This serial are like that when starting its looks interesting after sometime it takes different route and different actors the serial gone dime.If the director change story also changed. Out of track.only Abi can leave the village.All the serial director think viewers are where is jamin banglo.End of the story they drive us nuts that usual.
Well said MR. AATHAVAN ...
Pls upload ganga seral 2 10 2017
தயவுசெய்து நாளைக்கு போடுங்க
Where is the 30th episode?
Wat happen to ganga serial not telecast
ஏன்.இன்று கங்கா...நாடகம். ..போடுல
What happened to GK?? Why his character is not replaced in serial??
Pls change that abhirami
This serial are like that when starting its looks interesting after sometime it takes different route and different actors the serial gone dime.If the director change story also changed. Out of track.only Abi can leave the village.All the serial director think viewers are where is jamin banglo.End of the story they drive us nuts that usual.
Ajay, come to Valli serial.
Ganga kill jayasima
Can't Abirami see that Gowri has kungkumam on her forehead? Don't they suspect anything?
Ayyo aanad ennapa ipudi panringa
sud hai s u Dhu
Foolish Jayasimha and Ajay.
thrilling story mokkai serial agitinga.ajay padhil vera alla illiya.kolangal oru imsai again oru imsai
Poda panni sirial villathan teikran