22:51 Who is saying that the US is not doing enough for Poland? We are very much aware of the amount of US troops in Poland and are greatful for them. We have always paid the US for their presence, not to mention the billions of dollars of business that we're doing with them buying fighter jets, tanks, weapons and natural resources. The US has spend $2.313 trillion blowing up clay huts in a desert (where some of our men had to die), left behind all their equipment and left. Yet they are all over the place when they have to protect a prosperous civilised European country with shared values of freedom and democracy who is fighting for their sovereignty.
@Smetkowski24 It was referring to Krzysztof Bosak's comment about the US, I think he was complaining about the US support of Ukraine, but the audience member seemed to think it was a comment about US support for Poland. Anyhow Bosak's comment doesn't seem to have a basis either, US has been more than half the support for Ukraine, and most of the military support. He complained about it being too slow - fine, but Poland isn't at risk at starting WWIII either, and doesn't have to manage Asia, and frankly the entire globe.
there was a specific period of time when Ukraine had advantage and was entirely ready to move with the offensive, they had troops but were literally missing ammunition and had to wait so long that conditions changed and opportunities were lost while Russians constantly reinforced, that's what he means saying that U.S didn't do enough, we all know that without U.S, Ukraine wouldn't survive, but the hesitation made the situation stagnant rather than actually change the battlefield, not sending the long range himars rockets for example.
Actually in Poland we pay for Us troops to standing in Poland. It' s not the same like they supporting other east countries.etc..Instead of Us troops standing in Poland for different reason that only safe our country. They're exploring our soil etc..of course this is most politican stuff then only basic protection and help.
Thank you BBC for organising this. Incredible. Healthy debate with different views. Whatever we think about Polish Politics… at least we didn’t have one “President / Prime Minister “ like Putin since 1999… Free speech is also untouchable among Public imo. What a blessing.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on this stream. If you felt this TV version of the debate was shorter than you'd hoped... there's good news: The full debate was recorded for BBC World Service Radio and you can hear a 50 minute version - with several more issues tackled - on this link: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
I love it! Bez względu na to kto rządzi, taka debata otwiera nas by patrzeć na siebie na tle świata, cywilizując kulturę polityczną i otwarte mówienie o problemach i poglądach.
I encourage you to search about Poland recently, mainly because it's really intense and almost educational. We are trying to explain the visa scandal, the secret services and elections that did not take place, and we spent millions on them.
The lady should read the Polish constitution in the first place instead advising it to anyone, and say sorry to Morawiecki, as in this case he was correct. "Marriage as an union of a woman and a man, family, motherhood and parenthood are under the protection of the Republic of Poland. "
Thanks very much - I am really glad you appreciated what we did for our Poland programme. You can hear a much longer radio version and links to our other radio editions of World Questions from around the world on this site. www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
Bardzo ciekawe przedsięwzięcie. Zastanawia mnie tylko czy ilość osób popierających lewicę na widowni. Wydaje mi się, że publiczność powinna być podzielona po połowie. A mam wrażenie, że zastosowano inny czynnik podziału.
I thinks that people who were seting on meet are the free and can have vareity opinion's but that's who enter to meet is individual aspect. People have vareity opinion and no one shouldn't chosen who shall be of studio or who shouldn't be of studio. People's the western looking liberality of life and nobody shall not propose how many person's have enternce to the studio that's presence opinion which could akceptly to the television. At the freedom enternce to studio has every who wants take share of debate. Your a idea that's creation, trick and mistake the present if of studio is a free thr place then you has enternce if you are was interesed meet or hasn't the place and going to home and watch the performance of TV or internet and gave your vote of coments and the next can treid enternce to the studio that to laud tell own opinion before community. This is just the free man therefore you must a lot learn with your friends and now how creature the biggest the performance for community. You watch and delect that your country on mouth's entier civilization of the World. We have five minute and after coments can show that's resson to the biggest praud😂 Do you have a honor? 😅
Jest tak, jak piszesz. BBC, jak cały tzw. mainstream, jest lewicowe, więc nie ma się co doszukiwać obiektywizmy. Dodatkowo pamiętajmy, jaki "wspaniały" reportaż wypuściło BBC przed Euro 2012 w Polsce ostrzegając cały swiat przed niebezpiecznymi Polakami, którzy tylko czekali na turystów, aby ich bić i rabować. Od tamtej pory BBC jest dla mnie zwykłą gadzinówą.
@@khubak Why you writing such terrible a messages on topic the BBC? And The next here you are? For long a time you have such opinion on The BBC, but you are here and comenting here, What after once another making here? Do you shouldn't to be in other the place? When from long that's of course for you and you unacceptable that it you should the ended show The BBC but the next coming back here Do you hasn't obsesion that unacceptable that but want watch it? 🤔🤣👀😂
Previous govt was undermining independence of judiciary , using it to attack political opponents and using state owned media for propaganda. We were on the fast track towards dictatorship.
Perhaps you should delve into the concept of 'Constitutional democracy'. The principle of separation of powers exists for a specific purpose. It extends beyond mere majority rule to encompass the essential aspect of honoring and upholding legal principles. At one point, Poland teetered dangerously close to the threshold of 'competitive authoritarianism'.
I appreciate putting 3 people of different spectrum next to each other, especially Mr Bosak. Disagree or Agree, this is the reflection of the different perspectives in our society.
@@MAKSPLUS funny thing is that we need BRITISH public media to lead a debate for us. But it is accurate, the panel represented the 4 most distinct views in polish parliament right now.
I don't. Fascists like Bosak should not be part of public debate. And yes, he's a fascist, just look up the "czy Krzysztof Bosak jest faszystą" Wykop post series by Kozajsza.
@zmazurek7991 Dude, its not nice to talk like that about your countryman that try to avoid bankrupcy. Its in their POLISH interest. So it also should be yours.
There were elections last year and transfer of power, which defines democracy, therefore democracy in Poland hasn't been destroyed, so it needs no restoring; the rule of law, on the other hand, is a shambles.
14:38 This is pure nonsense. If you want to penalize "hate speech", you should do so regardless of who it is directed at or against. Making it solely about the LGBT crew would be discriminatory. Unless we assume, erroneously, that that particular group is special.
The problem is that the law exists already, but it underlines racism and religious discrimination for example, while not mentioning other minorities. It's about making the bill broader. So in that sense it's already discriminatory, as it's focused only on those few minorities. The left wants it to include more minority groups, that are a subject of hate speech.
If making it solely about one or two minorities is discriminatory, then that's exactly what we already have and the point is to make it broader, so it would include other minority groups and not just a few. Like right now. I wrote that already, but the comment disappeared, so here I am again.
The questions, answers and the persons form the public who’s going to speak was decided before the tv show… so: thanks bbc for the guided show you out up!
@@matt-eu-poland debata ma dziwny format; spodziewałem się, że praworządności będzie poświęcona większość czasu, a tu miszmasz tematów i to w pół godziny tylko.
bądźmy szczerzy kogo obchodzi polski? jak stworzysz kraj który będzie miał kolonie na całym świecie i podbije Indie, albo kilkuset milionowe państwo z największą gospodarką na świecie to twój język też się stanie ważny Do tego popkultura i to że angielski jest łatwo przyswajalny a polski i inne słowiańskie... no cóż
Don't they invite Torries MPs for debates? Who’s debating then? Two Labour MPs with each other? I ask seriously, I am Polish living in Poland and do not watch bbc on daily basis.
@@1963eM i don’t know what he means, too. i see here 3 right wing politicians out of 4. The only left wing politician is Ms. Biejat. Polish politics is generally right wing. The only left wing party has less than 10% votes.
1. You mean persecution de iure. The de facto persecution has always been there. 2. Even if you mean persecution de iure, so what? Are we going to argue which nation was the greatest? 3. Is the situation of homosexual people NOW better in Poland or in the UK?
So the left-wing and the right-wing are the two closest parties on the issue of the public TV. When left-wingers and right-wingers agree on something I bet it must be true! btw. Great job BBC! Didn't expect it! It was very inreresting to watch!
