Be A Better Roleplayer

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 161

  • @kneedeepoceans
    @kneedeepoceans 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +58

    The tip about sharing your secret is gold. I'm guilty of treat my secrets like pcs often treat consumable items. By waiting for the perfect situation to use (reveal) it, I end up holding onto it forever.

    • @johannes2650
      @johannes2650 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      The jrpg curse 😂😂

  • @JReilly9945
    @JReilly9945 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    “Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." - Jake The Dog

  • @barcodedm
    @barcodedm 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +79

    Regarding secrets, one thing I've both seen and done myself is having a character reveal a secret to an NPC during a scene where the rest of the party isn't present. So the players get that dramatic irony and then they get to choose (with you and the DM) when and how they have their characters find out about the secret.

    • @jamessocol3211
      @jamessocol3211 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Some of my absolute favorite scenes at the table have come from that kind of dramatic irony. An interaction with a character that I, the player, know is dangerous but my low-wis, trusting PC doesn't? I still get chills years later.

  • @SingularityOrbit
    @SingularityOrbit 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    There's something hidden in your advice about secrets: you talked about a player calling for others' Passive Perception numbers and then describing what they see. I've always been excited when players do this because it means they've internalized the rules, which is the first step to using the rules to tell their stories. I've also played under a DM who insisted that only they could call for die rolls or checks, which eliminates this useful tool.
    Players who come to D&D (and the RPG community in general) through streaming shows all come with a desire to play characters who have a story. D&D have some decent tools for making characters with a story, but it's all built on a framework of "the DM is the only one who decides which rules apply." That makes sense when dealing with the campaign world and NPCs, but between players and their characters it's good for players to have some rules they can use to play with each other. Games in the Powered by the Apocalypse side of the pool are often built to do things like this -- it's a big part of what makes them Story Games -- and they work very well. It's easy to add as an optional rule in D&D exactly as Dael did in this video. Just like keeping feats and multiclassing in the game, it's good to give players tools.

  • @Mallory-Malkovich
    @Mallory-Malkovich 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    "doesn't it make you go 'Ooooh!'"
    I use this quote from _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_ all the time too!

  • @Swimavidly
    @Swimavidly 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +108

    DM: OK, you all have some downtime. What do you want to do?
    Dael's Player: I want to work on my latest video to earn some cash.
    DM: Alright, roll for Dael's video recording.
    Dael's Player: Oof, that's a natural 1... I'm going to use Luck. OK, that's better, a 15.
    DM: Here's what happens. Dael does an absolutely perfect single take, but she forgot to press record...
    Dael's Player: *laughing* Oh no!
    DM (continuing): Luckily, she still has time to try again, so she records again, and it's a good video. She puts in a mini-rant at the beginning about how she should be better at this given her expertise in Performance...
    Editor's Player: Given my chaotic neutral alignment, I am for sure leaving that in.
    DM: ...and it drives extra engagement in the comments.
    Dael's Player: Nice. TH-cam Platinum, here I come!
    DM: (joking) Well, we'll see if you can defeat the scheduling dragon first.
    All: *laugh*

  • @EunoiaRPG
    @EunoiaRPG 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    I, too, recall the lyrics of Pretty Fly when i need to count in Spanish

    • @hotscottrulz
      @hotscottrulz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      You know it’s kinda hard just to get along today!

    • @tonysladky8925
      @tonysladky8925 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Better than recalling U2's "Vertigo"... Unless you want to count "One, two, three, fourteen" for some reason.

    • @apeanders
      @apeanders 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Table for seven? Ok, yes, I know that, it's eeeh... oh

  • @DimaJeydar
    @DimaJeydar 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    In my experience, the key to role-playing a character who acts differently than you is to understand what they are afraid of. What’s the worst that can possibly happen to them. From this comes what they want, and what they actually need.
    But also heed the advice about the secrets. I have this well thought out character that my party still doesn’t really know his backstory after playing for two years, because I waited for the right moment to reveal it, only for this moment to go away faster than I could react.

