melodysheep considering this part already was AMAZING, I’m sure the second part will be too. I’ll watch it once I have time again this weekend (probably), cya soon.
Honor Bremner hahahaha yes! my phone was like in landscape and when it passed the graveyard era i was like okay interesting then i switched to portrait then it was like not even at the half of it! and i was like Wwoot?
@Honor Bremner Think of it of it like this... You were a room and making universe's and you made a little ball that continued to grew and life in that universe were life like a bubble with life Then you created another universe and those bubbles would begin to die and pop would bubble die just like a universe thats how I see it
@@vivianzhong6815 did you actually believe there was just stars suns and earth ?lol Edit meant towards this Quintonias snowflake. All Suns are Stars, *NOT* all Stars are Suns. Listing both in the same sentence is not wrong, this guy is a HUGE snowflake you should check out our endlessly pointless arguments, if youre bored.
I feel like not enough people talk about the sheer brilliance of the quote by Helen Keller at the beginning and end of the documentary. At 0:11 the quote "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence..." is not only a description of Keller's life of being blind and deaf, but also highlights the fact that dynamic, fascinating things will still happen in an aged, old universe that is dark and silent, providing an eerie (but highly effective) foreshadow into the documentary. But at the end of the documentary, at 28:40 , the finished quote has the line "...and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." Which teaches us that although the future is vast and often frightening, we should be greatful for the tiny, tiny percentage in the universe where we are alive. We should make the most of the lives we have been given. Well done Melodysheep!
Among so many comments, your comment truly stands out. Everyone else seems sad due to a sense of nothingness, but your observation is truly remarkable. The way you have described Helen Keller's quote with such depth is truly admirable.
Nothing happens... until it does. In the begining, there was nothing. But even that nothing was a little unstable, so it became something. That something will become nothing, but probably will become something again. This may have happened many times before, as some believe. Headspin thought: If God created the Universe, God must be outside, independant of the Universe. This would mean that God has always existed, also outside of time. This does not make sense (to limited human imagination, anyway). If God is simply a metaphor for the Universe, then that means the Universe probably sprung from nothing which also does'nt make sense! No matter how much we will discover, it is likely such things will remain a mystery forever.
Don’t focus on the big picture, this video basically just gives tomorrow more value. Life is fleeting, but we decide what’s important, not the universe. Enjoy today, look forward to tomorrow, and forget the past. Live it up, homie, the world’s not going anywhere in your lifespan.
As stated in the video, we will inevitably meet our end and the secrets of the cosmos will be locked away, forever. What does that mean for you? You need to try with everything you’ve got to advance humanity in some way forward, whether that be discovering the mysteries of dark energy or helping us understand climate change. Doesn’t matter how small of a piece in humanity’s progress you make - everything counts. This is a beautiful idea. Make the most of your life.
This is honestly the best movie on the internet. Everyone on the planet should see this; there is no other so beautifully created film, so humbling and yet inspiring at the same time.
Totally agree. Required viewing for everyone as well: Baraka, a 21 month journey around the world visiting every religion, culture and a glimpse to our future.
No need to question we are so fucking irrelevant infact I don't even think irrelevant is enough, it's like we didn't even exist that's how stupidly irrelevant not only we are but Earth is as well.
This is probably the best video ever uploaded to the Internet. And I'm not exaggerating, it has a level of detail that one doesn't even see in television documentaries. The music, the pause between event and event, the voices narrating everything in detail. A wonder that was uploaded 5 years ago and doesn't look like it.
This forgets quantum mechanics exists. Either that or he didn't want the video to go on for a week or three. Quantum fluctuations will continue to happen, and over a long enough period, if only for an instant any structure that can exist will exist. And you only need an instant for a quantum fluctuation to do something crazy. Like create a bubble of true vacuum, or even create a new big bang.
Saicon roiko I think it’s beautiful how everything can remain so calm and beautiful for eternity. But there’s also beauty in existence it’s just like the Helen Keller quote.
I have watched this video a number of times throughout its existence, and each time, it gives me an overwhelming feeling. It really helped me at a time when I needed it. I even went as far as to name my sail boat "Entropy" after watching it many years ago. Thank you to the creators of this video and the work that went into it. It sounds cliche, but it changed my life and the way I see things.
Same for me, first time i watched this, it was 2019, the release year of the video (in my old account) i've watched it for over 4 times and i can say the same things as you.
Goddamn it. our life is done but who knows what will happen in the future we may evolve once more into something new maybe we may go into the planetary exploration evolution you know ?so don't take whatever sience say for the truth. The truth is they have yet to decode 5% of our DNA who knows what has been coded into our very being!!! So have some bloody faith into our given abilities for survival [evolution] [adaptability] it's all for who can adapt faster...
This is what scares the living shit outta of me , no one and nothing will be remembered it challenges the ver value of our existence and honestly watching this video my heart was beating like fuck it as i type im super bummed out
I had the same thing when i watched this ... now i wanna stop working, start walking towards america while doin drugs when im in america i wanna live in some forest eating nothing but flowers and smoking weed :)
I'm speechless, honestly, I rarely comment on anything these days but I couldn't not express my absolute amazement at this video. I hope this inspires more young frontiersmen and women to understanding our universe. I don't know if I watched this at the right place at the right time but I can't remember ever having goosebumps for 30 minutes straight. This is truly a monument to great work. I really can't express how much this video rocked my fucking world. The talent behind putting this together... Just. Thank you for this, seriously.
Couldn't say it better. I even tried. On my 3rd play through. I can't stop. This should be a special on every major TV or streaming site. I truely hope his work and the inspiration grows beyond the basic platforms and spreads into the zeitgeist of human understanding of the universe. This is a masterpiece of science and art. I just can't get over it.
We live together in this most unique and wonderful instants of time, and spend most of it distracted with political and economic conflict. These are just social constructs, we can decide how they work. Let's just co-operate and reach the stars.
Why would nothingness hit you hard? We are the beings that give meaning to it after all. The fact that something (or the absence thereof) even *needs* meaning is a purely selfish aspect of the human race. As if it's all about us. If you leave the selfishness of our race behind, you'll find that there's no need for meaning. Besides, for anything to have meaning there needs to be something or someone to give it meaning, so if even that is missing, it isn't. Nothing more and nothing less. So be proud in what you do (or don't do) and what it means to *you* and the ones you care about. Anything more than that is meaningless =p
I struggle to see how that could hit hard, to be honest. Your consciousness will turn into nothingness the moment you will die. Your existence will turn into nothingness the moment your corpse will degrade, and the last person that remembers you be gone.. Nothingness is a consistent part of our life as human beings, and you can see it more frequently than something that will happen in 10^75 years from now..
ReallyUnexplainable i think about this all the time.. i have anxiety attacks. 2-3 years ago (im 23) i rarely thought about it. i guess because my grandma and grandpa passed last year a couple months apart.
@@texastrillahh I am sorry about your grandparents, but me.. meh. I don't know, I am scared of dying in and painful way, but the idea of dying in general doesn't touch me in the slightest. Once I'm dead, I won't care about any of the silly things I was worried about in life. If being cynical saves me some anxiety attacks, I'll take it.
just makes me wonder why we all try so hard to get a degree, a job if it's all for nothing anyway. We're here just for a split second and yet we stress out more than a dying sun
abbreviations of repetition: 4:44 quadrillion years 5:29 quintillion years 6:19 sextillion years 7:09 septillion years 7:59 octillion years 8:49 nonillion years 9:38 decillion years 10:28 undecillion years 11:18 duodecillion years 12:09 tredecillion years 12:58 quattuordecillion years 13:48 quindecillion years 14:38 sexdecillion years 15:28 septendecillion years 16:18 octodecillion years 17:08 novemdecillion years 17:58 vigintillion years 18:47 unvigintillion years (roughly the same as Cthulhu's lifespan :) ) 19:37 duovigintillion years 20:27 trevigintillion years 21:17 quattuorvigintillion years 22:07 quinvigintillion years 22:56 sexvigintillion years 23:46 septenvigintillion years 24:36 octovigintillion years 25:26 novemvigintillion years 26:16 trigintillion years 27:06 untrigintillion years 27:56 duotrigintillion years (JUST ONE MORE ORDER OF MAGNITUDE AND IT WOULD'VE GOTTEN TO A GOOGOL)
@@XiahouJoe he used that method of numbering to help you try to visualize the true scale of time. Not many people are able to being to fully comprehend how long one septenvigintillion years is.
This video brings serenity in your life. If u have been constantly running, talking, screaming and haven't got a moment to stop, just watch this. It will relax u, silence u and calm u.
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe. The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered. For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17). If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God. We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history. God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8). . .
This is why being immortal and invincible would be the worst fate to bestow upon anything in existence. your newfound forever is dark and cold. Your story ends with darkness, for eternity, floating in the void.
This video convince me to believe how little my existence is. I'm nothing but a star dust, just like you're. Some beautiful moments we create to fulfill our living.
in order to measure time you need a mass. Without mass there is no reference point and no timeflow. Time has no meaning and therefore due to random fluctuation there is a certainity that new universe will appear. Search for Rogger Penrose and his cyclic universe.
You don't have to think about absolute nothing cause it only can exist in your mind, like when you die you don't know what will happen to you, but that's humanbeings problem we always want an answer
I've watched this many times now. The phrase "the age of starlight comes to an end" always gets me, because it's something that seems so permanent right now that it's difficult to comprehend it as an 'age', an era that will end. This video always makes me feel so small.
The craziest part is that even while time intervals are increasing exponentially as the video plays out, I reached a certain point thinking we must be halfway through the video only to find myself barely 10% through.
its not right in any way to be honest. you were born because the conditions allowed it to. you wouldnt simply be born in the middle age of the universe unless the conditions are there to support life.
Romance doesn’t exist, it’s just our brains letting out chemicals and hormones to try to reproduce so we can have kids and the reason we do that is because of natural selection where the people back then Who had kids passed on their genes which slowly mutated to a actual feeling of desire because the people who desired sex had more kids which passed down their gene to more where the people who didn’t enjoy having kids had less kids and that gene died out
this video made me feel so unbeliveably sad, scared and yet thankful that I'm alive right now, not in the past or the future but in this moment so that I may have the pleasure of learning without fear. I may not have the life I want, or be the person I want to be, but the fact that the likelyhood of my genetics being the way they are is so rare it makes me so happy to be who I am. and if there are other universes like ours, and someone just like me exists I hope they're doing well, if they're doing better than me then I'm happy at least one of me gets to live a good life, and if they're doing worse then I'm thankful I'm not them, and I hope their situation gets better. Thank you for making this video, your efforts were definitely worth it!
