Can't agree more dude. The academy I wen't to was a joke. No sparring. No boxing. No rolling. Then when we get into the streets we have people quit after getting punched in the face one time.
That's nuts, but maybe a good thing? If a cop can't take a punch to the face without quitting, he's probably just not cut out for the job. When I'm sparring or rolling (BJJ) and get hit or elbowed to the face, I kind of enjoy it. It's kind of like "yeah, I can take that shit and keep going" sort of thing. Maybe that's weird? I told my partner last week when he gave me a bit of a black eye from an elbow while rolling, "As long as I can walk away and not go to the hospital, I'm cool".
no, you're not allowed to hit back , you re-re. just arrest them, and they can not hit back. that is why they train cops to do take downs without bodily harm. eventho sometimes it does not go that easy,still, do not hit the human that will be in hand cuffs soon. OR AFTER!
Mr. Mike, I apologize...Couldn't find an option to message you directly. I just wanted to say thank you for your service in law enforcement, and thank you for taking time to further educate us (the public) about our officers jobs, the law, and generally helpful information we all should know. Acts of this nature and people like you are what make every bit of a difference in fighting the good fight!!
Hey Mike-I'm Asian and I think lightly making fun of Asian stereotypes is freaking HILARIOUS!!! I do it ALL the time. In fact, I call myself the "Secret ASAIAN Man". Are you familiar with Gracie Survival Tactics???
I'm no cop but an average bloke who wants to be able to defend himself better. I contacted a local Jiu Jitsu academy here in Australia not a month ago so it's a coincidink seeing this video. I sustained a work injury shortly after and couldn't attend the first class but seeing this video and making a recovery I am inspired to get back to those guys asap. so...cheers!
Strikes are important, and can be vital, but learning to use your opponant's weight and momentum against them is more essential. It is also equally essential to know what to do once you get them on the ground. Wrist-lock, arm-lock, chin-locks, all are important to know. It's great to know how to get your opponent on the ground, but knowing what to do once you get them there is just as important. Great segment guys.
0:41-1:09 "They train you more on how to use firearms than defensive tactics." That probably explains why too many cops will shoot unarmed suspects first and ask questions later, rather than try to subdue them through non-lethal means.
Correlation is not causation. Logical mistakes are why comments like this probably exist vs. the reality of why police shootings happen. That said, more effective physical control could indeed lead to some type of reduction, possibly, of shootings (justified) where the officer is exhausted and incapable of control. There's no magic potion to make use of force be easy, though.
I've trained to close the distance against an armed opponent and disarm then. In my twenties, 10 feet is nothing, most people can't draw a gun before I had them subdued. (I'm not a police officer, this is just self-defence training). Twenty feet was pushing it but possible. So in my view there's no such thing are an "unarmed person" just people who are willing to cause harm or not willing to cause harm. :)
I’m in the process of becoming a police officer and I am a former varsity high school wrestler , and a three stripe blue belt in Brazilian Jiu jitsu .. I definitely think being an extremely experienced and skilled grappler will help . I recently read a large article in a law enforcement article talking about how suspects trained in mixed martial arts especially in the Midwest are becoming problematic sometimes
Hey Mike, love the podcasts. I link these little clips and ships to my friends all the time. Keep doing what you do and spreading the word about what decent officers are actually like. Also Id like to add, maybe add on screen links to the podcasts you take the clips from at the end of them?
I have trained BJJ and consider it a valuable asset. Your teaser picture show a rear naked choke, AKA "sleeper". Does your department allow these? I thought most departments have banned it because of the high mortality rate.
Grappling in general fairly effective, i managed to suppress a hotheaded airforce medic Via a defensive stance used in karate(the focus is to protect the family jewels) and some judo ground grapples.
Being in the private sector, we back off or if we're attacked, we're just an average Joe trying to protect themselves. In my experience, fights only go to the ground if I'm trying to put somebody in cuffs.
Yeah, that's no bueno. I'd avoid gyms like that. Sometimes, injuries are just gonna happen, but I hate training with people like that ... well..I won't train with people like that lol. Maybe you could try another academy and lay the ground work with instructor, watch a class and observe how people are.
natas nnellaf it sounds like that gym has a respect and restraint problem. What belt was the other guy? And how long had you been training? If he was a high belt, like purple, brown, or black, he should have known better than to wrench the arm. If he was a low belt like white or blue and he didn't realize how far he twisted it, he should have been under supervision by an instructor. We've had people come in at my school and they almost always roll with a higher belt (purple, brown, or black) first before rolling with a white or blue just to show them where their ego is. Some people get butt-hurt getting manhandled by a smaller person like me, but that just means they have an attitude problem and likely won't come back. In the gym, I will work a submission carefully so as to not injure my opponent, and they usually do the same. If it isn't there, we don't force it. But on the street, that arm is gone.
If I could train anything, I would train catch wrestling :) I wrestled for most of my life, and I train and love BJJ, but I feel as if my takedowns have lost their edge.
After the academy I found Gracie Jiu Jitsu out of Torrance. I did Gracie Survival Tactics level one and followed up with Gracie Combatives. It’s the best thing I could have ever done. It keeps you safer and the suspect safer while taking care of the threat.
As a former law enforcement major, (high school and college, changed career path before police academy.) and current civilian and martial artist I have to agree with all this. If more cops trained in martial arts they wouldn't rely on their sidearm and there may not be as many shootings as there are now. BJJ is an excellent choice though I train in full mixed martial arts. I'd just add one thing to police training... Kobudo. It is the Okinawa weapon system. Bo staff, Kama, and more specifically for cops, the nunchuku and tonfa. Cops already use a tonfa all the time (nightstick with handle) but nearly all use them wrong and poorly.
Mike, I have been doing Judo since 1992. I am admittedly biased against Jujitsu. I think Judo is a superior martial art than Jujitsu although I think JJ is a step up from TKD or Karate for cops. What is taught to cops comes and goes with the popularity of the times. Although there are similarities between JJ and Judo as they both derive from the traditional JJ techniques in Japan there are also differences that make Judo superior. I will tell you that Judo is far more suitable for cops and JJ. JJ techniques are taught to apply to force submission while Judo techniques are taught to use to Control your opponent. If the person you are trying to arrest is on drugs he his threshold of pain is higher and he is not operating with a rational mind. What Judo teaches that JJ does not teach is to control your opponent standing up and on the ground. Plus JJ is totally useless against multiple attackers. While the grappling skills taught JJ schools are excellent their throwing skills are very lacking and they teach virtually about foot sweeps. In grappling on the ground, again, Judo techniques are about control. One more thing about JJ and choking techniques. COPS HAVE NO BUSINESS DOING JJ CHOKING AND STRANGLING TECHNIQUES ON PERPS THEY ARE TRYING TO ARREST, unless they are trying to kill them. JJ techniques are derived directly from the traditional KILLING ARTS of Japan. Judo was modified and invented from traditional JJ to make it SAFE enough for a sport. Back when Judo was first coming into its own in japan Jigaro Kano and his men sometimes had to prove its viability is secret fights to the death against JJ masters. So I disagree with your assertion that all cops should learn JJ. JJ techniques are taught as killing techniques. So if your object is to kill a suspect rather than arrest them, them by all means use JJ.