    • @Omrikai6594
      @Omrikai6594 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Your first point is the core of my RP, and it really does make it easier. As to 'secrets', I've already been using the approach described; certain personal details are an open secret to the party.
      The one disappointment I have is that I'm practically the only person interested in the roleplay. Sometimes another player will respond in kind, but mostly I have to slip it in between the mechanical stuff. Sometimes feels like it's just me and the GM, and I have to be careful to avoid going into Main Character mode. 🙃

  • @HorizonOfHope
    @HorizonOfHope 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Also when it comes to being a better player and DM: be honest from the beginning about the general character concept and see if the DM is on board.
    For instance: playing an illusion wizard can seem fun, right up until every single NPC suddenly becomes the most suspicious and inquisitive person in history.

  • @kavega21
    @kavega21 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Asking questions and bringing other players in is the biggest thing I think a player can do to help foster a nice team. "Wow arent you also from Northreim, Cattie? What do you think about that?". "Wow this book is way out of my wheel house, Ezikkal maybe you can take a look". Which of course reuires active listening and not just waiting for your turn to say something...
    Great video

  • @MrCowabungaa
    @MrCowabungaa 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    When it comes to the personality vs mechanics discussion; that's why I love Legend Of The Five Rings so much. Its stats are much more than the simple D&D stats.
    Is your Air stat high? Well, that means you're dextrous and quiet, but you're also a gracious and subtle person. Water stat? Affable and gregarious, but also flexible. There's a bunch more of those that make up your statline, and they instantly tell you what kind of person they are. That makes character creation a lot more interesting too, as you're immediately thinking about what kind of person they are and not so much whether they're physically strong or not. Your character is fulla drama and juice from the get-go!
    And how they interact with skills is also more flavourful and RP-focused. If you're composing a poem; roll Composing. But are you making an intense and rather innovative poem? Well add your Fire stat to that roll. Is it to-the-point and utilitarian? Add Earth. I love it so much.

  • @jamessocol3211
    @jamessocol3211 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Tip #1 is so important. The biggest focus are and skill in the improv 101 class I just finished was attention, keeping different tracks running, watching and listening to different things. At the table there's usually only one thing happening at a time, so you have a little more control over when you take notes, read your character sheet, etc, but it's still so helpful to be able to keep half an eye on the rest of the players while doing anything else.

  • @almitrahopkins1873
    @almitrahopkins1873 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Don’t cripple the character with a dump stat.
    Using the roll 4d6 & drop the lowest, then assign for attributes in AD&D 2nd, I made a dwarf fighter/priest with an 18(00) str, 8 dex, 16 con, 12 int, 14 wis and 16 cha. I played him for what he was, just a hair short of being a paladin. I gave him the Temple Guard kit out of the Complete Book of Dwarves to further cement the idea that he was just not good enough to be a paladin and he was never going to be a high priest. It never stopped him from being a hero, but he was never the hero he thought he should have been. That’s roleplaying gold right there.

  • @invisiblejazz
    @invisiblejazz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    This is a super helpful jumpstart for early players! Gonna be sharing on discords 👀

  • @CountsDigGraves
    @CountsDigGraves 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Dusk was absolutely stellar. The Ruby Citadel was badass and Llevellys is next-llevell.

  • @turoni314
    @turoni314 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    For me secrets have really become a thing where from Session 1 I start setting up ways other people can uncover my secret.
    Still wild how long it can take even with actively trying to get the secret out there.

  • @Niggelsworth
    @Niggelsworth 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    0:13 As a camera operator, I felt this frame with my soul and it put me right back into that wedding ceremony.

  • @digitaljanus
    @digitaljanus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    The secrets tip is so great--it's not just for DMs!

  • @gregwisniewski9604
    @gregwisniewski9604 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I very much enjoyed your solo session of Dusk! The combination of stress from the player, and stress from your character was magical.
    We discuss the great moments at our table a lot among my TTRPG group friends, and the ones where the character and the player are in the same place, informationally and emotionally are always among the most satisfying.