I'm totally with you. This video made me think a lot about my own existence, about the reasons, about why we do exist and so on.. it's so impressive but also depressive. So weird!
Live a life that you can be proud of, that is yours, it does not have to be perfect, you just have to enjoy it because in the end, time won't mean anything and nothing will happen forever.
I've seen this video so many times, I've lost count. I just want to say that this is my absolute favorite video of all time, anywhere on the internet, and the music and visuals are mind-blowing. Thank you so much for this video and all of your content.
I always wonder whether astronauts who have been to space and see the earth from up there are still religious after they have seen there's so much more to the universe than earth.
thats where the netflix series black mirror got the name from ... sometimes u see this black mirror in ur device and u really be like : wtf i am doing with my life. eh
Homo Sapiens can't stop it with their little brains, but our descendant will be much more intelligent than us, and they'll find a way to stop it:
I love the phrase "time is meaningless" in this video. it is so powerful and gut-wrenching, and so true. because once there is nothing, once there is no change and nothing happens, the very concept of time loses its meaning. past, present and future don't matter if they're the same thing. and will be
Honestly there is no such thing as time. It is a measurement of our perception of the distance we travel. The perception of the rotation of this planet in it's journey around the sun. Spacefaring people will learn that each place they visit perceives "time" uniquely. As they escape the spheres of influence of those caught in that perception they will reorient themselves to a different measurement in order to prevent themselves from colliding with objects that don't follow those ideas. They will have learned to become aware of other factors that exist that make the perception of time irrelevant. Spheres of Influence become much more pertinent and entangling.
@@tweakfreq1982 the fundamental measure of time in the universe is measured by "events" for something that happens, every time something happens in the universe it can be said that time passed and therefore something else happened. that is why a universe in which nothing happens ... is a universe in which "time" does not make sense.
This, my guys, is the most beautiful video I've ever seen in my entire life... Holy crap, the music, graphics, everything is so damn good I can't even imagine... This video really touched my heart, but the ending was...🥲 the best part, in this video... Melodysheep, thanks for making this masterpiece ! Thanks for reading my comment...🥲 *After 10 minutes later I went to cry😭*
10:51 I'm at the point where protons are disintegrating thinking "okay this must be the last thing", but I look at the time and I'm not even halfway done yet lol.
**Actually evaporates as everything else does for the following trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years to come**
The music is pretty out of this world isn’t it? But seriously the music is awesome. And the graphics, they’re so wonderful, It’s so amazingly magnificent.
The music is amazing - the soundtrack album is called The Arrow of Time, on iTunes/Spotify/etc. Melodysheep is actually best known as a composer, his other stuff on this channel is also pretty incredible.
I’m scared to think that 10 trillion years later, this wonderful masterpiece of a video and this comment section, melodysheep, me, our parents, lovers, siblings, the whole universe, nothing won’t exist, not even time. Everything goes away like a puff of dust.
@@shreyadeshpande8784 everybody calm down we have trillions of year to solve this problems humans were born on earth but are not destined to die on it. in a 100 years we went from horses to the moon and actually that took 60 because after that we are focused on technology not exploration and technology will allow us to search faster later. humans have unlimited capacity even using 10% of our brain. whaats gonna happen when we unlock more or simply enhance our brain. if we dont kill ourselves, which is very possible, its in the bag we got this just some universe trouble
Dont want to sound mean but its not 10 trillion is 1trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years away
@@cm5988 Indeed. the thought that the universe itself will turn into an empty, cold and dark void is scary - if this theory is right. I have my doubts though. New stars always born, light will live on and even if this comes to reality I would bet some money that after some unthinkable time something will happen that once again turns on the engine of the universe.
@@memd777People tend to be scared of things they don't understand, and things that are of the unknown class. Also, in my opinion, your comment is kind of dumb, snce you can't just tell someone not to fear something they're afraid of, or change someones feelings about something in a snap. Though you do have a point. People shouldn't be running around thinking of something that they're afraid of, when they never, ever will experience it. People should enjoy life and have fun while the earth still is intact. Soon enough, all of this will be gone. And soon enough, seeing a tree, to us, will be like travelling in space now. Thrilling, and exciting.I know that this comment is kind of unusual, but i just felt like i had to write it. Have a great day my friend!
I am DYING for you to make a version of this where proton decay might not exist, and how the future would look then! Always looking forward to new stuff from you. This channel keeps me afloat weekly!
To be completely honest, This is a scary thought. To think how long humans would last, just to be forgotten to time and eventually everything become so meaningless
I feel the opposite actually. It really brings me peace to know that none if this matters and even if I die and the sun explodes taking the earth along with it. the universe will keep ticking.
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe. The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered. For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17). If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God. We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history. God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8). .
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe. The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered. For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17). If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God. We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history. God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
I bought the soundtrack on Bandcamp years ago, but still come back here every now and again to listen whilst I work. Just beautiful work. With all that's going on in the world, it's nice to have a longer perspective, and even though it deals with the ultimate heat death of the universe this production is more uplifting, full of wonder and less depressing than the news.
this video changed my life, thank you for making this masterpiece, haven’t seen anything quite like this, the amount of work and thought put to this is unparalleled
At some point we'll die and corrupt we blend in mud and dust and after a century there's no one will remember us get into it were not even worth a flea for the universe
I’m I the only one who didn’t feel scared, like why is everyone scared. Maybe I’m the wired one. Rather the only thing I felt was the Beauty of this video. It’s amazing
WHEN THE SUN is folded up, The stars turn dim and scatter, The mountains made to move, The ten-month pregnant female camels are abandoned, The wild beasts stampede on the run, When the oceans surge and swell, When souls are reunited (with the bodies) And the little girl buried alive is asked For what crime she was put to death; When the ledgers are laid open, The curtain drawn back from the skies, When Hell is set ablaze, And Paradise brought near, (Then) every soul will know what it had prepared (for itself). (Holy Quran; 81/1-14) He asks: "When will the Day of Resurrection be?" Yet when the eyes are dazzled, The moon eclipsed, And the sun and moon are conjoined, That day man will say: "Where can I find escape?" Never so, for there will be no escape. With your Lord alone will be the retreat on that day. (Holy Quran; 75/1-12)
0:00 intro 0:01 Supported by... 0:02 Supported by protocol labs 0:03 protocol labs: What does our future hold? 0:04 1st soundtrack plays 0:06 Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence 0:11 Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, HELLEN KELLER 0:15 What does the future look like? 0:18 How will the universe meet its end? 0:22 We may never truly be certain, 0:26 But science has begun to paint a stunning picture of how the future might hold 0:30 picture of Mars 0:31 Picture of Mars, let's take a journey to the end of time 0:34 we will travel through time exponentially, doubling our speed every 5 seconds 0:39 This vision of the future will surely evolve as we probefor more clues. But one thing is clear: 0:44 The universe has only just begun 0:47 2019 - Anthropocene Era 0:48 2020 - Anthropocene Era 0:49 2021 - Anthropocene Era - The holocene has ended 0:50 2022 - Anthropocene Era 0:51 2023 - Anthropocene Era 0:51 2024 - Anthropocene Era 0:52 2025 - Anthropocene Era - What we do now 0:53 2027 - Anthropocene Era 0:54 2029 - Anthropocene Era - And in the next few years 0:55 2031 - Anthropocene Era 0:55 2032 - Anthropocene Era - Xray Maps 0:56 2033 - Anthropocene Era - will profoundly affect 0:56 2034 - Anthropocene Era - The map changes 0:57 2037 - Anthropocene Era - Trip to mars 0:58 2039 - Anthropocene Era - Landing on mars 0:58 2040 - Anthropocene Era - The next few thousand years 0:58 2041 - Anthropocene Era - Building on mars 0:59 2046 - Anthropocene Era - Earth rotates fast 1:02 2055 - Anthropocene Era - Clouds move fast 1:03 2063 - Anthropocene Era - Map Changes 1:04 2072 - Anthropocene Era - The only conditions more humans 1:05 2082 - Anthropocene Era - Lakes reduce water 1:06 2095 - Anthropocene Era - have ever known so far, are changing. - Hills changes looks 1:08 2113 - Anthropocene Era - Snow reduces 1:09 2152 - Anthropocene Era - And changing fast 1:10 2164 - Anthropocene Era - Waterfalls burst 1:11 2201 - Anthropocene Era - Tsunami disaster 1:12 2225 - Anthropocene Era - Nothing stays the same on this planet 1:14 2272 - Anthropocene Era - Hills burst waterfalls 1:15 2312 - Anthropocene Era - Everything changes 1:16 2336 - Anthropocene Era - Earth spins incredibly fast 1:18 2424 - Anthropocene Era - The earth is going into one of these jumps 1:18 2485 - Anthropocene Era - Landscapes 1:19 2576 - Anthropocene Era - And you don't know what is going 1:21 2675 - Anthropocene Era - to be on the other side of those jumps 1:22 2700s - Earth's magnetic field flips 1:24 3000s - Earth's magnetic field flips - The earth is always jumping 1:26 3300s - Comet hale-Bopp returns 1:31 4400s - Comet hale-Bopp returns - Comet hale-Bopp returns as shooting star 1:32 4800s - Drastic sea level rise 1:32 5200s - Drastic sea level rise - Things move on this planet 1:33 5900s - Drastic sea level rise - First small house gets destroyed 1:35 6500s - Drastic sea level rise - Things are not still! 