Glenn Billings if you ever find yourself in Michigan just look us up then. Not a challenge, but an extended hand to test your judo skills against a BJJ guy
In the past year, I've seen outrage on social media about three times over cops performing huge throws on suspects. Foot sweeps are all you need. You can learn that from any number of different arts or disciplines, as long as you pick a legitimate training center.
What a knucklehead. You’re suggesting that a rear naked choke is inherently more dangerous then making someone’s face slam against the ground. Unforeseen medical conditions aside, a choke unconscious is far safer than being thrown to the ground. Judo takedowns are surely useful but putting someone to sleep is not nearly as dangerous as slamming them down! I think cops should be allowed to implement chokes!
Your Vision of bjj is way off friend. As a bjj black belt i have to say that the main aspect of bjj is control over the oppenent. The real diference from judo is focus. Judo focus on takedowns and bjj on submission. The problem is that you see sport bjj as the only way to use bjj. Sure the athletes use strenght and speed to force opponents into submission, that is the case when both are high level and the goal is submit the other guy. Same thing with judo, when athletes use strenght and speed to take opponents down. When they defend takedowns bouncing on the floor with the head. Thats how the sport Works. Saying that jj is useless against multiple opponents and judo is efective is dumb. Both use almost the same strategy and Both are better 1x1. Looks like you want to prove your martial art is better so just go to any bjj school and test yourself.
Can u do a video on quota and forfeiture of property and how this effects police officer pay plz? I saw some Florida cops that were way to excited over seizure of a vehicle used in a felony...
Mike The Cop awesome , I’m trying to get on the police academy myself next year , I been training jiujitsu for a bit over 8 years . If you ever around south Florida (west Palm Beach area) you’re more than welcome in my gym .. I trained at American top team West Palm Beach
I would love to see a cell phone video of someone mike is trying to arrest and right after mike has him on the ground and said “stop resisting” the perp yells back “I’m not resisting! I’m trying to rub your cute bald head!”
There was a police officer that went to my church and he picked up and body slammed a black belt that was picking a fight with him while he was on patrol and he also told a drunk Minnesota Viking that wanted to pick a fight with him the police officer said that went to my church said to him “ if you come at me I will go for both your legs with my baton” the Minnesota Viking backed off he was drunk at a club
I do like the way you guys take responsibility for yourself. You recognize it's your life on the line and the departments don't offer enough training in certain areas so you fill in the gap yourselves. In that same regard, police have qualifications every so often for shooting and I wished they had it for their fitness, too. Not just because of the odds of their poor health killing them more than the street will, but out of shape people can't react fast or sustain a tough fight. Studies show about 80% of cops are overweight and: "Researchers have said law enforcement personnel are 25 times more likely to die from weight-related cardiovascular disease than the actions of a criminal." Firefighters are not much different. I'm not poking fun at any of them, or public, but just looking at the elephant in the room because I care about them.
Mike, you say, "many many departments have fitness standards ongoing or incentives for the same." Why then with all these departments having fitness standards that are ongoing, "According to Time, Inc., the Wall Street Journal conducted a study in 2014 and determined that law enforcement is the “fattest profession”. “Police officers, firefighters and security guards have the highest rates of obesity of all professions” and “40.7% of police, firefighters and security guards are obese”.2 If this concerns you, I hope you’re sitting down. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently released their findings that 80% (8 out of 10) of law enforcement workers in the U.S. are overweight.3 Please keep in mind that obesity is at the top of the overweight scale. No one becomes obese without first becoming overweight." From: They have a problem. Whatever their standards are, it's sure allowing a lot of unhealthy cops to be on the force with nothing much being done. Again, it's has nothing to do with me making fun of cops because I have a LOT of respect for them and what they do for us.
Gray Blackhelm may thai is one of the things I train in. Knees and elbows are easy, changing kicks to strike with the shin instead of the top of the foot is painful.
I think police using jiu jitsu to restrain someone is redundant and probably even counter productive and will probably end with more lawsuits and more bad press for unnecessary force. Why would you need to put a guy/woman in a Kimura and break his/her arm or choke them unconscious when your ultimate goal is to handcuff them question them and put them in the back of your cruiser? I've worked both armed & unarmed security before and the only time I'd ever resort to using jiu jitsu to restrain or incapacitate an aggressive person is if I had no handcuffs. They'd be better off learning some type of wrestling so they know how to control someone who is desperately trying to explode up onto their feet or quickly escape your control and run away
Mike, I must disagree just a little. Real Krav Maga would be the better choice, with Kali as a supplement. BJJ, leaves a vast opening for officers. For example, going to ground leaves an officer open to unseen accomplices to hurt the officer. Also, Shaolin Chi Na negates most jujitsu holds immediately. The BJJ
Seraphiel Campbell real krav isn’t really designed for getting to compliant handcuffing or simple control (in my experience). I couldn’t even tell you a thing about shaolin anything. I just know experience in bjj compared to any other law enforcement training I’ve had.
Not sure why people automatically think Jiu Jitsu practitioners automatically end up on the ground. I assure you I don’t know one true Jits person that wants that
Mike The Cop, that is a true statement. However, using Krav Maga on the force continuum is preferable to using a firearm, if at all possible. I know police are people, and suffer themselves for taking a life. BJJ certainly is excellent for body positioning skills and getting out of bad situations on your back, but can make someone too comfortable going there, leaving one open to unseen foes. Don't get me wrong, all these skills are very valuable, and I'm not a master. Chi na involves a great deal of debilitating/maiming techniques. But they will end an attempted choke or arm bar immediately. They are intended for combat in defense of life, not for any other purpose, certainly not for sport
Seraphiel Campbell A LEO can get blindsided doing nearly anything if they don't watch for unseen foes. That argument can be made about Krav Maga as well. Mike is saying that BJJ is fantastic for getting a resisting suspect to comply, rather than escalate to bashing their head in or tazing, etc. In actuality, there really is no martial art that work 100% of the time on anyone. And none of them can deal with or anticipate an ambushing opponent while you are already engaged with one.
I’m not saying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is without limits buttttt BJJ is AN EXCELLENT BASE. Knowing how to control someone when you’re job is to control someone who doesn’t want to be arrested is excellent knowledge. Grandma Krav Maga is not fighting. Martial Arts is not magic. Israeli Krav Maga is very militaristic. You either win or you face the consequences of failure. McDojo Krav Maga is often not the same. Moreover wrestling and bjj and other similar grappling arts are always going to be superior systems for control another willful opponent in the clench. That is the definition of grappling after all.
I was trying to find out if you were near a Marine base. I don't know if you know this, but US Marines started their own mixed martial arts program years ago, with a BJJ/grappling foundation. It's a use what you got, the only goal is surviving/defeating the enemy. It's structured, has degrees of achievement with professional development including formal instruction and instructor schools. Previously a few MMA pro fighters went through some exercises with them and all came away surprised by the effectiveness. Detroit I think has some reserve/training (I&I) units and might offer some interesting and fun opportunities. I'm retired so I have to say might. During my career Marines had basic hand to hand for all, followed up by some additional training for infantry units but little for non-combat job personnel. The current Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) - One Mind, Any Weapon - is required for all Marines regardless of job or rank and they have really done well with it. They often encourage guests, cross training, anything that adds value or experience to the base of knowledge and experience and have no problem sharing. Just a thought.