PiS to chrześcijańska lewica, jak niegdyś Samoobrona. (A w Zjednoczonej Prawicy jedyna prawicowa partia ta było Porozumienie Gowina, bo Ziobryści to konserwatywni socjaliści) Z większych partii w Polsce to prawicą jest jedynie Konfederacja (w której skład wchodzi skrajna prawica z KKP) i PSL (centroprawica). Nic więc dziwnego że PiS i lewica zgadzają się w takich sprawach jak media publiczne czy gospodarka.
This is a question..Why you came to Poland? Because you do not safe enough in your own soil? So if you do not like it just come back ( this is what I usually heard from english ppl in uk) and do not even trying change our Religion!Culture! Tradition or Law as it' s Ours which we have builded up by generations! Its not yours and never will be and you probably never understand that..
Who cares if Putin is killing civilians, why can't 2 dudes adopt a kid... Of which there are none available... Because nobody's having kids... It's getting hard not to route for Putin. All of Europe is degenerate & corrupt.
@@ligakrysu UK is a normal country when it comes to marriages. Gay people can marry like everyone else (a law introduced by the conservatives, by the way). Have you been to London? People live there happily and no one cares who loves whom. It's not even an issue. What a breath of fresh air, visiting there. Or any other Western European country, for that matter.
To i tak nie ma znaczenia czy jest Polska demokratyczna czy niedemokratyczna na zgniłym i zacofanym kontynencie, który załamie się ekonomicznie pod ciężarem własnych regulacji i braku technologicznego rozwoju.
@@dand337Strzelanie do górników, prowokacje policyjne na marszu niepodległości i wśród środowisk kibicowskich, wyrywanie urządzeń nieprzychylnym redakcjom, nadużywanie immunitetu, kolesiostwo, nepotyzm etc. Left the chat
@@bart26188I spadku rdzennej populacji oraz zastępowanie jej obcokrajowcami z innych kontynentów. Europa wkrótce upadnie, na krótki czas pałeczkę przejmą Chiny i Indie a potem już równa pochyła, bo Chiny też mają problem z starzejącą się populacją i tylko Afryka mnoży się na potęgę.
@@thebleckBieber45 Voting for own rights is for you pro russian act... What would you say then to west UE farmers which are taking voice for their rights? No comment.
@@thebleckBieber45 You are paid troll! Joining date: 28 Oct 2023 (if Ukrainian, you should be ashamed of yourself) Polish farmers are not pro-Russian! Please do not spread lies and disinformation!
Thanks for watching the programme. We record these open debates in many countries around the world and the opportunity to show democracy in action, with people speaking truth to power is a big part of why we do it.
Thanks for your point. We did not invite an audience, we advertised widely and it was self-selecting on a first come first served basis. But of course, it was all people who could make it to Warsaw for the debate and spoke good enough English to take part. I think we found there were different points of views represented, but some more loudly than others. We do what we can to make it an open debate and do not select any audience members on the basis of their views.
@@BBCWorldService most of the audience is heavily if not on ultra-left side. You can tell this by their reactions. Very poorly done the selection process of the audience. Shame.
The Muscovite state, to which Russia truly traces its origins, did not come into conflict with the Polish state until the XVI century. It is true that it has been a constant nightmare for the Poles ever since.
Russia is a state which has stolen its name from Rus, which is what we call today Ukraine. Capital of Rus was Kiev. All thanks to some German Princess who became a ruler of Muscovy and rebranded the Dutchy of Muscovy into Russian Empire.
Because they are libertarians / anarcho capitalists, and this is far from "far right" on the political spectrum, they are farthest rigth in Poland thou as all the rest is to the left of the center.
This new government in Poland is old one. Old government under which one the highest quantity people's gone abroad. So i don't see difference who stealing Poland.
Polish people unite agains west warmongers BBC should never be entitle to control discusion in Poland. BBC creepy criminals employee Jimmy Savile hurt over 500 children you are extensive warmongers. BBC is disgracefull so it is Winston Churchill and England history toword Poland we want LISTENING you.
@@gbpl1010 For BBC if US voters vote for Trump it is not democracy. When a Law & Justice parliamentarian was assassinated by a card-carrying Civic Platform member BBC refused inform about it.
The most civilised interaction I have ever seen between various Polish piliticians of different parties. BBC please mediate more ofter! Otherwise, Magdalena Biejat na prezydenta!
Mrs. Pomaska completely ignored the question from the moderator of this debate. Instead of an answer, she used the tactics used by the ruling camp during the election campaign. Constant attack on PiS instead of substantive discussion.
PiS was using same strategies for 8 years, why only comment on opposition using it now 😐 PiS was lying, but in the least elegant way...spitting people in the face and telling that "nothing happened". Like wow, gaslighting at its finest. Opposition is not crystal clear, but they have at least some respect for citizens xd
She did get away with it too, or at least she wasn't confronted about it on the panel. The sad truth is that while the previous government wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, they can't really be compared to the new one in lawlessness, blatant one too. What brought down PiS was mainly their ignorance of the realities of their true position, the same thing will be the downfall of the new government. They think, much like Mrs. Pomaska in this panel, that cheap tricks will be enough to get away from responsibility they decided to ignore. They seem like children, content to run around and play harmless games, unaware they are in a forest surrounded by real wolves. There is a deadly war coming to their door and they are too busy playing outdated politics to see it. Someone should tell them they need a unified nation that trusts in them to have a chance at surviving it.
Curently is worse then was. PIS was moving on the edge of law. Current leading coalition is "repairing" changes made by PIS beheind the border. Without respect to law. Repairing tv hitting it by hammer. Thats worse road to repair sth.
totally agree. current government are hypocrites. previously criticizing previous government for 'breaking law and destroying democracy' and now they don't obey the law at all and use much worse means. Hopefully people voting for those communists will wake up soon.
Exactly, totally agree. People who voted for current government became so blind in their hate toward previous government that they can't clearly see now it's much worse
@@defendfreedom1390 oczywiście że nie, choć putin bezczelnie kłamał w wywiadzie z Carlsonem, że Rosja była 1000 lat temu i właśnie dlatego nie należy z kimś takim w ogóle rozmawiać, tylko doprowadzić do podzielenia Rosji na kawałki, to trzeba czym prędzej zaorać i ucywilizować
It says much about what kind of people were there or what kind of information they are fed. Just remind you that PiS (Morawiecki) which was booed there gained most votes in election but lost with coalition. That means You booed few milion polish people. I strongly recomend for Britain to join Ukraine with your army. Last guy here said some nonsense declaration aka we are ready we will go master... Whhhat :D??. We are not going anywhere.
@@Legitplieerr Looks like you live in the alternative universe: The National Electoral Commission announced the results of the vote to Parliament. Law and Justice won 35.38 percent. votes, Civic Coalition 30.7 percent, Third Way 14.4 percent, Left 8.61 percent, Konfederacja 7.16 percent, Nonpartisan Self-Government 1.86 percent, and One Poland(?) 1.63 percent . The voter turnout was 74.38%. Most of people voted for them. I personally didn't but I think that amount of hate and manipulation waves tricked people to vote against them. It is like with Orban or Trump. international hate because their don't belong to gang of communist leftists but nation knows how it is in real. Just media propaganda machine tells you for months you must hate about everything and just resign your national-historic dignity. Your biggest problem is not being able to annihil*te your own baby. Sic! POKO rulling in Poland now is degenerated, rotten party people which took on their bands election slogan f*uk Pis. Really this was whole their program. Very vulgar voters. All they do is destroying and hating. Just look at recent ten thousand people protest and compare to antiPiS rallies. Sky to the Earth. This current governent is just fighting with patriots history now and replacing it with their communist's version. They are communist's heir. Poland have to just learn how to not be manipulated by those international barbarians and learn to live their peaceful life to grow but first make this nightmare go... send it to the museum of bad past history and never let it back.
When it comes to war in Ukraine, I think the panel should question the BBC about Boris Johnson advising Zelensky not to negotiate in the beggining of the war. In fact he told him that the NATO support would end if he negotiated. There was negotiated settlement on the table that was almost ready to be signed, but then all the negotiations ended. This war could be over long time ago, but it isnt and now we cannot see the end of it. Who will be fighting in this war tommorrow, if today there is not enough soldiers on Ukraine side? While in Russia Putin dont care and drafts people against their will in mass?
