Have you ever actually tried to watch him speak two hours without a break? One might temporize by drinking a beer or two, but eventually the desire for sleep becomes overwhelming.
As always he delivers a message that inspires, uplifts and convicts much love to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for this word of enlightenment. .
As a black man in America I have always worked hard and served my country. I believe if a man don't work he can not eat. I have my own business. Started small. However, with faith in God I am successful.
All Praise is due to Allah for The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Another Timeless Message. And if studied,...all will find that there is no dispute!!! We must change to bring about a change, and here are the leaders of that change!!!
As I browse through the comments I see that many of you have failed to place this sermon in its proper context. At the time when this was delivered Afro-American men were catching hell, as is still evidenced today. This event took place when Crack had become an epidemic in inner-city neighborhoods; gang violence was out of control, joblessness was rampant, and lastly the prison-industrial complex had begun to take form through the implementation of mandatory minimum sentences. The four aforementioned diseases are all outgrowths of the system of institutionalized racism, and with that being said, who is in control and who is subject to this system of oppression? So rather than express hate, we should love our brother, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, for attempting to do what no other "Black Leader" at that time had the gall to do - unite the divided Afro-American race. This is a great moment in our history where Muslim, Jew, and Christian have come together for the sole purpose of pushing our people forward. In closing, thank you Brother Richmond for uploading this timeless video! Peace, Love, and Blessings unto all.
Alot of white people want us to forget the hate that america was born with... But I will never let that go because you are tired of hearing it... The reason you dont want to hear about is because you fell guilty about the past... You want my people to stop bring up slavery then put a stop to the slavery that is going on today... How dare you tell me to forget my peoples brutal experience in this country... When your people are still promoting slavery even to this day
"white medical and agricultural technologies have saved literally BILLIONS of non-whites." SURELY YOU MEAN "MURDERED"... Just look at the World History from the last 500 years and you will understand. They destroy to make money but surely not to save anyone. Educate yourself or stop lying to yourself!!! Your agriculture destroyes the environment and your science is to create weapon and make medecine for profits ONLY!
I read some of these ignorant comments about how we should be talking about us not having children out of wedlock and things like that in our community. So I expected to hear none of those things. I´m now 35 minutes in and I am hearing him speak about our need to not be that kind of person. So now I´m wondering if these people are so ignorant that they ignored the actual message. He says real pleasure is not meant to come from a woman. Thats sounds like a positive message to our men.
The truth only needs to be revealed, and our brother is doing it. The disbelievers and hypocrites will react, as taught in the Quran, but we already know their fate. Be blessed family Peace
Wake them up Min. Louis Farrakhan, for I have tried on my channel,twitter etc. Teach my brother! May Allah continue to bless you, and thank you so much, and all the real and respectful men and woman. We are in the final days!
OMG I heard this man being labeled as terrorist or inciting violence, but I don't hear any violence in his speech. In fact, I think his speech is very uplifting for both blacks and white.
i belive that compassion is the remedy to hate. I want all the people of the new black pantherparty to know that I as a white male am sorry for all the hate that other white people have inflicted upon you. The last thing i want to be is a racist and polarized person PEACE :-)
I'm white and I won't apologize for what whites have done to blacks in the past.....why? Because it has NOTHING to do with me, or my beliefs or anyone I know, I have many black friends and I treat them the same as i do my white friends, why black people drag up the past to justify their behavior just annoys me. If you're a young black or white man who is involved in crime and drugs what has that got to do with slavery 100+ years ago! You are responsible for the path you choose, it has nothing to do with kunte kinta and his misfortune...
fluidjazz So I could ask, why do Jews keep celebrating the holocaust to get pity from America, or Japan hate America for the bombing of Hiroshima, or the Indians who were screwed, America stealing, buying and selling people will always come back to haunt their heritage, No don't apologize, I'm Black Love, I'm alright.
Jean X I have no issue with people remembering their heritage, it's a valuable lesson, which serves as a reminder to us all, not to return to those dark days. What annoys me is people who had nothing to do with those horrendous atrocities feeling the need to apologize ....by the way I don't think the Jews 'celebrate' the Holocaust, maybe commemorate would be the appropriate word....
this world is never going to accept blacks .. look at these comments , smh ... look at what were going through in life as we speak ... I feel sorry for our future (the children)
I don't agree with all Farrakhan beliefs but He is a Master Speaker ..His overall message is very brilliant and enlightening..It hurts to be a Blackman in America we grow up in felony infested neighbor hoods and same ppl that take you to jail are the same ppl who put drugs in our neighbor hoods...Just remember when you point the finger at that young black boy just remember if it wasn't for the criminals at the top with suits and ties on it wouldn't be no criminals at the bottom...Trap Life..
yes its the white mans fault cause they got busted selling crack cocaine.....fucking brilliant logic. Im sure the white man would have put him in jail for graduating college and getting a job as well .....right...?
dandy lion It's not the white man's fault that they got busted selling crack. But the REASON the crack is available is because of the decisions of white men who were in power. I think White people need to realize that the institutionalization of racial animosity has mad life difficult on ALL of us. Not just the Black people who should "just get over it"
The truth is painful but the African American male has been set up in failure in every aspect of life and yes by white men . Believe it or not white man introduced drug trade in African American neighborhoods back in the 60's because they were starting to come out of the shadows of history and getting their act together. So when the white men seen this they thought of this as being a threat to the so called white race because the African Americans were beginning to empower themselves . I feel bad because they were never given the chance . I only pray that Allah will guide them and protect them to succeed because they deserve that after everything that the African American race went through , I choose not to walk in the ways of racism because we are all the same just different on the outside. I'm glad that I had a dad that didn't raise me to judge a person by the color of their skin. My husband who is from Somali which I am so in love with I find him awesome . Allah had blessed me with a good Muslim man because I am new to Islam .