1:36 7000s - 30 meter asteroid impact 1:36 7900s - 30 meter asteroid impact - Everything is turning 1:38 9300s - 30 meter asteroid impact - The asteroid hits earth 1:39 10,000s - Antares goes supernova 1:41 11,000s - Antares goes supernova - Antares goes supernova 1:42 14,000s - Sahara begins tropical 1:46 22,000s - constellations began to wander 1:50 39,000s - Voyager passes nerby star 1:54 62,000s - Interglacial peroid ends 1:55 75,000s - Interglacial peroid ends - Earth rotates incredibly fast 1:57 91,000s - Supervolcano eruption 1:57 100,000s - Supervolcano eruption - Supervolcano erupts 2:00 150,000s - Supervolcano eruption - Rocks begin to fly 2:02 190,000s - Supervolcano eruption - Raining Rocks 2:05 290,000s - New hawaiian island appears 2:08 420,000s - New island chains 2:13 910,000s - Apollo footprints fade 2:16 1,200,000s - Apollo footprints fade - Footprints faded 2:17 1,500,000s - Betelgeuse goes supernova 2:19 1,900,000s - Betelgeuse goes supernova - Betelgeuse goes supernova 2:21 2,700,000s - Stone monuments erode 2:24 4,200,000s - Stone monuments erode - The map changes 2:27 7,300,000s - Stone monuments erode - The map forms its first crack 2:30 8,500,000s - Deadly gamma ray burst 2:32 12,000,000s - Mars moon becomes a ring (Phobos) 2:35 18,000,000s - Mars moon becomes a ring (Phobos) - Mars Has rings at this point of time 2:37 26,000,000s - Saturns rings vanish 2:39 35,000,000s - Saturns rings vanish - Saturn becomes ringless 2:41 42,000,000s - Antarctica melts 2:45 69,000,000s - Major asteroid impact 2:47 96,000,000s - Major asteroid impact - The impact nears the earth and shockwaves the ocean 2:48 100,000,000s - Major asteroid impact - The Major asteroid hits earth, and causes a big shockwave 2:51 150,000,000s - New supercontinent 2:57 410,000,000s - Sun increases luminosity 2:58 470,000,000s - Sun increases luminosity - As it begins to run out of fuel 3:00 560,000,000s - Photosynthesis begins to cease 3:01 640,000,000s - Photosynthesis begins to cease - The sun wont simply fade away to nothing 3:02 830,000,000s - All plant life dies (Grass dies) 3:05 1,100,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate 3:05 1,200,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - Its core will collapse 3:08 1,600,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - The sun begins to expand 3:08 1,700,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - And the extra heat this generates 3:10 2,200,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - The Suns color becomes bright orange 3:10 2,300,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - Will cause its outer layers to expand 3:12 2,800,000,000s - All life dies 3:13 3,500,000,000s - Sun expands 3:13 3,700,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Orange 3:14 4,200,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Orange + Pre-Red 3:15 4,500,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns reddish orange 3:16 4,900,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Red 3:16 5,000,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Really Red 3:17 5,500,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant 3:17 5,900,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Fire oxygen engulfs earth 3:17 6,300,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Earth becomes a hot boiling planet 3:18 6,900,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Sun stops expanding 3:18 7,300,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Earth Explodes 3:19 7,500,000,000s - Earth destroyed by the dying sun 3:19 7,800,000,000s - Earth destroyed by the dying sun - The sun surface, Crust, Mantle, Evaporates into a nebula 3:21 10 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf 3:22 12 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - The sun is now dead 3:24 17 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - Its remains slowly cooling 3:27 23 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - In the freezing temperatures of deep space 3:30 37 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - Sad music plays 3:40 139 Billion years - Sun Becomes a white dwarf - The fate of the sun is the same as for all stars 3:44 257 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - One day, they must all eventually die 3:47 398 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - and the cosmos will be plunged 3:50 555 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - Into eternal night 3:54 1 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off 3:54 1 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - All stars eventually will run out of fuel 3:58 1 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - The temperature of the universe drops 4:00 2 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Stars one by one 4:03 3 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - In the night sky 4:04 4 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Will turn off 4:08 7 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - And there will be no more new Stars 4:11 9 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Created 4:12 11 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - The next star Explodes 4:13 14 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - And so the universe will end 4:15 18 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Not with a bang 4:16 21 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - But with a whimper 4:20 36 Trillion years - Last red dwarf stars die 4:21 44 Trillion years - Last red dwarf stars die - And not in fire 4:23 59 Trillion years - Last red dwarf stars die - But in Ice 4:29 136 Trillion years - Degenerate Era 4:30 151 Trillion years - Degenerate Era - With the death of the last Sun, the age of starlight comes to an end 4:40 609 Trillion years - Degenerate Era - The universe becomes a cosmos boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars 4:50 2 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - our Sun becomes a white dwarf - a hot, dense, shrunken stellar corpse 4:56 5 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - White dwarf 5:02 11 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - With no fuel left to burn 5:04 16 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - a white dwarfs faint glow 5:06 20 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - comes from the last residual heat 5:08 30 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - from its extinguished furnace 5:15 80 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - Looking at it from where the earth is now 5:18 177 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - of would only generate the same amount of light 5:21 317 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - as the full moon 5:23 420 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - on a clear night 5:29 1 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - the faint glow of white dwarfs 5:31 1 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - Will provide the only illumination 5:35 2 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - in a dark and empty void 5:37 3 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - littered with dead stars 5 likes for more!
Victor Bourguignon it’s my same fear where everything that is just becomes nothing. There is nothing. Everything is dead. It makes me wonder what happens to us after we pass. It’s p scary to know everything we work towards and for will become nothing eventually (per this video).
@@applebossful i shouldnt lead you to this as its a LOT of speculation, but ypu might be interested in reading about quantum resurrection. Not fully confirmed as true, but could mean a bright future in this nothing : )
Even after 4 years I can still confirm this is a masterpiece. I watch this lots of times only for the visuals, graphics, and soundtrack. This is by far a very beautiful video and should be here in my heart. Thank you for bringing an imagination of the future to life
That's the problem, no one appreciates it. The formula of life possibility is evidence we should be kinder to one another. Humanity isn't an intellectual civilization, bunch of morons that are self important.
@@artonio5887 I wouldn't say lucky. We have to work for 60 years, deal with pain, shitty people etc Sure, some experiences in life are nice, but i don't think positives outweigh the negatives.
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe. The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered. For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17). If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God. We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history. God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8). ... .
People can’t even comprehend the sheer absurdity of these time scales. At the very beginning the video said that we will be doubling our speed every 5 seconds. The time it takes for stars to die out feels tiny compared to the absurd number that is a googol. Even the degenerate era feels tiny compared to the black hole era. And this video doesn’t even try to describe the absurd time period that is the Dark Era. Time is the measurement of something happening, a black hole colliding into another black hole once every trillion years is still something happening. But beyond the last black hole dying and the last particles of light cooling and stretching until they are absolutely nothing, there is nothing to track time with, so for all intents and purposes, time is meaningless in the Dark Era. It would take nearly a googolplex amount of years until randomly, a sudden drop in entropy via quantum tunneling causes a new universe to emerge. If you thought a googol was absurd, a googolplex is simply insanity. It’s a number so big that if you wrote a zero on every particle in the universe, you wouldn’t even have enough particles to even fully write out a googolplex. That’s the utter insanity that we are dealing with in this mad world of math.
Andre Gusmâo no your life is not meaningless, you might think it is but believe it or not without you some people would have a really hard time, just keep your head up high and stay positive ❤️🙏
Tom Erskine yeah I know. I was just messing around. It just seems absurd sometimes that we as human beings struggle so much to make the world and ourselves better only for it all to end in an eternal void in a cold and indifferent universe. But hey, enjoy it while it lasts.
@@erinleila4137 corona is nowhere near the extinction level event. Nor any virus or bacteria can be. It can kill millions but not everyone. It's still a huge deal tho.
Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, I Corinthians 15:1-4 NKJV that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NKJV Take it from someone who stayed away from church, had no Bible and scoffed at Christianity. It happened in my own apartment. Jesus woke me up. I had been asleep for 38 and a half years. Now I see so much that we are just drenched in evidence of Him. He is everywhere. Believe with all your heart, mind and soul. Seek Him He will be there, He always has been. Though you may hate me I still love you and am only warning you that what's to come is horrible. The worst 7 years on earth ever. Please rethink your salvation. Just believe, Jesus does the rest. Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ 🙌🏻
bro is gonna happen in 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years (edit OR MORE EVEN)
Donuv Yeah but I believe all the progress will reset picture it like everything dies and then after all of this happened all just happens again it just keeps repeating if this was the case imagine how many times this has happened .
Andre Jg That’s the problem. I speak 3 languages, almost 4. I play the piano, I can draw beautifully. But I still feel empty. Like I am wasting my time for nothing. And Im afraid that I will die too early, with life that made no sense
Vous n'imposez rien. Vous étalez ce que l'on sait avec les hypothèses sur une vidéo magnifique. C'est nostalgique, émouvant, superbe et poétique. Cela fait grandir notre conscience, la conscience de l'humanité. Ce fut un régal absolu.
Past: "I wish i was born in the future" Present: "Luckily i wasn't born a few more centuries into the future" Future: "Damn i wish i was born a few centuries ago"
@@RichWeigel That's proposed in the video. Universes that have the right conditions to harbor intelligent life eventually birthing new baby universes due to that intelligent life.
Film: nears end. Me: Surprised that the film actually has an ending and doesn't continue forever and ever with beautiful music and voices of scientists and philosophers.
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe. The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered. For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17). If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God. We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history. God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8). .
Tbh I can beleive most of this but most of this I think is bull crap cuz there is so many many many many many many many many many many many many things that could happen between, before, and after all of these things cuz first space is growing like 1038483039 miles a second (not really but it’s probably more) plus black holes have many theories like alternate dimensions so there could be other universes on the other side if it’s possible to go through one but you get the point lol. Plus the black holes including many other things in the galaxy can explode and since black holes can eat eachother and grow even bigger somtime it’s gonna be so big another Big Bang could happen and one thing that’s obvious that other life forms including us will evolve and probably have ways to stop some of these disasters or problems and other than that, millions of other things could happen but I loved this video non the less amazing video just kinda miss leading 🙏🙏🙏🙏
King of Spades wolf I mean, then again, this is what they ended up getting from “popular theories” so some are accurate, but we can’t witness what happens after that
you know this gave me goosebumps bcs something really similar to this is said in the holy quran 23:112-23:113 so basically I am not quoting it but Allah asks the people how many years were they on earth and then the people (us) will reply maybe a day or half a day. You reminded me of this and now I am crying
Hi there, I see you too are having an existential crisis... I, myself, am having one as well. It seems crazy all these damn wars that keep happening with trillions of years from now there will be nothing to fight over anyway. It's so hard to imagine there being nothing out there.
It's even more important because you only have so much time to make a decision that will affect your happiness which is real and meaningful for the little time it exists :-)
@@tylerlockett8606 It's the hardest to imagine that nothing at all will exist, and even though the universe will be plain darkness, does it really exist if there is nothing to witness it, not even something inanimate like a black hole?
hey guys - thanks for all the love on this piece. just posted my follow up film, LIFE BEYOND: hope ya dig!