It’s clear from the responses why the old government lost the mandate of the people. Let alone the people’s reaction. Poland is looking at becoming one of the strongest pillars of the EU regarding democracy and justice now
In democracy everyone is losing once per several years mandate. The same await the fake and corrupt Civic Platform. Their performance in the years 2008-2015 was horrible. 2,5 mln young Poles left back then the country.
Great job. 6:36. Yes, we need the BBC to come to Poland and help restore proper civilised debate in the political discourse 😉 BBC should help the U.S. as well
Thank you. If you would like to hear a longer - radio version - of the debate with more issues tackled you can hear it on this link: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
That onliy shows that the rule of law was never threaten here. I can hardly think of a prime minister in any country that did not lie. Why as you say Morawiecki is only one that have been sentencje?
It is astonishing that Tusk Has not się Kaczyński to court for calling him a german agent. After all the civil platform Has majority in the parliament and can easily deprive Kaczyński of his court immunitet. When them Tusk chose not to react to such accusations? If the case was on the court it would be Kaczyński 's duty to prove he was right.
The woman who said it was better for women under communism has got a point. I remember in the early 90s doing a tour of banks in Poland, trying to sell a trade finance product. In the majority of the Polish banks in those days women had the top jobs. Can you believe it? Now it's all men in those top banking jobs.
First they want to get the right to be married, then they ask to be able to adopt children, then they come to schools and demand children be taught about their lifestyle.
So what you're saying is that people want people to know that it's fine to be gay, and that's a bad thing? Like, nobody asks for kids to be taught about gay s*x, as evidenced by the fact that that literally does not happen. It's just to tell kids that if they're gay there's nothing wrong with it.
@@Idkpleasejustletmechangeit Children do not know what they are. Teaching them about different sexualities only increases their confusion. The State has no business interfering with parents. And please do not claim kids aren't exposed to that kind of material in the UK and the USA.
1. ale nie porównuj bbc do tvpis - szkoda że paneliści nie wyjaśnili ci tej "subtelnej" różnicy 2. w innych krajach państwowe media nie antagonizują przeciwko mniejszościom, ngo'som czy nawet ekologom
bo wszystko jest pod kontrolą w szanujących się państwach, ngo'sy są traktowane jako zagraniczni agenci (czym w większości przypadków są), a ekolodzy pod kontrolą służb
That ballroom is a real treat. I went to an event there one time and it really does have that wow effect. Tusk is no lefty. On many ways he is more free market than PiS was. He has steered a reasonable line so far, pushing KSEF into the long grass, sorting out some ridiculous appointments made by the previosis government such as appointing a non-auditor to head up PANA in flagrant disregard of the rules they themselves made. Now Tusk's team also is revisong downwards the social jnsurance burden on employment in lockstep with the UK which is a funny coincidence, is it not?
The lady from the left party RAZEM should READ the constitution which says : Article 18 Marriage, being a union of a man and a woman, as well as the family, motherhood and parenthood, shall be placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland. BTW the reaction of the crowd only shows that the public is interested in funny zingers instead of a constructive dialogue
Bosak is the voice of reason and i do hope that he and his party will win all the future elections. They are the only ones who care for their country and dont do bs. They are they change that has to come in Poland, to kick two tribal parties that ruled country for too long and did so so many mistakes. Time for a change, and this change is alreaddy in process in societys mind, the new generations are done with that tribal bs, we want more, we want our country to prosper.
Yeah... Let's become even more conservative, let's privatize healthcare, instead of repairing it, and let's give Mr Braun power, to turn his words into reality. Brilliant idea! I don't understand how it's possible, that people don't look at party views. I know they're trying to change into a less radical party and that's why they turned away from Korwin, but they still didn't change many of their views and let's not pretend Korwin was the only reason behind the most appalling ideas and views of Konfederacja. If in the next elections, they'll get rid of their radical side, then they'll be acceptable. Now, we only judge the party based on a less radical portion of one guys views. It's immature to say, that based on that, having in mind the past, Konfederacja is automatically great. Let's wait and see... Have you seen what Braun was saying a few days ago on the streets of Warsaw? It's just a portion of what he actually thinks.
His party is extremist, pro putin politics, anty democratic laws, anty every democratic union, so there is no question even to consider this party as any good choice for Poland and it doesn’t matter what Bosak says, he speaks whatever with ability, it’s called propaganda.
You must be joking. No other government in Polish latest history can be compared with the previous one in incompetence. They've reached absolute in this area.
Personally, I highly appreciate this meeting which gathered representatives from different parts of the political spectrum and allowed them to expose their points of view in front of the audience. However, it is a little pity that the meeting continued for just about 30 minutes and there was not sufficient time for the guest to react with each other. Perhaps it is one of the reasons that the guests left me with the impression that they just came to the meeting to reiterate their platform rather than to argue and debate. Also, the representative from the Confederation Party is adept at inciting hatred. For example, his vocabulary such as Wokism, and his remark that the left tends to impose progressive censorship when he responds to the question regarding Same-sex marriage. However, all these attacks have nothing to do with the same-sex marriage policy itself. Finally, the representative from the governing party seems a little embarrassed to act and argue, and I feel that she is not so fluent in English.
First, I have said personnally at the most begining of my comment. :) Second, if you don't agree with me, it's better to argue rather than insult others.@@sirprzemek
Thanks so much for your comment. I am sorry we weren't able to do a longer version for TV, but the radio version of World Questions covers far more questions. If you are still interested you can hear it here: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
What was that?! My strongly request to everyone who listen to this: please do not form your opinion about Poland based on this pathetic talk show. Biased audience behaving like a cattle.
I must express my disapproval of your actions in offending cattle. 😢Cattle play a significant role in our society and should be treated with care and consideration.😂
@@JanNowakKowalski-f3z That's right. I don't want my homeland to be judged by this kind of stream. Half a program talking about lgbtqxyz12345. Realy? This is a main problem in Poland? Unfortunately that is how journalism looks today and BBC is not better than others. However, I admit that host of this talk-show was not biased and let every guest to speak free.
@@bhunter3kno, he means that far left political parties (communist, paradoxically maybe anarchist) can create populist policies like the far right to gain access to power
@@lonelypad3993 Poland doesn't have a far-left political party in the lower chambers, as the nation is quite conservative and the polish far-left is almost like a moderate left in the more western countries... Fighting for abortion rights for example cannot be called radical, but somehow it's still is called that way in Poland.
Of course Poland came back to communistic times. Tusk and his supporters made totalitarian space in Poland. Tusk takes citizen's freedom and democracy back by force. Now Poland fights for freedom, because Poles became Palestinians in own country. When Poles fought on Warsaw's streets today, Tusk disappeared. He was frightened, he escaped. I would say that Poles are not so far from reactivating AK army, underground army active during German occupation, because ruthless actions of Tusk, enforced by Police, initiated mass protests. Tusk represents German and Jewish interests, not Polish interests, this is the problem. Fights on streets are reaction to Tusk's actions. If Tusk wants to rule the country using force and sentencing opposing Poles to years in prison, as it was before when PO party was in charge in Poland, Poles will have to use force to eliminate danger to their freedom.
Chociaz glosowalem na terazniejsza koalicje, coraz bardziej niepokoi mnie sytuacja, roznych dlugoterminowych kierunkow: brak polaryzacji mediow, co moze byc latwo wykorzystane w przyszlosci, projekty dlugoterminowe, ktore napotykaja opor takie jak CPK lub elektrownie atomowe. Moze nie jesstem specjalista, mam nadzieje, ze ktos moze moje niepokoje zredukowac
Rather boring and too heavy on LGBT: unfortunately the only jolly moment got spoiled when this young female politician was prevented from starting an exchange reminiscent of Monty Python`s Argument sketch.
With current goverment undermined for sure. But UE commision is happy with that. And russia too. Stupid question becouse this is obvious for every thinking person.
For those who may not be aware of Polish political situation in detials. Those people are either proxies or reprent less relevant political organisations. Also on the audience I see mainly activists from few minority organsations. The debate is organised in nice place but seem to be a quick and hoc event without too much tchougnths or preparations in terms of content and participants. Most probably part of the problem was also choosing English as a debate language. Maybe BBC shoud just change the title of the video as it suggest it was something serious and relevant.
