I assume the idea is Shinbi becomes very strong at the 2 items powerspike and then kinda never slow down, so oathkeeper is great to still have the 2 item power spike while building health which allow shinbi to survive the early game more safelyy and even probably not die to ganks.
hi mugi! big fan of your tournament videos, saw the other day that you uploaded a video rating someones gameplay and gave him tips was wondering if you could do the same i want to become a better serath player, i'm a paragon vet and mained her in paragon just have a difficult time playing her in predecessor. heres my gameplay! 4f42a866-d952-4748-83d7-756b63aa283d
Why first item oath keeper on shinbi?
I assume the idea is Shinbi becomes very strong at the 2 items powerspike and then kinda never slow down, so oathkeeper is great to still have the 2 item power spike while building health which allow shinbi to survive the early game more safelyy and even probably not die to ganks.
All M/k players?
hi mugi! big fan of your tournament videos, saw the other day that you uploaded a video rating someones gameplay and gave him tips was wondering if you could do the same i want to become a better serath player, i'm a paragon vet and mained her in paragon just have a difficult time playing her in predecessor. heres my gameplay! 4f42a866-d952-4748-83d7-756b63aa283d
its a redeem on his stream cost 20k channel points
Hi Serath, as Zurn mentioned coaching can be requested via channel points and also via my predacademy.com website through the coaching section :)