  • @trynda1701
    @trynda1701 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Love your MonarchsFactory channel. Your enthusiasm for TTRPGs is brilliant!
    That's the part of games that I like the most, the roleplaying and story. I've played in a game, during a four to five hour session, where there was no combat, just a few dice rolls, and the rest was roleplaying. One of my favourite sessions ever!
    Concerning characters asking questions, I remember playing a shy female Dwarven Scout. Scouting suited her shyness. But one time, in a cavern system, we were caught in a flash flood! My character was actually claustrophobic in stess situations, so I sat for half an hour just sayin little and shivering. Not one player asked if she was ok for over half an hour!

  • @Minchowski
    @Minchowski 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I just got done playing a very short campaign where I was playing a warlock who used his mask of many faces invocation to occasionally appear as his dead best friend. Which was the only reason I'd taken the invocation and was all I was planning on using it for. And then, one of the other PCs sacrificed himself to save the party, and my warlock was the only one still up. And I just immediately decided that my warlock would now also use disguise self to appear as that PC, which ended up (since there were a couple more meaningful party deaths to the warlock) being a really important character trait that I had absolutely not planned on.

    • @brookejon3695
      @brookejon3695 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's so fun and interesting. I did a similar thing with a Kenku character

  • @dreadpiratekiel
    @dreadpiratekiel 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Your solo thing in Dusk was my fav part. Gave me so many ideas as a GM.
    edit now that I've finished the video. Amazing advice all around, sending this to all my players.

  • @John-me1hz
    @John-me1hz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I definitely need to work on my active listening. I often get too caught up thinking about how my own character would act in a situation and end up missing what the other players are putting down.
    Great video!

  • @TheNerdySimulation
    @TheNerdySimulation 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This is my general advice that I think honestly more people should follow: Be comfortable not having immediate answers to in-character situations and be open to collaborating with your own character actions. It falls in line with putting secrets in the open for the table and it takes a lot of pressure off this idea that you need to be "in-character" all the time, reacting in real time whilst opening up opportunities for better characterization (especially if you wanna play extremely charming and clever peeps but are not yourself).

  • @scottbrewer474
    @scottbrewer474 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Asking questions of other players or even just talking to other players in character is so important!

  • @kelpiekit4002
    @kelpiekit4002 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Creating a character tag can be useful. Your character may take a certain posture or hold a particular item, such as fidgeting with a necklace or a dagger. Maybe they do a certain gesture like stroking their chin. Doing that can help link you back into your character, especially if your concentration has wondered. When GMing I do it a lot for NPCs. Also, sometimes character voices can be cued a bit in the mind with a key word that you find easy to say in their voice.
    Additionally prepare for sessions. Characters should have active plans for what they want to do. The GM can interrupt them, entice with new opportunities, or fully embrace letting your characters lead for a while. But also, as you mentioned, think of the other players. In your prep think of how you can support them. Pick up offers they gave last session. Encourage reflection on past events. Train with their new skills. Think of a gift your character could buy theirs. And, since the GM is a player you can support too, look into lore you find interesting, plan an activity with an NPC, reengage with plot fragments that have been on hold or forgotten for a while. And talk to other players about your prep if collaboration would help.

  • @rafaelbrandao4059
    @rafaelbrandao4059 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    It's the closed lens incident all over again!

  • @tw1sted1nc
    @tw1sted1nc 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The energy on this one is full send.