I like how Poland and its people always trust themselves and have a true independence that they become racist or a FAR-RIGHT because they dont want accept immigrants or illegal immigrant. If we think of it as a democracy yes it is democracy in their country but we also think that their not following the American or lets say world democracy where you accept everything or lets say the left. Poland learned from their history and also they just want their culture to be not influence by the other country or people. The answer of this is that Poland is a democratic country who listened to its people, if poland like the americans it will be a disaster not just crime or other things but the ancestry of its country will be forgotten if the other country influence them. If the people choose everything rights about themselves it will be disaster which is what happened to america.
Then why not drop the conflict with the Ukrainians at the Ukrainian borders, so they can bring in their trucks with the equipment and supplies that the Polish/Russian loving farmers are preventing, when the war is going on? Where the hell did freedom and democracy go there?
"Russia is our archenemy" - tells Morawiecki and most of the Poles agree with him. At the other hand, they forgot to mention that the Kingdom of Poland several times attacked Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries, burnt down Moscow and Smolensk and helped rival princes and even fake princes to grab the Russian throne. Nothing is black and white in history, that's why I'm quite worried that Polish xenophobia and the hatred of Russia could easily lead the EU into a big war with Russia at some point. My country has been attacked couple of times by Russia and the Soviet Union (in the leadership of which Ukraine was the second major player! Let's don't forget about this nuance either), still we don't see a reason why we should hate Russians and the Russian state so much as Polish people do. Poles criticize Russian politics but in reality they are very similar in one specific area mentioned also during this debate: the shameful oppression and discrimination of LGBTQ people. Both nations are ultra-conservative in this matter. My advise is: stop spreading hatred and rather look into yourself!
@@Matt-rw9py Poland is ditching its heritage for degenerate behavior. Lets just say that if people was straight, AIDS would not have existed. If people stuck to marriage, STDs would not have existed. There are rules for a reason.
spot on. Yes. I see you are quite clever with reading politics. In Poland we had quite assertive (not ideal) rules, now won total disaster. We have a ministry of equality now. Soros fundations are working like a harm. The worst problem of our women is to have abortion. National debate is now only one source. We do anything EU says. D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R on every Field.
Poland has been the fastest growing economy in Europe in the last 20-30 years, but you call it a country in decline. I wonder which European countries are not in decline in your view then?
@@Gavroche_ The country in decline I was referring to is the UK, which was once the most powerful country on Earth. I meant that Poland will end up like the UK if it abandons its cultural values.
Depends on whose democracy we're taking about, because the new government is restoring democracy for the EU bureaucrats, while undermining democracy for the Polish people.
22:51 Who is saying that the US is not doing enough for Poland? We are very much aware of the amount of US troops in Poland and are greatful for them. We have always paid the US for their presence, not to mention the billions of dollars of business that we're doing with them buying fighter jets, tanks, weapons and natural resources.
The US has spend $2.313 trillion blowing up clay huts in a desert (where some of our men had to die), left behind all their equipment and left. Yet they are all over the place when they have to protect a prosperous civilised European country with shared values of freedom and democracy who is fighting for their sovereignty.
@Smetkowski24 It was referring to Krzysztof Bosak's comment about the US, I think he was complaining about the US support of Ukraine, but the audience member seemed to think it was a comment about US support for Poland. Anyhow Bosak's comment doesn't seem to have a basis either, US has been more than half the support for Ukraine, and most of the military support. He complained about it being too slow - fine, but Poland isn't at risk at starting WWIII either, and doesn't have to manage Asia, and frankly the entire globe.
The problem is lack of support for Ukraine.
Ah nice Russian architecture 😂
there was a specific period of time when Ukraine had advantage and was entirely ready to move with the offensive, they had troops but were literally missing ammunition and had to wait so long that conditions changed and opportunities were lost while Russians constantly reinforced, that's what he means saying that U.S didn't do enough, we all know that without U.S, Ukraine wouldn't survive, but the hesitation made the situation stagnant rather than actually change the battlefield, not sending the long range himars rockets for example.
Actually in Poland we pay for Us troops to standing in Poland. It' s not the same like they supporting other east countries.etc..Instead of Us troops standing in Poland for different reason that only safe our country. They're exploring our soil etc..of course this is most politican stuff then only basic protection and help.
Click here to subscribe to our channel 👉🏽 bbc.in/3VyyriM
Thank you BBC for organising this. Incredible. Healthy debate with different views.
Whatever we think about Polish Politics… at least we didn’t have one “President / Prime Minister “ like Putin since 1999…
Free speech is also untouchable among Public imo. What a blessing.
Props to the BBC lead for impeccable pronounciation
That's kind - I've let Jonny know, he's pleased to hear that he did okay
Thanks to everyone who has commented on this stream. If you felt this TV version of the debate was shorter than you'd hoped... there's good news: The full debate was recorded for BBC World Service Radio and you can hear a 50 minute version - with several more issues tackled - on this link: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
I love it! Bez względu na to kto rządzi, taka debata otwiera nas by patrzeć na siebie na tle świata, cywilizując kulturę polityczną i otwarte mówienie o problemach i poglądach.
Polish people, I write from Brazil! So good to hear more about your social and political questions and issues!
Indeed. Refreshing!
Te amo Brasil! @semithamusicista6390
Much love from Poland. We don't hear a lot about each other, but there's always respect and warm feelings for Brazil in my country.
@@yes12337 Thank you!! 😍
I encourage you to search about Poland recently, mainly because it's really intense and almost educational. We are trying to explain the visa scandal, the secret services and elections that did not take place, and we spent millions on them.
The lady should read the Polish constitution in the first place instead advising it to anyone, and say sorry to Morawiecki, as in this case he was correct. "Marriage as an union of a woman and a man, family, motherhood and parenthood are under the protection of the Republic of Poland. "
left wing snowflakes will still deny that, they say that there is no definition of marriage in the Polish constitution
I am positively surprised by level of this debate
This is something I wish to see more often in public media of Poland
It’s mostly thanks to British host
Thanks very much - I am really glad you appreciated what we did for our Poland programme. You can hear a much longer radio version and links to our other radio editions of World Questions from around the world on this site. www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
The last guy stole the show. Great punch line.
The last guy is actually three squirrels in a trenchcoat
Bardzo ciekawe przedsięwzięcie. Zastanawia mnie tylko czy ilość osób popierających lewicę na widowni. Wydaje mi się, że publiczność powinna być podzielona po połowie. A mam wrażenie, że zastosowano inny czynnik podziału.
I thinks that people who were seting on meet are the free and can have vareity opinion's but that's who enter to meet is individual aspect. People have vareity opinion and no one shouldn't chosen who shall be of studio or who shouldn't be of studio. People's the western looking liberality of life and nobody shall not propose how many person's have enternce to the studio that's presence opinion which could akceptly to the television. At the freedom enternce to studio has every who wants take share of debate. Your a idea that's creation, trick and mistake the present if of studio is a free thr place then you has enternce if you are was interesed meet or hasn't the place and going to home and watch the performance of TV or internet and gave your vote of coments and the next can treid enternce to the studio that to laud tell own opinion before community.
This is just the free man therefore you must a lot learn with your friends and now how creature the biggest the performance for community. You watch and delect that your country on mouth's entier civilization of the World. We have five minute and after coments can show that's resson to the biggest praud😂 Do you have a honor? 😅
Jest tak, jak piszesz. BBC, jak cały tzw. mainstream, jest lewicowe, więc nie ma się co doszukiwać obiektywizmy. Dodatkowo pamiętajmy, jaki "wspaniały" reportaż wypuściło BBC przed Euro 2012 w Polsce ostrzegając cały swiat przed niebezpiecznymi Polakami, którzy tylko czekali na turystów, aby ich bić i rabować. Od tamtej pory BBC jest dla mnie zwykłą gadzinówą.
@@khubak Why you writing such terrible a messages on topic the BBC? And The next here you are? For long a time you have such opinion on The BBC, but you are here and comenting here, What after once another making here? Do you shouldn't to be in other the place?
When from long that's of course for you and you unacceptable that it you should the ended show The BBC but the next coming back here Do you hasn't obsesion that unacceptable that but want watch it? 🤔🤣👀😂
@@pawekowalik8932 How emotional response. Don't take it personal Paweł plz. It wasn't about you. Cheers
Did democracy ever leave Poland? Presumably, isn't democracy how the new government came about?