Melodysheep, you're the best creator i've ever seen, how much you took to make this video and Life Beyond Chapter 1?
melodysheep amazing video dude
Did........ not enjoy I am doubting my existence👍
You are amazing! i literally want to study Astrophysics because of you! Thank you so much
melodysheep considering this part already was AMAZING, I’m sure the second part will be too. I’ll watch it once I have time again this weekend (probably), cya soon.
The scariest part was when the screen went black and I saw myself
Awesome.Aubrey LMFAO
That's deep lol
Daz Gaming I’m 14 and this is deep
Am I the only one sitting there at 10 minutes going like wtf how is there more?!
Honor Bremner hahahaha yes! my phone was like in landscape and when it passed the graveyard era i was like okay interesting then i switched to portrait then it was like not even at the half of it! and i was like Wwoot?
Honor Bremner I’m sitting here at 4 minutes thinking that
@Honor Bremner
Think of it of it like this...
You were a room and making universe's and you made a little ball that continued to grew and life in that universe were life like a bubble with life
Then you created another universe and those bubbles would begin to die and pop would bubble die just like a universe thats how I see it
Honor Bremner I’m at 6
* sun exploded, earth died. every star dies*
how stupid can you be ?
@@pinopalotta excuse me? what? about what?
@@vivianzhong6815 did you actually believe there was just stars suns and earth ?lol
Edit meant towards this Quintonias snowflake.
All Suns are Stars, *NOT* all Stars are Suns. Listing both in the same sentence is not wrong, this guy is a HUGE snowflake you should check out our endlessly pointless arguments, if youre bored.
@@pinopalotta no i did not say that... I just commented this to show my shock
@@vivianzhong6815 What were you shocked about? that theres alot more than just stars?
I feel like not enough people talk about the sheer brilliance of the quote by Helen Keller at the beginning and end of the documentary. At 0:11 the quote "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence..." is not only a description of Keller's life of being blind and deaf, but also highlights the fact that dynamic, fascinating things will still happen in an aged, old universe that is dark and silent, providing an eerie (but highly effective) foreshadow into the documentary. But at the end of the documentary, at 28:40 , the finished quote has the line "...and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." Which teaches us that although the future is vast and often frightening, we should be greatful for the tiny, tiny percentage in the universe where we are alive. We should make the most of the lives we have been given.
Well done Melodysheep!
Among so many comments, your comment truly stands out. Everyone else seems sad due to a sense of nothingness, but your observation is truly remarkable. The way you have described Helen Keller's quote with such depth is truly admirable.
I am just copying your comment in my dairy so that I can see and feel grateful for them time I have been given by the universe to live. Thank you.
Helen Keller never existed she’s an operation paperclip psyop WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!1!!
I feel like I’ve seen the most epic movie of all time in 30 minutes
Your profile pic do
RealLeafySky22 ugh???? Who the heck are you?
lachie Bosman 29:21 actually get it right
“Time becomes meaningless. Nothing happens. And it keeps not happening, forever”
That hit hard
Makes you realize that your entire existence is meaningless, that's why.
@@DeadlyDanDaMan why were we made then
@@iiknox bro research on islam it will helps u and ur question will solve hopefully
@@ranasakandar9103 religion is never the answer
Nothing happens... until it does. In the begining, there was nothing. But even that nothing was a little unstable, so it became something. That something will become nothing, but probably will become something again.
This may have happened many times before, as some believe. Headspin thought: If God created the Universe, God must be outside, independant of the Universe. This would mean that God has always existed, also outside of time. This does not make sense (to limited human imagination, anyway).
If God is simply a metaphor for the Universe, then that means the Universe probably sprung from nothing which also does'nt make sense! No matter how much we will discover, it is likely such things will remain a mystery forever.
Came here with curiosity, ended up with an existential crisis
Don’t focus on the big picture, this video basically just gives tomorrow more value. Life is fleeting, but we decide what’s important, not the universe. Enjoy today, look forward to tomorrow, and forget the past. Live it up, homie, the world’s not going anywhere in your lifespan.
As stated in the video, we will inevitably meet our end and the secrets of the cosmos will be locked away, forever.
What does that mean for you? You need to try with everything you’ve got to advance humanity in some way forward, whether that be discovering the mysteries of dark energy or helping us understand climate change.
Doesn’t matter how small of a piece in humanity’s progress you make - everything counts. This is a beautiful idea. Make the most of your life.
Not like you’ll be alive anyways
@@GradietPanda12345 none of us will be alive
@@ByrneBaby im gay
This is honestly the best movie on the internet. Everyone on the planet should see this; there is no other so beautifully created film, so humbling and yet inspiring at the same time.
Totally agree. Required viewing for everyone as well: Baraka, a 21 month journey around the world visiting every religion, culture and a glimpse to our future.
This is the most soothing existential crisis I've ever had.
To me this is the most depressing reality check ever.
The real up-close view of Mars:
devil is on the details
Me tooo
4 years later and it's still my best experience in the entire youtube. thank you melodysheep
too true
@@AnnoyingOlliei agree
@@aHardcoreGoddess550 I agree as well
100% true
Don’t mind me, I’m just going to go sit in the corner and question my existence for a bit
No need to question we are so fucking irrelevant infact I don't even think irrelevant is enough, it's like we didn't even exist that's how stupidly irrelevant not only we are but Earth is as well.
We don’t fucking matter
@@clubcart4976 Agreed. And we think we matter
This is probably the best video ever uploaded to the Internet. And I'm not exaggerating, it has a level of detail that one doesn't even see in television documentaries. The music, the pause between event and event, the voices narrating everything in detail. A wonder that was uploaded 5 years ago and doesn't look like it.
I'm crying with that end.
"Nothing happens and it keeps not happening, forever."
I cried at this point...
Me too
@TheMTB Trailcook Stupid littler shit, the commentor says it at the end.
This forgets quantum mechanics exists. Either that or he didn't want the video to go on for a week or three.
Quantum fluctuations will continue to happen, and over a long enough period, if only for an instant any structure that can exist will exist.
And you only need an instant for a quantum fluctuation to do something crazy. Like create a bubble of true vacuum, or even create a new big bang.
Saicon roiko I think it’s beautiful how everything can remain so calm and beautiful for eternity. But there’s also beauty in existence it’s just like the Helen Keller quote.
We live not even 0.00000000 of time and I’m over here trippin about homework
NSM Gamer nah fr 😭😭
Because it’s what matters in your lifetime. And all the decision YOU make can effect the all the other people who know you.
But together, we can make that number of 0.00000000 to 0.00000001
Video: is 29 min long
Earth: is destroyed at 3 min
*uh oh*
At least it survived that long ... Its like 5 million years every second and increasingly faster every 5 Seconds
remember that the time was exponential in the video in addition to this
I have watched this video a number of times throughout its existence, and each time, it gives me an overwhelming feeling. It really helped me at a time when I needed it. I even went as far as to name my sail boat "Entropy" after watching it many years ago. Thank you to the creators of this video and the work that went into it. It sounds cliche, but it changed my life and the way I see things.
Me too, i think this is one of the best videos ever created
Same for me, first time i watched this, it was 2019, the release year of the video (in my old account) i've watched it for over 4 times and i can say the same things as you.
Born in '05 I'll be 95 in 2100 think about that everyone, how little our day to day struggles are... time never, never fades. God bless all ya ❤🙏🙏👍
@rigleyrigley4000 damn I'll be 95 too , and that's it... That's all we're gonna have ,dude that's stupid when compared to the universe, wow
Me: minding my own business
TH-cam: wanna have a existential life crisis?
I know right that’s what happend to me
Goddamn it. our life is done but who knows what will happen in the future we may evolve once more into something new maybe we may go into the planetary exploration evolution you know ?so don't take whatever sience say for the truth. The truth is they have yet to decode 5% of our DNA who knows what has been coded into our very being!!! So have some bloody faith into our given abilities for survival [evolution] [adaptability] it's all for who can adapt faster...
Literally not afraid of anything except for the concept of the literal universe ending and becoming nothing through entropy.
Antonio Jolla
“Dont take whatever science says for the truth.”
No thanks.
This is what scares the living shit outta of me , no one and nothing will be remembered it challenges the ver value of our existence and honestly watching this video my heart was beating like fuck it as i type im super bummed out
I'm starting 2020 off with an existential crisis
Count me in as well
I had the same thing when i watched this ... now i wanna stop working, start walking towards america while doin drugs when im in america i wanna live in some forest eating nothing but flowers and smoking weed :)
Gang gang gang
we all are :/
I'm speechless, honestly, I rarely comment on anything these days but I couldn't not express my absolute amazement at this video. I hope this inspires more young frontiersmen and women to understanding our universe. I don't know if I watched this at the right place at the right time but I can't remember ever having goosebumps for 30 minutes straight. This is truly a monument to great work. I really can't express how much this video rocked my fucking world. The talent behind putting this together... Just. Thank you for this, seriously.
Couldn't say it better. I even tried. On my 3rd play through. I can't stop. This should be a special on every major TV or streaming site. I truely hope his work and the inspiration grows beyond the basic platforms and spreads into the zeitgeist of human understanding of the universe. This is a masterpiece of science and art. I just can't get over it.
We live together in this most unique and wonderful instants of time, and spend most of it distracted with political and economic conflict. These are just social constructs, we can decide how they work. Let's just co-operate and reach the stars.
@@ErKtheErK already played it 7 times lol
@@acr10 I can't help myself. I'm about to watch it again actually since I'm already here.
It's all fake science
Why is the 2 black holes combining into 1, one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. The music with it make that section so beautiful.
“Cold, dark and empty” This hit me so hard, to just think where we walk would just not exist and become nothingness.
Why would nothingness hit you hard? We are the beings that give meaning to it after all. The fact that something (or the absence thereof) even *needs* meaning is a purely selfish aspect of the human race. As if it's all about us. If you leave the selfishness of our race behind, you'll find that there's no need for meaning. Besides, for anything to have meaning there needs to be something or someone to give it meaning, so if even that is missing, it isn't. Nothing more and nothing less. So be proud in what you do (or don't do) and what it means to *you* and the ones you care about. Anything more than that is meaningless =p
I struggle to see how that could hit hard, to be honest. Your consciousness will turn into nothingness the moment you will die. Your existence will turn into nothingness the moment your corpse will degrade, and the last person that remembers you be gone.. Nothingness is a consistent part of our life as human beings, and you can see it more frequently than something that will happen in 10^75 years from now..
ReallyUnexplainable i think about this all the time.. i have anxiety attacks. 2-3 years ago (im 23) i rarely thought about it. i guess because my grandma and grandpa passed last year a couple months apart.