  • @willemverheij3412
    @willemverheij3412 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Something I'd recommend to keep in mind for playing evil alignments is that they don't have to be eager to kill. There's many ways someone can be evil. For a one shot I have played a chaotic evil Drow Sorcerer, Mr Frost, and he was kind of a gentleman thief. Well dressed, eloquent, not someone to bother with stealing petty things but someone who'd be willing to take big risks for the chance of big rewards.
    The one shot was about us having to obtain some stolen goods carried by train so he seemed a good character for a heist like that. He did try to avoid killing people, like he talked some stable hands out of attacking them and always stayed very courteous. I figure he's someone who'd rather not make a mess of things and avoids drawing needless attention. Wouldn't feel remorse for killing people, but it's more something he'd do as a last resort after giving a chance to walk away.
    To him thievery is an art form, and the less of a trail he leaves, the better. His motivation is very much greed, but it needs to be sportive. It can't be too easy, he needs something to boast about.
    I also felt the greed was fitting for him being a draconic sorcerer.
    I'd be open to use him for a campaign maybe, if I can find a fitting one. And he was a very fun exploration of chaotic evil.
    I also have plans to try a black knight type lawful evil guy sometimes. Goes with what the group wants but would certainly be quick to point out the mistake of others if they let someone live and it comes back to bite them. I'd probably make him a childhood friend of another player's character if possible, could be a great friend still. My rule for him would be that he'd be no one's servant, so he would never sign his soul away or stuff like that. He'd have rules to how he'd try to find power. Evil sword? That's fine as long as it's not controlling him. Kill the kind family man who has a bounty on him? He'd do it if he's sure the bounty will be paid.
    There would certainly be some cause for concern that he might betray the party, but only if the DM consciously makes him an offer he can't refuse. Like if he had to choose between his wife or the party, he'd always pick his wife, the only person he loves.
    Some other possibilities I can see for evil characters is maybe someone being chaotic evil due to being a horrible gossip, an agent of chaos. Not looking to murder, but someone who REALLY likes to stir the pot. Like get a bar fight started while looking on with delight at the chaos they caused.
    Or maybe a common orc warrior who actually is part of an attacking party the first session but is spared to be used as a guide. And would be strongly affected by how the party treats them, which would likely be better than as just some dumb grunt who shouldn't ask questions and just smash things.
    Or maybe someone who is a cowardly survivor. They won't go first down the dark hallway, might stay close to the toughest person in the party but could think they are doomed if that person goes down. They might save others but not if it risks their own life. They could be super scared of dying.

    • @brookejon3695
      @brookejon3695 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The sorcerer sounds super interesting! Reminds me of Lupin III and other gentleman thieves. I do think you were actually playing a lawful evil character though lol. He followed a code. His evil had structure.

    • @willemverheij3412
      @willemverheij3412 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@brookejon3695True but at the end he did screw over everyone by leaving with the crown jewels they retrieved and 2 out of 5 gold bars in a party of 4.
      For a one shot that's fine after all, I wouldn't do that in a campaign.
      He does indeed have some structure, but is not too rigid about it. He'll kill people who won't get out of the way without remorse, might not stick to the plan if he thinks of a better idea and can be pretty impulsive.
      Might also do some less gentlemanly stuff when there's no witnesses and lie about it afterwards.
      Like maybe stab a hobo in an alley who managed to pick his pocket. He has some vanity so could probably get more violent if you hurt his ego or mess up his appearance in a way that prestidigitation or mending can't fix.
      He's also someone to just go in without a plan and make it up as he goes.

  • @AdamZollo
    @AdamZollo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The idea of keeping a list of pretentious phrases to fall back on in case you're put on the spot is really good.
    I actually make EVERY character a list like that and I go further. I categorize it by the type of discussion. Those categories are "Agreement", "Disagreement", "Combat", "Infiltration", "Polite Conversation", "Heavy Moments", and "Romance". Maybe I add a couple other categories for things the PC would often discuss like "Theology" if they're a cleric.

  • @w4iph
    @w4iph 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had an artificer whos trait was "What's in the box?" I discovered this when my DM gave the party a box we couldn't/shouldn't open. I accidentally an awesome side-plot because of that.
    I also realized he had a soft-spot for kids, which was a surprise, as he was a mad artificer with no family. Discovering traits is cool.

  • @mavrophor
    @mavrophor 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    So glad to have you back with regular videos

  • @danjamin905
    @danjamin905 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "bouncing offieness." Is the best thing I have heard this week.

  • @hitchikerspie
    @hitchikerspie 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow, I literally just watched through that session and was amazed at your resourcefulness. Playing by yourself without a party to cover your weaknesses and have no moments off is super hard.
    Never easy to process compliments, but I came out of envious that:
    1. You had such a cool solo adventure
    2. I wish I had your role play skills!