I agree I've seen to many cops beat people or shake people and cause more of a situation all because they don't know how to fight. and although I respect officers it kinda hard to say don't fight back when you see a clumsy cop just yanking someone around. or kicking someone in the ribs to keep them down. that stuff might be scary ass hell. if more cops knew how to fight we would have less incidents.
Japanese Jujitsu is better for law enforcement because Brazilian is all about ending up on the ground. This might be a bad idea in many circumstances that an officer will encounter.
While I don't want to ever end up being like "this martial art is better than this martial art" because like we say, there are value in all martial arts for a variety of reasons. However, when it comes to resisting subjects that are not complying getting into handcuffs there will RARELY be a situation in which you're not on the ground. That said, a reputable BJJ school will also focus on stand up self-defense, throws/takedowns, and control measures. Hope that clarifies.
Fa, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra ra (Christmas story) Ok fine, you've got Dave talking all deep every video. Next Friday is my hubby's payday, we've got my 20th reunion but I'm going to sneak in a patreon subscription.
Hey Mike, thanks for the great content! You may want to look up Tony Blauer's SPEAR System (it addresses violent encounters specifically and distinguishes the difference between self-defense, martial arts, and combat sports) and Paul Castle's Center Axis Relock (CAR) System. Both were designed to tap into actual human physiology and meant for anyone regardless of size, gender, age, or physical build. Here is a video about SPEAR: Here is a video about CAR:
Yes, I have seen those. I think why I love BJJ so much is that I can train so often and regularly. With unique systems like SPEAR/CAR, while there are no doubt a ton of valuable things to learn, unless it's repeated over and over and over it remains relatively impractical. For me, if I'm on the mat 3-4x a week, it's constantly keeping me fresh. Make sense? I don't want to take away at all from the above, it's good stuff. What's the quote: don't fear the man who knows 1,000 techniques but the man who has practiced 1 technique 1,000 times. Something like that, lol.
Mike The Cop Bruce Lee said “I don’t fear a man who has practiced ten thousand kicks. I fear and respect the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times”.
i can also recommend the Israeli Krav Maga so you can deal with knives and batons even without a drawn weapon But you need to find the correct trainer , some of the people that teach "Krav Maga" actually teach low level self defense
or, at least, he wants to be in the National Guard XD idk if that's the right term... I call myself educated and I'm so ignorant about this stuff lol... anyway he looks up to you a lot :D
I really wish more police officers trained martial arts. BJJ, Wing Chun, Krav Maga some type of martial art. They really can help in allot of the situations. If I could "wave a magic wand" and change policing. I would have police ditch the Taser, OC spray would be on a optional to carry basis. Every officer would ether carry a non-expandable baton or Orcutt Police Nunchaku or Kubotan or similar tool. Their training would be mostly on Verbal Judo and control holds and similar things. I am willing to have a conversation with people on my views if anyone wants to have a civil conversation. Thanks
Ok so I am talking less lethal tools the police can use. A Katana or sword would be a lethal one. So I do not see how it would factor in to the use of force continuum. Police already use a gun and depending on the department a knife like the Kabar TDI knife used in case someone tries to grab their gun. So can you explain how a Katana would fit into the use of force continuum?
Try reading the Marine Corps Marshal Arts Training Manual. That will help you out a lot That can be implemented throughout your force and it doesn't matter what size you are every o.e can use it for none lethal take downs and self defense
Mike The Cop I'm sorry it was a thought. Maybe do after hours the books to help the people in your department and it could spread to others. 😀
Mike; if you have any more issues with demonetization or removal of your videos, try out Vidme as an alternative. Many channels talking about weapons or SJW triggering subjects are having these problems. If TH-cam wants to discriminate, we don't need to use their service. I can't imagine it would take much effort to upload to both platforms.
made a good choice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the way and it's saved my life change my attitude in life feels like you don't have to prove anything to anybody you just do what you are trained to do the good thing about Jiu-Jitsu when you're on the Mat all the negatives is gone everyone is happy while rolling on the mat we have a saying leave your ego at the door Mike the cop keep on rolling subscribe for life.
Juijitsu is great but I think cops should train in full mixed martial arts including BJJ and especially Kobudo so they can use tonfa and those new police issue nunchuku effectively.
Bathrobe Battousai Yeah, I’m on board. South Dakota has no limit to blade length on swords either- I bear Montante. 😂 I think you’d enjoy some of the looks I get. Which swords do you carry? Or I suppose the better question would be “Does Texas van any types of sword”?
Gray Blackhelm Texas changed the law effective last month. Before any blade longer than 5 and 1/2 inches was illegal making Bowie knives and swords illegal. Though the law is ignored during Renaissance festivals. Now there is no limit to blade length making Bowie knives and swords of all kind legal to carry. I train in many style martial arts including iaido, kenjutsu and HEMA. Though kenjutsu works for my body type and fighting style more so I carry a shintogo 1095 katana. Shinogi sukuri blade style. 29 inch blade, 13 inch tsuka (handle) deep bo hi (fuller). Bat theme furniture. Also carry a Rostfrei switchblade knife. 5 inch blade, six inch handle. And a beretta 92a1 9mm. Getting a laser sight guide rod for it and a pistol flashlight for the rail. The bat katana is my favorite. I practice cut regularly on my channel.
knowing that , then you should also understand, you are disciplined and lethal limbs of you're person are infact a danger and lethal weapon. you only get to use the discipline at the very last moment when ,and 'if' you're life or you're partners life is in danger, only if the other is disciplined as well. do not abuse it, most do, and lose their jobs over it.
I don't care what technique you learn. The better athlete will almost always win the fight. You have to have the athletic ability to perform the technique effectively. Some fat out of shape cop is useless
Greasy Lou my fat, 300 pound, out of shape instructor would love to show you how the techniques are done. It isn't the better athlete that wins, it's the better fighter. We recently had two brothers that were star wrestlers come in, fresh out of high school, peak fitness, etc. I'm 34, and have injury issues with my knee, elbow, shoulders, and fingers, as well as the beginning of a gut. I still beat them with little difficulty because I know what I'm doing and they didn't. Technique + experience > physical fitness.
Oh heck even just jiu-jitsu or aikijutsu. My Aikido sensei taught aikijutsuand baton training for the Huntingon Beach police department (this was a long, long time ago). Good stuff.
Thin blue jokes.. y’all talk about training mma like you’re tough, yet you cops are scared of everything. Half the department running code anytime someone resists a little. “OfFiCeR sAfEtY”.
Jiu-jitsu sounds feminine? It too sounds weird for me but a lot of words in english also sound feminine to me. I guess it's better than russian where poor Dimitri is called Dima
is a great idea but requires too much training. Training Cops to do simple throws will be a better and easier idea. Simple throw, then deploy less than lethal.
