Cas yuav tus siab ua luaj li os Niam tsev aw....Ua tsaug rau Yawg xob txwg Xob laug thiab koj niam koj txiv koj Yawg uas koj yog tib neeg ncajncees es lawv pab koj es lawv thiaj li tsis Tua koj mog. Niam tsev aw koj ntsuag ntsuag no los lub ntuj tseem pab koj os. Zoo tshaj li os me neeg dawb huv aw..
I know I shouldn’t be lol but I thought it was funny how she just started running with the couple and 3 men’s, not knowing what the heck was happening, when she just simply want to go back home to get more food to bring back to the farm. ❤ Good thing she made it alive.
Vuag! Cas yuav ntxim hlub ua luaj li os me niam laus nkauj ntsuag!😪 Ua lub ntuj tsaug uas tseem pab koj thiaj tuaj tau lub neej zoo lawm os. Phauj Jenny aw kuv nyiam mloog cov neej neeg li no tshaj. Cov no thiaj tseem2 yog peb Hmoob tej me keeb kwm poob teb poob chaws os. Kav tsij hais kom ntau2 nawb.
Tus niam tsev ntsuag aw !! Mloog koj zaj no mas txaus ntshai kawg tus txiv tsev es taw phom rau koj cas siab yuav phem ua luaj yog ntuj tsis muaj pob ntseg qhov muag ces xyov koj yuav zoo li cas lawm os !! Vim ntuj pab koj es thiaj muaj tus cawm koj dim yog koj tseem nug tau tus kam coj koj los no kuj hlub lawv thiab mog !! Peb cov ntsuag ces yog tuaj nyob tim meskas lawm ces yog hmoov zoo lawm os !! Ua tsaug koj xa koj zaj tuaj hais rau peb mloog !!
Let's remember the caring, the loving, and the decent. Even in times of war, the heart does not faulter far. Resources are limited but they still do what they can to help and to better see humanity. Not all of those who risk their lives to saved our people to safety, just do it for the money. Thank you for your kindness, your compassion, and your true heart. Good night and dream of the angels for they really do save worlds.
Man!hmong mas siab thiaj txawj nqaim tiag2 lau .tos ua g tau teb chaws los nyob 6 hmong kav os .tus menyuam ntxhais luaj li no xwb es tseem yuav muab tua qees .tus txiv tsev hnyuv tawm ntawm ces tuag lawm los zoo vim siab nqaim siab ti heev .😢
Aub! Niam Vam Choj aw mloog tej zaj no mas tos nco xwb kua muag twb ntws sis tawm los yus tsis nco qab li os, peb cov me nyuam ntsuag ua cas hnub nyoog 50 nce no ua kua muag nyob ntiav ntiav kawg li lawm os yog koj pheej tham cov dab neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaws tej me nyuam ntsuag txoj kev txom nyem li no xwb ntshe yuav tu tu siab quaj quaj dig muag tag li os
I enjoy these war time stories, although they are sad and heartfelt, but they are our history. Mloog cov neej neeg khiav tsov khiav rog no mob mob siab tab sis muab tseg khaws cia hauv tej TH-cam no kom peb cov me nyuam Hmoob Meskas tom ntej thiaj tau ua kev paub txog ntawm peb Hmoob ib feem keeb kwm or documentary.
Tus txiv uas ua heev2 rau koj ntawv lo ntshe yog ntuj tsi tua nws ces ntshe nws yuav tua koj vim koj tsi muaj kev txhaum es ntshe ntuj thiab muab txoj siav txov ua ntej nws muab koj tua. Cov neeg siab2 phem ntuj thiaj musb tshau tag thaum kiav tim nplog lo.
Me ntxhai ntsuag koj tus plig tsi tau ncaim koj mus os koj tus plig yeej nrog nraim koj.koj thiaj tsi tuag yog koj tus plig tawm hauv koj lub cev mus hnub twg lawm ce koj txojsia mam tu hnub ntawm ncaim koj mus xwb os.qhov koj tsi tuag vim koj yog ib tus me nyuam ntsuag tsi muaj leettwg hlub ce TSWV NTUJ thiaj pab koj tsi pub lawv ua phem rau koj xwb.vim VAJTSWV txoj lus yeej qhia hai tia yog leejtwg ua phem limhiam ntxub cov pojntuam me nyuam ntsuag tsi hlub lawv ce TSWV NTUJ yuav pab lawv thiab nws yuav ua kom cov neeg siab phem tau ua ntsuag tib yam nkau no nawb me ntxhai ntsuag yog koj ntseeg VAJTSWV ce koj mus nyeem VAJTSWV phau ntawv VAJLUG KUB ce koj yuav pom thiab paub txhua yam uas VAJTSWV tau qhia tseg nyob hauv phaus ntawv ntawm nawb mog.
Koj tus niam ntxawm siab phem thaj tau tag sim neej ho ob tus niam txiv uas yuav koj tus niam hluas lo siab phem thiaj tsi nrog luag muaj ib tug menyuam. Ob hmong mas siab phem tiag li os lawv....