  • @AdamZollo
    @AdamZollo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have, after many years, come to the same conclusion as you about secrets. I think getting out secrets early is always better.
    I actually crafted a Fey Huntress (semi-hag themed) who trades players information for "spoilers". She reads their future then spills something about some story beat planned for the character. Specifically, something that will evoke an emotion in the character who is making the trade. Just like your friend who told you about the Red Wedding, she's looking to experience the shock or horror again vicariously. She won't just tell you the location of some item, cause it won't evoke anything emotional.
    When used, the player and character had a certain encounter in mind for the future, a person they were determined to meet and something they were determined to say to that person. Part of the reason I felt this necessary is because "the character" wasn't actually the character. It was their Sprite Familiar. The lore, tension, arc, etc were all sitting with this intelligent familiar that had been with the party and who everyone assumed didn't have any big part to play. So I wanted to force that notion out.
    She lets her know she does meet that person. She does say that thing. It sounded practised to her. Because there is a lot of emotion behind the sprite's goals, they of course are left a bit wrecked. And that's it. Leaving lots of mystery to the encounter.
    There is a caveat. These are not ordained. If asked if these are destined, she will say no. The future she read depended on the choices the character already made and, in a few moments, choices they've yet to make. They could make different choices. But, in her experience, even when told their story is a tragedy, the people she spoils to still choose all the same paths.

  • @royernster6792
    @royernster6792 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One of my favorite character choices I’ve made lately in terms of mechanics is playing a blood hunter with 18 Constitution and exploring the implications of 18 con and blood magic. The character explores themes of penance and self harm and religious trauma and I’m very happy with where he’s gone because of my leaning into this sense that he is placing his physical self in harms way because of this feeling of being a monster in a world defined by religious order.

  • @romantheflash
    @romantheflash 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I need "Communication is Good" on a T-shirt please Dael. So useful for so many points in RPGs and life as well.

  • @lilhenhen1891
    @lilhenhen1891 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks Dael. The campfire discussion tip and the "something to prove" reference were highlights for me.

  • @MikChaos
    @MikChaos 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    @9:52 love the random Offspring singing Dael

  • @jurekro
    @jurekro 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Just need to say one more time that I love your content! Thank you! 🙏

  • @Drudenfusz
    @Drudenfusz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    That is why I attach a mechanical reward to revealing secrets, thus the players what to hint that there is something for the other players to inquire about, since they know they create an interesting story moment by doing so that will not just give a payoff in the fiction, but also with the mechanism of the game.

    • @brookejon3695
      @brookejon3695 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What rewards do you give?

    • @Drudenfusz
      @Drudenfusz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@brookejon3695 In D&D it could be Inspiration, in World of Darkness Willpower, in systems with a stress mechanism if could be the alleviation of some stress. From my own system I am working on, I have something called friction, and that gets also reduced by telling a secret. People could also directly award XP for that, but I usually prefer to have everybody at the table at the same level to avoid breeding contempt.

  • @samchafin4623
    @samchafin4623 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Really appreciate you just naming that this is hard, and it's ongoing incremental improvement.

  • @oddlytimbotwillison6296
    @oddlytimbotwillison6296 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This was excellent Dael, thanks for recording it again. Worth it.

  • @beng9790
    @beng9790 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    On the subject of secrets, I've had an idea in the past about something you could do as a GM to help this this (though I've yet to implement it myself, so no guarantee that it works).
    The idea is that the GM has "prompt cards", which they hand out on occasion. Every player receives a card, which might be blank or might say something like "You're drunk. Spill a secret." I think this could really help, as choosing to spill a secret as a player can be a bit awkward; even if the character doesn't mean to, the player clearly does, which sort of impacts on your immersion. Having it be a prompt from the GM could have it come across more organically.
    If I were to use these, I would of course tell the group about them in advance, and I'd also clarify that a player doesn't have to follow a prompt if they don't want to or if they can't find a way to fit it in smoothly.
    Bonus points if you write the blank cards as "This card is a blank, but feel free to do something fun if you want. :)". That way, players can act on ideas of their own creation with the buffer that it could've been at the GM's behest.

  • @yutti311
    @yutti311 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You've been doing this awhile now. I love how often the opener is "I just did the whole video..."

  • @TheHopefulRebel
    @TheHopefulRebel 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gold. Absolute gold. I'm taking notes and then sending it to my party's group chat right now (and scandalously will not be emailing it to my grandma but I'm sure you guys will forgive me...right? Guys?)

  • @ThrutheLensVideos
    @ThrutheLensVideos 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ooh definitely have to check out 'Alice is Missing' now, thanks for the insight!