@@texastrillahh I am sorry about your grandparents, but me.. meh. I don't know, I am scared of dying in and painful way, but the idea of dying in general doesn't touch me in the slightest. Once I'm dead, I won't care about any of the silly things I was worried about in life.
If being cynical saves me some anxiety attacks, I'll take it.
Oof i got hitted so hard i can still feel it
I went through an existential crisis 100 times in the space of 30 minutes
im eMPTY
just makes me wonder why we all try so hard to get a degree, a job if it's all for nothing anyway. We're here just for a split second and yet we stress out more than a dying sun
Are you the shadcn guy?
go to school ffs
abbreviations of repetition:
4:44 quadrillion years
5:29 quintillion years
6:19 sextillion years
7:09 septillion years
7:59 octillion years
8:49 nonillion years
9:38 decillion years
10:28 undecillion years
11:18 duodecillion years
12:09 tredecillion years
12:58 quattuordecillion years
13:48 quindecillion years
14:38 sexdecillion years
15:28 septendecillion years
16:18 octodecillion years
17:08 novemdecillion years
17:58 vigintillion years
18:47 unvigintillion years (roughly the same as Cthulhu's lifespan :) )
19:37 duovigintillion years
20:27 trevigintillion years
21:17 quattuorvigintillion years
22:07 quinvigintillion years
22:56 sexvigintillion years
23:46 septenvigintillion years
24:36 octovigintillion years
25:26 novemvigintillion years
26:16 trigintillion years
27:06 untrigintillion years
@@XiahouJoe he used that method of numbering to help you try to visualize the true scale of time. Not many people are able to being to fully comprehend how long one septenvigintillion years is.
who's cthulu?
@@coodyh True, you summed it up perfectly.
I was waiting for it to turn into a Googol.
This video brings serenity in your life. If u have been constantly running, talking, screaming and haven't got a moment to stop, just watch this. It will relax u, silence u and calm u.
This doesn’t calm me at all it just fills me with existential dread
"Cold, dark and empty - this is how the cosmos will spend most of it's life."
Me too, cosmos
you know somethings wrong when you start feeling the cosmos
my butthole is lonely and empty ;)
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe.
The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered.
For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17).
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God.
We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history.
God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death.
It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
Only god knows everything and the future.
Predicting it is way too hard.@@shenanya7180
I feel like I am more connected to the cosmos now..
We are the same.
5 years passed and this is still one of, if not the best videos on the TH-cam
This video is giving me a panic attack.
Couldn’t agree more
How is that?
I've loved this video since 2019 when it came out. I was 7 years old back then. I'm turning 13 this year.
Because people don’t watch allot of science, better swipe a tic tac all day.
Me: skips 10 sec
Universe: 10 trillion years later
rat chill chill
You are a time 🚆 traveller
Lucky Z Films Jep, we all are now
This will always be my favourite video on TH-cam. The msytery, the music, the awe. Unrivalled.
This is why being immortal and invincible would be the worst fate to bestow upon anything in existence. your newfound forever is dark and cold. Your story ends with darkness, for eternity, floating in the void.
That's dark
@@gachanugget1530 yes
@@justinwong951 its sad. But if you believe in God no worries you spend eternity in Heaven
Eventually, we will all stop thinking.
@@yakove Spending an eternity worshiping god in heaven sounds like pain in the ass to me.
These are literally my thoughts every night when I can't sleep
A Random Ikumi lmaoo 69 likes
A Random Ikumi poor u
lmao same
@EmpressBeauty OMG SAMEEE
bruh that is so true
Came in normal, came out absolutely traumatized. This is a masterpiece.. Rewatching it after 4 years and it still gives me Goosebumps.
Traumatized? This shouldn’t traumatize you.
Just as full of bullshit the second time, still just a figment of some crackhead imagination
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s traumatic about this? It’s beautiful and awe inspiring
@@sheldongreene8366 youd have to be high to think so.
This video convince me to believe how little my existence is. I'm nothing but a star dust, just like you're. Some beautiful moments we create to fulfill our living.
I've gained an overwhelming amount of comfort in knowing how insignificant we are. Enjoy your life, don't take it too seriously
@H W yeah we will all be gone but our bloodline will one day have to face this sad truth whilst we are nothing but a name remembered by some
@H W never know we survived a lot already but this might be different
@@adamboy0559 we did, but nothing anywhere close to the magnitude of surviving a red giant star though.
@@adamboy0559 humans will have been long extinct by then. Nobody will be alive to witnesses this.
@@tyler70878 yeah I’m sure we won’t survive but there’s a very very small chance some humans could find a way to live
I cannot imagine what absolutely nothing means. When there is nothing left in the universe.
when you are thinking about nothing and there is something isn't it?.
Or, when there was nothing in the universe. How did all of this start
@@bnjkkkihff I think it had something to do with quantum physics. Somehow, it generates a Big Bang that expands over time.
in order to measure time you need a mass. Without mass there is no reference point and no timeflow. Time has no meaning and therefore due to random fluctuation there is a certainity that new universe will appear. Search for Rogger Penrose and his cyclic universe.
You don't have to think about absolute nothing cause it only can exist in your mind, like when you die you don't know what will happen to you, but that's humanbeings problem we always want an answer
I've watched this many times now. The phrase "the age of starlight comes to an end" always gets me, because it's something that seems so permanent right now that it's difficult to comprehend it as an 'age', an era that will end. This video always makes me feel so small.
It touches a nerve with me too. I believe if and when the age of starlight ends. That it will return again. And so may all we.
The craziest part is that even while time intervals are increasing exponentially as the video plays out, I reached a certain point thinking we must be halfway through the video only to find myself barely 10% through.
Yes, that part makes me so sad but so happy all at once because we get to witness this moment in time!
i think if humans can find free energy there will be no more use or worrying about star light/energy
Imagine how bacteria feels💀
This one video is enough to humble you and plunge you into an existential crisis.
While watching the video it seems never-ending.
Never had the phrase “I was born in the right era” been more appropriate.
😂well said we are the "first and only era presently" with enough consciousness to realize how it may all end.
its not right in any way to be honest. you were born because the conditions allowed it to. you wouldnt simply be born in the middle age of the universe unless the conditions are there to support life.
@@nickbros true
Am I in a multiverse youtube of nicks?🤣
@@BlowTorchDrizy1 no
The music, the commentary, the visuals. It made it seem like we are actually entering what the future is.
Yeah it does
We need a VR version for this.
@@Luc-wl5sc your right we do
Dark energy is gaaaaaaaad
We are.
"nothing is left in existence"
me: *sees we're only 11 minutes in*
Yeah, I also was shocked
Me when I also saw that: ; - ;
Im scared
Heck yesh
This hits hard, doesn't matter how many times I watch it!!
I’m not sure what’s better... this video being 29 minutes long or the fact that there are no ads
The fact that there was no ads. =)
I got adsss
@@gmtb1655 yeah...
I know, right? You just figure that right before the end of the universe there will be a 30 second ad.
ad at the end
I could never have imagined a romantic theme for black holes meeting each other as soulmates
You joined two months ago, what happened?
Jack and Rose are shivering on their door
I thought the same thing. And it's so beautiful tbh
@Lt. Limp Wrist yo I’m ur first sub lol
Romance doesn’t exist, it’s just our brains letting out chemicals and hormones to try to reproduce so we can have kids and the reason we do that is because of natural selection where the people back then Who had kids passed on their genes which slowly mutated to a actual feeling of desire because the people who desired sex had more kids which passed down their gene to more where the people who didn’t enjoy having kids had less kids and that gene died out
5 minute mark: all the stars die
Looks at the bar: 25 minutes left
How did you know?
You can do this 5:00 and this 25:00
This video goes hell
The 'sun's death' part was absolutely insane, send chills down my spine
"Nothing happens, and keeps not happening, forever..." *chills*
@Alvin Alifiano uhhhh, did you ever take into account that perhaps people just have similar/the same reaction to the video
@Alvin Alifiano who cares bro
@Alvin Alifiano stfu comment police, nobody gives a shit if its copied or not.
@Alvin Alifiano nobody is going to get famous off of one comment
this video made me feel so unbeliveably sad, scared and yet thankful that I'm alive right now, not in the past or the future but in this moment so that I may have the pleasure of learning without fear. I may not have the life I want, or be the person I want to be, but the fact that the likelyhood of my genetics being the way they are is so rare it makes me so happy to be who I am.
and if there are other universes like ours, and someone just like me exists I hope they're doing well, if they're doing better than me then I'm happy at least one of me gets to live a good life, and if they're doing worse then I'm thankful I'm not them, and I hope their situation gets better.
Thank you for making this video, your efforts were definitely worth it!
I'm totally with you. This video made me think a lot about my own existence, about the reasons, about why we do exist and so on.. it's so impressive but also depressive. So weird!
You might find comfort in the idea that time goes really fast (for you a fraction of a second) if you don't exist to witness it happening.
what if you are a cockroach in another universe? what we are wishing them. we likewise are seen as aliens to others as we see cockroaches .
aradney wrong you should be sad because all that mystry away we can never know whats happening in that far far planets ,,
Live a life that you can be proud of, that is yours, it does not have to be perfect, you just have to enjoy it because in the end, time won't mean anything and nothing will happen forever.
This is the most fascinating and the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.
Noone asked
bro its bullshit the one who made it must be idian
@@salamabbas5543 what makes you think thay it's made by an Indian?
I cried
I've seen this video so many times, I've lost count. I just want to say that this is my absolute favorite video of all time, anywhere on the internet, and the music and visuals are mind-blowing. Thank you so much for this video and all of your content.
This was kindly sad and I almost cried.
This lefts an empty feeling on your body and I don't know why.
I just liked it so much.
you dont need to worry its gonna happen when we are dead :)
I agree it just makes you feel empty and in the long run nothing will make a difference Nice comment 👍
I always wonder whether astronauts who have been to space and see the earth from up there are still religious after they have seen there's so much more to the universe than earth.
That emptiness is the feeling you get when you realize wha you do means nothing to our inevitable trip through the void of light.
Cinco Rodriguez cuz a black hole sucked your feelings out
When it all goes black and you see your reflection in the monitor.
That profile pic tho...
ImmaSquidlng buaja jajjaa
thats where the netflix series black mirror got the name from ... sometimes u see this black mirror in ur device and u really be like : wtf i am doing with my life. eh
It’s depressing and fascinating that life exists just to inevitably die. There’s no stopping it.
life is dying all day everyday people can stop it but most do nothing even they have the chance to stop it so whats the point
What if it all blows up again?