Maybe no but republic? Yes
Previous govt was undermining independence of judiciary , using it to attack political opponents and using state owned media for propaganda. We were on the fast track towards dictatorship.
Democracy has never left. It's the far right that was ousted. I'm happy with the change.
@@matt-eu-poland "far right" 😂😂😂
Perhaps you should delve into the concept of 'Constitutional democracy'.
The principle of separation of powers exists for a specific purpose. It extends beyond mere majority rule to encompass the essential aspect of honoring and upholding legal principles. At one point, Poland teetered dangerously close to the threshold of 'competitive authoritarianism'.
I appreciate putting 3 people of different spectrum next to each other, especially Mr Bosak. Disagree or Agree, this is the reflection of the different perspectives in our society.
And that’s what the true public media is
@@MAKSPLUS funny thing is that we need BRITISH public media to lead a debate for us.
But it is accurate, the panel represented the 4 most distinct views in polish parliament right now.
It was too short and we only heard a small portion of views. It should have been longer.
I don't. Fascists like Bosak should not be part of public debate. And yes, he's a fascist, just look up the "czy Krzysztof Bosak jest faszystą" Wykop post series by Kozajsza.
Polish people don't agree with you and will not fight your war with Russia for Ukraine.
Poland has been defending democracy from autocracy in e.g. Ukraine war
The pro ruzzians got arrested. Get some brain and stop spreading nonsense.
@@thebleckBieber45 yup, they act like Putin is paying them
@@thebleckBieber45you're watching too much TV. btw. Ukraine is still pumping Russian gas to Austria, Slovakia and Hungary :)
@zmazurek7991 Dude, its not nice to talk like that about your countryman that try to avoid bankrupcy. Its in their POLISH interest. So it also should be yours.
Except those tractorists blocking the border...
There were elections last year and transfer of power, which defines democracy, therefore democracy in Poland hasn't been destroyed, so it needs no restoring; the rule of law, on the other hand, is a shambles.
yes, we have no full of law since awful PiS governmance since 2015
Dont sprey comunist propaganda
Yes, we have no democracy and the rule of law in Poland since the last elections. Tusk and his coalition do not respect these values
@mateuszmazurek7991 go to north Korea then you find full hipocracy_democracy
14:38 This is pure nonsense. If you want to penalize "hate speech", you should do so regardless of who it is directed at or against. Making it solely about the LGBT crew would be discriminatory. Unless we assume, erroneously, that that particular group is special.
This is their definition of "tolerance" and "inclusivity". You can have hate speech against white heterosequal ppl, but no one else.
There is already a law like that, but it doesn't include LGBT people. That's what the fuzz is all about.
The problem is that the law exists already, but it underlines racism and religious discrimination for example, while not mentioning other minorities. It's about making the bill broader. So in that sense it's already discriminatory, as it's focused only on those few minorities. The left wants it to include more minority groups, that are a subject of hate speech.
If making it solely about one or two minorities is discriminatory, then that's exactly what we already have and the point is to make it broader, so it would include other minority groups and not just a few. Like right now. I wrote that already, but the comment disappeared, so here I am again.
@@Patizm I can't see my comment to, what is going on here?
I wish all polish media should look and learn how a debate is handled. Thank you BBC!
The questions, answers and the persons form the public who’s going to speak was decided before the tv show… so: thanks bbc for the guided show you out up!
w polsacie dobrze przecież prowadzą debaty
There is no polish media in Poland
British Bullshit Corporation
jako nauczyciel angielskiego jestem taki dumny - imagine jak wypadliby czołowi brytyjscy i amerykańscy politycy w debacie po polsku
Pochrzanili low i law, ale generalnie okay. Głupi tytuł.
@@matt-eu-poland debata ma dziwny format; spodziewałem się, że praworządności będzie poświęcona większość czasu, a tu miszmasz tematów i to w pół godziny tylko.
@@matt-eu-poland W Polish English taka wymowa jest akceptowalna.
bądźmy szczerzy kogo obchodzi polski? jak stworzysz kraj który będzie miał kolonie na całym świecie i podbije Indie, albo kilkuset milionowe państwo z największą gospodarką na świecie to twój język też się stanie ważny
Do tego popkultura i to że angielski jest łatwo przyswajalny a polski i inne słowiańskie... no cóż
@@mateuszmazurek7991 aleś zakompleksiony jesteś
Not sure if it’s the full version of the debate?
Is there any longer version available online?
Thanks for watching. You can hear a longer radio version - around 50 minutes - on this link. www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
I'm shockingly surprised about making debate with right wing by BBC. Positively surprised.
Don't they invite Torries MPs for debates? Who’s debating then? Two Labour MPs with each other? I ask seriously, I am Polish living in Poland and do not watch bbc on daily basis.
“Right wing”? Are You insane?
@@mrytel Why I am? Are they not exist?
@@1963eM i don’t know what he means, too. i see here 3 right wing politicians out of 4. The only left wing politician is Ms. Biejat. Polish politics is generally right wing. The only left wing party has less than 10% votes.
@@gopfertami Ms Biejat is from left
Only Bosak from Konfederacja has something wise to say, nice to hear common sense.
Prosty burak w garniturze przemawia do prostych buraków w tanich dresach. Konfa jest niczym :*
@@JanNowakKowalski-f3z mówisz o swoim ojcu ?
@@grzegorzjaworski1366Elektorat Konfy nawet porządnie zaorać nie umie, żenujący jesteście, mężczyźniątka :)
@@grzegorzjaworski1366 Gzesiu, możesz się pluć na prawo i lewo, ale fakty są takie, że Konfa jest dla naiwnych człopięt :)
As a Polish person I wonder where all those well English-speaking people come from?? LOL. Pretty interesting.
Just for BBC information: in Poland we never had persecution of homosexual people - very different from UK.
1. You mean persecution de iure. The de facto persecution has always been there.
2. Even if you mean persecution de iure, so what? Are we going to argue which nation was the greatest?
3. Is the situation of homosexual people NOW better in Poland or in the UK?
The situation of homosexual people is currently much worse in Poland than in the UK.
How is Poland so great for homosexual people? Please elaborate. Oh, wait... you can't.
@@pawe9082 Being ignorant is a choice. Please do better.
@@pawe9082 Work on your English
As a wise man said , problem is not
the one who dont know but the one
who dos not know that he dos not know.
So the left-wing and the right-wing are the two closest parties on the issue of the public TV.
When left-wingers and right-wingers agree on something I bet it must be true!
btw. Great job BBC! Didn't expect it! It was very inreresting to watch!
Or they are trying to rock the boat
PiS to chrześcijańska lewica, jak niegdyś Samoobrona.
(A w Zjednoczonej Prawicy jedyna prawicowa partia ta było Porozumienie Gowina, bo Ziobryści to konserwatywni socjaliści)
Z większych partii w Polsce to prawicą jest jedynie Konfederacja (w której skład wchodzi skrajna prawica z KKP) i PSL (centroprawica).
Nic więc dziwnego że PiS i lewica zgadzają się w takich sprawach jak media publiczne czy gospodarka.
They are simply both in the opposition. When criticizing the government there's only so many stances to take. They're bound to intersect.
Poland is guiding Europa now ,that 's oké , but i prefered Londen . greetings Belgium 🇧🇪
such a good one
love this so much and miss living in poland :(
Consider coming back then 👀😁
wróć! Ciebie brakuje!
This is a question..Why you came to Poland? Because you do not safe enough in your own soil? So if you do not like it just come back ( this is what I usually heard from english ppl in uk) and do not even trying change our Religion!Culture! Tradition or Law as it' s Ours which we have builded up by generations! Its not yours and never will be and you probably never understand that..
Well said.
ale dobrze wiedziec ktorzy politycy potrafia sie porozumiec bez tlumacza
ludzie po 45 mieli raczej ruski w szkolach i nie mieli internetu zeby sie z niego nauczyc, nie ma co ich za to winic
@@xantroslol nie winie w zadnym wypadku ale tez trzeba przyznac ze znajomosc angielskiego to atut
i symptomatyczne ze ze wszystkich partii sa w sumie szychy a z KO troche noname
@@mohhieAtut? To raczej podstawa.
@@Vatras888w idealnym swiecie
Debate suddenly focused on lgbt where this is the smallest problem but it is the biggest for bbc
Who cares if Putin is killing civilians, why can't 2 dudes adopt a kid... Of which there are none available... Because nobody's having kids...