David Peterson there’s no such thing as “simple throws” really. Well...simple sure...easy? Hmmm. Most training for bjj at white belt level even is sufficient for a huge advantage on the job.
A white belt in Jiu-Jitsu would take months. It would also require the Police Officer to be in fairly decent shape but in reality alot of Police Officers simply are not. A quick search on TH-cam has quit a few videos of "Simple throws" which are very easy to train in as short as 30 minutes and would add to a Police Officer's hands on techniques. The other problem with Jiu-Jitsu is some departments have policies against some of Jiu-Jitsu's most useful techniques such as the rear naked choke. I still do not understand why the rear naked choke would not be allowed against a combative suspect since it clearly puts the officer at an advantage from the beginning of the move to the end. Maybe some Police academies will implement Jiu-Jitsu in their curriculum but for now it looks like not. I was also taught useless techniques in my academy way back in 1991 and wish we would have had something better. In the perfect world, departments could hire recently separated United States Marines and get a new hire already trained to an advanced degree in martial arts known as MCMAP.
Can I talk mad sh*t about Mike just to get top comment, is that a thing yet? I feel like I'm definitely not the first here... HEY MIKE!! I BET YOU'RE TOO AFRAID TO PIN ME TO TOP COMMENT!!
Yeah, I have seen some catch wrestling stuff and many grappling competitions would permit cross pollination for sure. Not sure much catch wrestling has in terms of law enforcement specific application. Not something I've familiarized myself with.
It focuses on the top game of grappling and no-gi. Think of it as the other side of the coin from BJJ. Throw in a dash of good Japanese Ju Jitsu which is a root art for a lot of these other arts.
Catch teaches one thing that is super important that is how to take someone down. No starting your rolling from your knees. Mixing everything Catch, BJJ, Striking (pick one) etc.. is even better
easy answer because most cops don't get trained for hand to hand and I've stared with cops it took me 30 seconds to have him on the ground and I wasn't trying to hurt him let alone kill him and yes I'm a fighter I've trained for over a decade to fight and I've trained for 7 years how to not just harm but to "dispatch" of an enemy and yes I'm bigger and stronger many guys you'll fight but you never know when you'll meet "the big one" who can take all your little academy training and laugh at it like I can and another thing just because a guy is big don't focus on the knees I've been kicked in the knees just to punch someone and send them to they're ass do some mma to learn to fight do some boxing to learn to punch and always remember in street fights there is no dirty fighting
Blayne Peterson Oh, tell me about it, man. I’ve done about eleven years of Bare Knuckles- very little grappling. I depend on dropping opponents in one- it usually works. Just about every other time I’m probably going down. Thankfully it’s never been him or me, not in those situations anyway.
Gray Blackhelm ya exactly I tend to depend on taking a lot and being able to give more I actually was forced to deal with a guy who had 1 trick a box cutter that hurt I'm just lucky he hit my chest not my neck but I... relieved him of it and he dropped fast I actually just got stitched up but ya most cops if they can't get a weapon they don't tend to last long in a fight sadly
Blayne Peterson Agreed. Too many dead cops. And... a box cutter? Why bring a box cutter to a fight? I mean- is it easier to conceal? Not as conspicuous? I dunno, that just seems bizarre. Bet you got a pretty sick scar though, huh?
Gray Blackhelm well yes it's a razor blade you don't see coming but you can swing super hard because of the great grip But ya I work as a bouncer and we can take guns but we have to let them keep knives so it probably beat a beer bottle for a weapon I'm more pissed about my suit getting ruined but now at least I got to go home to my muts and I don't see scars as trophies I mean I have chemical burns on my face it ain't pretty
Can't agree more dude. The academy I wen't to was a joke. No sparring. No boxing. No rolling. Then when we get into the streets we have people quit after getting punched in the face one time.
Bagels :D
There's a reason I do MMA if they're going to hit me I'll hit the bastards harder
That's nuts, but maybe a good thing? If a cop can't take a punch to the face without quitting, he's probably just not cut out for the job. When I'm sparring or rolling (BJJ) and get hit or elbowed to the face, I kind of enjoy it. It's kind of like "yeah, I can take that shit and keep going" sort of thing. Maybe that's weird? I told my partner last week when he gave me a bit of a black eye from an elbow while rolling, "As long as I can walk away and not go to the hospital, I'm cool".
no, you're not allowed to hit back , you re-re.
just arrest them, and they can not hit back.
that is why they train cops to do take downs without bodily harm.
eventho sometimes it does not go that easy,still, do not hit the human
that will be in hand cuffs soon. OR AFTER!
Scorp yeah that's why you find the bumpiest fucking road back to the station haha
Mike I just want to say you inspired me to get into Jiu-Jitsu and I start next month. Keep up the good work man. Love what you do.
The thumbnail for this video cracked me up 😂
Mr. Mike, I apologize...Couldn't find an option to message you directly. I just wanted to say thank you for your service in law enforcement, and thank you for taking time to further educate us (the public) about our officers jobs, the law, and generally helpful information we all should know. Acts of this nature and people like you are what make every bit of a difference in fighting the good fight!!
Another insightful video. Keep it up Mike!
YUP - they shouldn't let you have a badge unless you are at LEAST a blue belt. (And BTW I think I rolled with Mike at MASH.)
'you're moms a tablet' . . lmao . . . ( quickly swipes to the left, and saves face) >.> while looking away like nothing happened.
Hey Mike-I'm Asian and I think lightly making fun of Asian stereotypes is freaking HILARIOUS!!!
I do it ALL the time. In fact, I call myself the "Secret ASAIAN Man". Are you familiar with Gracie Survival Tactics???
Thank you for being a police officer. All police officers are the best.
Found this guy a few days ago and I must say that I quite enjoy his videos; pretty funny and some very helpful information.
I'm no cop but an average bloke who wants to be able to defend himself better. I contacted a local Jiu Jitsu academy here in Australia not a month ago so it's a coincidink seeing this video. I sustained a work injury shortly after and couldn't attend the first class but seeing this video and making a recovery I am inspired to get back to those guys asap. so...cheers!
Strikes are important, and can be vital, but learning to use your opponant's weight and momentum against them is more essential. It is also equally essential to know what to do once you get them on the ground.
Wrist-lock, arm-lock, chin-locks, all are important to know.
It's great to know how to get your opponent on the ground, but knowing what to do once you get them there is just as important.
Great segment guys.
"They train you more on how to use firearms than defensive tactics."
That probably explains why too many cops will shoot unarmed suspects first and ask questions later, rather than try to subdue them through non-lethal means.
Correlation is not causation. Logical mistakes are why comments like this probably exist vs. the reality of why police shootings happen. That said, more effective physical control could indeed lead to some type of reduction, possibly, of shootings (justified) where the officer is exhausted and incapable of control. There's no magic potion to make use of force be easy, though.
hmmm. Understandable.
Liberty Patriot 😦 That was amazing to read. Thank you for taking some time to leave that comment.