  • @UrbanScalawag
    @UrbanScalawag 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Your example of the officer at the ball not immediately recognizing a fugitive character is concerningly spot-on for the last session of one of my campaigns. Are you in my group and I don't know it? 🤔 Reveal thyself!

  • @HateSonneillon
    @HateSonneillon 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I thought I would post this system idea here as I feel like its relevant to roleplaying and it allows insight checking to have more interactive mechanical layers.
    A simple system for DMs to skip the need for good acting when NPCs need to keep a tight lip about the information they give to players.
    Stress Level
    When your players want to make an insight check on a NPC, you can use this mechanic to replace acting. This is an idea I took from the board game Detective. Rather than act out a character's discomfort when giving lines of dialogue you can simply say HSL, MSL, or LSL for high, medium and low stress level respectively. This can vaguely clue in your players to what the NPC was most nervous to say and the higher it is, the more likely it is to be a lie. Though it is still open to interpretation as an NPC could also be telling the truth but just nervous about being questioned or stressed to bring up a bad memory. So the players have to use context and empathy to reason if the NPC was lying.
    If the players roll really high, you can still simply tell them the NPC is lying.
    After an insight check you may still want your players to play the NPCs game of hard to get, here's a way you can do so. You can say everything is LSL to MSL then only raise things to HSL after they have successfully done the following.
    If you are acting, rather than acting like you are hiding something, act normally, don't draw attention to anything you say. If you prewrote some dialogue, deliver it as deadpan or as in character as you want without giving up a single thing suspiciously.
    Only show stress and unease if your players mention a contradiction in their alibi or what they have said. This can be as general, specific, or subtle as you see fit.
    You can make it a very specific and subtle contradiction that your players would really have to think hard to figure out because they can and likely will ask as many questions as they can think of to needle out the truth. If your players rolled a really high insight check, you may consider giving a hint about what line strikes you as strange.
    Though if you prefer to go a less subtle route and still add difficulty in getting the info out of them, see the next section.
    Pressed for Time
    Your NPCs have places to go, things to do, and lives to live and cannot be bothered to stand around answering questions all day. They can mention this at the start of a conversation or after a number of rounds of questions. "Do make it quick, I have an appointment to get to."
    You may choose a die to determine the number of rounds for questioning such as a d4 or d6 and reduce it by 1 for each question asked until the NPC has to go. "I have pressing matters to attend, have a good day." This lets the players know that they have to be smart about what they ask. If the players did not get the information out within that time they will have to figure out another way to get the answers they seek.
    This allows your obviously evil NPCs to get out of questioning without looking more suspicious to your players than they already do.
    You may consider rolling a dice for rounds of questioning for every NPC just so the actual culprits don't stand out.
    Proof is Key
    A small thing I want to mention since I see it brought up sometimes is that players may often guess correctly who the bad guy is or a bad guy is just too obviously evil. No matter how obviously evil your NPC is or how great your players are at guessing who the bad guys are, they cannot just accuse someone randomly especially not if the NPC is a local big shot. If accused, the NPC can end questioning early, and have security throw the players out of whatever establishment they're in. The players will still need to prove their suspicions somehow and therefore still need to go on whatever quest you had planned for them to do so, whether that's finding a witness, the murder object, or the artifact that only the NPC would have access to.

  • @badger2575
    @badger2575 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    5:43 - 7:24; I had a wonderful paladin that I was playing, and I decided that he had no idea that some deity was granting him powers. He just did things and sometimes magic happened. As a player, I made strategic "correct" choices, but I would always frame it as the character just doing his thing.
    He didn't cast Divine Smite - he just passionately swung his sword and the monster blew up.
    He didn't cast Zone of Truth - he just demanded that someone would speak the truth to him and they did.

  • @lyndabethcave3835
    @lyndabethcave3835 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good Society is an excellent game for "Keep your secrets less secret" (and I mean, yes, you can play with hidden desires but you still know generally what that desire is, even if you don't know the specifics) When the whole table knows what your character's background, role/archetype and desire is, and you're all present as you make characters, you can make so many juicy dramatic choices because you know exactly what's going to make life harder for the characters (which is like, the point, to make Interpersonal Drama). Plus, everyone knows the rumours and scandals swirling around! So anyways. If you need practice with this, highly recommend playing some Good Society.