"We are like sheep, and we have not had a good shepherd in front of us."--Louis Farrakhan. I'm not sure Mr. Farrakhan understands just how true that sentence is; particularly for the African-American community, who have had different "shepherds" throughout the last several decades; none of which have had the courage to be honest and tell them that they are NOT sheep. Anyone who thinks for him/herself should automatically be suspicious of anyone who acts and speaks as if he or she is helpless without the speaker's "leadership", which usually means another government program. If you sacrifice your liberty and God-given right of self-determination in exchange for promised security, you don't have a right to expect to be treated as anything OTHER THAN SHEEP. With liberty and self-determination, however, comes responsibility and accountability. The leftist manipulators have demonized these two things and used them to incorrectly paint lovers of real freedom as heartless, hateful, bigoted, and otherwise, somehow, deficient as human beings. It's time to wake up and realize that if you want to be truly free, you must break the bonds of dependency on anything; especially the government, and do for yourself if it is AT ALL possible.
my pain is not being able train my brothers how to own there own businesses and become successful all races are selling us stuff getting rich living in the suburbs I want nothing from you but to see you all successful I started in business at 24 and retired at 59 and I never been in jail please believe in yourself without money you control nothing if we could work together we would never be poor may allah be with you
I love the speaking of the Minister, but what many of us are seeking are viable plans of action. " Now that I know the situation, what can I do " I believe is what's missing. Too many of us have been pregnant for too long, it time to deliver the baby.
One can receive reputation, honor, praise and glory among men, and still fail to be on the right track. But I believe that there is a God appointed role for each person. Some of his statements are right on. One cannot understand what a person deeply refers to with only a shallow understanding, but I believe that it benefits us anyway to listen to what great things great men say, for the way it can be great even in misunderstanding.
And for all you people bad talking this man, he speaks wisdom, doubt is the origin of wisdom. So if you doubt him then let me here you speak wiser words. i'll wait....
We have better wake up and start dealing with the things that are going to help us survive in the reality of modern life.We need to be a more competitive people intellectually and, that means motivating our kids to be more competitive with other races in school. This world is getting away from us and our kids under produce in school and we are still having the same problems that we had since the beginning of the century. We need to start understanding how to survive in modern times and redirect our efforts toward updating our view of educating ourselves. We need our leaders to start leading our community to be smarter for our survival. I wish that I could contact black leaders and convince them that our under educating ourselves is a bigger problem right now than white people.
It a shame that people is calling him a hater but not a liar. I read comments after comments and I yet to hear someone say he a lying hater, just a hater. We all know that to the wicked truth is hate. What you hate the fact that he been waking up his people. What the wicked hate the fact that he teaches to do something for self. Tell one thing he said that is a lie. A bit of advice don't pay attention to how he saying pay attention to what he saying
Just reading all these comments smh. Leave them alone they haven't done anything to you. they just want to grow as a people. Always worried about other people's decisions. Worry about the shootings in all these schools. You know something important.
peace to all the really true followers of Elijah Muhammad,as a whiteman having knowledge of myself,Because of the coming of god Master Fard Muhammad,i have been blessed to reconize,the false prophets going inthe name of god ,as if they were god ,or with god,and they most surely are not,not this man Farrakhan,he has taking his people so far away from the original teachings,that i dont see him making it back
any REAL messenger of peace does NOT dress, act like and lead with pride -like these clowns.
11 ปีที่แล้ว +1
As a brother who attends many white events on everything from entrepreneurs, biotech, business innovation, networking, business partnership, merging, you name it. As i look around the room and seeing people congregate, pass out business cards to each other and shake hands, i rarely see any of my black people in attendance or if i do see some, I can count how many on my hand while other nations have more then the average tokens. Let their be a promotion for some clubs, the place will be packed by us, what does that tell you. No wonder we are behind, don't have a base to fall back on, and nothing is really looking good in terms of real growth and advancement. All that the minister is saying are true people, I see it first hand and i'm sure some of you too.
I concur as a black Man Im well aware that cant nobody on this planet stop me but me! The funny thing about Liberationj is once you get it anything other then it feels awkward
Somebody just said that listening to a Farrakhan speech always leaves you angry... The tends to do that to most logical people. Look in the mirror before you judge what the Minister says.
I hear you, brother Louis! I also hear you skim ten percent off all your Scientology converts, and killed Malcolm, too. You are not a virus on a maggot on a blister on Malcolm's ass. But you weren't a bad fiddle player.
But at the end of the day, they are just words. Doesn't the US have enough of these talking heads? Farrakhan, Dyson, Jackson, Sharpton. Actions speak louder as they say, and none of these talking heads really give any workable solutions. If all I had to say was "RISE UP!!!! my brother," I could be a psychiatrist. Don't get me wrong. These gatherings are important, but should only be a platform for a call to action.