It's getting hard not to route for Putin. All of Europe is degenerate & corrupt.
I felt like puking. Can they stop forcing this topic onto us? We are a normal country when it comes to marriages let us stay that way.
@@ligakrysu UK is a normal country when it comes to marriages. Gay people can marry like everyone else (a law introduced by the conservatives, by the way). Have you been to London? People live there happily and no one cares who loves whom. It's not even an issue. What a breath of fresh air, visiting there. Or any other Western European country, for that matter.
@@ligakrysuYour comment shows why the topic about equal rights for LGBT people is important in Poland.
@@robertkosk3059Your comment shows why LGBT should be banned as a topic.
Tylko dla tego, że obecny rząd bardziej pasuje Europie Zachodniej nie oznacza, że jest bardziej demokratyczny.
W porównaniu do pisu? Spokojnie
To i tak nie ma znaczenia czy jest Polska demokratyczna czy niedemokratyczna na zgniłym i zacofanym kontynencie, który załamie się ekonomicznie pod ciężarem własnych regulacji i braku technologicznego rozwoju.
@@dand337Strzelanie do górników, prowokacje policyjne na marszu niepodległości i wśród środowisk kibicowskich, wyrywanie urządzeń nieprzychylnym redakcjom, nadużywanie immunitetu, kolesiostwo, nepotyzm etc. Left the chat
@@bart26188I spadku rdzennej populacji oraz zastępowanie jej obcokrajowcami z innych kontynentów. Europa wkrótce upadnie, na krótki czas pałeczkę przejmą Chiny i Indie a potem już równa pochyła, bo Chiny też mają problem z starzejącą się populacją i tylko Afryka mnoży się na potęgę.
nikt nie podaje tego jako jedyny powód tylko se tak wmawiasz
Lol this crowd xD
Based Poland.
The pro ruzzians got arrested. Get some brain and stop spreading nonsense.
@@thebleckBieber45 Voting for own rights is for you pro russian act... What would you say then to west UE farmers which are taking voice for their rights? No comment.
You are paid troll! Joining date: 28 Oct 2023 (if Ukrainian, you should be ashamed of yourself)
Polish farmers are not pro-Russian! Please do not spread lies and disinformation!
@@thebleckBieber45 what nonsense. They're not pro russian. They just want not to lose their earnings so to sustain their families.
bit of a joke for bbc to talk about freedom or democracy.
Not really but it's a joke to talk about freedom and democracy with right wings who were undermining the courts.
Because BBC is home to leftist propaganda the same as in Western Europe.
Thanks for watching the programme. We record these open debates in many countries around the world and the opportunity to show democracy in action, with people speaking truth to power is a big part of why we do it.
The invited audience isn't too diverse in terms of political views, is it?
nope, but what one could expect from the BBC
Thanks for your point. We did not invite an audience, we advertised widely and it was self-selecting on a first come first served basis. But of course, it was all people who could make it to Warsaw for the debate and spoke good enough English to take part. I think we found there were different points of views represented, but some more loudly than others. We do what we can to make it an open debate and do not select any audience members on the basis of their views.
@@BBCWorldService most of the audience is heavily if not on ultra-left side. You can tell this by their reactions. Very poorly done the selection process of the audience. Shame.
The Muscovite state, to which Russia truly traces its origins, did not come into conflict with the Polish state until the XVI century. It is true that it has been a constant nightmare for the Poles ever since.
Ah nice Russian architecture 😂
Russia is a state which has stolen its name from Rus, which is what we call today Ukraine. Capital of Rus was Kiev. All thanks to some German Princess who became a ruler of Muscovy and rebranded the Dutchy of Muscovy into Russian Empire.
To tell you the truth many times it was nightmare for Russians.
@@mera1379You are wrong. You don't know what you taking about.
@user-bz8ng4rx9u I know your architect was copying Russia so I'm Right
major topic is about LGBTQ , also by applause you can see what this debate is for and who was invited. They do not represent Polish society
Exactly, it looks like the audience was carefully selected.
Agree. No one cares about it. There are bigger issues I assume like protesting farmers etc not some minoritys delusions.
@@LukeXMV wow so human rights are just some minorities delusions to you?
yeah cuz it is a major topic in Poland, and you can literally hear different opinions form politicians and the audience so what are you talking about?
@@Legitplieerr what human rights they don't have that others have?
I like how they presented bosak as right wing instead of far-right or nationalistic :)
TVN ich nie chciało zapraszać a jakoś BBC nie ma problemu :)
BBC kiedyś było - czysta demokracją (Obecnie już nie tak). @@mateuszmazurek7991
That is because he is right wing. Biejat could be described as far-left also.
Because they are libertarians / anarcho capitalists, and this is far from "far right" on the political spectrum, they are farthest rigth in Poland thou as all the rest is to the left of the center.
You don't even know what nationalism is
This new government in Poland is old one. Old government under which one the highest quantity people's gone abroad. So i don't see difference who stealing Poland.
Polish people unite agains west warmongers BBC should never be entitle to control discusion in Poland.
BBC creepy criminals employee Jimmy Savile hurt over 500 children you are extensive warmongers.
BBC is disgracefull so it is Winston Churchill and England history toword Poland we want LISTENING you.
BBC is not free media.
WTF did you set questions before interview - lol
Not exactly free but much higher standards than tv pis
Famous BBC bias...
@@gbpl1010 For BBC if US voters vote for Trump it is not democracy. When a Law & Justice parliamentarian was assassinated by a card-carrying Civic Platform member BBC refused inform about it.
Oh, how is it not "free media"? How were questions "set"?
this is British CNN
The most civilised interaction I have ever seen between various Polish piliticians of different parties. BBC please mediate more ofter! Otherwise, Magdalena Biejat na prezydenta!
Precz z socjalistami
Mrs. Pomaska completely ignored the question from the moderator of this debate. Instead of an answer, she used the tactics used by the ruling camp during the election campaign. Constant attack on PiS instead of substantive discussion.
Schwab .student
PiS was using same strategies for 8 years, why only comment on opposition using it now 😐
PiS was lying, but in the least elegant way...spitting people in the face and telling that "nothing happened". Like wow, gaslighting at its finest. Opposition is not crystal clear, but they have at least some respect for citizens xd
@@GemuMasta98 she talks to foreign media. She should answer the question not to complain about previous government.
She did get away with it too, or at least she wasn't confronted about it on the panel. The sad truth is that while the previous government wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, they can't really be compared to the new one in lawlessness, blatant one too. What brought down PiS was mainly their ignorance of the realities of their true position, the same thing will be the downfall of the new government. They think, much like Mrs. Pomaska in this panel, that cheap tricks will be enough to get away from responsibility they decided to ignore. They seem like children, content to run around and play harmless games, unaware they are in a forest surrounded by real wolves. There is a deadly war coming to their door and they are too busy playing outdated politics to see it. Someone should tell them they need a unified nation that trusts in them to have a chance at surviving it.
A Pole here. Democracy in Poland during last 30 years was NEVER in danger.
There's nothing to restore.
We need to restore Monarchy.Otherwise we are doomed.
Western countries still want to dictate other countries by give certificate in Democracy, Human rights 😂😂😂
Let them focus of Palestinian human rights in Israel - they immediately became blind after October 7th. Apartheid in Israel must stop now!
Curently is worse then was. PIS was moving on the edge of law. Current leading coalition is "repairing" changes made by PIS beheind the border. Without respect to law. Repairing tv hitting it by hammer. Thats worse road to repair sth.
totally agree. current government are hypocrites. previously criticizing previous government for 'breaking law and destroying democracy' and now they don't obey the law at all and use much worse means. Hopefully people voting for those communists will wake up soon.
It's totally vice versa.
Exactly, totally agree. People who voted for current government became so blind in their hate toward previous government that they can't clearly see now it's much worse
Independent Poland
Jerzy na końcu rozjebał system hahah😂
bogurodzicy nie zaspiewal :(
Dobrze powiedział, nie będzie negocjacji z terrorystami
Nie bylo Rosji 1000 lat temu...
