I listen to this every day.. We all need this type of banger energy within... If you like or disliked this, You have this energy right square in the heart box..
I have been absolutely fucking obsessed with this track. This one, Spacetime, O.P.U.S. and Tuba Demon are my favourite. Fucking insanely genius sound design
It's a pity that Subtronics itself does not read the comments. I'm a kid from Russia. I love your creativity. I was inspired by your new album and wrote 3 tracks. I wish you would listen and appreciate...
@Tim Kessler I've never disliked music videos even when it's not my taste or just crap but some other domain like clickbait videos or fake content need the downvote so they never appear in anyone's feed.
@@rayX98 I agree with all of you, but dislike buttons can help in terms of fake tutorials, clickbait videos, etc. Im glad they got rid of it, but I still downloaded the dislike chrome extension to feed my curiosity. Something about it felt more human, but im glad people cant spam dislike for no reason, especially for art. just leave it alone if you dont like it, but use dislike to spread awareness of false/fake videos imo.
Subtronics! I love you! I inspired by you! And taken the way to make music like this! You awesome! (sry for my Eng, iam rus, iam try hard by myself forces to be right on grammatics)
I'm sorry SUB I'm so late to the new stuff I'm just so hung up on the old stuff that it takes me a min to come down and touch grass before I get to the fresh dope..
This song is so chill yet so hype at the same time!!! I'm obsessed 🔥🔥🔥
Sup homie
Subtronics is so innovative and so heavy w his approach to the arts. This album brings so much heat and im so glad WUBBS are alive and well in 2022
Subtronics has evolved his wonk to levels not thought possible with these releases.
Day 2 of listening to this album
@Tim Kessler I'm here too c: day 3
Day 4
Day schfive
This tune is FILTHY! I even pulled the face when the beat dropped! Subtronics, you are the man bro 💪 please bring us more!
Yes, I love how dirty that bass is
Fr tho
"Subtronics" is actually a gerne of music now
This genre already exist. It's called "mindblowing, bitch-slapping banger that makes everyone else look incompetent".
This is my favorite Subtronics song.
Definitely my favorite off the album
Dude hear me out, you and Getter need to do a track together.
Getter is easily one of my fav all around producers
Either that or I could hear Terror Reid hopping on something like this.
God bless you my man
@@mrboredman101 Terror Reid is getter right?
@@matthewnation1294 Yessir (:
Helluva an album, this one is the one tho.
This and flute dub for me. Just insane. Whole album ⛽⛽⛽⛽ tho!
This song is akin to time travel
Yes yes! 🙌
Flute dub tho
Flute dub and tuba semon are also too tier
So excited to see in Cinci!! We have a party bus coming
What's happening to my face right now?! You're going to break my neck with a track like this. MOAR.
The more I consume the Tronics, the more I want..... I AM CONVINCED TRONICS IS CRACK
I agree with you
hooked on Tronics
@@C0smiChr1swell his one album is wooded on Tronics right ???
Chronics for Tronics 2024
I'm so excited to see the views on subtronics music these days, getting the recognition he deserves
I found Scream Saver about a year ago and I am so stoked right now after checking back to see even more bangers being dropped so recently.
Let's goo subtronics on fireeee
I listen to this every day.. We all need this type of banger energy within... If you like or disliked this, You have this energy right square in the heart box..
This is just nuts to me. I can't stop nodding my head.
I have been absolutely fucking obsessed with this track. This one, Spacetime, O.P.U.S. and Tuba Demon are my favourite. Fucking insanely genius sound design
@subtronics y'all put on such a good show in SLC I had a blast this is my favorite song from your new album 👌🏼🖤
Jesse showing us that he can do harmonies and melodies too with this one
Perfect song when I climb that pyramid in Egypt 😁
Cheer~~~a stylized picture of an object representing a word, syllable, or sound, as found in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems.😊
I'm Sydney and I love you guys ❤💛
My soul is blessed
Can not stop listening.