Homo Sapiens can't stop it with their little brains, but our descendant will be much more intelligent than us, and they'll find a way to stop it:
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Don't take life for granted, enjoy it while you can.
It gives me a feeling of sitting in a cinema hall or a scientific show. The sound effects, the cinematography all splendidly created.
watching the stars die and the last black hole evaporates its just really touching....
synxf I know man, that last black holes death is so beautiful but sad
because fancy lights and grand music
i know right
@@glennrandoy618 A reply in a reply in a reply
this will change the way I look up at the night sky forever.
Read a science fiction book and you would have the same effect
Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't have to look up to see space.
@@satisfyingno4120 Because u can Google it...
@@godschild5587 dumb shit head
I love the phrase "time is meaningless" in this video. it is so powerful and gut-wrenching, and so true. because once there is nothing, once there is no change and nothing happens, the very concept of time loses its meaning. past, present and future don't matter if they're the same thing. and will be
Honestly there is no such thing as time. It is a measurement of our perception of the distance we travel. The perception of the rotation of this planet in it's journey around the sun. Spacefaring people will learn that each place they visit perceives "time" uniquely. As they escape the spheres of influence of those caught in that perception they will reorient themselves to a different measurement in order to prevent themselves from colliding with objects that don't follow those ideas. They will have learned to become aware of other factors that exist that make the perception of time irrelevant. Spheres of Influence become much more pertinent and entangling.
Time is the principal medium of information, and information is the principal medium of time
Universe: Time is now meaningless
Roger Penrose: Allow me to introduce Cyclical Universe Theory 😈
@@tweakfreq1982 the fundamental measure of time in the universe is measured by "events" for something that happens, every time something happens in the universe it can be said that time passed and therefore something else happened.
that is why a universe in which nothing happens ... is a universe in which "time" does not make sense.
This, my guys, is the most beautiful video I've ever seen in my entire life...
Holy crap, the music, graphics, everything is so damn good I can't even imagine...
This video really touched my heart, but the ending was...🥲 the best part, in this video...
Melodysheep, thanks for making this masterpiece !
Thanks for reading my comment...🥲
*After 10 minutes later I went to cry😭*
10:51 I'm at the point where protons are disintegrating thinking "okay this must be the last thing", but I look at the time and I'm not even halfway done yet lol.
I also thought about it :)
10:51 is "halfway"??? It's exponential dude, and it might be 1/trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion way done yet.
Halfway through the video.
That wasn't even the beginning
Same tbh
Mars: Yo Saturn. Can I borrow your rings for a sec?
Saturn: Yeah man sure. Just remember to bring it back
**Actually evaporates as everything else does for the following trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years to come**
Sad thing is Saturn is gonna be waiting a long time thinking it’s gonna get its rings back but in reality Mars just finessed em ;/
“Don’t worry man, I will”
*whispers* “hehe. i wont” 😈
Plot twist: He didn't give them back.
me watching this knowing full well i will not survive through the first minute
less prolly
I was like oh let's find out if it's true
first 5 seconds 300 years pass when its starts counting from 2020 lol
This is probably the greatest video on this platform
The music is pretty out of this world isn’t it?
But seriously the music is awesome.
And the graphics, they’re so wonderful,
It’s so amazingly magnificent.
Just the live you wanted
The music is amazing - the soundtrack album is called The Arrow of Time, on iTunes/Spotify/etc. Melodysheep is actually best known as a composer, his other stuff on this channel is also pretty incredible.
KillahMate thanks, I was hoping to find the music 🎶
KillahMate thank you!
I cannot agree more.
I’m scared to think that 10 trillion years later, this wonderful masterpiece of a video and this comment section, melodysheep, me, our parents, lovers, siblings, the whole universe, nothing won’t exist, not even time. Everything goes away like a puff of dust.
But what if there is a multiverse?
@@AspenArtz14 we’ll have to latch onto what if’s for now regardless
@@shreyadeshpande8784 everybody calm down we have trillions of year to solve this problems humans were born on earth but are not destined to die on it. in a 100 years we went from horses to the moon and actually that took 60 because after that we are focused on technology not exploration and technology will allow us to search faster later. humans have unlimited capacity even using 10% of our brain. whaats gonna happen when we unlock more or simply enhance our brain. if we dont kill ourselves, which is very possible, its in the bag we got this just some universe trouble
@@Mr_Basketball95 yeah I think we’ll all be dead in a billion years maybe 500 million years no matter what
Dont want to sound mean but its not 10 trillion is 1trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years away
This is informative, terrifying, and gorgeously produced. Well done .
why is it terrifying, you aren't even gonna be there at that time so take chill pill and relax and have fun
why terrifying? i foud it to be exciting, evn though knowing the fact that i may not be alive at that point
@@memd777 why wouldn't you be terrified when you realize that the existence of mankind is nothing compared to the time scale of the universe?
@@cm5988 Indeed. the thought that the universe itself will turn into an empty, cold and dark void is scary - if this theory is right. I have my doubts though. New stars always born, light will live on and even if this comes to reality I would bet some money that after some unthinkable time something will happen that once again turns on the engine of the universe.
@@memd777People tend to be scared of things they don't understand, and things that are of the unknown class. Also, in my opinion, your comment is kind of dumb, snce you can't just tell someone not to fear something they're afraid of, or change someones feelings about something in a snap. Though you do have a point. People shouldn't be running around thinking of something that they're afraid of, when they never, ever will experience it. People should enjoy life and have fun while the earth still is intact. Soon enough, all of this will be gone. And soon enough, seeing a tree, to us, will be like travelling in space now. Thrilling, and exciting.I know that this comment is kind of unusual, but i just felt like i had to write it. Have a great day my friend!
I am DYING for you to make a version of this where proton decay might not exist, and how the future would look then! Always looking forward to new stuff from you. This channel keeps me afloat weekly!
To be completely honest, This is a scary thought. To think how long humans would last, just to be forgotten to time and eventually everything become so meaningless
Welcome to existential dread, I’ll be your tour guide
For the universe, we already are meaningless. It wouldn't mind throwing an asteroid or two at us 😂
I feel the opposite actually. It really brings me peace to know that none if this matters and even if I die and the sun explodes taking the earth along with it. the universe will keep ticking.
everything is meaningless. But what I don't understand is whose me .
@@beefboy8812 yea actually is calming 😌
This is so depressing yet fascinating
This made me realise the importance of the phrase 'Live in the moment '
the sun dying was so depressing
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe.
The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered.
For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17).
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God.
We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history.
God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death.
It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
The music is absolutely incredible. It sets the perfect existential vibe
a sad vibe at the end
@Richard Foran Umm, that's the point of media. It's created to make you feel something... What's your point?
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe.
The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered.
For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17).
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God.
We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history.
God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death.
It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
I bought the soundtrack on Bandcamp years ago, but still come back here every now and again to listen whilst I work. Just beautiful work. With all that's going on in the world, it's nice to have a longer perspective, and even though it deals with the ultimate heat death of the universe this production is more uplifting, full of wonder and less depressing than the news.
im scared because if i blink i might miss a trillion years.....
vBray _ who elese got the joke
HAHAHAHA time is getting faster, enjoy it !
rozalinda lleshi ur mom
When I made it to 5 minutes, I was like, "how in the FREAKING WORLD is this gonna be THIRTY MINUTES LONG!"
I also thought that hahaha apparently the end of the earth and the sun is just the infant age of the universe
same omg.
You guys should make a reverse version of this video, make where it shows how the universe started and where it has come today.
That would be even better then this and this is hard to beat u gotta admit ! What a great vidya
bro thats already been done... havent u learned anything in science at school
@@dishaverma5759 no not really
@@dishaverma5759 it doesnt look as cool as this tho
@@THEpaulyBOY44 Melodysheep has already done that one, look it up.
this video changed my life, thank you for making this masterpiece, haven’t seen anything quite like this, the amount of work and thought put to this is unparalleled
"Time becomes meaningless." That hit me hard.
yeah, :(
At some point we'll die and corrupt we blend in mud and dust and after a century there's no one will remember us get into it were not even worth a flea for the universe
Vurkaç Sertaç Ok.
@@ogulcanayvallar4914 unless you make something memorable of your life.
:-(me is so sad without any planets :-( rest in peace : earth our beautiful home
The end is honestly depressing. This video shows me another whole way to just explain life, in the most indescribable and scary yet fascinating way.
Talk to the manager then.
Where's your manager!!!
I can already tell it's fake since I'm pretty sure "thousand million" isn't a number.
@@netrox81 and there's a very high chance that those people don't know what a atom is.
@@netrox81 yet not intelligent enough to know what comes after the trillions?
Bro this was like the dopest most beautiful slightly “horror-type” documentary I’ve ever seen
exactly, the fact that all this is true and they are sometime going to happen is amazing and horrifying
I’m I the only one who didn’t feel scared, like why is everyone scared. Maybe I’m the wired one. Rather the only thing I felt was the Beauty of this video. It’s amazing
WHEN THE SUN is folded up, The stars turn dim and scatter, The mountains made to move, The ten-month pregnant female camels are abandoned, The wild beasts stampede on the run, When the oceans surge and swell, When souls are reunited (with the bodies) And the little girl buried alive is asked For what crime she was put to death; When the ledgers are laid open, The curtain drawn back from the skies, When Hell is set ablaze, And Paradise brought near, (Then) every soul will know what it had prepared (for itself). (Holy Quran; 81/1-14)
He asks: "When will the Day of Resurrection be?" Yet when the eyes are dazzled, The moon eclipsed, And the sun and moon are conjoined, That day man will say: "Where can I find escape?" Never so, for there will be no escape. With your Lord alone will be the retreat on that day. (Holy Quran; 75/1-12)
@@motherlandmars5999 what
@@vicsalvagun5597 not really necessarily true
0:00 intro
0:01 Supported by...
0:02 Supported by protocol labs
0:03 protocol labs: What does our future hold?
0:04 1st soundtrack plays
0:06 Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence
0:11 Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, HELLEN KELLER
0:15 What does the future look like?
0:18 How will the universe meet its end?
