Man you do got some fine looking blood sr.!!! When building my place I do want to do feel business in the fire young or old what ever you say sr. Thank you for the videos I injoy them very much.!!!!!!!!
Not all of them are Full Game fowls/cock. Some of them are what we call Bastards because they are mixed with the Game and Common fowls.. You can always tell by the length of their wings and tails. Full Game fowls have the longest wings and longest tails and are mostly sender in built..never fat. They all nice though. Loving this video. Game fowls are my favorite animals but I would use them for fighting and making money. I used to when I was young..but wouldn't today. I plan to start growing them again but 1 rooster and some hens..then only raise Youngs when the rooster is getting old to replace him
Beautiful birds!!.
Very nice looking troy blacks.
Man you do got some fine looking blood sr.!!! When building my place I do want to do feel business in the fire young or old what ever you say sr. Thank you for the videos I injoy them very much.!!!!!!!!
Muy Fino's todos lo gallos saludos desde Fort worth tx
Watching here
Están muy Fino's los black troy
Chulada de animales,muy finos felicidades
Woaoooo 🐓 🔥 💥 💯 ✔️
Pura calidad 👍
Saludos mi Troy
Del Pipo.
Nice! 👌👌
Do you have any black stags for sale
Cuanto salen los gallos blak q tiene o jachss para México zacatecas
Đẹp quá có bán ship về Việt Nam không
Hi I'm alvn olan from philipnes I wish u give a gift one chicken because I have n money to get or buy the quality rooster
Ilove this much?
Gallones podría mandar precios de los hach
Condenados gallos que son lindos ...
I had to feed em twice a day.
Al función número de teléfono para pedir informa sion esos remosos gallos
how much
I bought 7 birds from Drake farms in Edinburgh Texas never got my birds birds having a hard time getting my money back
Not all of them are Full Game fowls/cock. Some of them are what we call Bastards because they are mixed with the Game and Common fowls.. You can always tell by the length of their wings and tails. Full Game fowls have the longest wings and longest tails and are mostly sender in built..never fat. They all nice though. Loving this video. Game fowls are my favorite animals but I would use them for fighting and making money. I used to when I was young..but wouldn't today. I plan to start growing them again but 1 rooster and some hens..then only raise Youngs when the rooster is getting old to replace him
Cuidado el señor no es serio
Es un estafador cuidado
Esos son unos gallononones