I've trained to close the distance against an armed opponent and disarm then. In my twenties, 10 feet is nothing, most people can't draw a gun before I had them subdued. (I'm not a police officer, this is just self-defence training). Twenty feet was pushing it but possible. So in my view there's no such thing are an "unarmed person" just people who are willing to cause harm or not willing to cause harm. :)
I feel like these bad mom jokes are actually the height of your burns lol
Christopher Harts it’s all we got bro
I’m in the process of becoming a police officer and I am a former varsity high school wrestler , and a three stripe blue belt in Brazilian Jiu jitsu .. I definitely think being an extremely experienced and skilled grappler will help .
I recently read a large article in a law enforcement article talking about how suspects trained in mixed martial arts especially in the Midwest are becoming problematic sometimes
If you become a cop, remember not to suplex anyone :)
Mike i want to be a cop when I am older. You inspired me even more. Keep being amazing and keep making awesome videos
Thanks man, best wishes!
Hey Mike, love the podcasts. I link these little clips and ships to my friends all the time. Keep doing what you do and spreading the word about what decent officers are actually like. Also Id like to add, maybe add on screen links to the podcasts you take the clips from at the end of them?
I have trained BJJ and consider it a valuable asset. Your teaser picture show a rear naked choke, AKA "sleeper". Does your department allow these? I thought most departments have banned it because of the high mortality rate.
Grappling in general fairly effective, i managed to suppress a hotheaded airforce medic Via a defensive stance used in karate(the focus is to protect the family jewels) and some judo ground grapples.
Being in the private sector, we back off or if we're attacked, we're just an average Joe trying to protect themselves. In my experience, fights only go to the ground if I'm trying to put somebody in cuffs.
Carl Becklehimer That’s lucky. In my home area fights can become lethal quickly. So I’ve studied Bare Knuckles just to break even.
Any chance of getting these on TH-cam Red? Only so many patrons I can support
I had to quit as a whit belt because an asshole wrenched my arm in a keylock and destroyed my shoulder. I didn't even have time to tap.
Yeah, that's no bueno. I'd avoid gyms like that. Sometimes, injuries are just gonna happen, but I hate training with people like that ... well..I won't train with people like that lol. Maybe you could try another academy and lay the ground work with instructor, watch a class and observe how people are.
Sometimes you get unlucky. I went to a fine school. Great instructor, great people. He just yanked my arm too fast at one moment.
natas nnellaf Sounds like it was too early for him to be sparring. So- do you practice anything now?
natas nnellaf it sounds like that gym has a respect and restraint problem. What belt was the other guy? And how long had you been training? If he was a high belt, like purple, brown, or black, he should have known better than to wrench the arm. If he was a low belt like white or blue and he didn't realize how far he twisted it, he should have been under supervision by an instructor. We've had people come in at my school and they almost always roll with a higher belt (purple, brown, or black) first before rolling with a white or blue just to show them where their ego is. Some people get butt-hurt getting manhandled by a smaller person like me, but that just means they have an attitude problem and likely won't come back. In the gym, I will work a submission carefully so as to not injure my opponent, and they usually do the same. If it isn't there, we don't force it. But on the street, that arm is gone.
No I don't practice.
If I could train anything, I would train catch wrestling :) I wrestled for most of my life, and I train and love BJJ, but I feel as if my takedowns have lost their edge.
Wrestling is all good until u are flat on your back
i cant wait for the rear naked chock montage clips and the bad guys reactions!
After the academy I found Gracie Jiu Jitsu out of Torrance. I did Gracie Survival Tactics level one and followed up with Gracie Combatives. It’s the best thing I could have ever done. It keeps you safer and the suspect safer while taking care of the threat.
As a former law enforcement major, (high school and college, changed career path before police academy.) and current civilian and martial artist I have to agree with all this. If more cops trained in martial arts they wouldn't rely on their sidearm and there may not be as many shootings as there are now. BJJ is an excellent choice though I train in full mixed martial arts. I'd just add one thing to police training... Kobudo. It is the Okinawa weapon system. Bo staff, Kama, and more specifically for cops, the nunchuku and tonfa. Cops already use a tonfa all the time (nightstick with handle) but nearly all use them wrong and poorly.
Mike, I have been doing Judo since 1992.
I am admittedly biased against Jujitsu.
I think Judo is a superior martial art than Jujitsu although I think
JJ is a step up from TKD or Karate for cops.
What is taught to cops comes and goes with the popularity of the times.
Although there are similarities between JJ and Judo as they both derive from the traditional JJ techniques in Japan there are also differences that make Judo superior.
I will tell you that Judo is far more suitable for cops and JJ.
JJ techniques are taught to apply to force submission
while Judo techniques are taught to use to Control your opponent.
If the person you are trying to arrest is on drugs he his threshold of pain is higher and
he is not operating with a rational mind.
What Judo teaches that JJ does not teach is to control your opponent standing up and on the ground.
Plus JJ is totally useless against multiple attackers.
While the grappling skills taught JJ schools are excellent
their throwing skills are very lacking and they teach virtually
about foot sweeps.
In grappling on the ground, again, Judo techniques are about control.
One more thing about JJ and choking techniques.
unless they are trying to kill them.
JJ techniques are derived directly from the traditional KILLING ARTS of Japan.
Judo was modified and invented from traditional JJ to make it SAFE enough for a sport.
Back when Judo was first coming into its own in japan Jigaro Kano and his men sometimes had to prove its viability is secret fights to the death against JJ masters.
So I disagree with your assertion that all cops should learn JJ.
JJ techniques are taught as killing techniques.
So if your object is to kill a suspect rather than arrest them,
them by all means use JJ.
Glenn Billings if you ever find yourself in Michigan just look us up then. Not a challenge, but an extended hand to test your judo skills against a BJJ guy
In the past year, I've seen outrage on social media about three times over cops performing huge throws on suspects. Foot sweeps are all you need. You can learn that from any number of different arts or disciplines, as long as you pick a legitimate training center.
What a knucklehead. You’re suggesting that a rear naked choke is inherently more dangerous then making someone’s face slam against the ground. Unforeseen medical conditions aside, a choke unconscious is far safer than being thrown to the ground. Judo takedowns are surely useful but putting someone to sleep is not nearly as dangerous as slamming them down! I think cops should be allowed to implement chokes!
Your Vision of bjj is way off friend. As a bjj black belt i have to say that the main aspect of bjj is control over the oppenent. The real diference from judo is focus. Judo focus on takedowns and bjj on submission.
The problem is that you see sport bjj as the only way to use bjj. Sure the athletes use strenght and speed to force opponents into submission, that is the case when both are high level and the goal is submit the other guy. Same thing with judo, when athletes use strenght and speed to take opponents down. When they defend takedowns bouncing on the floor with the head. Thats how the sport Works.
Saying that jj is useless against multiple opponents and judo is efective is dumb. Both use almost the same strategy and Both are better 1x1.
Looks like you want to prove your martial art is better so just go to any bjj school and test yourself.
I have a question.
Can u do a video on quota and forfeiture of property and how this effects police officer pay plz? I saw some Florida cops that were way to excited over seizure of a vehicle used in a felony...
I am starting MMA (BJJ and Kickboxing with sparring but not competing) before I go to the academy.
How long have you guys trained jiujitsu for ?