Your mom, dad, and grandpa were watching over you the entire time! ❤ thank you for sharing your story with us and Jenny.
I like stories like these. It has a happy ending..❤
What an emotional and beautiful story. You were definitely blessed and your parents were definitely watching over you. ❤
These are the best, “true life stories”! Thank you for telling them Jenny! You do a great job n I enjoy listening to you every day.
Glad you like them! thank you so much!
Wow😢😢😢😢 zaj no mas zoo mloog thiab txaus tu siab ua luaj. Zoo muab Ua ib zaj Movie kawg👍🏼❤️
What a bittersweet story. Happy you survived all that and are doing well!
Sister Jenny, nej cov story tellers yuav tsum haiv cov neej neeg zoo li no thiab es peb cov tuaj loj hlob thiab tuaj yug rau fabkis thiab mekas teb thiaj yuav paub peb niam peb txiv lawm txoj keeb kwm thaum lawv khiav teb chawm nplog thiab. Kuv tuaj yug rau thaib teb tiam sim tuaj loj hlob rau fabkis. Thaum kuv niam thiab kuv txiv lawv tuaj fabkis yog xyoo 1978, kuv muaj 1 hlis xwb, kuv yeej xav mloog cov neej neeg zoo li no es kuv thiaj paub txog kuv niam kuv txiv lawv lub neej khiav tsov rog. Ua nej cov story tellers tsaug uas nej haiv cov neej neeg li no cia rau kom peb nco ntsoov peb niam peb txiv lawv lub neej thaum ub os.
Ua li os ua tsaug koj pab qhia thiab tseem tuaj txhawb kuv nawb mog.
Koj yuav tsum ntseeg Vajtswv nawj, vim lub ntuj tau pab koj es lub ntuj thiaj dub nciab los nag loj li loj cawm koj txojsia.
Wow! Good story lub ntuj pab koj tiag os sister aw
Nrug koj tu sab tsua yaav taag lug txom2 nyem taabsis ua lub ntuj tsaug nig nua koj yog tug tau zoo lawm os ♥️
Wow! What a story! You were meant to live and tell your story.
Cas yuav tus siab ua luaj li os Niam tsev aw....Ua tsaug rau Yawg xob txwg Xob laug thiab koj niam koj txiv koj Yawg uas koj yog tib neeg ncajncees es lawv pab koj es lawv thiaj li tsis Tua koj mog. Niam tsev aw koj ntsuag ntsuag no los lub ntuj tseem pab koj os. Zoo tshaj li os me neeg dawb huv aw..
I know I shouldn’t be lol but I thought it was funny how she just started running with the couple and 3 men’s, not knowing what the heck was happening, when she just simply want to go back home to get more food to bring back to the farm. ❤ Good thing she made it alive.
Same 😂
Lol. I was laughing too. I thought that was funny and cute. If it were a movie i know i would laugh so much. Lol.
Vuag! Cas yuav ntxim hlub ua luaj li os me niam laus nkauj ntsuag!😪 Ua lub ntuj tsaug uas tseem pab koj thiaj tuaj tau lub neej zoo lawm os. Phauj Jenny aw kuv nyiam mloog cov neej neeg li no tshaj. Cov no thiaj tseem2 yog peb Hmoob tej me keeb kwm poob teb poob chaws os. Kav tsij hais kom ntau2 nawb.
I love these type of stories!!
Tus me viv ncaus Jenny. Kuv ces tsis muaj hnub dhuav li os. Kuv mas tseem tos rawv mloog koj cov neej neeg xwb os
Ua tsaug ntau ntau koj txhawb kuv lub zog nawb.
Wow, cas yuav txaus ntshai thiab txaus tusiab heev li tus me niam tsev aw😢😢😢
End happy
Ntuj aws cas tu siab tshaj li os hlub2 koj os
Tu siab thiab ntxaus ntshis kawg 😅😅❤❤
Ua zoo thiaj tau ntuj ntoo muaj tseeb tiag.
Tus niam tsev ntsuag aw !! Mloog koj zaj no mas txaus ntshai kawg tus txiv tsev es taw phom rau koj cas siab yuav phem ua luaj yog ntuj tsis muaj pob ntseg qhov muag ces xyov koj yuav zoo li cas lawm os !! Vim ntuj pab koj es thiaj muaj tus cawm koj dim yog koj tseem nug tau tus kam coj koj los no kuj hlub lawv thiab mog !! Peb cov ntsuag ces yog tuaj nyob tim meskas lawm ces yog hmoov zoo lawm os !! Ua tsaug koj xa koj zaj tuaj hais rau peb mloog !!
Wow, tsis tau hnov dua li me niam hluas ntshuag nos , koj niam koj txiv koj yawg pov fwm koj zoo kawg
You were watched by a higher being. Glad you made it safely to tell us your story.
Wow most interesting story
Nkauj Ntsuag ,you are an angel 😇 👍👍
Great survival story!!! So good to know that she is doing well.