Can't wait to get weird to this. ffs
you do atmospheric so damned well
This is what the egyptians listened to when the spaceclops assist them to build the pyramids.
It's a pity that Subtronics itself does not read the comments. I'm a kid from Russia. I love your creativity. I was inspired by your new album and wrote 3 tracks. I wish you would listen and appreciate...
Fuckin love subtropics. Bro is hella underrated
Hear me out, whom this truly is it's beautiful may GOD hAVE mercy on the listening souls they just enlisted havoc on the EDM world 🌎🌍🌎🌍
Easily my favorite song on this album! The whole album is sick but this one 👌🖤🖤
Dude this insane
Love this man for life do you brother 😍😍
Best song on the album 🤓😤😤😤😻😻😻😻💀🙀😸🌟🔥🔥🔥🔥
I absolutely love how noone has disliked this
@Tim Kessler I've never disliked music videos even when it's not my taste or just crap but some other domain like clickbait videos or fake content need the downvote so they never appear in anyone's feed.
@@rayX98 that's how it should be done, just cuz ya don't like it doesn't mean you need to DISlike it...
@@rayX98 I agree with all of you, but dislike buttons can help in terms of fake tutorials, clickbait videos, etc. Im glad they got rid of it, but I still downloaded the dislike chrome extension to feed my curiosity. Something about it felt more human, but im glad people cant spam dislike for no reason, especially for art. just leave it alone if you dont like it, but use dislike to spread awareness of false/fake videos imo.
This song is incredible 🔥 Subtronics is unreal.
That is hard
First time I heard this I though "a hip-hop track over this would go so hard" and on his tour he plays Schoolboy Q over this, it slaps
That's Sick! thanks for work :clap:
The absolute FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILTH on this , straight STANK!!!! I F#ckin Love IT.
Shhhiiiiiiitttt Go Hard !!!
Been waiting for so long 😋
Subtronics stile is GOD
Eeeeeee straight fire 🔥💣💥💥👌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧☂️🔥
Great workout track
Heavenly Bass Drops
I'm different, yeah I'm different
This track can't get loud enough
This song would go so hard walking out in a UFC fight.
I constantly think about this lmao, imagine how hard a DnB song would go for a ufc walkout
Almost make me cry type hard
this one insane
Waiting for Clozee to remix this
You got Of The Trees instead, still happy?
@@adammac.1342 Yeah, love that remix
Clozee would still made a vibe out of this
Groovy 😝😁
O My Bosh!!!!!!!
Wub !! 💥💥
All the wubs
la atmósfera es demasiado buena
2023 this is still a banger
NEED 8D audio now.
I love this shit so hard.......
You don't need ASMR for ear tingles.
My calves thank you, more shit like this pls
Made me start cutting shapes instantly ❤
Te amo :3
Damn this goes so hard lol
Let’s gooo
Dam dudee!!!
Egypt moment 😈🐍🐪🐫🌴💎🔥⏳
Not that it matters buuuut 50th like ✨
real heiroglyphs - pictures - the ancient symbols of biblical hebrew for all seekers
Subtronics! I love you! I inspired by you! And taken the way to make music like this! You awesome! (sry for my Eng, iam rus, iam try hard by myself forces to be right on grammatics)
Damn this shit slaps i forgot what i was doin on the first drop
With all this Egyptian and Osiris stuff I wonder if there promoting something… sick tho lol
Da fuqqqqq 🤤👁
2:17 I hear someone breathing right here
I'm sorry SUB I'm so late to the new stuff I'm just so hung up on the old stuff that it takes me a min to come down and touch grass before I get to the fresh dope..
Why does the logo in the corner look like a cross going into a butt reflected in a winking eye?
What genre would you call this?
This song goes soooo fucking hard on my subs
How is every track on this album fantastic??
This song made my mouth bleed.😂