilots came forward. The female pilot really didn't want to do it but felt like she had to. I don't think people realize how good you have to be to fly these planes. They are so intelligent and are the best physically and mentally.
They were navy not air force
Just go talk to any veteran commercial pilot. Lots of them have seen weird shit
They're just people and prone to all the other mental and moral flaws that afflict the rest of us.
BLUE was more for objects of interest vs AVRAM being for heavier studies
They won't consider granting any FOIs until 2070-2090
Finally a scientist that speaks logically about the prospects of alien lifeforms. I agree with every single last point he made and he made them convincingly, succinctly, and with passion. This man is a great personality, would like to hear his perspective more often.
All he said was we want proof.
proof is we do not belong here on this planet.. science knows this.
There is ZERO evidence -- sorry to deflate your balloon, but there is ZERO evidence.
@LemonsAndSalt69 There is zero f evidence your f fantasy God exists too.
The Bible has always stated that they were casted out of Heaven and down to Earth, so much for scientific evidence they still have no clue.
Keep in mind that we now live in a time where we cannot trust anything we see on a screen.
Seeing them in person would be the ticket.
Can't really say when or where. But....
@@danmur2797 news in Vegas just came out, they were in someones backyard, that's the story anyway
Do I? How about the Gospel? Do you believe that? Or do you need to see something?
@systemCheck That story was interesting. Was a bit sad for me though. Instead of calling 911 they should have tried to talk to them.
Trust in Jehovah.... ❤
Nothing more scientific than to keep an open mind and keep asking! Well done, Dr. Kaku.
I love his cool analogies.
Michio Kaku is so fun to listen to. He’s never smug or condescending. He’s full of wonder, like Carl Sagan was ❤
I love and follow Kaku myself but don't for one second believe he's not condescending.
I've always thought of Michio as a modern day Carl Sagan
I also highly recommend reading or listening to his books. They're full of amazing facts and theories about our Universe and what kind of future technology we can expect in the next Century and beyond.
Yea he is a humble down to earth guy.
Unlike Neil deGrasse Tyson who just loves to correct people and is just an overall douche
Thanks for being open minded enough to have a dialogue on this topic. It is important.
I love the Michio smirk and smile. He knows things. Groovy person. Very funny off Camera. But still an extremely smart , interesting, and intelligent human.
You should rub oil on your balls while watching this.. it's tantalizing. 😊
Hoover Groove?
@@ELpeaceonearth Yes, whenever he is offcamera, he hangs out with exclusively TheSmokingBurrito
@@ELpeaceonearth saw him at some conference somewhere, and was making a group of people by the stage laugh their buts off. I'm mostly deaf but the laughter happened after he uttered a bunch of words, so I assumed that around his friends. He is funny. But I do apologize for assuming. That's not right and he could have very well said something horrific and those around him are sick evil twisted people. I do not hang around him or know him personally. Please excuse my assumption that my observations are correct and that even though there are many ways to see a person funny off camera without hanging out with the person, my way is of observation is incorrect. Thank you.
LMAO! Kaku doing what Kaku does best: Pretending to be a scientist and shilling for the globalists.
Michio is so right. I am done with the government constantly lying to us and acting like they wouldn't know anything.
We all want to believe.
@@greysnake2903 no need to believe, I know after all what I have seen.
Maybe the government don’t know anything. Why would these people tell the government?
@@greysnake2903 *beLIEve
It is good that top levels at the pentagon and within government are looking into this. Hopefully the truth will come out! The truth is going to be that it is not possible for a space ship to travel the stars. It takes light several years to get to the nearest stars. You would need to have a living crew that could go for hundreds of years reproducing new crew members. Or you could send robots. It's always going to be practically impossible no matter what technology we have. This is assuming the human race even last the next 200 years, which it's not looking like it will lol
For a man like Mr Kaku being so open to new possibilities, is very refreshing.
He has been part of the ufo community for years . He was on Old Art Bell episodes many times .
It's refreshing when I scientist is open a new possibilities? I thought that was just normal.
What about Mr kaka ? 💩
@@stealthwarrior5768 follow Uranus
He is open to the idea of the pentagon finally proving that there's no such thing as space traveling vessels that made it all the way across the galaxy only to crash land on earth like a rusty honda civic
What's always made me laugh is when people, also some professionals/scientists in the field, who say "It would be impossible for aliens to visit our planet as the distance between us and them would be impossible to cover". As if alien technology would be Tesla cars and Iphones 😂😂
MICHIO KAKU is the best!!!