Good night Mr. Yemelyanov. thank you for setting such a wonderful example of the thinking of yourself and others like you. We depend on folks like yourself to prove The Honorable Elijah Muhammad correct. I do happen to agree with you Sir. It is best that we separate. Because if not, mixing with black will end you existence. So I hope that you can keep your whiteness. I believe that it is your right to remain white. We will keep preaching separation and we hope you spread the word among your people too. That if we are to remain white. we better leave the original man alone. because the genome of this people is far stronger genetically than ours. much success to you and kind. Frank Muhammad
Why do people go around watching videos hating on people. You have nothing better to do with your time? At least these people are doing something when you're doing nothing. "Get a life"
It amazes me how any person can sit in judgement of other people even when they know the exact truth. If you Mr. Francis were not so blinded by your dislike for black people you might be able to see beyond your ignorance. You speak as if the Africans that first set foot on American soil were peacefully invited. You also act as if there is a equal playing field as well! Do you really believe that there is not a need for Blacks to fight for their rights that have been clearly denied to them here in America? Do you believe that the powers that be really have no problem with allowing Black people to have SUCCESSFUL THRIVING COMMUNITIES? If that was the case the History of Black Wall Street would have a positive outcome and it would still be thriving to this day! If the powers that be were not so insecure/wicked, and had allowed communities like the Black Wall Street to simply be, the state of Black people would be totally different! The condition of Black Communities today is a direct result of hate acted out in order to make sure that the WHITE MAN had no competition by Blacks in in this country. Maybe it was because they knew that they had done so much wrong to Black people, they were in fear that once Black people grew economically, they would be treated the way that they treated black people? I'm just saying Sir. that you might want to keep your mouth shut when you really don't have enough knowledge about an issue!
I have watched a bunch of Louis Farrakhan vids today on TH-cam, and I've enjoyed all of them for the most part. I agree with most of Mr. Farrakhan's points, and like how he provides proof to the viewers to back up his lectures and speeches. Whatever skin tone you may happen to be, he definitely puts forth some viable irrefutable truths and for this I commend him. In my personal opinion though, the word 'human' is greatly underused in all of his speeches. First of all, there are no colors and don't be fooled into believing you are one. Last time I checked skin color has never been black. If you do an image search for 'black skin' a whole bunch of photos will come up, and not one that I have seen, shows one BLACK SKINNED person. Skin tone ranges but it will rarely go past a dark brown and if you know your color scale, surely you will see the difference between a beautiful dark copper-tone brown and an ugly charred tar-pit black. Similarly what has been coined 'white' is really not white at all. When was the last time you saw a caucasian person with skin tone as white as an egg-shell? It's just another stupid label that keeps us separated. Whether you are black, white or whatever other color society has labeled you with, it seems to me, that first and foremost - YOU ARE HUMAN. Before artificial borders were carved into the dirt, invisible continents were drawn up and countries declared, before the separation and division of color and shade, HUMANITY was the original tribe and there's no disputing that. From the original tribe we eventually strayed, in all directions, and cast ourselves OUT of the cradle of civilization which was most likely Africa and our home. The original dark skinned humans (today labeled 'black') were only dark because of climate. Most likely, darker skin was originally lighter or lighter skin was darker, until it acclimatized and evolved over centuries to accommodate the area in which the human lived. For example, if you were to go to Iraq, a predominantly dry/desert climate, you will notice that people of this area have larger noses. Why is this? The reason is simply acclimatization. In order for them to breathe properly in such a harsh desert climate their noses are specifically tailored for such conditions. Similarly 'whites', who likely first originated in Africa, left their homes and got traveling. Eventually they made it to Europe, which was considerably less sunny, and again over centuries the darker skin pigment that they so desperately needed when living in Africa, was bred out, as the new European climate did not require it. Hence, darker skin turned lighter. Now, for the Bible/Koran nuts out there; even if GOD himself created the original HUMANS, black from birth, he, being GOD ALMIGHTY, foresaw that the Sun would be problematic for his new creation and gifted them with darker skin so they could survive the hot weather, so yeah, hopefully that concurs with your creationist theories. Who gives a shit what skin tone we began or end with. Really, is it that important? Some stuff Farrakhan talks about is outdated and just doesn't make any sense. To call 'white' people 'devils' seems way off, and for me personally, is the low point of any Farrakhan speech. It's contradictory to what he preaches and creates turmoil inside the original HUMAN TRIBE. It ultimately separates fathers from sons, and the black from the white. How can 'white' people be devils (as Farrakhan states) if their forefathers were 'black' Gods? If my ancestors were the 'black' Gods of Asia, and we all descended from them, then that would mean I am the SON OF GOD, acclimatized or not, white ,red, yellow or big nosed. To me, it seems like Farrakhan, knowingly or not, is creating an even a bigger wedge and divide between the 'blacks' and 'whites' living on Earth. On one hand he empowers the people he preaches to, while on the other hand he consciously brands them - BLACK. He brands them a color, forever. He brands them part of the BLACK tribe forever, when he fully knows the only true tribe on this planet is HUMAN and that tribe is a mix of all colors, shades, deformities, eccentricities, nuances, etc etc etc We are all a balance of black and white, good and evil, yin and yang, and we move and rotate together in perfect harmony and synchronicity for eternity within infinity. Separating, ignoring or murdering one of these two forces (either the black or the white) leads to spiritual suicide, and a division in Oneself that can never be repaired. Take the positive and balance it with the negative - and when in doubt consult the piece of the true living GOD within your soul.
Jesus said:"Not everyone who says to Me,'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day,'Lord Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them,'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'[Matt. 7:21-23] Allah is our Lord.You..CHRISTIANS ..are the only people who call Jesus "LORD"
Jesus got the total victory over human kind's dead soul and dead spirit. Jesus crucified our old man, our old self! Jesus accepts black men and women! But that dead Muslim Spirit has been crucified, died, buried and resurrected in Christ. Jesus has pronounced his judgment on the OLD SELF. Don't be deceived by the Muslim lies about Jesus. Jesus Christ REIGNS!!! HE REIGNS OVER ALL and he loves his own. HE is on Christian's side to fight on their behalf against their enemies. Be deceived no longer, turn to the only one who can save you from yourself---JESUS!