0:22 We may never truly be certain,
0:26 But science has begun to paint a stunning picture of how the future might hold
0:30 picture of Mars
0:31 Picture of Mars, let's take a journey to the end of time
0:34 we will travel through time exponentially, doubling our speed every 5 seconds
0:39 This vision of the future will surely evolve as we probefor more clues. But one thing is clear:
0:44 The universe has only just begun
0:47 2019 - Anthropocene Era
0:48 2020 - Anthropocene Era
0:49 2021 - Anthropocene Era - The holocene has ended
0:50 2022 - Anthropocene Era
0:51 2023 - Anthropocene Era
0:51 2024 - Anthropocene Era
0:52 2025 - Anthropocene Era - What we do now
0:53 2027 - Anthropocene Era
0:54 2029 - Anthropocene Era - And in the next few years
0:55 2031 - Anthropocene Era
0:55 2032 - Anthropocene Era - Xray Maps
0:56 2033 - Anthropocene Era - will profoundly affect
0:56 2034 - Anthropocene Era - The map changes
0:57 2037 - Anthropocene Era - Trip to mars
0:58 2039 - Anthropocene Era - Landing on mars
0:58 2040 - Anthropocene Era - The next few thousand years
0:58 2041 - Anthropocene Era - Building on mars
0:59 2046 - Anthropocene Era - Earth rotates fast
1:02 2055 - Anthropocene Era - Clouds move fast
1:03 2063 - Anthropocene Era - Map Changes
1:04 2072 - Anthropocene Era - The only conditions more humans
1:05 2082 - Anthropocene Era - Lakes reduce water
1:06 2095 - Anthropocene Era - have ever known so far, are changing. - Hills changes looks
1:08 2113 - Anthropocene Era - Snow reduces
1:09 2152 - Anthropocene Era - And changing fast
1:10 2164 - Anthropocene Era - Waterfalls burst
1:11 2201 - Anthropocene Era - Tsunami disaster
1:12 2225 - Anthropocene Era - Nothing stays the same on this planet
1:14 2272 - Anthropocene Era - Hills burst waterfalls
1:15 2312 - Anthropocene Era - Everything changes
1:16 2336 - Anthropocene Era - Earth spins incredibly fast
1:18 2424 - Anthropocene Era - The earth is going into one of these jumps
1:18 2485 - Anthropocene Era - Landscapes
1:19 2576 - Anthropocene Era - And you don't know what is going
1:21 2675 - Anthropocene Era - to be on the other side of those jumps
1:22 2700s - Earth's magnetic field flips
1:24 3000s - Earth's magnetic field flips - The earth is always jumping
1:26 3300s - Comet hale-Bopp returns
1:31 4400s - Comet hale-Bopp returns - Comet hale-Bopp returns as shooting star
1:32 4800s - Drastic sea level rise
1:32 5200s - Drastic sea level rise - Things move on this planet
1:33 5900s - Drastic sea level rise - First small house gets destroyed
1:35 6500s - Drastic sea level rise - Things are not still!
1:36 7000s - 30 meter asteroid impact
1:36 7900s - 30 meter asteroid impact - Everything is turning
1:38 9300s - 30 meter asteroid impact - The asteroid hits earth
1:39 10,000s - Antares goes supernova
1:41 11,000s - Antares goes supernova - Antares goes supernova
1:42 14,000s - Sahara begins tropical
1:46 22,000s - constellations began to wander
1:50 39,000s - Voyager passes nerby star
1:54 62,000s - Interglacial peroid ends
1:55 75,000s - Interglacial peroid ends - Earth rotates incredibly fast
1:57 91,000s - Supervolcano eruption
1:57 100,000s - Supervolcano eruption - Supervolcano erupts
2:00 150,000s - Supervolcano eruption - Rocks begin to fly
2:02 190,000s - Supervolcano eruption - Raining Rocks
2:05 290,000s - New hawaiian island appears
2:08 420,000s - New island chains
2:13 910,000s - Apollo footprints fade
2:16 1,200,000s - Apollo footprints fade - Footprints faded
2:17 1,500,000s - Betelgeuse goes supernova
2:19 1,900,000s - Betelgeuse goes supernova - Betelgeuse goes supernova
2:21 2,700,000s - Stone monuments erode
2:24 4,200,000s - Stone monuments erode - The map changes
2:27 7,300,000s - Stone monuments erode - The map forms its first crack
2:30 8,500,000s - Deadly gamma ray burst
2:32 12,000,000s - Mars moon becomes a ring (Phobos)
2:35 18,000,000s - Mars moon becomes a ring (Phobos) - Mars Has rings at this point of time
2:37 26,000,000s - Saturns rings vanish
2:39 35,000,000s - Saturns rings vanish - Saturn becomes ringless
2:41 42,000,000s - Antarctica melts
2:45 69,000,000s - Major asteroid impact
2:47 96,000,000s - Major asteroid impact - The impact nears the earth and shockwaves the ocean
2:48 100,000,000s - Major asteroid impact - The Major asteroid hits earth, and causes a big shockwave
2:51 150,000,000s - New supercontinent
2:57 410,000,000s - Sun increases luminosity
2:58 470,000,000s - Sun increases luminosity - As it begins to run out of fuel
3:00 560,000,000s - Photosynthesis begins to cease
3:01 640,000,000s - Photosynthesis begins to cease - The sun wont simply fade away to nothing
3:02 830,000,000s - All plant life dies (Grass dies)
3:05 1,100,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate
3:05 1,200,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - Its core will collapse
3:08 1,600,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - The sun begins to expand
3:08 1,700,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - And the extra heat this generates
3:10 2,200,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - The Suns color becomes bright orange
3:10 2,300,000,000s - Oceans Evaporate - Will cause its outer layers to expand
3:12 2,800,000,000s - All life dies
3:13 3,500,000,000s - Sun expands
3:13 3,700,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Orange
3:14 4,200,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Orange + Pre-Red
3:15 4,500,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns reddish orange
3:16 4,900,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Red
3:16 5,000,000,000s - Sun expands - The suns color turns Really Red
3:17 5,500,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant
3:17 5,900,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Fire oxygen engulfs earth
3:17 6,300,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Earth becomes a hot boiling planet
3:18 6,900,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Sun stops expanding
3:18 7,300,000,000s - Sun becomes a red giant - Earth Explodes
3:19 7,500,000,000s - Earth destroyed by the dying sun
3:19 7,800,000,000s - Earth destroyed by the dying sun - The sun surface, Crust, Mantle, Evaporates into a nebula
3:21 10 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf
3:22 12 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - The sun is now dead
3:24 17 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - Its remains slowly cooling
3:27 23 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - In the freezing temperatures of deep space
3:30 37 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - Sad music plays
3:40 139 Billion years - Sun Becomes a white dwarf - The fate of the sun is the same as for all stars
3:44 257 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - One day, they must all eventually die
3:47 398 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - and the cosmos will be plunged
3:50 555 Billion years - Sun becomes a white dwarf - Into eternal night
3:54 1 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off
3:54 1 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - All stars eventually will run out of fuel
3:58 1 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - The temperature of the universe drops
4:00 2 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Stars one by one
4:03 3 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - In the night sky
4:04 4 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Will turn off
4:08 7 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - And there will be no more new Stars
4:11 9 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Created
4:12 11 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - The next star Explodes
4:13 14 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - And so the universe will end
4:15 18 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - Not with a bang
4:16 21 Trillion years - Stars begin to die off - But with a whimper
4:20 36 Trillion years - Last red dwarf stars die
4:21 44 Trillion years - Last red dwarf stars die - And not in fire
4:23 59 Trillion years - Last red dwarf stars die - But in Ice
4:29 136 Trillion years - Degenerate Era
4:30 151 Trillion years - Degenerate Era - With the death of the last Sun, the age of starlight comes to an end
4:40 609 Trillion years - Degenerate Era - The universe becomes a cosmos boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars
4:50 2 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - our Sun becomes a white dwarf - a hot, dense, shrunken stellar corpse
4:56 5 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - White dwarf
5:02 11 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - With no fuel left to burn
5:04 16 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - a white dwarfs faint glow
5:06 20 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - comes from the last residual heat
5:08 30 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - from its extinguished furnace
5:15 80 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - Looking at it from where the earth is now
5:18 177 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - of would only generate the same amount of light
5:21 317 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - as the full moon
5:23 420 Quadrillion years - Degenerate Era - on a clear night
5:29 1 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - the faint glow of white dwarfs
5:31 1 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - Will provide the only illumination
5:35 2 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - in a dark and empty void
5:37 3 Quintillion years - Degenerate Era - littered with dead stars
5 likes for more!
I know I'll be dead before the world ends but I'm still terrified
Tell us more about that fear and its source (just curious not a psychologie student haha)
Victor Bourguignon it’s my same fear where everything that is just becomes nothing. There is nothing. Everything is dead. It makes me wonder what happens to us after we pass. It’s p scary to know everything we work towards and for will become nothing eventually (per this video).
@@applebossful i shouldnt lead you to this as its a LOT of speculation, but ypu might be interested in reading about quantum resurrection. Not fully confirmed as true, but could mean a bright future in this nothing : )
@Tiky Reol exactly my thought
Thanks God I will die. I don't wanna care these things.
Did anyone else hope all life in the universes and galaxies would just restart all over again
my therie is the universe will pop like a balloon
Well I wish,but I wish it restarts without schools :p
i thought maybe like the mass in black holes would restart the universe
I wish that rebirthing exists or I’m like dead forever lol
They actually do
Even after 4 years I can still confirm this is a masterpiece. I watch this lots of times only for the visuals, graphics, and soundtrack. This is by far a very beautiful video and should be here in my heart. Thank you for bringing an imagination of the future to life
This is nice it makes me feels that we are not even 1/1000000000 of a dust particle in this universe
Omg renee?
@@Darknesstride at least I'm living in a timeline where your mum exists 😚☺
I just keep coming back! It's all soooo well done
this might be the greatest video ever made. the score, the pace, the visuals, the narration, it's literally perfect and makes you wanna die!
Kind of makes you appreciate everything you've got now
we live in the golden age, the simple fact we exist and are consciouss is a miracle, we are very lucky
That's the problem, no one appreciates it. The formula of life possibility is evidence we should be kinder to one another. Humanity isn't an intellectual civilization, bunch of morons that are self important.
Jennifer Roberts what does the formula of life have anything to do with this?
Ste Mckeown. I was thinking the same exact thing while watching this.
@@artonio5887 I wouldn't say lucky. We have to work for 60 years, deal with pain, shitty people etc Sure, some experiences in life are nice, but i don't think positives outweigh the negatives.
When the black hole era begins, and you notice that not even half of the video is over yet
Indians everywhere 🙇🙌
@@King_ofNight 7:46
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe.
The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered.
For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17).
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God.
