don't be like that first S. Conq, obliviously in the way and doing nothing of substance. Basically making it so that your team would be better off if you did not exist. Your existence becomes a problem.
That what happen when people get to higher tier tank with money, they don't even know where to aims. Normally we have a long way to get hight tier tank, getting trained on that way too.
conqueror there and bot, he trusts his tank's turret so much that he forgets about the penetration of the other, his turret becomes "paper" against this all in gold ammunition
Thanks for the featured, i was ir was my second battle in the tank just having some fun and grinding field mods but got lucky with some paid actors
YW, thank you for make this nice game public.
don't be like that first S. Conq, obliviously in the way and doing nothing of substance. Basically making it so that your team would be better off if you did not exist. Your existence becomes a problem.
That what happen when people get to higher tier tank with money, they don't even know where to aims. Normally we have a long way to get hight tier tank, getting trained on that way too.
that side scrapping s conq. ... those players are pain
About 90% of the time when someone says "Watch out, retreat!" it really means, "No, don't kill him. Move so I can shoot him myself!"
conqueror there and bot, he trusts his tank's turret so much that he forgets about the penetration of the other, his turret becomes "paper" against this all in gold ammunition
Яга може ) норм альфа вилітає)
Just another portuguese shining!!
why the fuck is everyone either peeking him or completely not giving shit about his existence and getting farmed ;_;
Лайк то я подставил, но дикая подкрутка в самом начале боя налицо
Мне Яга нравится тем , что похрен в кого стрелять....всё прошивает
е75 в крышку башни пробивается, даже лючок целить не надо.Jagdpanzer E 100 про это не знал.