If they can get here, then they are thousands of years ahead of us, if not more. Our sun is a baby in the galaxy, most stars are much older by billions of years, so those star systems have a huge headstart on us. I think they are here. And disclosure might actually be happening. Exciting times to be alive.
@@LakotaCat exactly! Who knows what technology they have, obviously a lot more advanced than ours. I also believe they are here, seen too much stuff
@@STRANGERINMOSCOW1These are simply demons pretending to be aliens.
Except that people don’t say it’s impossible for others to reach us, how would we know? Can you name any scientist who has said that? I think you’re misunderstanding the premise. What people say is that it’s impossible for us to reach others, at our current state of development.
I don’t think physicists are saying that…the equation for space travel happened in the 1950s
FANTASTIC interview with Michio! He’s a true scientist, open, ready and waiting for the material evidence when it potentially becomes available
We've been listening to literally this exact same crap since the end of WW2. Every generation it seems to get new legs. But its never more than variations on the same theme. Yawn.
"true scientist" LMAO He is a quack and not even a good one.
He knows a lot then he is saying. Just like Carl Sagan..
@@petercollingwood522 you're absolutely correct.....he's only going to tell us what they let him tell us.......judge Proctor's story about UFOs way before Roswell was found outside of Dallas. Great read Google his name. I think it's Aurora TX. Not sure but it can be seen by his name. God bless you and your family.
A great journalist and a wonderful scientist. Excellent interview.
Michio Kaku is a rock star. Blows my mind that we as a society admire celebrities more than this man.
people are stupid 🤷🏿♀️
No hes a genius..which is much more impressive
Well, you're watching a celebrity scientist. so whatever 🙄
Agreed. We praise people that can catch a ball, were born beautiful or can con people out of their money, instead of this guy.
Michio used to be such a skeptic and bashed the UFO research community. It's good to see him coming around, this means change is happening.
I like the way the reporter is handling this, letting the guests speak. Asking good questions. Michio's responses are refreshingly measured too.
yes agree
How is it these advanced civilizations arrive here from across many light years in sophisticated vehicles... then somehow always "crash" when they finally get here???
Oh, gosh, it's because this alien thing is about to blow
Word is our radar affects some of them.
@@CharGC123 Maybe they're out of "gas" :-D
Michio Kaku is such an underrated personality. I wish more people start recognizing him.
Personality? Give the man a bit of credit 😂he’s not a reality tv star
If he is on mainstream media then he is controlled and has an agenda
He's no different to HG Wells and Arthur Conan Doyle and other intellectuals who wanted desperately to believe that two young girls had photographed Fairies in their back garden in the 1920's !
What a non-discerning Old Hack is he! Go listen to Daniel Lizst (DJ), also a Harvard guy (as I am), and you might learn something useful
@@friarnewborg9213 oh you must be such an intellect or a narcissist?
We may be living in the most pivotal point in human history between aliens being real and Artificial life within the same time frame, absolutely wild.
At this point I’m open to believing anything 😂
Don't forget nanotechnology that can mesh with your brain.
If they say take me to your leader , just send them to Biden. Lol
Aliens are real, or not, independent of what anybody here thinks or believes.
All going according to the timeline
Michio I am so glad your here for a voice of reason . Thank you . ありがとうございます。
That may have been the best news segment I’ve ever seen. Regardless of subject matter. The interview was beautifully conducted and the conversation felt very real.
His a CLOWN, he actually believes the American government would reveal they have evidence of a crashed UFO and alien DNA 😂 I'm WAY LESS educated than this IDI0T and EVEN I know the American government would NEVER EVER admit such a thing lol
I have some ocean front property to sell in the mountains of Colorado if you are interested. Beautiful. Holler.
Shut up?
It was pure click bait.
Michio has lowered his standards a lot.
This segment was scientifically PATHETIC!
It was a discussion.
Why are you people so fuggin dooooschey 🤡?
@@robert-wr9xt Yep, they could've interviewed JoJo the dog-faced boy and we'd all have walked away with the same amount of information.
What a nice change of pace listening to these two! I love how finally we see a host that is humble when talking to a genius! 10/10
The best reporting about this matter I have heard till now
I’d believe a Farmer over a military personnel ANY day of the week.
That's a very low IQ thing to say.