  • @shamuswilliams
    @shamuswilliams 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The point about not gimping your PC mechanically because you think you're serving some part of the story is truly sage advice. I hope everyone listens and takes it to heart.

  • @ben5676755
    @ben5676755 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I remember rolling a 1 on my spy secret for my first ever character. We ended up roll playing it that the other two characters knew, but mine still thought I'd been chill the whole time... 3 years later lol

  • @rakbel316
    @rakbel316 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My first 5e character was a halfling rogue Charlatan, with 18 Cha, and 16 Dex, and he didn't like to fight he prefered to charm but would sneak and steal if needed, I miss that little guy, he also unlike most Halflings who in Lore basically didn't fear anything, he feared snakes.

  • @SavantApostle
    @SavantApostle 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just asking more questions is so helpful to dms. For example, you can always ask what's not on the map? Or, is there anything we could use to start a fire?

  • @genghisgalahad8465
    @genghisgalahad8465 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    0:11 dang it! Thats in top 5 or 3 of lists of most frustrating creative pains ever!! My gosh! When youve poured extemporaneous in the moment flow of goodness...! 🎉 I will say that your resilience and dedication to your content of epic scale and mythic proportions has not gone unnoticed and your work is as resonant, timely, invaluable and engaging as always!! 🎉 🌌 🎤 🎙 🎧 🎲 🎲!!

  • @leviphipps2462
    @leviphipps2462 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Absolutely fantastic. with how I came up in the rpg realm, a lot of this is stuff i knew in theory, but either relapsed on over time or just struggled to implement during the actual sessions. The examples were immensely helpful in that regard.

  • @Fantasyscaping
    @Fantasyscaping 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video, lots of good tips and information. For me evolving as a role-player is what keeps the game getting more and more exciting in all aspects and dimensions.

  • @arthurxmedic
    @arthurxmedic 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    turn the camera on. turn it off again. turn it back on. do the video. stop halfway to turn the camera off. do the first half again. turn the camera back on. start the audio recording

  • @Dule810
    @Dule810 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Pretty Fly reference god me 😂😂😂

  • @lgob7
    @lgob7 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    *Realizing you didn't hit record after finishing your next video* "...that's rough, buddy." At least the second go was great! This is awesome advice, and is exactly the kind of stuff my table is looking for. Thanks Dael!

  • @TurboWulfe
    @TurboWulfe 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We've all been there, no worries. Keep on keeping on 😎🤘🍻

  • @wraithreaper22
    @wraithreaper22 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @slaapliedje
    @slaapliedje 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The nice thing about the GURPS system. For number 2) no need to override a stat for making a personality. Your character's personality is part of the mechanics!
    For the Secret. That is also a disadvantage in GURPS that can have a whole thing behind it...

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    11:01 "i woke up serveral hours later,my head getting up from the table,it was dark,and i was in my kitchen."

  • @willhicks6963
    @willhicks6963 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A lovely little video with some excellent insight. can recommend

  • @GazpachoTabletop
    @GazpachoTabletop 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love 3 and 4 (and The Offspring ref)

  • @StephaniePlaysGames
    @StephaniePlaysGames 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who *never* gets references, I’m pretty sure I counted a Buffy reference, an Offspring reference, and a Pokémon reference 😂 Great tips though! I think so much about being a good roleplayer can be attributed to how you make others feel!

  • @CaughtDingoes
    @CaughtDingoes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The secrets thing. I generally don't like secrets between players. I prefer the players to know, even if the PCs don't. I had a game where I had a character who was part of the invasion force that did horrible things to a group of people different from her - and has been on the run. There was a member of that subjected group in the party. There was an awesome scene I had with the that PC where my character's mind was blown by the concept that 'maybe some people don't like horrible things happening to them'. Then I got a note from that player asking if we can wrap up this small talk. What was a major character moment for me, was an annoying waste of time for the other player. If everyone was in on it, they would be able to share in my horrible character's character growth.

