Sung in Peul, this song tells the story of a brave young man who, wishing to marry a girl from an affluent family, sets out on a quest to kill a lion to earn her hand in marriage. He successfully completes the quest and marries the woman, although he is left paralysed on his right side from the fight.
Ta voix t'a immortalisé ! Tu reste le grand artiste africain jamais égalé. Repose en paix Farka Touré!
Ali Farka soul refreshing, RIP legend
vraiment la musique de ce grand homme va finir par me rendre dingue. reposez en paix
I am liking the style this guy is rocking it in a really casual kickback kind of way
Prettymuch yeah,kick back after a long day and drink a beer too.
Sung in Peul, this song tells the story of a brave young man who, wishing to marry a girl from an affluent family, sets out on a quest to kill a lion to earn her hand in marriage. He successfully completes the quest and marries the woman, although he is left paralysed on his right side from the fight.
❤2025 paix 🤲👌
Nice song bravo and God bless you
Allaha ya rahma Ali farkà
احسن فنان سمعته قديما
Merci beaucoup
big example, (compagnion from '91already) thank you messieurs and sirs...
Paix à sont âme
des souvenirs du mali surtout de nkona mon village paternel
I am still looking for this lyrics. Anyone?
je pense que cet chanson s'appele Bandaloubourou
C'est dans l'album Radio Mali que ça s'appelle comme ça
Tu as raison William Turner
L'histoire parle d'un homme qui as combattu un lion son nom est bandoulobourou
Paix à son âme
Paix a son l'àme amine
Les nomades de Sahel ne t'oublie jamais....😂rip ameen
Salut l,artiste
Neba solo
Llegué aquí gracias al maestro José Manuel Aguilera de La Barranca
hello!! it is possible to have the original lyrics from this tune? thanks!!!
This is the original dear
@@ramatasoumare8748 this? where is "this"?
La vie ? Non