Let's remember the caring, the loving, and the decent. Even in times of war, the heart does not faulter far. Resources are limited but they still do what they can to help and to better see humanity. Not all of those who risk their lives to saved our people to safety, just do it for the money. Thank you for your kindness, your compassion, and your true heart.
Good night and dream of the angels for they really do save worlds.
Mi ntxhais aw!!! Cas koj lub neej yuav txaus hlub ua luaj os!
Thanks you
Koj muaj hmoo kawg os me ntxhais ntsuag
Wow!!! Kev phem kev npam muaj tiag vim lawv phem heev rau koj lub ntuj pom ntsoov thiaj li mag kiag ntag os sister aw!
Wow koj yog ib tug neeg muaj hmoo heev. Tsis tas li ntawv tus txiv neej ntawv nws txhob siab phem rau koj no nws yeej tuag. Ntuj mas thiaj txhawj muaj qhov muag tiag 2. Vim koj yog ib tug neeg dawb huv es nws saib tsis taus koj ntuj thiaj muab nws cia zov lub hav zoov ntawv lawm.
Man!hmong mas siab thiaj txawj nqaim tiag2 lau .tos ua g tau teb chaws los nyob 6 hmong kav os .tus menyuam ntxhais luaj li no xwb es tseem yuav muab tua qees .tus txiv tsev hnyuv tawm ntawm ces tuag lawm los zoo vim siab nqaim siab ti heev .😢
Aub! Niam Vam Choj aw mloog tej zaj no mas tos nco xwb kua muag twb ntws sis tawm los yus tsis nco qab li os, peb cov me nyuam ntsuag ua cas hnub nyoog 50 nce no ua kua muag nyob ntiav ntiav kawg li lawm os yog koj pheej tham cov dab neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaws tej me nyuam ntsuag txoj kev txom nyem li no xwb ntshe yuav tu tu siab quaj quaj dig muag tag li os
I enjoy these war time stories, although they are sad and heartfelt, but they are our history. Mloog cov neej neeg khiav tsov khiav rog no mob mob siab tab sis muab tseg khaws cia hauv tej TH-cam no kom peb cov me nyuam Hmoob Meskas tom ntej thiaj tau ua kev paub txog ntawm peb Hmoob ib feem keeb kwm or documentary.
Your family watched over you.
Yog tiag mas koj tus niam hluas tus niam qhuav txiv qhuav yuav tsum coj koj nrog lawv thiab,,, lwm hnub muaj dabtsi mam tham moj!
Tusiab thiab ho xav luag thiab
Tus txiv uas ua heev2 rau koj ntawv lo ntshe yog ntuj tsi tua nws ces ntshe nws yuav tua koj vim koj tsi muaj kev txhaum es ntshe ntuj thiab muab txoj siav txov ua ntej nws muab koj tua. Cov neeg siab2 phem ntuj thiaj musb tshau tag thaum kiav tim nplog lo.
Txiv ntxawm thiab niam ntxawm siab phem tas tas... Yog kuv ces ua kiag lub Goodbye lawm ntxov.
Lady, what is military north branch? I don't remember there was a north branch military during the Laos cia war. Maybe you are from north Korea?
Me ntxhai ntsuag koj tus plig tsi tau ncaim koj mus os koj tus plig yeej nrog nraim koj.koj thiaj tsi tuag yog koj tus plig tawm hauv koj lub cev mus hnub twg lawm ce koj txojsia mam tu hnub ntawm ncaim koj mus xwb os.qhov koj tsi tuag vim koj yog ib tus me nyuam ntsuag tsi muaj leettwg hlub ce TSWV NTUJ thiaj pab koj tsi pub lawv ua phem rau koj xwb.vim VAJTSWV txoj lus yeej qhia hai tia yog leejtwg ua phem limhiam ntxub cov pojntuam me nyuam ntsuag tsi hlub lawv ce TSWV NTUJ yuav pab lawv thiab nws yuav ua kom cov neeg siab phem tau ua ntsuag tib yam nkau no nawb me ntxhai ntsuag yog koj ntseeg VAJTSWV ce koj mus nyeem VAJTSWV phau ntawv VAJLUG KUB ce koj yuav pom thiab paub txhua yam uas VAJTSWV tau qhia tseg nyob hauv phaus ntawv ntawm nawb mog.
Koj tus niam ntxawm siab phem thaj tau tag sim neej ho ob tus niam txiv uas yuav koj tus niam hluas lo siab phem thiaj tsi nrog luag muaj ib tug menyuam. Ob hmong mas siab phem tiag li os lawv....
Tus txiv tsev yuav muab koj dua ntawm siab phem heev ntuj thiaj muab nws ntsaig mus lawm mas, koj yog ib tug ntxhais me ua luaj tsis tsim nyog nws yuav muab phom tua koj li ntawm
Nyob laj yeej phem2 SD thiaj khiav mus tag rau Thaib ntag lau....nej pheej ua roj qeeb neev lig ne....