@@defendfreedom1390 oczywiście że nie, choć putin bezczelnie kłamał w wywiadzie z Carlsonem, że Rosja była 1000 lat temu i właśnie dlatego nie należy z kimś takim w ogóle rozmawiać, tylko doprowadzić do podzielenia Rosji na kawałki, to trzeba czym prędzej zaorać i ucywilizować
This is really good content and discussion, well structured debate and I'm very impressed by ability to argue points in a second language
6:01 The reaction from the audience says it all...
It says much about what kind of people were there or what kind of information they are fed.
Just remind you that PiS (Morawiecki) which was booed there gained most votes in election but lost with coalition. That means You booed few milion polish people. I strongly recomend for Britain to join Ukraine with your army. Last guy here said some nonsense declaration aka we are ready we will go master... Whhhat :D??. We are not going anywhere.
yeah most poles hate pis and tvp so it's not surprising
Looks like you live in the alternative universe:
The National Electoral Commission announced the results of the vote to Parliament. Law and Justice won 35.38 percent. votes, Civic Coalition 30.7 percent, Third Way 14.4 percent, Left 8.61 percent, Konfederacja 7.16 percent, Nonpartisan Self-Government 1.86 percent, and One Poland(?) 1.63 percent . The voter turnout was 74.38%.
Most of people voted for them. I personally didn't but I think that amount of hate and manipulation waves tricked people to vote against them.
It is like with Orban or Trump. international hate because their don't belong to gang of communist leftists but nation knows how it is in real. Just media propaganda machine tells you for months you must hate about everything and just resign your national-historic dignity. Your biggest problem is not being able to annihil*te your own baby. Sic!
POKO rulling in Poland now is degenerated, rotten party people which took on their bands election slogan f*uk Pis. Really this was whole their program. Very vulgar voters. All they do is destroying and hating. Just look at recent ten thousand people protest and compare to antiPiS rallies. Sky to the Earth.
This current governent is just fighting with patriots history now and replacing it with their communist's version. They are communist's heir. Poland have to just learn how to not be manipulated by those international barbarians and learn to live their peaceful life to grow but first make this nightmare go... send it to the museum of bad past history and never let it back.
Thank you, BBC for organising of the debate.
I have lived in England for almost 18 years and I have never seen so much propaganda on TV as it is on the BBC.
When it comes to war in Ukraine, I think the panel should question the BBC about Boris Johnson advising Zelensky not to negotiate in the beggining of the war. In fact he told him that the NATO support would end if he negotiated. There was negotiated settlement on the table that was almost ready to be signed, but then all the negotiations ended. This war could be over long time ago, but it isnt and now we cannot see the end of it. Who will be fighting in this war tommorrow, if today there is not enough soldiers on Ukraine side? While in Russia Putin dont care and drafts people against their will in mass?
I am so impressed with Poland.
Poland is right, fight for Polish People, dont see terror attacks, i see a safe country, Well Done
And what about helping polish people because they are polish! Like polish people that live in misery… just an example… not only UA refugees…
It’s clear from the responses why the old government lost the mandate of the people. Let alone the people’s reaction.
Poland is looking at becoming one of the strongest pillars of the EU regarding democracy and justice now
Not with this elektorat law we have.
when PIS was leader Poland was at same place where it is with PO xD
@@lumpek4149 that's true. We can even say it was start going in the worst direction
Bull shit. Buzz words nothing else.
In democracy everyone is losing once per several years mandate. The same await the fake and corrupt Civic Platform. Their performance in the years 2008-2015 was horrible. 2,5 mln young Poles left back then the country.
Being libertarian, I never thought that I would support conservatives because they are pro free-speech, lol.
Also how do you justify the destruction of your radio stations???
Opening dyplomatic channels is necessary.
Diplomacy with a terrorist is not possible.
Great job. 6:36. Yes, we need the BBC to come to Poland and help restore proper civilised debate in the political discourse 😉 BBC should help the U.S. as well
BBC is extremely biased.
Thank you. If you would like to hear a longer - radio version - of the debate with more issues tackled you can hear it on this link: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
Democration was known in Poland from centruies. We were always Res Publica !!!!
morawiecki, I wonder if he is the only former prime minister with a court sentence for lying
Best Polish Prime Minister
That onliy shows that the rule of law was never threaten here. I can hardly think of a prime minister in any country that did not lie. Why as you say Morawiecki is only one that have been sentencje?
It is astonishing that Tusk Has not się Kaczyński to court for calling him a german agent. After all the civil platform Has majority in the parliament and can easily deprive Kaczyński of his court immunitet. When them Tusk chose not to react to such accusations? If the case was on the court it would be Kaczyński 's duty to prove he was right.
Hahahhahahhahahha @@Average_PiS_Enjoyer
What? @@wojciechsakowski9405
The woman who said it was better for women under communism has got a point. I remember in the early 90s doing a tour of banks in Poland, trying to sell a trade finance product. In the majority of the Polish banks in those days women had the top jobs. Can you believe it? Now it's all men in those top banking jobs.
First they want to get the right to be married, then they ask to be able to adopt children, then they come to schools and demand children be taught about their lifestyle.
So what you're saying is that people want people to know that it's fine to be gay, and that's a bad thing? Like, nobody asks for kids to be taught about gay s*x, as evidenced by the fact that that literally does not happen. It's just to tell kids that if they're gay there's nothing wrong with it.
@@Idkpleasejustletmechangeit Children do not know what they are. Teaching them about different sexualities only increases their confusion. The State has no business interfering with parents. And please do not claim kids aren't exposed to that kind of material in the UK and the USA.
Equal marriage rights, adoption by same-sex couples and educating children that it’s fine if someone is gay are all good things.
1. ale nie porównuj bbc do tvpis - szkoda że paneliści nie wyjaśnili ci tej "subtelnej" różnicy
2. w innych krajach państwowe media nie antagonizują przeciwko mniejszościom, ngo'som czy nawet ekologom
bo wszystko jest pod kontrolą w szanujących się państwach, ngo'sy są traktowane jako zagraniczni agenci (czym w większości przypadków są), a ekolodzy pod kontrolą służb
That ballroom is a real treat. I went to an event there one time and it really does have that wow effect.
Tusk is no lefty. On many ways he is more free market than PiS was. He has steered a reasonable line so far, pushing KSEF into the long grass, sorting out some ridiculous appointments made by the previosis government such as appointing a non-auditor to head up PANA in flagrant disregard of the rules they themselves made.
Now Tusk's team also is revisong downwards the social jnsurance burden on employment in lockstep with the UK which is a funny coincidence, is it not?
The lady from the left party RAZEM should READ the constitution which says : Article 18
Marriage, being a union of a man and a woman, as well as the family, motherhood and parenthood, shall be placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland.
BTW the reaction of the crowd only shows that the public is interested in funny zingers instead of a constructive dialogue
Bosak is the voice of reason and i do hope that he and his party will win all the future elections. They are the only ones who care for their country and dont do bs. They are they change that has to come in Poland, to kick two tribal parties that ruled country for too long and did so so many mistakes. Time for a change, and this change is alreaddy in process in societys mind, the new generations are done with that tribal bs, we want more, we want our country to prosper.
Yeah... Let's become even more conservative, let's privatize healthcare, instead of repairing it, and let's give Mr Braun power, to turn his words into reality. Brilliant idea! I don't understand how it's possible, that people don't look at party views. I know they're trying to change into a less radical party and that's why they turned away from Korwin, but they still didn't change many of their views and let's not pretend Korwin was the only reason behind the most appalling ideas and views of Konfederacja. If in the next elections, they'll get rid of their radical side, then they'll be acceptable. Now, we only judge the party based on a less radical portion of one guys views. It's immature to say, that based on that, having in mind the past, Konfederacja is automatically great. Let's wait and see... Have you seen what Braun was saying a few days ago on the streets of Warsaw? It's just a portion of what he actually thinks.
Look up the "czy Krzysztof Bosak jest faszystą" Wykop post series by Kozajsza.
His party is extremist, pro putin politics, anty democratic laws, anty every democratic union, so there is no question even to consider this party as any good choice for Poland and it doesn’t matter what Bosak says, he speaks whatever with ability, it’s called propaganda.
booing someone in the room is not okay, if you invite someone to a debate, let them speak even if your views are different
Instead of an authoritarian government we now have an utterly incompetent one 🤡 I weep over the state of our democracy.