@@grafspee7383 just say what that means. The llusion artworks courtesy of augmented reality holograms ?
Typically, they're close relatives.
You sound like a gullible person,King.
Michio is awesome, much more open minded than Neil Tyson.
Tyson is sadly an incredibly closed minded, self sufficient ass hole.
I am a big fan of Michio Kaku. He pretty much thinks the same way as I do. Tyson lost me when he came out as a leftist, and a proponent of the global warming hoax, and all the lefts crazy ideas on how to deal with a non existent issue, that would destroy humanity as we know it. Kaku is right. Follow the evidence. And as of now, there IS NO EVIDENCE.
I wish blacks had a better representing scientist than Neil. 😢
Are you kidding me? This guy is a clown and will hop on any show, clip, etc. to get paid to talk about nonsense.
Neil unfortunately is a know it all, which is pretty dumb for a smart guy..
I could listen to Michio for hours. The way he explains something as if a child would be able to understand while still staying very academic and precise. He's the frontman of curiosity in science, why, who and what. Never underestimate the unknown
I don't know if you have read any of his books, but he does a really great job of teaching some more esoteric and some advanced things in easy to understand ways. Great stuff imo
The Bible has always stated they were casted down to earth not able to roam back and forth anymore.
Yes, they are out there. Thank you Dr. Kaku.
Look up what recently happened in Vegas. There was a 911 call placed of something falling from the sky and the callers saw 8 foot creatures with big glowing eyes standing in their back yard. Police report was made and everything.
I love the fact that people are worried about whether the aliens are hostile or not. Have you guys ever wondered about Homo Sapiens' reputation among aliens? Just look at how we treat our neighbours, ourselves and our planet. I'm afraid we're the monsters in this storyline.
Very well said
Once the alien agenda happens suddenly conservatives will support lgbt humans and say “maybe transgenders aren’t so bad” 😂😂😂
@@tula1433In your own self-righteous dreams😂They’d probably be grossed out by your narcissism if they evolved to have the feeling of disgust.
Nah. We act like most animals on Earth, we eat others, fight for territory, fight for resources, etc. It is safe to assume this is normal in any planet where life develops. We are however in a transitional evolutionary period where we are learning to be less violent little by little.
They might be patiently observing the process of our development, or could even be harvesting us or planning an invasion. Don't assume the universe is necessarily peaceful.
Well, in reality, its highly likely that many if not most civilizations would have a had a similar development to out own, consuming planetary resources, warring over those resources, and eventually overcoming these problems, just like we will.
Love and respect to Dr. Kaku.
Thanks for all of your kindnesses.
“I think we’re just beginning to understand how beautiful this universe is…to assume there is nobody out there, is ridiculous…” Thank you, Michio Kaku! 💕🙏🏼😇
Michio kaka is fake fake
@@HelenaNyborg-nq9yp salt for breakfast?
Hopefully whoever is out there thinks earth is also beautiful, but I doubt it.
@@christopher9196 Why do you doubt it? With ALL of the technological sophistication we have achieved we have seen no signs of intelligent life anywhere else that our equipment covers. So we DO know that there is no intelligent anywhere near us. The nearest star cluster is the Plaiedes, right, at 440 light years from us. I would suggest any aliens coming from outside of our area would regard the Earth as a thing of beauty and valuable. But personally, I think aliens coming here are inter-dimensional, not inter-planetary. Either way, alien scientists would be bound to be fascinated with us.
Michio Kaku legend
he's a parakeet , government is his boss he is in the scam don't let him fool you
he is a joker.or joke.same as hiperspace
The earth is flat
@@visitante-pc5zc depends on lenses , altitude and space as a category of mind
I'm 57 years old and between the ages of 16 and 35 I must've read over 50 books about UFOs. I even checked books out of the Pennsylvania state library at the Capitat Building in my hometown Harrisburg. Btw, that library at the Capital building happened to have the most books on this subject than any other that I've visited.
I even read Project Bluebook that the government put out.
What I'm getting at is that this subject was ridiculed with the most cruel methods available for my entire life and now we are witnessing the exact opposite at almost the flip of a switch. It seems too good to be true to me. Especially since I'm aware of Project Bluebeam and it's potential to be employed to create mass panic and hysteria.
Basically, why would the U.S. government openly acknowledge something they openly denied the day before?
This doesn't smell right to me, and this is coming from a man that wished for disclosure his entire life.