"a shepherd may well look after his flock, but when its market time he will lead them to their slaughter" (umc(c) this is why the bible is good for recruiting sheep, but not intelligent well adjusted men.
the human race is so diverse we hate our own reflection. we hate another color. why.. because we arent used to it. we hate another culture. why.. because we dont understand it. we hate another religion. why.. because we cant accept it. why cant we all just accept this. that integration is a noble idea.. but that it will just never work. the formation of nations isn't out of coincidence. we cant get along with our own color. our own religion. our own culture. we hate them for smaller differences to the larger, more defining ones. and when that problem ceases to exist we'd hate some other people, for a smaller difference. we are the human race. the definition of the russian doll.
My Allah continue to bless him with the truth only the Black man can understand. If you were in the Black mans shoes you would understand to. The Bible say's, The natural man recieveth not the things of God, nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. These truth are made plain to the Black man through the Spirit of God. That is why you cannot understand them, so keep your spiritual darkness to yourself. My Allah soon deal with you.
Farrakhan message overrides all that religious shit.. i dont go by islam at all at all i believe we are the real israelites based on how we are described biblically not just physical but the kind of treatment..but he is speaking realness..and a smart person can discern whats bullshit whats not
Sadly, Farrakhan mentioned God and Christ and love but he immediately deviated from them to bring the focus on the white man. Adam and Eve were made as demigods. They were made in the image of God and given flesh. Satan took our God nature away and left us only with the flesh. Jesus Christ redeemed/restored our God spirit 2000 years ago so that we have dominion over the earth as originally promised and give us everlasting life as promised. God says let their be light and their was light. We are made like God to speak a word and that power has been restored as soon as Jesus died on the cross to bring forth something into existence. Things like healing, wealth, fruitfulness etc. The bible clearly tells us the power is in our tongue to be clear that we have power to speak things into existence like God does. What God says in the bible-you say it, in Jesus name. That's how it works. That's what the bible was written for so that you can learn how to talk and think like God and become powerful to take over this earth from Satan. God gave us this earth to run and take care of. We are, in this day and age are supposed to be ahead of the grocery industry and all other industries. Not Satan. Together doing it God's way we are to go get it from the evil one. NOT THE EVIL WHITE MAN! That's not our focus. Satan is. Because God says. "we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities", etc. When we speak evil towards someone we are using our power God gave us to assist Satan in sustaining this world for Satan's purpose. But when we began to speak love and good and wealth and health on each other we began to diminish Satan's kingdom and expand God’s. God says be his spokesperson and when Satan opposes you stand firm like Moses did and let God work his power until that person who is being a spokesperson for Satan gives in. When you see God start to work on your behave without violence like Moses did. You will learn like Moses the power of God's spirit and His love for people who follow Him. People of God don't fight with your fist. Stand in the full armor of God and let Him win. He wants to be our God. He wants us not to worry, relax and trust in His power. LEARN HIM! Love ya,
randomstuff176 that would never happen in a temple of true followers of Elijah ,only black people can attend the temple ,now farrakhan that is something different he is not a true follower of Elijah Muhammad
I wanna tell u what it is like to be a tall man in a short society...I cant get clothes that fit me...I cant get shoes that fit me at any typical store...I bump my head everywhere I go....Everyone has a stupid comment to make about me being tall...I can go on and on...but life goes on and I will survive and I don't complain about it.
Say what you will about Farrakhan , the man is one hell of a motivational speaker.
Rev Farrakhan is just wonderful and a dynamic speaker !
Have you ever actually tried to watch him speak two hours without a break? One might temporize by drinking a beer or two, but eventually the desire for sleep becomes overwhelming.
Extremely powerful message. Brought tears to my eyes...
I'm at the point in my life where I really needed to hear this...
As always he delivers a message that inspires, uplifts and convicts much love to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for this word of enlightenment. .
This is an IMPRESSIVE gathering of men. Beautiful!
Thank you for sharing. Don't ever delete this, my brotha.
God Bless you Brother Louis Farrakhan, we learn Islam from you, please keep teaching us Islam.
from Jakarta Indonesia
As a black man in America I have always worked hard and served my country. I believe if a man don't work he can not eat. I have my own business. Started small. However, with faith in God I am successful.
Regardless of Religion Farrakhan speaks Truth! The truth in its rare form and most people just cant handle it!
All Praise is due to Allah for The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Another Timeless Message. And if studied,...all will find that there is no dispute!!! We must change to bring about a change, and here are the leaders of that change!!!
As I browse through the comments I see that many of you have failed to place this sermon in its proper context. At the time when this was delivered Afro-American men were catching hell, as is still evidenced today. This event took place when Crack had become an epidemic in inner-city neighborhoods; gang violence was out of control, joblessness was rampant, and lastly the prison-industrial complex had begun to take form through the implementation of mandatory minimum sentences. The four aforementioned diseases are all outgrowths of the system of institutionalized racism, and with that being said, who is in control and who is subject to this system of oppression? So rather than express hate, we should love our brother, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, for attempting to do what no other "Black Leader" at that time had the gall to do - unite the divided Afro-American race. This is a great moment in our history where Muslim, Jew, and Christian have come together for the sole purpose of pushing our people forward. In closing, thank you Brother Richmond for uploading this timeless video! Peace, Love, and Blessings unto all.
that guy that kept saying "Yaasss!!!" had me rollin
Realiest words I ever heard god bless Louis Farrakhan
A true & brave man.