Dave's been training like 11 years. I've been training on and off for like 5.
Mike The Cop awesome , I’m trying to get on the police academy myself next year , I been training jiujitsu for a bit over 8 years . If you ever around south Florida (west Palm Beach area) you’re more than welcome in my gym .. I trained at American top team West Palm Beach
Silver 2ss561 I’ve heard of them! Unfortunately Ju Jitsu isn’t my thing, or I’d consider moving to train with them down there.
A combo of BJJ and KM is the best way to ensure a 100% takedown. It all depends on the dojo, regardless. Leave the puffed up pride at home.
I would love to see a cell phone video of someone mike is trying to arrest and right after mike has him on the ground and said “stop resisting” the perp yells back “I’m not resisting! I’m trying to rub your cute bald head!”
BJJ 🤘🏻🤘🏻
Completely Agree Mike. 1 year of BJJ is enough to subdue 90% of people 1 on 1.
Yep. BJJ is extremely effective against those who don't know it, IME.
There was a police officer that went to my church and he picked up and body slammed a black belt that was picking a fight with him while he was on patrol and he also told a drunk Minnesota Viking that wanted to pick a fight with him the police officer said that went to my church said to him “ if you come at me I will go for both your legs with my baton” the Minnesota Viking backed off he was drunk at a club
I do like the way you guys take responsibility for yourself. You recognize it's your life on the line and the departments don't offer enough training in certain areas so you fill in the gap yourselves.
In that same regard, police have qualifications every so often for shooting and I wished they had it for their fitness, too. Not just because of the odds of their poor health killing them more than the street will, but out of shape people can't react fast or sustain a tough fight. Studies show about 80% of cops are overweight and:
"Researchers have said law enforcement personnel are 25 times more likely to die from weight-related cardiovascular disease than the actions of a criminal."
Firefighters are not much different. I'm not poking fun at any of them, or public, but just looking at the elephant in the room because I care about them.
2fast2block many many departments have fitness standards ongoing or incentives for the same. I am in agreement it should be required.
Mike, you say, "many many departments have fitness standards ongoing or incentives for the same."
Why then with all these departments having fitness standards that are ongoing, "According to Time, Inc., the Wall Street Journal conducted a study in 2014 and determined that law enforcement is the “fattest profession”. “Police officers, firefighters and security guards have the highest rates of obesity of all professions” and “40.7% of police, firefighters and security guards are obese”.2 If this concerns you, I hope you’re sitting down. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently released their findings that 80% (8 out of 10) of law enforcement workers in the U.S. are overweight.3 Please keep in mind that obesity is at the top of the overweight scale. No one becomes obese without first becoming overweight."
They have a problem. Whatever their standards are, it's sure allowing a lot of unhealthy cops to be on the force with nothing much being done. Again, it's has nothing to do with me making fun of cops because I have a LOT of respect for them and what they do for us.
Hi Mike! Im a 15 year old MMA and Muay Thai Fighter. I saw BJJ and quickly clicked
Robby White How’s Muay Thai treating you? I studied it for a few years, but the elbow and knees weren’t really my thing.
How do you move around without elbows and knees? :) Sorry couldn't resist.
Gray Blackhelm may thai is one of the things I train in. Knees and elbows are easy, changing kicks to strike with the shin instead of the top of the foot is painful.
Brian Reddeman you shouldn't make fun of the handicapped. Even if they just have no knees 😂 good one.
I think police using jiu jitsu to restrain someone is redundant and probably even counter productive and will probably end with more lawsuits and more bad press for unnecessary force. Why would you need to put a guy/woman in a Kimura and break his/her arm or choke them unconscious when your ultimate goal is to handcuff them question them and put them in the back of your cruiser? I've worked both armed & unarmed security before and the only time I'd ever resort to using jiu jitsu to restrain or incapacitate an aggressive person is if I had no handcuffs. They'd be better off learning some type of wrestling so they know how to control someone who is desperately trying to explode up onto their feet or quickly escape your control and run away
To make up for all the times i use ad block on ur videos i disabled it, clicked the ad and installed the extension (sorta)
Mike, I must disagree just a little. Real Krav Maga would be the better choice, with Kali as a supplement. BJJ, leaves a vast opening for officers. For example, going to ground leaves an officer open to unseen accomplices to hurt the officer. Also, Shaolin Chi Na negates most jujitsu holds immediately. The BJJ
Seraphiel Campbell real krav isn’t really designed for getting to compliant handcuffing or simple control (in my experience). I couldn’t even tell you a thing about shaolin anything. I just know experience in bjj compared to any other law enforcement training I’ve had.
Not sure why people automatically think Jiu Jitsu practitioners automatically end up on the ground. I assure you I don’t know one true Jits person that wants that
Mike The Cop, that is a true statement. However, using Krav Maga on the force continuum is preferable to using a firearm, if at all possible. I know police are people, and suffer themselves for taking a life. BJJ certainly is excellent for body positioning skills and getting out of bad situations on your back, but can make someone too comfortable going there, leaving one open to unseen foes. Don't get me wrong, all these skills are very valuable, and I'm not a master. Chi na involves a great deal of debilitating/maiming techniques. But they will end an attempted choke or arm bar immediately. They are intended for combat in defense of life, not for any other purpose, certainly not for sport
Seraphiel Campbell A LEO can get blindsided doing nearly anything if they don't watch for unseen foes. That argument can be made about Krav Maga as well. Mike is saying that BJJ is fantastic for getting a resisting suspect to comply, rather than escalate to bashing their head in or tazing, etc. In actuality, there really is no martial art that work 100% of the time on anyone. And none of them can deal with or anticipate an ambushing opponent while you are already engaged with one.
I’m not saying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is without limits buttttt
BJJ is AN EXCELLENT BASE. Knowing how to control someone when you’re job is to control someone who doesn’t want to be arrested is excellent knowledge. Grandma Krav Maga is not fighting. Martial Arts is not magic. Israeli Krav Maga is very militaristic. You either win or you face the consequences of failure. McDojo Krav Maga is often not the same. Moreover wrestling and bjj and other similar grappling arts are always going to be superior systems for control another willful opponent in the clench. That is the definition of grappling after all.
Aikido and training with a Karambit as a secondary weapon can be useful
I just came here from the thumbnail of this video.
May sound like a stupid question but, why are “fat” people allowed to be cops? Shouldn’t they be able to chase someone????
Denzel Alpharo I agree that cops should stay in shape even where not required.
What city are you near?
Dale Swanson detroit
I was trying to find out if you were near a Marine base. I don't know if you know this, but US Marines started their own mixed martial arts program years ago, with a BJJ/grappling foundation. It's a use what you got, the only goal is surviving/defeating the enemy. It's structured, has degrees of achievement with professional development including formal instruction and instructor schools. Previously a few MMA pro fighters went through some exercises with them and all came away surprised by the effectiveness. Detroit I think has some reserve/training (I&I) units and might offer some interesting and fun opportunities. I'm retired so I have to say might.
During my career Marines had basic hand to hand for all, followed up by some additional training for infantry units but little for non-combat job personnel. The current Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) - One Mind, Any Weapon - is required for all Marines regardless of job or rank and they have really done well with it. They often encourage guests, cross training, anything that adds value or experience to the base of knowledge and experience and have no problem sharing.