  • @Dohlenblick
    @Dohlenblick 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    After a long and arduous adventure the party finally leaves the dungeon. Suddenly a ray of light breaks through the clouds and the characters immediately catch fire. "Shesh, I didn't know you guys were vampires too..."

  • @JoeAuerbach
    @JoeAuerbach 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Outstanding advice. We're going to pretend that the mix-up at the beginning didn't happen.

  • @DocEonChannel
    @DocEonChannel 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I seldom have secrets in home games, but at Cons, if I get handed a character with a secret I try to reveal it (in some organic way) ASAP.

  • @docnevyn5814
    @docnevyn5814 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "As a rogue, I'm taking just a +1 to dex". Eye starts twitching.
    Oh nevermind. Dael I apologize for doubting you.

  • @Drawoon
    @Drawoon 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very helpful. I don't think I've heard any of these before.

  • @mateofantasma
    @mateofantasma 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good ideas here, as usual. Thanks for sharing!

  • @bAd12cheZ
    @bAd12cheZ 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Second times perfection!
    You're the best Dael!

  • @PaulWeitzel
    @PaulWeitzel 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This advice is phenomenal

  • @Mschickn
    @Mschickn 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "You can't really roleplay constitution" I think a great video idea would be how to roleplay each Stat, or at least the harder ones.

  • @tonysladky8925
    @tonysladky8925 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What a GM wants
    What a GM needs
    Whatever makes me happy, sets you free

    • @tonysladky8925
      @tonysladky8925 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Man, some day I need to finally play Alice is Missing, if only so that I'll stop assuming people are talking about Alice isn't Dead whenever someone brings it up...

  • @trikepilot101
    @trikepilot101 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bless you Dael.

  • @GrimdeathGriffin
    @GrimdeathGriffin 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel like a would be worried of having to big a character or story like the green Tommy from Mighty Morphin. When I was in acting class I was given half a sheet to write my characters backstory and I crammed the paper with stuff. I guess it's hard figuring out if you should just be Dino Thunder Tommy or take more control of the story.

  • @JPruinc
    @JPruinc 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @divantemalachi9587
    @divantemalachi9587 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @kimmoffat6429
    @kimmoffat6429 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love you Dale xx

  • @ShaneKennedy-gt8nl
    @ShaneKennedy-gt8nl 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice to see you

  • @Hallinwar
    @Hallinwar 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    MonarchsFactory would be unstoppable force if camera would focus on your face and actually record stuff

    • @MonarchsFactory
      @MonarchsFactory  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Can you imagine? Maybe I should just stop standing in front of a wall of words it wants to focus on...

  • @raff3486
    @raff3486 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video!

  • @josav09
    @josav09 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel like I've seen this intro a couple of times before

  • @ChazzKaskes
    @ChazzKaskes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    7:16 this is for real life too=r.p.g.,
    not the grenade,unless your going to use 1.

  • @keithulhu
    @keithulhu 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How do I feel about nearly dying in the vampire fight? It sucked.

  • @chrisr3570
    @chrisr3570 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You didn't record again? Maybe I suggest putting a hanging label from your camera saying 'am I recording?' A post it note would come off but this may trigger you to double check it

  • @Enn-
    @Enn- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Didn't you record without sound a couple videos ago, and have to redo? Is your subconscious telling you to get in a practice run? Either way, I appreciate the extra effort. Stay amazing!

  • @Jeromy1986
    @Jeromy1986 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You are one of the most relatably ADHD people I've seen 💕

  • @ebonstone2980
    @ebonstone2980 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hah! She said the thing!

  • @soccerandtrack10
    @soccerandtrack10 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    12:07 thats really powerfull if its real life.

  • @dantherpghero2885
    @dantherpghero2885 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Can't role play high Constitution? I challenge you to a mead drinking contest! This character would lean into the 'tough guy' trope. Make fun of other characters for being out of breath, etc.

  • @lilhenhen1891
    @lilhenhen1891 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ahh,how's the serenity?

  • @jamescotton4236
    @jamescotton4236 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Squash a Watermelon, Buckaroo Banzai perhaps?

  • @catastropheoverclock
    @catastropheoverclock 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    0:00 how many times are you up to now