Alot of white people want us to forget the hate that america was born with... But I will never let that go because you are tired of hearing it... The reason you dont want to hear about is because you fell guilty about the past... You want my people to stop bring up slavery then put a stop to the slavery that is going on today... How dare you tell me to forget my peoples brutal experience in this country... When your people are still promoting slavery even to this day
Marcus McMillan yes...let out that anger...become your true hateful whiteself
"white medical and agricultural technologies have saved literally BILLIONS of non-whites." SURELY YOU MEAN "MURDERED"... Just look at the World History from the last 500 years and you will understand. They destroy to make money but surely not to save anyone. Educate yourself or stop lying to yourself!!! Your agriculture destroyes the environment and your science is to create weapon and make medecine for profits ONLY!
gnocchiking1 The past explains the present.
I read some of these ignorant comments about how we should be talking about us not having children out of wedlock and things like that in our community. So I expected to hear none of those things. I´m now 35 minutes in and I am hearing him speak about our need to not be that kind of person. So now I´m wondering if these people are so ignorant that they ignored the actual message. He says real pleasure is not meant to come from a woman. Thats sounds like a positive message to our men.
beautiful speach.
Why do white folks always end up comment sections of videos pertaining to black culture or black issues? Must you colonize TH-cam too?
The truth only needs to be revealed, and our brother is doing it. The disbelievers and hypocrites will react, as taught in the Quran, but we already know their fate. Be blessed family Peace
This security team is tight.
Wake them up Min. Louis Farrakhan, for I have tried on my channel,twitter etc. Teach my brother! May Allah continue to bless you, and thank you so much, and all the real and respectful men and woman.
We are in the final days!
OMG I heard this man being labeled as terrorist or inciting violence, but I don't hear any violence in his speech. In fact, I think his speech is very uplifting for both blacks and white.
THEY SHOW A REMARKABLE SISTER AND BROTHERHOOD in only 3 + generations after road to black freedom has finally begun.
i belive that compassion is the remedy to hate. I want all the people
of the new black pantherparty to know that I as a white male am sorry
for all the hate that other white people have inflicted upon you. The last
thing i want to be is a racist and polarized person PEACE :-)
I'm white and I won't apologize for what whites have done to blacks in the past.....why? Because it has NOTHING to do with me, or my beliefs or anyone I know, I have many black friends and I treat them the same as i do my white friends, why black people drag up the past to justify their behavior just annoys me. If you're a young black or white man who is involved in crime and drugs what has that got to do with slavery 100+ years ago! You are responsible for the path you choose, it has nothing to do with kunte kinta and his misfortune...
So I could ask, why do Jews keep celebrating the holocaust to get pity from America, or Japan hate America for the bombing of Hiroshima, or the Indians who were screwed, America stealing, buying and selling people will always come back to haunt their heritage, No don't apologize, I'm Black Love, I'm alright.
Jean X I have no issue with people remembering their heritage, it's a valuable lesson, which serves as a reminder to us all, not to return to those dark days. What annoys me is people who had nothing to do with those horrendous atrocities feeling the need to apologize ....by the way I don't think the Jews 'celebrate' the Holocaust, maybe commemorate would be the appropriate word....
fluidjazz do you apologize for what whites done to blacks from 50 years ago to present?
this world is never going to accept blacks .. look at these comments , smh ... look at what were going through in life as we speak ... I feel sorry for our future (the children)
I don't agree with all Farrakhan beliefs but He is a Master Speaker ..His overall message is very brilliant and enlightening..It hurts to be a Blackman in America we grow up in felony infested neighbor hoods and same ppl that take you to jail are the same ppl who put drugs in our neighbor hoods...Just remember when you point the finger at that young black boy just remember if it wasn't for the criminals at the top with suits and ties on it wouldn't be no criminals at the bottom...Trap Life..
yes its the white mans fault cause they got busted selling crack cocaine.....fucking brilliant logic. Im sure the white man would have put him in jail for graduating college and getting a job as well .....right...?
dandy lion It's not the white man's fault that they got busted selling crack. But the REASON the crack is available is because of the decisions of white men who were in power. I think White people need to realize that the institutionalization of racial animosity has mad life difficult on ALL of us. Not just the Black people who should "just get over it"
Praise God! He shouted out my hood in the first 2 minutes. H-Town in the house.
The truth is painful but the African American male has been set up in failure in every aspect of life and yes by white men . Believe it or not white man introduced drug trade in African American neighborhoods back in the 60's because they were starting to come out of the shadows of history and getting their act together. So when the white men seen this they thought of this as being a threat to the so called white race because the African Americans were beginning to empower themselves . I feel bad because they were never given the chance . I only pray that Allah will guide them and protect them to succeed because they deserve that after everything that the African American race went through , I choose not to walk in the ways of racism because we are all the same just different on the outside. I'm glad that I had a dad that didn't raise me to judge a person by the color of their skin. My husband who is from Somali which I am so in love with I find him awesome . Allah had blessed me with a good Muslim man because I am new to Islam .
how crazy would it be to be a white guy in that room. awwwwkward!
"We are like sheep, and we have not had a good shepherd in front of us."--Louis Farrakhan.
I'm not sure Mr. Farrakhan understands just how true that sentence is; particularly for the African-American community, who have had different "shepherds" throughout the last several decades; none of which have had the courage to be honest and tell them that they are NOT sheep. Anyone who thinks for him/herself should automatically be suspicious of anyone who acts and speaks as if he or she is helpless without the speaker's "leadership", which usually means another government program.