Just a thought.
Dale Swanson Yeah, my uncle was showing me some of their stuff. Kicked my ass 🤣 Not that I intended to get very far. But I’m better for it.
I agree I've seen to many cops beat people or shake people and cause more of a situation all because they don't know how to fight.
and although I respect officers it kinda hard to say don't fight back when you see a clumsy cop just yanking someone around.
or kicking someone in the ribs to keep them down.
that stuff might be scary ass hell.
if more cops knew how to fight we would have less incidents.
Japanese Jujitsu is better for law enforcement because Brazilian is all about ending up on the ground. This might be a bad idea in many circumstances that an officer will encounter.
While I don't want to ever end up being like "this martial art is better than this martial art" because like we say, there are value in all martial arts for a variety of reasons. However, when it comes to resisting subjects that are not complying getting into handcuffs there will RARELY be a situation in which you're not on the ground. That said, a reputable BJJ school will also focus on stand up self-defense, throws/takedowns, and control measures. Hope that clarifies.
False... Jiu Jitsu can end up on the ground however I don’t know any practitioner who wants that to happen.
Mike The Cop you are awesome anyway.
Fa, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra ra (Christmas story) Ok fine, you've got Dave talking all deep every video. Next Friday is my hubby's payday, we've got my 20th reunion but I'm going to sneak in a patreon subscription.
sneak away!
Valerie P ummm that’s my normal sultry voice thank ya very much
Dajo95 oh my! Dave answered me, be still my heart!! I like the "your mom" deep voice
Valerie P Hahahaha
Mix it up with a striking art (Karate, MT, Kickboxing, boxing), also add in Judo.
Another thing is sweeps are rarely taught in the academies.
Tell me cop stories. Foot chases or shootouts. Unique arrests and such.
Tom says "NO!"
Hey Mike, thanks for the great content! You may want to look up Tony Blauer's SPEAR System (it addresses violent encounters specifically and distinguishes the difference between self-defense, martial arts, and combat sports) and Paul Castle's Center Axis Relock (CAR) System. Both were designed to tap into actual human physiology and meant for anyone regardless of size, gender, age, or physical build.
Here is a video about SPEAR:
Here is a video about CAR:
Yes, I have seen those. I think why I love BJJ so much is that I can train so often and regularly. With unique systems like SPEAR/CAR, while there are no doubt a ton of valuable things to learn, unless it's repeated over and over and over it remains relatively impractical. For me, if I'm on the mat 3-4x a week, it's constantly keeping me fresh. Make sense? I don't want to take away at all from the above, it's good stuff.
What's the quote: don't fear the man who knows 1,000 techniques but the man who has practiced 1 technique 1,000 times. Something like that, lol.
Mike The Cop Bruce Lee said “I don’t fear a man who has practiced ten thousand kicks. I fear and respect the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times”.
i can also recommend the Israeli Krav Maga so you can deal with knives and batons even without a drawn weapon
But you need to find the correct trainer , some of the people that teach "Krav Maga" actually teach low level self defense
What should i say to convince family that police brutality and racial profiling arent as common as they think?
Hi, It’s me, Mom.
Ready to be movved!!
Cool! My brother wants to be an officer, and he reached a very high level of mixed martial arts.
or, at least, he wants to be in the National Guard XD idk if that's the right term... I call myself educated and I'm so ignorant about this stuff lol... anyway he looks up to you a lot :D
Thomas Czach thanks
very high level of mixed martial artswhat is considered a "Very High Level" of MMA?
I really wish more police officers trained martial arts. BJJ, Wing Chun, Krav Maga some type of martial art. They really can help in allot of the situations. If I could "wave a magic wand" and change policing. I would have police ditch the Taser, OC spray would be on a optional to carry basis. Every officer would ether carry a non-expandable baton or Orcutt Police Nunchaku or Kubotan or similar tool. Their training would be mostly on Verbal Judo and control holds and similar things.
I am willing to have a conversation with people on my views if anyone wants to have a civil conversation.
You forgot the Katana.
Can you please explain what you mean?
I mean't the sword.
Ok so I am talking less lethal tools the police can use. A Katana or sword would be a lethal one. So I do not see how it would factor in to the use of force continuum. Police already use a gun and depending on the department a knife like the Kabar TDI knife used in case someone tries to grab their gun. So can you explain how a Katana would fit into the use of force continuum?
It was a joke.
Try reading the Marine Corps Marshal Arts Training Manual. That will help you out a lot
That can be implemented throughout your force and it doesn't matter what size you are every o.e can use it for none lethal take downs and self defense
Unfortunately, what can be implemented by a Department will be only approved things via each state's training standards.
Mike The Cop I'm sorry it was a thought. Maybe do after hours the books to help the people in your department and it could spread to others. 😀
CDT training can come in handy (Controlled Directional Takedown). Goes along with most military combatives as well as BJJ.I'd also recommend HapKiDo
Mike; if you have any more issues with demonetization or removal of your videos, try out Vidme as an alternative. Many channels talking about weapons or SJW triggering subjects are having these problems. If TH-cam wants to discriminate, we don't need to use their service. I can't imagine it would take much effort to upload to both platforms.
If you no can take a joke... Then you just bought it buddy.
At least he doesn't have to worry about headphone hair.
I'm not being serious it's probably quite shit being bald.
Prepper Actually you can save quite a bit of cash. And when I lose it all, I’m getting a skull tattoo. Be the sickest old man in town.
Gray Blackhelm Fair enough.
So does sport bjj help as well ?
For law enforcement
Sgould be a trade off. Martial Arts for guns.
Have you ever done Karate
made a good choice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the way and it's saved my life change my attitude in life feels like you don't have to prove anything to anybody you just do what you are trained to do the good thing about Jiu-Jitsu when you're on the Mat all the negatives is gone everyone is happy while rolling on the mat
we have a saying leave your ego at the door Mike the cop keep on rolling subscribe for life.
BONE CRUSHER/jiu Jitsu Junkie Personally I practice Bare Knuckles. 😏 Yeah It’s mean. But that’s how you survive. So- How has BJJ served you?
Juijitsu is great but I think cops should train in full mixed martial arts including BJJ and especially Kobudo so they can use tonfa and those new police issue nunchuku effectively.
Gray Blackhelm I'm in Texas so now I survive with my sword. 👍 from looking at your channel I'm sure you can get on board with that.
Bathrobe Battousai Yeah, I’m on board. South Dakota has no limit to blade length on swords either- I bear Montante. 😂
I think you’d enjoy some of the looks I get.
Which swords do you carry? Or I suppose the better question would be “Does Texas van any types of sword”?