Because they have to now. to many sitings and too much proof, and they are doing it so they can control the narrative of it before it comes out on its own.
I think they're getting us ready for some calamity they're getting us ready because these beings will show themselves that's what I think so slowly but surely they're admitting to this We are all being groomed 0:34
There may have been a genuine shift somewhere in the landscape of the situation to trigger this acknowledgement... or, there may be human ulterior motives at play. Your comment is definitely cause for thought.
You just articulated my very same opinion. I've read quite a bit, qnd have also personally witnessed several ufos myself. Two of those experiences seemed extraterrestrial to me, but I've also seen some stuff while I was living in Arizona that I suspected were our military. Either there is a contingent within our government who are aware of bluebeam, and trying to prevent it through disclosure, or these leaks and "whistle-blowers" are part of the plan. Or maybe both things are happening simultaneously. But it worries me that most people I know are so incredibly naive about this and so many other subjects. The same people who would openly mock me for calmly recounting my experiences yesterday, would turn around and demand a "global response" to the "alien threat" without ever pausing to actually think about it. I think this subject is just so scary to most people that they CAN'T think about it critically
Much respect to Michio Kaku
Non-human doesn't equal extraterrestrial. Life has been evolving on Earth for 3 billion years. It's ludicrous to imagine humanity is the apex.
Literally out of a Hollywood script. Right on
Look at this guy. Keeping so professional. Love him
I’ve always loved Michio. He’s always had an open mind…the sign of a true genius.
A really good metric to measure intelligence by is an individuals acceptance in regards to what anyone can possibly know (as well as prrsonal limitations), and he fails at this. He doesnt have a stellar reputation in the world of science due to some of his wild claims. He did so even in this clip.. made absolute claims he has no evidence to support.
except when he said he didn't want to take mushrooms and melt his brain
He was a shill for a long time, do not forget this
He's wrong about "announcing our existence." We've been broadcasting radio and TV signals for decades. It's too late for that. And he knows it.
Yep he is so wise I suppose. I true scientist, very left brain genius guy.......he had a strange excited, detached fascination about how we can shoot 1 Million watts into the atmosphere to change the weather WOW! Either way I think he is very smart and maybe he should have had a few mushrooms.........On the other hand I think the earth has been just great for billions of years and the universe has been just great, leave it alone.....I'm quite sure the spiritually advanced aliens just shake their heads at us very warlike species and wondering when we will take responsibility and wake up that there is only one conciousness here in many beings......
Remember the golden rule? Do unto others as you would have done to you? hmmmm says it all....
My uncle WWII USAF, told the family about UFOS from the day he came home in 1945. He lived until 94 yrs of age & NEVER wavered. High ranking Officer, non combat, no medical problems. Healthier than most, he moved from the East to West Coast. I believed everything he said, at first the family thought he was crazy. Samuel Alfieri. Thank you Uncle Sam❤
Yea right 😂
You most likely believed someone under control by free masons are he was a free mason himself considering his rank, congrats
@@httr9102 Don't be a fool about this.
Can you share a bit about what he told you. You might want to see if he left any documents or even photos or drawings. It can be submitted to NASA , they have an investigation team. I would however make copies and let them have those. Always keep the originals if any exist.
well if your uncle told this your family than thats enough evidence
stop all hearings people, we have the proof now
Bless this man Michio Kaku and what a wonderful voice.
Finally someone with great knowledge to listen to ✌️
🤣😂😅LMAO! Kaku doing what Kaku does best: Pretending to be a scientist and shilling for the globalists.
He is the best theoretical physicist. News nation keep up the great work wow.
Thank you for this talk. It helped me sorting some things, mentally.
You guys are great. Proud of you NewsNation! I've followed you since Brian Entin reported on the Gabby Petito case. This is a REAL news station who cares about what they report on and their sources.
David Grusch is a Hero! Thanks you Michio for standing up for humanity!
Youre gay
Never thought that i would witness disclosure happening in my life time. What a great time to be alive
Don't count your chickens...
I was also thinking ...not in my life time....but lo and behold.
Right with you there, brother!
I'm hoping you're right, but every day lately seems like we're getting closer to being caught in the worse time too be alive. I hope I'm wrong
@@Arbiter85 Things seem to be pretty desolate right now...I have to agree. Who knows what the future holds for us. Maybe this will all calm down. Trust in God.🙏🤝
This was the BEST news talk out of everyone 💯💪
Can we just talk about what a fantastic interviewer she was????? She was so respectful and kind and appreciative of Dr. Kaku being on the show and talking to her.