If you sacrifice your liberty and God-given right of self-determination in exchange for promised security, you don't have a right to expect to be treated as anything OTHER THAN SHEEP. With liberty and self-determination, however, comes responsibility and accountability. The leftist manipulators have demonized these two things and used them to incorrectly paint lovers of real freedom as heartless, hateful, bigoted, and otherwise, somehow, deficient as human beings.
It's time to wake up and realize that if you want to be truly free, you must break the bonds of dependency on anything; especially the government, and do for yourself if it is AT ALL possible.
my pain is not being able train my brothers how to own there own businesses and become successful all races are selling us stuff getting rich living in the suburbs I want nothing from you but to see you all successful I started in business at 24 and retired at 59 and I never been in jail please believe in yourself without money you control nothing if we could work together we would never be poor may allah be with you
April, 11- 1994...This is so true even til today....that is how prolific Farrakhan spoke in this segment.
I love the speaking of the Minister, but what many of us are seeking are viable plans of action. " Now that I know the situation, what can I do " I believe is what's missing. Too many of us have been pregnant for too long, it time to deliver the baby.
Watch "The Time and What Must Be Done" Videos by the Minister right here on youtube.That lets us know what we need to be doing, and why!!!
I believe this is what you're looking for. Thank you for the post
Black10gz Great series, I've been tuning in weekly all year. I really hope they continue through 2014.
Thank u brother richmond for this much needed message. As salaam alaikum!
Thanks for your video!
One can receive reputation, honor, praise and glory among men, and still fail to be on the right track. But I believe that there is a God appointed role for each person. Some of his statements are right on. One cannot understand what a person deeply refers to with only a shallow understanding, but I believe that it benefits us anyway to listen to what great things great men say, for the way it can be great even in misunderstanding.
i agree with Oxxyjoe-good point
thanks for sharing Brother Richmond
If we would look at the Minister Louis Farrakhan's words at an objective standpoint.We would better understand his points
some people dont understand or just not listening....
And for all you people bad talking this man, he speaks wisdom, doubt is the origin of wisdom. So if you doubt him then let me here you speak wiser words. i'll wait....
Ha!!! Ha!!! That's a good one.
We have better wake up and start dealing with the things that are going to help us survive in the reality of modern life.We need to be a more competitive people intellectually and, that means motivating our kids to be more competitive with other races in school. This world is getting away from us and our kids under produce in school and we are still having the same problems that we had since the beginning of the century. We need to start understanding how to survive in modern times and redirect our efforts toward updating our view of educating ourselves. We need our leaders to start leading our community to be smarter for our survival. I wish that I could contact black leaders and convince them that our under educating ourselves is a bigger problem right now than white people.
Also the whole earth is the kingdom that we will inherit not just one particular land mass!
It a shame that people is calling him a hater but not a liar. I read comments after comments and I yet to hear someone say he a lying hater, just a hater. We all know that to the wicked truth is hate. What you hate the fact that he been waking up his people. What the wicked hate the fact that he teaches to do something for self. Tell one thing he said that is a lie. A bit of advice don't pay attention to how he saying pay attention to what he saying
I do not agree with everything Louis Farrakhan say's :
But I believe in his manifest destiny vision ! ! !
Just reading all these comments smh. Leave them alone they haven't done anything to you. they just want to grow as a people. Always worried about other people's decisions. Worry about the shootings in all these schools. You know something important.
peace to all the really true followers of Elijah Muhammad,as a whiteman having knowledge of myself,Because of the coming of god Master Fard Muhammad,i have been blessed to reconize,the false prophets going inthe name of god ,as if they were god ,or with god,and they most surely are not,not this man Farrakhan,he has taking his people so far away from the original teachings,that i dont see him making it back
any REAL messenger of peace does NOT dress, act like and lead with pride -like these clowns.
As a brother who attends many white events on everything from entrepreneurs, biotech, business innovation, networking, business partnership, merging, you name it. As i look around the room and seeing people congregate, pass out business cards to each other and shake hands, i rarely see any of my black people in attendance or if i do see some, I can count how many on my hand while other nations have more then the average tokens. Let their be a promotion for some clubs, the place will be packed by us, what does that tell you. No wonder we are behind, don't have a base to fall back on, and nothing is really looking good in terms of real growth and advancement. All that the minister is saying are true people, I see it first hand and i'm sure some of you too.
I concur as a black Man Im well aware that cant nobody on this planet stop me but me! The funny thing about Liberationj is once you get it anything other then it feels awkward
Atletes never give back, their minds is not built to be a leader, there just kiddy mind. But Jim Brown & Julious Eving were leaders.
Being a black man in America is better than being a black man in AFRICA.
Somebody just said that listening to a Farrakhan speech always leaves you angry... The tends to do that to most logical people. Look in the mirror before you judge what the Minister says.
I hear you, brother Louis! I also hear you skim ten percent off all your Scientology converts, and killed Malcolm, too. You are not a virus on a maggot on a blister on Malcolm's ass. But you weren't a bad fiddle player.
But at the end of the day, they are just words. Doesn't the US have enough of these talking heads? Farrakhan, Dyson, Jackson, Sharpton. Actions speak louder as they say, and none of these talking heads really give any workable solutions. If all I had to say was "RISE UP!!!! my brother," I could be a psychiatrist. Don't get me wrong. These gatherings are important, but should only be a platform for a call to action.
This is almost 2 months before the pain that OJ inflicted upon Nicole and Ron.