Gray Blackhelm Texas changed the law effective last month. Before any blade longer than 5 and 1/2 inches was illegal making Bowie knives and swords illegal. Though the law is ignored during Renaissance festivals. Now there is no limit to blade length making Bowie knives and swords of all kind legal to carry. I train in many style martial arts including iaido, kenjutsu and HEMA. Though kenjutsu works for my body type and fighting style more so I carry a shintogo 1095 katana. Shinogi sukuri blade style. 29 inch blade, 13 inch tsuka (handle) deep bo hi (fuller). Bat theme furniture. Also carry a Rostfrei switchblade knife. 5 inch blade, six inch handle. And a beretta 92a1 9mm. Getting a laser sight guide rod for it and a pistol flashlight for the rail. The bat katana is my favorite. I practice cut regularly on my channel.
Do you need all that if it’s like 15 police on one person ? Just wondering. 🤔
Rob Geronimo depends how much the turd wanting to fight 15 cops knows about fighting I guess.
Just messing with you I respect GOOD cops
It Just where else can ask a cop a question. If you are a Cop Mike.
Rob Geronimo You could always walk up to a cop and ask them... The worst they would do is turn you away.
Ryan Conroy I like to walk up and ask them what they are doing And to see some ID out of the blue
**rubs chin with eyebrow raised...HMMMMMMMMM
Hmmmmmm Hmmmmmm "Give it more gas and turn the key. It should start this time."
*sips coffee* hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Go for the eyes mike
I thought it was "sweep the leg?"
Mike The Cop only if you are cobra kai
Chicken Kick; most bad guys never see it coming.
Nice to know, I got my blue belt not too long ago
knowing that , then you should also understand, you are disciplined and lethal
limbs of you're person are infact a danger and lethal weapon.
you only get to use the discipline at the very last moment when ,and 'if' you're life or you're partners life is in danger, only if the other is disciplined as well.
do not abuse it, most do, and lose their jobs over it.
I don't care what technique you learn. The better athlete will almost always win the fight. You have to have the athletic ability to perform the technique effectively. Some fat out of shape cop is useless
Greasy Lou my fat, 300 pound, out of shape instructor would love to show you how the techniques are done. It isn't the better athlete that wins, it's the better fighter. We recently had two brothers that were star wrestlers come in, fresh out of high school, peak fitness, etc. I'm 34, and have injury issues with my knee, elbow, shoulders, and fingers, as well as the beginning of a gut. I still beat them with little difficulty because I know what I'm doing and they didn't. Technique + experience > physical fitness.
Oh heck even just jiu-jitsu or aikijutsu. My Aikido sensei taught aikijutsuand baton training for the Huntingon Beach police department (this was a long, long time ago). Good stuff.
Thin blue jokes.. y’all talk about training mma like you’re tough, yet you cops are scared of everything. Half the department running code anytime someone resists a little. “OfFiCeR sAfEtY”.
Brazilian jui jitsu is total bullshit. You should learn Ameridote if you want to fight like a real man. Like a fireman for example.
Jiu-jitsu sounds feminine? It too sounds weird for me but a lot of words in english also sound feminine to me. I guess it's better than russian where poor Dimitri is called Dima
is a great idea but requires too much training. Training Cops to do simple throws will be a better and easier idea. Simple throw, then deploy less than lethal.
David Peterson there’s no such thing as “simple throws” really. Well...simple sure...easy? Hmmm. Most training for bjj at white belt level even is sufficient for a huge advantage on the job.
Taking opponents to the ground can be a bad on the street. Multiple opponents? Or even just one really big guy?
That could end badly for everyone.
A white belt in Jiu-Jitsu would take months. It would also require the Police Officer to be in fairly decent shape but in reality alot of Police Officers simply are not. A quick search on TH-cam has quit a few videos of "Simple throws" which are very easy to train in as short as 30 minutes and would add to a Police Officer's hands on techniques. The other problem with Jiu-Jitsu is some departments have policies against some of Jiu-Jitsu's most useful techniques such as the rear naked choke. I still do not understand why the rear naked choke would not be allowed against a combative suspect since it clearly puts the officer at an advantage from the beginning of the move to the end. Maybe some Police academies will implement Jiu-Jitsu in their curriculum but for now it looks like not. I was also taught useless techniques in my academy way back in 1991 and wish we would have had something better. In the perfect world, departments could hire recently separated United States Marines and get a new hire already trained to an advanced degree in martial arts known as MCMAP.
Can you make a proud pig 🐷 sticker?
I do not like these shortened Cast like Bait to go to Patreon
I'm rooting for ANTIFA btw!
“Why Everyone Should Train Jiu Jitsu”
Can I talk mad sh*t about Mike just to get top comment, is that a thing yet? I feel like I'm definitely not the first here... HEY MIKE!! I BET YOU'RE TOO AFRAID TO PIN ME TO TOP COMMENT!!
Brazilian jujitsu, were better on the bottom.
Catch wrestling would be better but BJJ is better than any McDojo crap
Yeah, I have seen some catch wrestling stuff and many grappling competitions would permit cross pollination for sure. Not sure much catch wrestling has in terms of law enforcement specific application. Not something I've familiarized myself with.
It focuses on the top game of grappling and no-gi. Think of it as the other side of the coin from BJJ. Throw in a dash of good Japanese Ju Jitsu which is a root art for a lot of these other arts.
Catch wrestling? I’m not familiar.
Eh... meh
Catch teaches one thing that is super important that is how to take someone down. No starting your rolling from your knees. Mixing everything Catch, BJJ, Striking (pick one) etc.. is even better
teach them russian army fighting
I agree.
easy answer because most cops don't get trained for hand to hand and I've stared with cops it took me 30 seconds to have him on the ground and I wasn't trying to hurt him let alone kill him and yes I'm a fighter I've trained for over a decade to fight and I've trained for 7 years how to not just harm but to "dispatch" of an enemy and yes I'm bigger and stronger many guys you'll fight but you never know when you'll meet "the big one" who can take all your little academy training and laugh at it like I can and another thing just because a guy is big don't focus on the knees I've been kicked in the knees just to punch someone and send them to they're ass
do some mma to learn to fight do some boxing to learn to punch and always remember in street fights there is no dirty fighting
Blayne Peterson Oh, tell me about it, man. I’ve done about eleven years of Bare Knuckles- very little grappling. I depend on dropping opponents in one- it usually works. Just about every other time I’m probably going down. Thankfully it’s never been him or me, not in those situations anyway.
Gray Blackhelm ya exactly I tend to depend on taking a lot and being able to give more
I actually was forced to deal with a guy who had 1 trick a box cutter that hurt I'm just lucky he hit my chest not my neck but I... relieved him of it and he dropped fast I actually just got stitched up but ya most cops if they can't get a weapon they don't tend to last long in a fight sadly
Blayne Peterson Agreed. Too many dead cops. And... a box cutter? Why bring a box cutter to a fight? I mean- is it easier to conceal? Not as conspicuous? I dunno, that just seems bizarre.
Bet you got a pretty sick scar though, huh?
Gray Blackhelm well yes it's a razor blade you don't see coming but you can swing super hard because of the great grip
But ya I work as a bouncer and we can take guns but we have to let them keep knives so it probably beat a beer bottle for a weapon I'm more pissed about my suit getting ruined but now at least I got to go home to my muts
and I don't see scars as trophies I mean I have chemical burns on my face it ain't pretty
holy shit punctuation PLEASE! You do make some good points though.
Hip control.
California Security Guards have more training.