Can we just talk about the fact THERE'S F*CKING ALIENS
@@nicholasanderson9019 that’s such a lowbrow fatherless behavior comment.
Sure . Aliens are your only problem
People like Michio Kaku are important because their storytelling ability gets young people interested in subjects they may usually not be interested in, and thats a great thing...
my god. all that man does is drone on about theoretical stuff that our population is way too lazy to ever achieve.
Subjects that are interesting but not real
Have you heard his views of real world tech like AI? His knowledge is very behind
@@kasheem1747are you omniscient?
@@marcgarrigosmane166 No ! I’m just simply here
Fantastic reporting!! It's so refreshing to see a real journalist taking this subject seriously and asking the right questions!! News Nation got a great jump over the other major news outlets by covering this story. I applaud their coverage and courage to tackle such an amazing topic. Thank you!!
Michio sets the bar. He is the most level-headed, straight forward, open-minded, and well spoken scientist out there.
*celebrity scientist out there
there are more than you see on tiktok and youtube
Michio Kaku is by far my favorite popular scientist, his books are so good. Amazing to hear his perspective on this upcoming hearing!
I’m a fan of his too. Like his quantum physics stuff. Same with Brian green and his general and special relativity teachings.
way to go Dr. Kaku! I totally agree with your sentiment and am thankful you're being so open minded
I've been a huge fan of Michio Kaku for 20 years and he's definitely middle of the road scientist. He's very smart and thoughtful. He doesn't dismiss "crazy ufo/alien claims but he requires real proof of such.
As should any scientist worth his/her/their salt.
True i agree with u, as for me too unless i see an alien spaceship or clear pics n video then i realy dont believe in this UFO thing at all,my granny is 101 this year shebtold me straight that those things dont exist including HELL
Michio kaku seemed a bit more cheerful than he typically does and its obvious this gal has a lot of respect for him. I try not to be positive on the internet but I must say - this was a good little interview, good job.
Great reporting!!! You guys are good on reporting this subject respectfully. Get Dr Greer to discuss this subject!
NewsNation you are making history with your reporting. I hope you guys and gals get a lot of credit for getting this information out. We need to keep the general public interested so disclosure doesn’t get buried like many times before. I can’t wait to see the full interview with the whistleblower David G. on Sunday. This all is so exciting!
It's really great.
Had never heard of NewsNation until this story broke. This story has made them a player.
@@user-ex4xx6cr3x after reflection, it’s probably best to disregard anything coming from the government 😘
He's an educator as well as a thought leader.
Bravo Prof. Kaku!! Well said. Can't wait as a fellow Physicist.
This anchor is great! She’s asking thoughtful questions I love it. Get Lue / Chris Mellon on the show!
I think this is the first step in a “process”to slowly inform humans that we are not alone in the universe, and that our human technology isn’t the most advanced in the universe.
I love Michio Kaku….I actually let out a “yes!” when he said his catchphrase “We physicists “ 😂😂😎😎
Too late they are already here.
Now she's a reporter I loved this interview
If people like this was running the world ❤ a lot would be solved in a week ❤
Lol you underestimate corruption and budgets
lmao how naive
Brilliant man! Thanks Michio Kaku!
All our radio waves announce were we are. We don't have to send any personalised messages.
I've always respected you, sir. I've watched you many times.
I love him. I could listen to him for hours and hours 😊
LMAO! Kaku doing what Kaku does best: Pretending to be a scientist and shilling for the globalists.
This was a brilliant conversation, hope to see Michio Kaku on again soon! It's good to see the alien conversation being talked about more.
There is a rich history of cases.
Richard Dolan is one of the most knowledgeable people about the history of UFOs, you should have him on the show also!
Have you read the Allies of Humanity Briefings?
Best interview I've seen so far with an expert on this new UAP story. Though despite the tongue-in-cheek aspect of some this news coverage, I'm seeing a lot of cautious anxiousness going on with all of these talking heads regarding this particular story. The ramifications of it being actually true are world-changing.
Seeing the same. It’s different this time. I think I’m 100% convinced there’s a true disclosure coming very soon, happening now actually
This is really fascinating. Wonderful interview. 🚀
To be fair, we as humans don’t have a great track record of treating other humans much less other species with respect or even basic decency so as an analogy, I don’t think we can depend on the good will of the visitors. The whistle blower himself said there had been some malevolent intent. But I definitely think we all need to stop the in-fighting and get our priorities straight. Things are getting very weird very fast.