That u For sending me this
Good night Mr. Yemelyanov. thank you for setting such a wonderful example of the thinking of yourself and others like you. We depend on folks like yourself to prove The Honorable Elijah Muhammad correct. I do happen to agree with you Sir. It is best that we separate. Because if not, mixing with black will end you existence. So I hope that you can keep your whiteness. I believe that it is your right to remain white. We will keep preaching separation and we hope you spread the word among your people too. That if we are to remain white. we better leave the original man alone. because the genome of this people is far stronger genetically than ours. much success to you and kind.
Frank Muhammad
YEA.......YeA.......YEA......YEA!!!! im sorry but that guy said yeah like twenty times.lol
Why do people go around watching videos hating on people. You have nothing better to do with your time? At least these people are doing something when you're doing nothing. "Get a life"
It amazes me how any person can sit in judgement of other people even when they know the exact truth. If you Mr. Francis were not so blinded by your dislike for black people you might be able to see beyond your ignorance. You speak as if the Africans that first set foot on American soil were peacefully invited. You also act as if there is a equal playing field as well! Do you really believe that there is not a need for Blacks to fight for their rights that have been clearly denied to them here in America? Do you believe that the powers that be really have no problem with allowing Black people to have SUCCESSFUL THRIVING COMMUNITIES? If that was the case the History of Black Wall Street would have a positive outcome and it would still be thriving to this day! If the powers that be were not so insecure/wicked, and had allowed communities like the Black Wall Street to simply be, the state of Black people would be totally different! The condition of Black Communities today is a direct result of hate acted out in order to make sure that the WHITE MAN had no competition by Blacks in in this country. Maybe it was because they knew that they had done so much wrong to Black people, they were in fear that once Black people grew economically, they would be treated the way that they treated black people? I'm just saying Sir. that you might want to keep your mouth shut when you really don't have enough knowledge about an issue!
I have watched a bunch of Louis Farrakhan vids today on TH-cam, and I've enjoyed all of them for the most part. I agree with most of Mr. Farrakhan's points, and like how he provides proof to the viewers to back up his lectures and speeches. Whatever skin tone you may happen to be, he definitely puts forth some viable irrefutable truths and for this I commend him.
In my personal opinion though, the word 'human' is greatly underused in all of his speeches. First of all, there are no colors and don't be fooled into believing you are one. Last time I checked skin color has never been black. If you do an image search for 'black skin' a whole bunch of photos will come up, and not one that I have seen, shows one BLACK SKINNED person. Skin tone ranges but it will rarely go past a dark brown and if you know your color scale, surely you will see the difference between a beautiful dark copper-tone brown and an ugly charred tar-pit black. Similarly what has been coined 'white' is really not white at all. When was the last time you saw a caucasian person with skin tone as white as an egg-shell? It's just another stupid label that keeps us separated. Whether you are black, white or whatever other color society has labeled you with, it seems to me, that first and foremost - YOU ARE HUMAN. Before artificial borders were carved into the dirt, invisible continents were drawn up and countries declared, before the separation and division of color and shade, HUMANITY was the original tribe and there's no disputing that.
From the original tribe we eventually strayed, in all directions, and cast ourselves OUT of the cradle of civilization which was most likely Africa and our home. The original dark skinned humans (today labeled 'black') were only dark because of climate. Most likely, darker skin was originally lighter or lighter skin was darker, until it acclimatized and evolved over centuries to accommodate the area in which the human lived. For example, if you were to go to Iraq, a predominantly dry/desert climate, you will notice that people of this area have larger noses. Why is this? The reason is simply acclimatization. In order for them to breathe properly in such a harsh desert climate their noses are specifically tailored for such conditions. Similarly 'whites', who likely first originated in Africa, left their homes and got traveling. Eventually they made it to Europe, which was considerably less sunny, and again over centuries the darker skin pigment that they so desperately needed when living in Africa, was bred out, as the new European climate did not require it. Hence, darker skin turned lighter.
Now, for the Bible/Koran nuts out there; even if GOD himself created the original HUMANS, black from birth, he, being GOD ALMIGHTY, foresaw that the Sun would be problematic for his new creation and gifted them with darker skin so they could survive the hot weather, so yeah, hopefully that concurs with your creationist theories. Who gives a shit what skin tone we began or end with. Really, is it that important?
Some stuff Farrakhan talks about is outdated and just doesn't make any sense. To call 'white' people 'devils' seems way off, and for me personally, is the low point of any Farrakhan speech. It's contradictory to what he preaches and creates turmoil inside the original HUMAN TRIBE. It ultimately separates fathers from sons, and the black from the white. How can 'white' people be devils (as Farrakhan states) if their forefathers were 'black' Gods? If my ancestors were the 'black' Gods of Asia, and we all descended from them, then that would mean I am the SON OF GOD, acclimatized or not, white ,red, yellow or big nosed. To me, it seems like Farrakhan, knowingly or not, is creating an even a bigger wedge and divide between the 'blacks' and 'whites' living on Earth. On one hand he empowers the people he preaches to, while on the other hand he consciously brands them - BLACK. He brands them a color, forever. He brands them part of the BLACK tribe forever, when he fully knows the only true tribe on this planet is HUMAN and that tribe is a mix of all colors, shades, deformities, eccentricities, nuances, etc etc etc
We are all a balance of black and white, good and evil, yin and yang, and we move and rotate together in perfect harmony and synchronicity for eternity within infinity. Separating, ignoring or murdering one of these two forces (either the black or the white) leads to spiritual suicide, and a division in Oneself that can never be repaired.
Take the positive and balance it with the negative - and when in doubt consult the piece of the true living GOD within your soul.
