i can't say better handles at all. Not to mention shooting is more than the 3 ball. Friga is an elbow specialist while Nas is a top of the key specialist. They both have a hard drive on either side, but Nas has a better off hand, and has counters if the person guarding him manages to bump him off his spot or stop him from getting to the cup. This is where Frigga struggles most
I do understand why you think they're the same archetype - i just disagree due to Nas' drives usually not being hard drives, and being more reliant on counter moves. I think Friga started relying on his hard drive a lot because it's what worked against him when he lost to lesser players. It works if you are strong. But most guys travel when they stop for a head fake after the drive, and he's no exception.
Nas ain’t been the same since he got hurt…
No cap
I just feel like he lost some of that key explosiveness which was also something that helped him use his size more
@@Eknuckl3s he lowkey kinda fat now…
I look like he getting a little bit slimmer. He doesn’t look as fat now. He look like he slowly but surely getting closer to what he was before.
crazy both rob and nas played overseas too
You should do Peshon next
do mike harden, iso tae, kam so smoove, and fomby. I know its a lot lol
This is a real scouting report
Pls do KamSoSmoove from next chapter 🙏🏽
Got you
Great video, very accurate
You should do Marcelas Howard next!
Keep Dev, he will play Friga Fam this spring. We will see him back.
He took that “thru the legs” from somebody I know ;)
yo jlaw
Pause ⏸️
Nice vid 🔥But we need that Kam scouting report
Gotchu, Kam vid up now
ISO hov with the AirPods, body bag for sure and Jordan Stevens(jay smoove)
He also played overseas ✅
We need one On Fomby Aka Fombbomb
Tier list has me crying 😹
Dev is like 35 and still top 3 SMOOTHEST on yt.
You can’t be fr mama smoother Mike harden scar Rob fomby
Nas tuff bro prime him was goated
He travels everytime when he drives off his “nas size up” they just dont call it in streetball settings
I think he knows that its a travel and he knows they wont call it so he uses it to his advantage
Do fomby next yo
You should do hezi god
we need skoob, bruce, and leaky roof
Do peshon Howard
do hezi or peshon
Kam from friga fam
anybody else think Nas and Friga lowkey have the same archetype?
but Friga got better shooting and handles
i can't say better handles at all. Not to mention shooting is more than the 3 ball. Friga is an elbow specialist while Nas is a top of the key specialist. They both have a hard drive on either side, but Nas has a better off hand, and has counters if the person guarding him manages to bump him off his spot or stop him from getting to the cup. This is where Frigga struggles most
I do understand why you think they're the same archetype - i just disagree due to Nas' drives usually not being hard drives, and being more reliant on counter moves. I think Friga started relying on his hard drive a lot because it's what worked against him when he lost to lesser players. It works if you are strong. But most guys travel when they stop for a head fake after the drive, and he's no exception.
Friga handles one of the weakest parts of his game fr
@calitobautista4410 you're drunk, is just not as flashy as everyone else's.
shooting sure, handles no way lmao. No disrespect to Friga but handling is one is weakest parts to his game
Scout iso tae from tnc
Scout Nathan
This vid finna make me mad
You good? 💀
@@HoopProspects I’m saying the ranking you have nas over friga like they ain’t 1-1 😂
Take Dev old washed ah off the list or just bump him down. He always in a “training arc” never really outside 🤷🏾♂️
do hezi
Scout fomby