Youre gay
John Lear in an old interview said that 90% of them are hostile. And like one species or something shares technology for the government.
This story could be the biggest story in the history of mankind. And some people think we can resist the threat of a species who has the technology to be here.
The CIA already concluded the Billy Meier case was true, decades ago.
They've been in this universe/multiverse for way longer then humans...
All human beings are originally a slave race, of genetically modified beings, created from over 20 various ET races to mine gold. We are also a long term experiment. These ETs could disintegrate the entire planet if they wanted. They can travel in sub space. A type of tech that is thousands of years ahead of us.
If I were you guys be ready for a false flag attack, blamed on ETs, perpetuated by the US military to try to and discredit these beings and install a one world, NWO style government. Don't fall for it.
Unless you see an ET with a fucking fazer about to disintegrate you, which you wont, don't fall for this Project Blue Beam bullshit. It' s all a lie. Some aliens already walk among us and we are the aliens as well. It's both.
The US government can't deny the existence of offworld ET eben aliens any longer. And instead of just saying "oh we were full of shit about aliens, they're real, sorry" they are going to double down on the lie. Because they think they have to. And if they HAVE to admit the aliens exist know the aliens will definitely be hostile. Notice how she was spinning that angle? In reality the bad aliens are already here running the show, secretly and the good aliens are trying to uplift humanity. The bad ones will do everything in their power to stop it. Don't fall for it.
The ruling class on this planet doesn't want to give up the easy money and tell people about Tesla style Zero point energy. If that tech comes out they'll lose their Babylon money magic petro dollar scheme. They cannot have that. They will do ANYTHING in their power to stop the good aliens from uplifting humanity. And this DEFINITELY includes a fake alien invasion. They would rather nuke the planet then give up the easy money and get real jobs. Trust me.
Strap yourself in, we are in for an exciting ride.
Most people just think its more likely that this gets a lot of clicks and is just a product of greed. And in all likelihood, it is explained by greed, or fear mongering to control peoples behaviors. Wouldn't be the first time, would it? There's a reason big foot is so famous, and it's not because there's anything remarkable behind it. Just a lot of attention.
@@jbagelfishing2907 what? Extraterrestrial life forms trying to help humanity not annihilate themselves, is the biggest news story in the last 11,500 years.
@@justsayupyours They’ve been here since we detonated the first nuclear weapon back in the 40s. Their objective is to prevent us from nuking ourselves
He’s giving you full-disclosure that it’s right out of a Hollywood script
Well, some people in the 1980s argued that certain films were made to prep the public for the announcement of Extra Terrestrial existance. They decided against it. So its a big conundrum.
And, reality is always stranger than fiction. I worked in two different US intelligence agencies for 21 years. I saw a lot of things (not alien related) that would be rejected as a Hollywood script for being too far fetched and unbelievable. And, again, not alien or UFO related, but most people would be shocked at some of the secrets the government has managed to conceal for many many years. It's quite easy. None of us want our pensions stripped away, or worst case, prosecuted. That's why the whistleblower protection for the classified UFO/UAP programs was so important, and why so many well placed witnesses have shown up since them.
She said the quiet part out loud: "convince our political leaders around the world we are far stronger as one". The globalists will soon transition us to their one world government.
@@zergilli9719 yeah some people drink their piss too
Interesting, very professional interview for the short time given.
love the way you guys are covering this...very progressive and respectful
Thank you, I love this scientist. I'm always happy to see him and listen to what he has to say.😊😊😊😊😊😊❤
Michio Kaku is by far one of my favorites, I can listen to him for hours!
he stopped being my favorite after buying into this nonsense.
He is a liar. We don't live on a ball in space.
Why would the government lie to you about this? what would they gain?
Use your brain
Just a few hours ago in Las Vegas a police officer caught something falling from the sky on his body cam. 5 min later a family reported something crashed in the back yard and there were 2 8ft tall non human beings with Big Eyes walking around. The cops were spoked driving up to the home and straight out told them that they don't think they are crazy because another officer caught something falling from the sky so they believe them. I’ll try to post the news segment link, lol things are getting real i say!
Link pls
Just watched the video myself, that was some crazy stuff.