This scares em! Lmao
Jesus said:"Not everyone who says to Me,'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day,'Lord Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them,'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'[Matt. 7:21-23] Allah is our Lord.You..CHRISTIANS ..are the only people who call Jesus "LORD"
Jesus got the total victory over human kind's dead soul and dead spirit. Jesus crucified our old man, our old self! Jesus accepts black men and women! But that dead Muslim Spirit has been crucified, died, buried and resurrected in Christ. Jesus has pronounced his judgment on the OLD SELF. Don't be deceived by the Muslim lies about Jesus. Jesus Christ REIGNS!!! HE REIGNS OVER ALL and he loves his own. HE is on Christian's side to fight on their behalf against their enemies. Be deceived no longer, turn to the only one who can save you from yourself---JESUS!
ALLAH is the witness.
what the fuck did I just watch.
Brashad Burrows
"you to dumb" ...lol.
wait Christian pastor speaking and associating with farakhan muslim and Christianity doesn't mix
"a shepherd may well look after his flock, but when its market time he will lead them
to their slaughter" (umc(c) this is why the bible is good for recruiting sheep, but not intelligent well adjusted men.
I cryed so bad wen I seen dis. Black americuns gotz 2 stay strong
It is written that the last will be first and the first will be last Aman or Amen
F does not = V
F = Ph
V = B
A black history comedy web. series
Really, we do need to shake of the race pimps and religious zealots!
the human race is so diverse we hate our own reflection. we hate another color. why.. because we arent used to it. we hate another culture. why.. because we dont understand it. we hate another religion. why.. because we cant accept it. why cant we all just accept this. that integration is a noble idea.. but that it will just never work. the formation of nations isn't out of coincidence. we cant get along with our own color. our own religion. our own culture. we hate them for smaller differences to the larger, more defining ones. and when that problem ceases to exist we'd hate some other people, for a smaller difference. we are the human race. the definition of the russian doll.
I wonder if violetkitty411 is some how relatd w/ this 1
My Allah continue to bless him with the truth only the Black man can understand.
If you were in the Black mans shoes you would understand to.
The Bible say's, The natural man recieveth not the things of God, nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.
These truth are made plain to the Black man through the Spirit of God. That is why you cannot understand them, so keep your spiritual darkness to yourself. My Allah soon deal with you.
"White America"? That's OLD!
and its still not been properly addressed because if it had, a man like Farrakham would be greatful that its not painful anymore... I'm white btw
Not in AMERICA, the anagram: I AM RACE. White America is still albeit DIMINISHED.
Farrakhan message overrides all that religious shit.. i dont go by islam at all at all i believe we are the real israelites based on how we are described biblically not just physical but the kind of treatment..but he is speaking realness..and a smart person can discern whats bullshit whats not
El dude thank you for being real
Pastor Manning
Question....why do you think pointing out that an African or Arab did the same evil deed that your fathers did somehow excuses the act?
In the Quran Allah promised to fill hell with Satan and ALL his followers. He made no color or race distinction.
The Prime Minister himself.
Sadly, Farrakhan mentioned God and Christ and love but he immediately deviated from them to bring the focus on the white man. Adam and Eve were made as demigods. They were made in the image of God and given flesh. Satan took our God nature away and left us only with the flesh. Jesus Christ redeemed/restored our God spirit 2000 years ago so that we have dominion over the earth as originally promised and give us everlasting life as promised. God says let their be light and their was light. We are made like God to speak a word and that power has been restored as soon as Jesus died on the cross to bring forth something into existence. Things like healing, wealth, fruitfulness etc. The bible clearly tells us the power is in our tongue to be clear that we have power to speak things into existence like God does. What God says in the bible-you say it, in Jesus name. That's how it works. That's what the bible was written for so that you can learn how to talk and think like God and become powerful to take over this earth from Satan. God gave us this earth to run and take care of. We are, in this day and age are supposed to be ahead of the grocery industry and all other industries. Not Satan. Together doing it God's way we are to go get it from the evil one. NOT THE EVIL WHITE MAN! That's not our focus. Satan is. Because God says. "we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities", etc. When we speak evil towards someone we are using our power God gave us to assist Satan in sustaining this world for Satan's purpose. But when we began to speak love and good and wealth and health on each other we began to diminish Satan's kingdom and expand God’s. God says be his spokesperson and when Satan opposes you stand firm like Moses did and let God work his power until that person who is being a spokesperson for Satan gives in. When you see God start to work on your behave without violence like Moses did. You will learn like Moses the power of God's spirit and His love for people who follow Him.
People of God don't fight with your fist. Stand in the full armor of God and let Him win. He wants to be our God. He wants us not to worry, relax and trust in His power. LEARN HIM!
Love ya,
randomstuff176 that would never happen in a temple of true followers of Elijah ,only black people can attend the temple ,now farrakhan that is something different he is not a true follower of Elijah Muhammad
Religion is bullshit but I agree with being good humans.
Hey !!! isn't this that guy Oswald Bates from the TV show in living color?
Such impeccable logic at ca. 21:00! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra laugh at this guy.
Deepak Chopra?hahahahahahahahahahaaahahahaahah!!! Talk about a con man. Hell if Chopra was my adversary, I'd consider it a badge of honor. Idiot.
Elijah Muhammad has no other boss than Almighty God ALLAH Master Fard Muhammad,the F,B.I get real
viva Mexico
I wanna tell u what it is like to be a tall man in a short society...I cant get clothes that fit me...I cant get shoes that fit me at any typical store...I bump my head everywhere I go....Everyone has a stupid comment to make about me being tall...I can go on and on...but life goes on and I will survive and I don't complain about it.
Armando must listen to mainstream hip hop lol
Mike D is a evildoer!