We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history.
God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death.
It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
People can’t even comprehend the sheer absurdity of these time scales. At the very beginning the video said that we will be doubling our speed every 5 seconds. The time it takes for stars to die out feels tiny compared to the absurd number that is a googol. Even the degenerate era feels tiny compared to the black hole era. And this video doesn’t even try to describe the absurd time period that is the Dark Era. Time is the measurement of something happening, a black hole colliding into another black hole once every trillion years is still something happening. But beyond the last black hole dying and the last particles of light cooling and stretching until they are absolutely nothing, there is nothing to track time with, so for all intents and purposes, time is meaningless in the Dark Era. It would take nearly a googolplex amount of years until randomly, a sudden drop in entropy via quantum tunneling causes a new universe to emerge. If you thought a googol was absurd, a googolplex is simply insanity. It’s a number so big that if you wrote a zero on every particle in the universe, you wouldn’t even have enough particles to even fully write out a googolplex. That’s the utter insanity that we are dealing with in this mad world of math.
The most terrifying video I've ever seen. Thank you for giving me nightmares for the rest of my (meaningless) life.
Andre Gusmâo no your life is not meaningless, you might think it is but believe it or not without you some people would have a really hard time, just keep your head up high and stay positive ❤️🙏
Tom Erskine yeah I know. I was just messing around. It just seems absurd sometimes that we as human beings struggle so much to make the world and ourselves better only for it all to end in an eternal void in a cold and indifferent universe. But hey, enjoy it while it lasts.
Tom Erskine It’s kinda being like this kid from Annie Hall
Andre Gusmâo all I was thinking is hahaha great great grandkids ur gonna have to suffer through this lol I’m a terrible person
This video keeps pulling me back every, single, year.
This is the only time lapse that doesn’t kill us in 10 years
Ikr like it reached a trillion years but I was only 2 mins in lmao
@@erinleila4137 corona is nowhere near the extinction level event. Nor any virus or bacteria can be. It can kill millions but not everyone. It's still a huge deal tho.
@@marko6489 i know the most likely to kill us is the deep space
Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,
I Corinthians 15:1-4 NKJV
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9 NKJV
Take it from someone who stayed away from church, had no Bible and scoffed at Christianity. It happened in my own apartment. Jesus woke me up. I had been asleep for 38 and a half years. Now I see so much that we are just drenched in evidence of Him. He is everywhere. Believe with all your heart, mind and soul. Seek Him He will be there, He always has been. Though you may hate me I still love you and am only warning you that what's to come is horrible. The worst 7 years on earth ever. Please rethink your salvation. Just believe, Jesus does the rest. Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ 🙌🏻
This is terrifying but absolutely gives you much to be grateful for in your life and how much meaning there actually is around us right now.
At the end of the time there will be no relligion or gods, only darkness and silence...
bro is gonna happen in 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years (edit OR MORE EVEN)
@ابو حاتم i will not believe in what u are talking about coz this is based on lol things not on real things
@ابو حاتم بارك الله فيك
لكن كما ترى معظمهم قد أعميت قلوبهم وأبصارهم
وجدال الجماد انفع من جدال أمثالهم
If we have no proposite, our lifes are nothing
That’s strange to understand, but someday we all wont exist anymore. Just darkness and silence. Nothing
Donuv Yeah but I believe all the progress will reset picture it like everything dies and then after all of this happened all just happens again it just keeps repeating if this was the case imagine how many times this has happened .
Ricardo Vega Me too. But sometimes I look at myself and think that someday, this skin will be rotten, and I will lie in coffin.
I will, but im built different
@@boris4063 so, might as well do something with yourself while you got the time
Andre Jg That’s the problem. I speak 3 languages, almost 4. I play the piano, I can draw beautifully. But I still feel empty. Like I am wasting my time for nothing. And Im afraid that I will die too early, with life that made no sense
Vous n'imposez rien. Vous étalez ce que l'on sait avec les hypothèses sur une vidéo magnifique. C'est nostalgique, émouvant, superbe et poétique. Cela fait grandir notre conscience, la conscience de l'humanité. Ce fut un régal absolu.
Past: "I wish i was born in the future"
Present: "Luckily i wasn't born a few more centuries into the future"
Future: "Damn i wish i was born a few centuries ago"
But future can become the past and the past was once the future
JDXGamingZ facts
for me past is present as well
The future is what we and our future generations make it. We don't exactly know if it will be better or worse.
“The universe will end, not with a bang, but with a wimper” That quote hits hard
That quote rattled in my head for hours scaring me
The Big Empty!
Our universe was a simp!
Well riddle me this batman if our universe began with a bang who says that bang can't happen again?
@@RichWeigel That's proposed in the video. Universes that have the right conditions to harbor intelligent life eventually birthing new baby universes due to that intelligent life.
Past-"We will have flying cars in the future!"
You mean Aeroplanes?
We DeAd
Future-"we have death.."
@Zerebrat Eightyseven oh boy thats savage xD
This was incredible. Nicely done!!! My 6yr old daughter walked in and started watching this with me. She started asking questions about black holes!
This is ultimately where TH-cam's recommended algorithm is supposed to go
In time, all algorithms will end up here. Sucked in by gravity. And no one will be watching anything but this.
@@doctorstrangelove8815 k
@@advitiyasinghrathore4598 stfu
Film: nears end.
Me: Surprised that the film actually has an ending and doesn't continue forever and ever with beautiful music and voices of scientists and philosophers.
oh no boye, i got bad news...
im sorry but
the film ended cuz the camera man died
That another galaxy will be formed by Andromeda the fuck >:(
yes. since Milky way and Andromeda bang soo hard, they made Cummy Squirty way.
@@karensmanager6340 wdym
The Bible calls us to become heavenly men, and to pass into the next universe.
The heavens as we know them will disappear. And the earth, with the works therein, will be consumed. And the events of the beginning will no longer be remembered.
For I will create new heavens and a new earth. Past things will no longer be remembered, they will no longer come to mind (Isaiah 65:17).
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The quality has changed, so the new heaven and earth will be like our new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53). Since the soul will be at the top of nobility and power it will confer on the body that will be divinely united to it its new qualities. The more the soul informs the body, the more it radiates the beauty of it, which reflects the beauty of God.
We can only speculate on what the heavenly world might look like. Whether God replaces the present stars and planets with new ones, or transforms them or gives them a new appearance or configuration, definitive, it is something that we will discover when the time comes. In heaven we will eat just for the taste, just for pure ecstasy. Water is only for the pleasure of drinking. No substance is necessary, but all are for pleasure. Our new body will be incorruptible, beautiful, powerful. A body similar to the body of the risen Christ and its new abilities such as rising in the air, crossing a wall, moving almost instantly from one place to another. It will also be a body of dazzling splendor. The glorified body of Christ is described as having the brightness of the sun at its zenith. Thus, the saints will recognize the smallest differences between smells, they will hear heavenly praises with perfection, and their visual acuity will be increased. They will be like the angels of God in heaven (Matthew 22:30). The Holy Scriptures explain that it is not to angels that God has submitted «the world to come» that we are talking about, but to humans who will one day be glorified and become spiritual beings. This prophecy reveals that God created humans temporarily inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:6-8). Nevertheless, God offers human beings the opportunity to be glorified, to become spiritual members of his own divine family and to take possession of the whole universe. “All things” includes all the planets, all the stars, all the galaxies that - in this creation - are so innumerable that it is breathtaking. Astronomers now estimate that there are between 200 and 500 billion galaxies and even more, each containing billions of stars! Such figures are incomprehensible to us, but they exceed the number of human beings who have lived in history.
God is love and he aspires to be served by love, by showing your free will. For your choice will be decisive, either for eternal life or for eternal death.
It is by faith that we understand that the universe was harmoniously organized by the word of God, and thus the visible world draws its origin from the invisible (Hebrews 11:3). It is God who stretches the north of heaven over the void, and who suspends the earth above nothingness (Job 26:7). The heavens tell the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1). I am the Lord, and there is no other, Outside of me there is no God (Isaiah 45:5). I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, who was, and who comes, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
Dude, now that is terrifyingly beautiful.
Tbh I can beleive most of this but most of this I think is bull crap cuz there is so many many many many many many many many many many many many things that could happen between, before, and after all of these things cuz first space is growing like 1038483039 miles a second (not really but it’s probably more) plus black holes have many theories like alternate dimensions so there could be other universes on the other side if it’s possible to go through one but you get the point lol. Plus the black holes including many other things in the galaxy can explode and since black holes can eat eachother and grow even bigger somtime it’s gonna be so big another Big Bang could happen and one thing that’s obvious that other life forms including us will evolve and probably have ways to stop some of these disasters or problems and other than that, millions of other things could happen but I loved this video non the less amazing video just kinda miss leading 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nah, just terrifying
King of Spades wolf
I mean, then again, this is what they ended up getting from “popular theories”
so some are accurate, but we can’t witness what happens after that
666th like
this is absolutely terrifying
1 like=1 more billion year for the universe
After 5 years this is one of the best videos on YT
I come back and watch this a few times a year to remind myself not to sweat the small stuff. We're only here for a blink
you know this gave me goosebumps bcs something really similar to this is said in the holy quran 23:112-23:113 so basically I am not quoting it but Allah asks the people how many years were they on earth and then the people (us) will reply maybe a day or half a day. You reminded me of this and now I am crying
A blink still is an incredible amount of time for us compared to the universe
@@amalsaeed4887if there will nothing left allah will not exists too😂
One trillion trillion trillionth of a blink
Same as you
After watching this it feels like it doesn't matter all that much if I get pizza for dinner or not.
Hi there, I see you too are having an existential crisis... I, myself, am having one as well. It seems crazy all these damn wars that keep happening with trillions of years from now there will be nothing to fight over anyway. It's so hard to imagine there being nothing out there.
@@lilmsdrummer it’s harder to imagine our own graves won’t exist
It's even more important because you only have so much time to make a decision that will affect your happiness which is real and meaningful for the little time it exists :-)
@@tylerlockett8606 It's the hardest to imagine that nothing at all will exist, and even though the universe will be plain darkness, does it really exist if there is nothing to witness it, not even something inanimate like a black hole?
The universe is the saddest subject
The narrators acting like they're not having an existential crisis while reading their script
A lot of that was Brian Cox or Martin Rees - they go to bed thinking of this stuff :)
What you cannot control is foolish to worry about
We don't know what's ganna happen in real future is that true or not that's the question
Watching the world change just like made me notice on how there is an end to every thing and death😓