Now mutated alpha 06 roars now do the growls now roars victory roar alpha call now death roar now atomic breath emp pulse nuclear pulse at the end on its 1th form that mutated by atomic bomb 2nd form that mutated by hiroshima bomb 3th form that mutated by trinity bomb 4th form that mutated by mike bomb 5th form that mutated by bravo bomb 6th form that mutated by tzar Bomba 7th form that mutated by nuclear reactor 8th form that mutated by nuclear apocalypse 9th form that mutated by nuclear winter and 10th form that is mutated by nuclear waste do these that need you to give him a name maybe alphazilla that is mutated by atomic bomb hiroshima bomb trinity bomb mike bomb bravo bomb tzar Bomba nuclear reactor nuclear apocalypse nuclear winter and then nuclear waste so no wings no lazer eyes any abilities ok
Now mutated alpha 06 roars now do the growls now roars victory roar alpha call now death roar now atomic breath emp pulse nuclear pulse at the end on its 1th form that mutated by atomic bomb 2nd form that mutated by hiroshima bomb 3th form that mutated by trinity bomb 4th form that mutated by mike bomb 5th form that mutated by bravo bomb 6th form that mutated by tzar Bomba 7th form that mutated by nuclear reactor 8th form that mutated by nuclear apocalypse 9th form that mutated by nuclear winter and 10th form that is mutated by nuclear waste do these that need you to give him a name maybe alphazilla that is mutated by atomic bomb hiroshima bomb trinity bomb mike bomb bravo bomb tzar Bomba nuclear reactor nuclear apocalypse nuclear winter and then nuclear waste so no wings no lazer eyes any abilities ok
Is that okay if i'll do it later. Thanks
Nope @orlandosofficial try it tomorrow