So, I don't appreciate josh's decision at 16:02 to take off his sunglasses and to use suicide to try to win a battle rap. What message is he trying to send? That he gets to decide which deaths mean more than others? He walked around with his sunglasses on the whole time but took them off for dramatic effect? I think at this point, most of us who have spent time around parties etc. know a couple people who have overdosed and all of us have our own relationship to death. Jane clearly didn't advocate for suicide, as she is standing right there. She was clearly expressing how difficult her experiences are. Which is a common aspect of artistic exploration. I would argue that writing lines about murder sends a worse "message"
I think you’re taking my round out of context because i wasn’t trying to imply that at all. I say in my round what’s going on with me and that if anybody was ever at that point I’m glad they’re still with us. I would never wish that feeling on anybody and I know a lot of people who suffer as well. This was never to paint her as a “bad person” this was to be for the people who are struggling and my loved ones who passed due to that. Removing of the sunglasses was cause I was ready to talk about something real.
@@TheSasquatchJosh @TheSasquatchJosh I think that some ppl are comparing the stats at the end to, the fact that you went to, that kinda extent, when you spent the experience, mentioning ahe was furiously waving pretense, with the gun in her face when autistic race, always seems to end, according to the stats fem autistics go splat more than men. ❤️🤌. So it kinda feels like to some ppl that u didn't give the proper gravity to the stats, and acted like her illness wasn't basically called "early onset female death" even tho I think you tried to show reverence of sorts for sure, until u show reverence to that fact there will continue to be a disconnect in the information, therefore a rift in the communities.🤙😌🤌 I thought u did great btw, but ignorance isn't usually the fault of an individual but a culture u know? We all still developing as a world 🌍 but the more you know, bro the more you know 🤙.
@@cortessariotste4807 I really didn’t even know she was autistic; I genuinely was trying to make something folks hurting could relate to. I didn’t even want to “win the round”. The reason I took this is because I respect Jane as an artist and have seen her for a few years. Those thoughts and the pharmaceutical aspect of trying to handle have plagued my friends and family since I can remember and it hurts me to see people hurt like that. I just wanted people to see they’re not alone. I’d never want anybody to feel that way ever; and I would never utilize the memories of my loved ones for the sake of a battle; I wanted them to know I miss and I love them. I understand my words will be misconstrued; but that being said I love my people to much to not at least try and speak for them with my platform; if it meant it kept those who know and need somebody around then I’ll be the bad guy.
Awfully hypocritical for the guy who starts off with raps about shooting Jane to criticize her for having a music video that deals with suicidal ideation. For someone supposedly concerned about those dealing with suicidality, its a definitely a horrible idea to bring up the idea of people "being suicidal for attention". Let alone apparently not even considering that Jane might still be actively struggling with it when this rap was happening.
I literally say in the round if she was at a spot like that I’m glad shes still with us. I say that if anybody felt that way; doing it is not the answer. I’m not wishing that on anybody and I never would
Damn !! Jane 🔥🔥🔥🔥 more battle of you please !
Josh third round is fucking CRAZY
She fiiiiiiiire!!!!!! We need more of her!!!!
She set the entire tone in 7:20 -7:50 😂 that was ORIGINAL!! 🖊️🖋️🖋️🖊️ she literally inspired his demeanor AND his pen game in the last verse!!
Jane did a great job for her first battle, however Josh is a vet and he killed it.
Not her first battle
@izdotcarter she said it was in the battle lol. Alright thanks.
So, I don't appreciate josh's decision at 16:02 to take off his sunglasses and to use suicide to try to win a battle rap. What message is he trying to send? That he gets to decide which deaths mean more than others? He walked around with his sunglasses on the whole time but took them off for dramatic effect? I think at this point, most of us who have spent time around parties etc. know a couple people who have overdosed and all of us have our own relationship to death. Jane clearly didn't advocate for suicide, as she is standing right there. She was clearly expressing how difficult her experiences are. Which is a common aspect of artistic exploration. I would argue that writing lines about murder sends a worse "message"
I think you’re taking my round out of context because i wasn’t trying to imply that at all. I say in my round what’s going on with me and that if anybody was ever at that point I’m glad they’re still with us. I would never wish that feeling on anybody and I know a lot of people who suffer as well. This was never to paint her as a “bad person” this was to be for the people who are struggling and my loved ones who passed due to that. Removing of the sunglasses was cause I was ready to talk about something real.
@@TheSasquatchJosh @TheSasquatchJosh I think that some ppl are comparing the stats at the end to, the fact that you went to, that kinda extent, when you spent the experience, mentioning ahe was furiously waving pretense, with the gun in her face when autistic race, always seems to end, according to the stats fem autistics go splat more than men. ❤️🤌. So it kinda feels like to some ppl that u didn't give the proper gravity to the stats, and acted like her illness wasn't basically called "early onset female death" even tho I think you tried to show reverence of sorts for sure, until u show reverence to that fact there will continue to be a disconnect in the information, therefore a rift in the communities.🤙😌🤌 I thought u did great btw, but ignorance isn't usually the fault of an individual but a culture u know? We all still developing as a world 🌍 but the more you know, bro the more you know 🤙.
@@cortessariotste4807 I really didn’t even know she was autistic; I genuinely was trying to make something folks hurting could relate to. I didn’t even want to “win the round”. The reason I took this is because I respect Jane as an artist and have seen her for a few years. Those thoughts and the pharmaceutical aspect of trying to handle have plagued my friends and family since I can remember and it hurts me to see people hurt like that. I just wanted people to see they’re not alone. I’d never want anybody to feel that way ever; and I would never utilize the memories of my loved ones for the sake of a battle; I wanted them to know I miss and I love them. I understand my words will be misconstrued; but that being said I love my people to much to not at least try and speak for them with my platform; if it meant it kept those who know and need somebody around then I’ll be the bad guy.
I think you got it wrong. I don’t comment a lot so I won’t say much besides he took his glasses off to show “this some real shit Jane from the soul.”
@@TheSasquatchJoshaye u did good Buhl keep goin wanna see you on url smack or chrome 23 one day
Awfully hypocritical for the guy who starts off with raps about shooting Jane to criticize her for having a music video that deals with suicidal ideation. For someone supposedly concerned about those dealing with suicidality, its a definitely a horrible idea to bring up the idea of people "being suicidal for attention". Let alone apparently not even considering that Jane might still be actively struggling with it when this rap was happening.
I literally say in the round if she was at a spot like that I’m glad shes still with us. I say that if anybody felt that way; doing it is not the answer. I’m not wishing that on anybody and I never would