Yep i watched the video on yt,, they said the beings were 9-10 feet tall with big shiney eyes and big mouths
That happened back on April 30, May 1st, I’m surprised it’s not getting more traction on the news.
I’ve just watched that video and what I find suspicious is when they black out a certain portion
I personally think Kaku is at least the United States’ greatest astronomy and physics educator (and other subjects) if not globally. No doubt all have unique styles and ways of presenting, but I love Kaku’s track record on public debates, education, and almost always staying cool even in tough situations (there was a Russia propaganda TV segment years back where they tried to insinuate democracy was a ruse and not optimal and goaded him into very leading, terrible questions and he handled it super well even though irritated). I actually saw another educator who couldn’t handle the audience in the auditorium without being a tad confrontational with them-a well known educator. Kaku can handle even ridiculous questions pretty well. I think he genuinely loves inspiring people to think rationally and take things with a rational mindset and approach with the scientific method.
Wow...youre smoking strong weed bro..😂😂😂😂keep on living your fantasy if it makes you happy😂😂😂😂
@@alexferreira2160 he thinks a scientist is incredibly intelligent, and for some reason you have personal evidence that proves otherwise? At least give a clear idea of why the fuck you disagree instead of being dismissive and pissy like a princess.
Everyone is living with their interpretation of reality, being that it is a mirror of a mutual fantasy, blind to the viewer.
Time to roll up some absolute top shelf 500% pure THC moonrocks dipped in extra bubble hash, grown aeroponically in the most perfect conditions in the smack middle of Humboldt county, filled with full spectrum terpenes
Aliens or demons, don't exist. Also, lets say would be real, violent psychopats, aliens can't be that inteligents to have this kinds of thechnology, when you are not connected with God, Source you are limited in knowledge, can't go that far. They are just fiction, to justify their science and religion, to brainwash peolle into disfunctional ways of thinking and to fail into perciving reality as it is.They don't exist, at least not as depicted in films, serial movies or Bible. Instead there are low energies, as entities and they can only manifest throught humans, as humans...these entities can't posses a material or a light body, as Angels or other high energy spirits...they manifest as distorted thoughts, behaviours, feelings, possesing, ocuping human mind with obsessions, depressions, anxiety, stress, confussion, hysteria, fears, fixations, blockages, fear, hysteria, anger, jealousy, feeling weak, feeling as victims, feeling as agressors, frustrations, feeling limited, feeling the lack... wanting to suicide, to dissapear...bcz when not connected with God it hurts so bad, it creats so much suffering for humans. These entities can posses human mind, when we have a distorted perception, bcz this psychopatic society and bcz traumas, post traumatic personality disorders, (narcisists, psihopats, borderline, codependents (the demon or entity of victim and agressor) and other menthal illnesses, when we are not connected with our true selves with God, Source. And also high Spirits, as Angels or other forms of high energies, as love, power, compassion, gratitude, inteligence, light beeings connected with God, Source, they have body of light and also can materialise if they wish.
Thinking is not your forte 😅
How "gorgeous" and glorious our universe is🌹 It seems to me, we are more of a danger to ourselves than extraterrestrials are. As long as "they" help save the human race and our beautiful planet, I'm all in! 🙏
"I don't think we should announce out existence"... Oppps.
He said exactly what Stephen Hawking said about trying to announce our presence to extraterrestrials
except we are the hostile ones, shooting them down with neutrino scalar weapons
@goransvraka3171 "we" don't belong to those groups. Those are monsters , and they hurt living beings. Sure we might be human, but greer never pulled the curtain back on the elephant.
@@goransvraka3171 Neutrino scalar??? Explain
@@goransvraka3171 With magnitude, but no direction, what?
the aliens are already here.. I seen them all last night.. hundreds of them
EVIDENCE . We need evidence no testimonials. Proof we want proof!!!!
Nothing but talk and sensationalist news reports. It's all a BS distraction.
The last time we opened that Pandora's box, we created entire extinction/origin myths within our own culture. The day we announce we are active players in a game we don't understand may very well be the day we are reset once again.
Watch the documentary Unacknowledged tons of evidence and proof with documents
@@attemptedunkindness3632 the reset is upcoming, and rather near. Do you know what the origin of the world myth is? mythos (Borrowed from Late Latin mȳthos (“myth”), from Ancient Greek μῦθος (mûthos, “report, tale, story”). Doublet of myth. mythos (plural mythoi or mythoses)
Anything transmitted by word of mouth, such as a fable, legend, narrative, story, or tale (especially a poetic tale).