Only incompetent 🤡 arround is you ✌️😎
You must be joking. No other government in Polish latest history can be compared with the previous one in incompetence. They've reached absolute in this area.
@@natalialewczuk6127 There is no point in comparing poison.
Never ever any war between Poland and Russia.
Where was TVP when the power abuse took place in the UK during the Brexit?
Probably busy pushing its own far-right propaganda...
Magda Biejat
ye tell me why shes almost about to cry there? whats with her voice.
@@pantarei. I guess vegan diet doesn't provide her with enough strenght!
Personally, I highly appreciate this meeting which gathered representatives from different parts of the political spectrum and allowed them to expose their points of view in front of the audience. However, it is a little pity that the meeting continued for just about 30 minutes and there was not sufficient time for the guest to react with each other. Perhaps it is one of the reasons that the guests left me with the impression that they just came to the meeting to reiterate their platform rather than to argue and debate. Also, the representative from the Confederation Party is adept at inciting hatred. For example, his vocabulary such as Wokism, and his remark that the left tends to impose progressive censorship when he responds to the question regarding Same-sex marriage. However, all these attacks have nothing to do with the same-sex marriage policy itself. Finally, the representative from the governing party seems a little embarrassed to act and argue, and I feel that she is not so fluent in English.
bullshit. what are you talking about. Inciting hatred? perhaps in this little reality of yours.
First, I have said personnally at the most begining of my comment. :) Second, if you don't agree with me, it's better to argue rather than insult others.@@sirprzemek
Thanks so much for your comment. I am sorry we weren't able to do a longer version for TV, but the radio version of World Questions covers far more questions. If you are still interested you can hear it here: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct59tc
What was that?! My strongly request to everyone who listen to this: please do not form your opinion about Poland based on this pathetic talk show. Biased audience behaving like a cattle.
I must express my disapproval of your actions in offending cattle. 😢Cattle play a significant role in our society and should be treated with care and consideration.😂
How is it "pathetic"? Because you didn't like it?
@@JanNowakKowalski-f3z That's right. I don't want my homeland to be judged by this kind of stream. Half a program talking about lgbtqxyz12345. Realy? This is a main problem in Poland? Unfortunately that is how journalism looks today and BBC is not better than others. However, I admit that host of this talk-show was not biased and let every guest to speak free.
A good discussion, thank you BBC!
After this debate we can draw conclusions that far-left or far-right party may pose jeopardy for society.
As it always has been. Well said.
there's no way you're calling the current Polish government "far-left" right?
@@bhunter3kno, he means that far left political parties (communist, paradoxically maybe anarchist) can create populist policies like the far right to gain access to power
@@lonelypad3993 Poland doesn't have a far-left political party in the lower chambers, as the nation is quite conservative and the polish far-left is almost like a moderate left in the more western countries... Fighting for abortion rights for example cannot be called radical, but somehow it's still is called that way in Poland.
Beautiful reaction! Thank you guys!
Of course Poland came back to communistic times. Tusk and his supporters made totalitarian space in Poland. Tusk takes citizen's freedom and democracy back by force. Now Poland fights for freedom, because Poles became Palestinians in own country. When Poles fought on Warsaw's streets today, Tusk disappeared. He was frightened, he escaped. I would say that Poles are not so far from reactivating AK army, underground army active during German occupation, because ruthless actions of Tusk, enforced by Police, initiated mass protests. Tusk represents German and Jewish interests, not Polish interests, this is the problem. Fights on streets are reaction to Tusk's actions. If Tusk wants to rule the country using force and sentencing opposing Poles to years in prison, as it was before when PO party was in charge in Poland, Poles will have to use force to eliminate danger to their freedom.
Chociaz glosowalem na terazniejsza koalicje, coraz bardziej niepokoi mnie sytuacja, roznych dlugoterminowych kierunkow: brak polaryzacji mediow, co moze byc latwo wykorzystane w przyszlosci, projekty dlugoterminowe, ktore napotykaja opor takie jak CPK lub elektrownie atomowe. Moze nie jesstem specjalista, mam nadzieje, ze ktos moze moje niepokoje zredukowac
Bosak is GOAT
edit: Adoption for gay couples is where me and most Poles would draw the line...
@CzupaCzups3 exactly what I mean
Rather boring and too heavy on LGBT: unfortunately the only jolly moment got spoiled when this young female politician was prevented from starting an exchange reminiscent of Monty Python`s Argument sketch.
"Too heavy on LGBT"?? Oh, so basic human rights bother you...
Very professional panel :)
Exept Agnieszka Pomaska
With current goverment undermined for sure. But UE commision is happy with that. And russia too.
Stupid question becouse this is obvious for every thinking person.
Nice, thank you so much for sharing.
Since 2004 do we have so called democracy in EU and Britain
For those who may not be aware of Polish political situation in detials. Those people are either proxies or reprent less relevant political organisations. Also on the audience I see mainly activists from few minority organsations. The debate is organised in nice place but seem to be a quick and hoc event without too much tchougnths or preparations in terms of content and participants. Most probably part of the problem was also choosing English as a debate language. Maybe BBC shoud just change the title of the video as it suggest it was something serious and relevant.
Tylko Bosak nie przemawiał, jak lokalni kacykowie przed swoimi kolonizatorami.
I like how Poland and its people always trust themselves and have a true independence that they become racist or a FAR-RIGHT because they dont want accept immigrants or illegal immigrant. If we think of it as a democracy yes it is democracy in their country but we also think that their not following the American or lets say world democracy where you accept everything or lets say the left. Poland learned from their history and also they just want their culture to be not influence by the other country or people. The answer of this is that Poland is a democratic country who listened to its people, if poland like the americans it will be a disaster not just crime or other things but the ancestry of its country will be forgotten if the other country influence them. If the people choose everything rights about themselves it will be disaster which is what happened to america.
Then why not drop the conflict with the Ukrainians at the Ukrainian borders, so they can bring in their trucks with the equipment and supplies that the Polish/Russian loving farmers are preventing, when the war is going on? Where the hell did freedom and democracy go there?
"Russia is our archenemy" - tells Morawiecki and most of the Poles agree with him. At the other hand, they forgot to mention that the Kingdom of Poland several times attacked Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries, burnt down Moscow and Smolensk and helped rival princes and even fake princes to grab the Russian throne. Nothing is black and white in history, that's why I'm quite worried that Polish xenophobia and the hatred of Russia could easily lead the EU into a big war with Russia at some point.
My country has been attacked couple of times by Russia and the Soviet Union (in the leadership of which Ukraine was the second major player! Let's don't forget about this nuance either), still we don't see a reason why we should hate Russians and the Russian state so much as Polish people do. Poles criticize Russian politics but in reality they are very similar in one specific area mentioned also during this debate: the shameful oppression and discrimination of LGBTQ people. Both nations are ultra-conservative in this matter. My advise is: stop spreading hatred and rather look into yourself!
Democracy is what the people decide.
It was the first constitution in whole Europe
Poland looking more like the next UK. A country which is in decline in every sense.
@@Matt-rw9py Poland is ditching its heritage for degenerate behavior. Lets just say that if people was straight, AIDS would not have existed. If people stuck to marriage, STDs would not have existed. There are rules for a reason.
It’s never gonna happen. Be for real
spot on. Yes. I see you are quite clever with reading politics.
In Poland we had quite assertive (not ideal) rules, now won total disaster. We have a ministry of equality now. Soros fundations are working like a harm. The worst problem of our women is to have abortion. National debate is now only one source. We do anything EU says. D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R on every Field.
Poland has been the fastest growing economy in Europe in the last 20-30 years, but you call it a country in decline. I wonder which European countries are not in decline in your view then?
@@Gavroche_ The country in decline I was referring to is the UK, which was once the most powerful country on Earth. I meant that Poland will end up like the UK if it abandons its cultural values.
Depends on whose democracy we're taking about, because the new government is restoring democracy for the EU bureaucrats, while undermining democracy for the Polish people.
Nie masz racji.,mylisz się.
What nonsense. We had enough of those far rights in power after 8 years. I'm glad we changed them😅
@@matt-eu-poland PiS to co najwyżej centroprawica, z mocnym odchyleniem na lewo pod względem gospodarki, widać że nie masz pojęcia o polityce.
Thanks you
Why Poland does not produce MBT?