+Yvonne Santiago create two small holes on the eggs (about 2mm) on the top and bottom and blow to the top one to blow the egg out into a bowl (I use it for baking later). She died eggs with onion outer layer, but I normally use food colouring and let the eggs sit in the colour for a couple of minutes. Then just melt a wax crayon and decorate - I don't have that candle shape thing, so I stick a tea spoon into a stack of books to sit perfectly above normal candle and melt wax that way. To create 'decorating tool', I pin a pin into a pencil and use its head as my tool - she didnt say where she got hers. Hope this helps :)
vorrei tanto riuscire a capire il parlato! Un lavoro stupendo! Bravissima!
wunderbare Eier aber wir übersetzt mir die Anleitung
díky za videjko hodilo se ;)
Jak postupovat když nemám aroma lampu prosím ?
Instructions in English please !! What are you melting ? What is the name of this process ?
+Yvonne Santiago create two small holes on the eggs (about 2mm) on the top and bottom and blow to the top one to blow the egg out into a bowl (I use it for baking later). She died eggs with onion outer layer, but I normally use food colouring and let the eggs sit in the colour for a couple of minutes. Then just melt a wax crayon and decorate - I don't have that candle shape thing, so I stick a tea spoon into a stack of books to sit perfectly above normal candle and melt wax that way. To create 'decorating tool', I pin a pin into a pencil and use its head as my tool - she didnt say where she got hers. Hope this helps :)
E molto difficile la nostra lingua. X ti bravissima lei