A story or set of stories relevant to or having a significant truth or meaning for a particular culture, religion, society, or other group; a myth, a mythology. The proper meaning of the word isn't how it came to be defined in English, a false story, but rather anything transmitted through the word of mouth (because they were illiterate, or didn't have writing)
And they may use project blue beam to create proof.
there is no proof.
this is bullsh1t.
My favorite physicists, scientists and genius of all time. I appreciate this gentlemen’s vast knowledge, critical thinking and openness.
he stopped being my favorite after buying into this nonsense.
@@Honestcritic79why is it nonsense though. There has been proof covered up for years.
@@JaxxAttack yes a foreign adversary aircraft recovery program has been covered up. It’s not an alien recovery program lol
@@Honestcritic79sure buddy
If you were a genius I think he would be actually doing work
While i don't disagree with anything he said here, as someone who wants to see the UFO topic taken seriously, I wish we could keep Michio Kaku far away from it.
This impending disclosure hype has been playing out for the last 30 years and a lot of people have made careers out of it.
For 30 years the US government has openly admitted there are things flying around, and openly created a branch of the government to investigate them? Hmm.. dont remember THAT happening before...
Before the governments told the public about UAPs, people: "If UAPs are REAL then why wouldn't the government tell us?!?! Fake" After the governmentS tell us: "bullshit, I dont believe you". Keep moving goal posts. Yall believe they are making this all up, but 2 years ago believed everything the government told you about Covid?? What in the cognitive dissonance is going on here?!? Hahaha fact is, until people see it, in front of them themselves, they will never believe it.. they save THAT energy for believing in magic sky gods that created the universe in 7 days... but yes, aliens is WAAAY to crazy to believe hahahaha
I wish I could ask him every weird question that popped into my head at 3am. He’s so awesome ❤
@il-be-back ewwww. U not sexy😁
Yeah , all the electrical discharges bouncing of the walls of your scull , you perceive as "thoughts" . Nice white jacket , perhaps ?
I phoned in to his radio program once.
I think our whistleblower has been introduced to the media because we are about to meet the aliens.
One of them is running our country.
Nope. He is an actor and a distraction.
Why not... our borders wide open.
yeah,millions of them crossing illegally
Because all hell is about to break lose if aliens don't fix our problems. We are monkeys with razor blades.
Gotta respect the journalist for her awesome job. Very professional and intelligent
1:09 Correction: The claims that Grusch is making are things others have seen, not himself.
Well, she says the evidence he’s claimed to have seen. He’s claimed to have seen classified documents and heard things about these programs. I think that’s the evidence she’s referring to.
@@Nunya111 He was also high up in the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency which sounds to me like they deal a lot with different types of surveillance satellites. There have been rumors going around that last year or the year before one of these satellites picked up something coming from deep space and going into earths atmosphere in a controlled way. He might have first hand access to that data, if it really happened.
You mean what he says others have claimed to have seen.
@@Nunya111 Yes. He's seen some paperwork. Nothing else.
Love Michio, could listen to him all day.
I like Ashleigh Banfield. She is one of the few newscasters who approaches this topic with the sense of interest and seriousness it deserves.
aliens : look guys they are not that stupid anymore, thats 1% improvement over 25 years, impressive !
Can it possibly be said that the "whistleblower" is "planted" for a purpose which could either be "to mislead, disinform" or other?
What exactly would be the purpose?
Of course. Anyone saying no doesn't know much about the whole history. Look at project blue beam. It's been a CIA plan for many years to fake a UFO sighting or invasion to gain further control. With today's tech and control of media, it would be so easy. Especially these comments saying this couldn't possibly be fake.
@@crypt1d550 To make the public believe in aliens from other planets, which is exactly what the military and the media have been trying to do for literally decades.... This is not rocket science. Many people have been predicting a fake alien invasion from the establishment being perpetrated, for literally decades as well...
May want to check out the Reagan speech about humanity unifying around an outside ET threat. I'm not confident you have the mental faculties or honest intent to understand but I've given you enough to start understanding... if you are capable...
No. It's more like he's decided to make these claims himself, to become the next Bob Lazar and bathe in the attention, fame and fortune provided him by the gullible and UFO nuts. I'm actually surprised you can't pre-order his forthcoming book yet. There will be one, I have no doubts.