O problema de videos antigos e porque deixamos de saber como kaka estar por esse motivo tem que ser visita semanal conforme o Sr Nog nos informe ha um tempo atraz que tinha obitido essa autirizacao um visita por semana. Sera que mudou e ele nao nos informou?
Queremos vê vídeos atuais, pra saber e acompanhar a situação da Kaka, como ela está de saúde, seu estado emocional, se está triste, sua alimentação, enfim seu estado geral 😢❤😢❤😢❤😢❤
No problem. Let it be old for us. We like it old to refresh our love to the missing. I could not imagine that it could be possible for Dad to meet Kaka, but God intervened and answered our prayers for those who were praying.cGod blessed us, who supported our Ngoc and Queen couple We love you very much. I claim the release of the kids in Jesus's name
Da, este din 12 noiembrie. La început, când nu a întâlnit-o pe Kaka, dar eu cred că da, pentru că sunt imagini amestecate cu fragmente și din această călătorie în restul de vizite. Este atunci când însoțitorul îi făcea drum și cărare prin pădure. 😮
Since the last visit of Ngoc on 3rd December, he has not visited the island. I guess he has been banned. Ngoc should update the fans of Kaka. He uploads old videos with new titles. Old wine in new wineskins?
In fact he's not allowed to visit kaka while captivity & no video how can he allowed to go to the forest , that kaka is fake is belong to someone that dad knew the monkey well too
@@BrightStar-u5r Не говорите ерунду, никакая это не подделка, это Кака настоящая!!! Ее можно узнать из миллиона обезьян, Каку нельзя спутать с другими обезьянами!
Esos vídeos ya vimos!!!! Queremos saber de Kaká ahora ...pasan solo videos antiguos,,,o es que el señor nog no ha ido??..estamos a 17 de diciembre,,,,y estos vídeos son viejos.....
Cuando kaka vuelve a su casa ,se dio cuenta la otra vez no quiso despegarse de usted ,la deja sufriendo en soledad ,alguna forma tiene que ver de sacarla de allí y llevársela a su casa ,háganle cartas al gobierno las mujeres niños ,un extranjero que la saque de allí por favor lloro cada vez que queda sola. 😢
@@LaurieLT88 Vous réagissez comme si c"était à vous qu'on demandait de le faire ? Il y a des cas cependant, et certains célèbres de la vraie vie, bien avant l'existence de TH-cam. Vous manquez terriblement de culture en matière de singes. La chimpanzée Pépé par exemple, a vécu jusqu'à sa mort avec le célebre chanteur français Léo Ferré. Cherchez sur google, vous trouverez.
Honestly if you call this pure love that is messed up. He was mean to her at home and he still is mean to her. Perhaps you lost your ability to see right from wrong.
Not a complaint of old video, rather it is a question of why no new video of visiting kaka. The reason of questing is that ENV now bans dad from visiting. So i hope dad can tell us it is not true and dad can still visit and show us new video. I watch every day but did not see any new video so I am worried.
Hmm brother Ngoc when are you going to look for MIT kaka's little sister. Too small for such separation but were living together at home peacefully. My heart aches when I think about the silence of her whereabouts . Very anxious to know where you can pay her a visit to know her present condition.🙏
Ему уже дома нечего с ней показывать, всё показали, а теперь на острове и все восхищаются, что Кака пришла, а что чувствует эта бедная обезьянка ни кому их них нет дела. Такое чувство, что её ни кто не забирал, это просто для нас видосы новые
@@mariacernovaI guess he is going to split it up again and do 4 fake parts. Fake part 1, fakes part 2, fake part 3, fake part 4. He's going further back thinking people are to dumb to recognize and remember. Sadly some chose to look with one eye open and the other half closed.
Sorry Loraine but your comment along with the whole thread has been deleted yet again !! Hopefully enough people saw it before he did to make a difference 🤞🤞
Kaka je naša ljubav naša princeza naš borac zajedno sa svima nama koji se borimo za njenu sreću bezbrižan život kakav je imala u porodici g Ngoca.Volim te moja najveća najsjajnija zvezdo 🙊🙊🐒❤️❤😭
Su esposa ya le ha dejado tirado( si era su esposa) Ya le conoce las malas artes para educar a kaka como un humano. Estaba harta de ser su sumisa. Edte hombre tiene una cara de poco fiar. Kaka esta mejor donde está que ni es bosque ni nada es como un parque donde va la gente y hasta un barquito con turistas. Que no engañe más
Bonjour monsieur Ngoc, merci beaucoup pour visiter Kaka toujours et nous amener avec vous, c'est très important pour nous les fans de Kaka que Dieu vous bénisse toujours 🙏🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🐒💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
I knew this was gonna happen....those people were watching...you and kaka...they probably told on you...that is why I said to bring kaka home ...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤if you get her in your arms again donot waste her life with abandoning...all the time...😂😂😂😂😂😂
You really really think he can grab her and take her home- committing the same offence twice- and not go to jail?? And you really think he was going to keep two monkeys till he was 70 years old? How does any if this make sense to you.
Why do people come here and complain about some being old or repeated videos? Some may have been long and he may have broke them up in different parts. If you see they are old then just don’t watch them instead of making negative comments. I personally go back and watch many of their videos again because I enjoy them. Please don’t make mean comments about such a lovely family. Do you realize how much he has given to charities and helped less fortunate families? Many of us appreciate the kind work and love he has shown to others and many of us understand the love he has for Kaka. I love this family and they have brought me a lot of joy with their videos. Be kind as they are. It’s a much better world when we are kind to one another and have love and compassion in our hearts.
So let me see if I have this right to you- people who want transparency are mean, but the one who is not providing it to faithful followers, is a saint? Well that rationalizing is messed up. But that's how it is in a pseudo cult. Everyone is guilty but the guilty one. 😂😂😂😂
@kaberisengupta282 La oración es muy poderosa y en cadena mucho más, tengo mucha fe y también oro en todo momento, gracias 🫂🫂🫂 por orar por Kaká,. Mit y puka que no se sabe nada, habían dicho que a puka y Kaká fueron liberadas juntas y entonces, dónde está? Dios la cuide pero hay algo que no se sabe y Mit según ellos en otra isla 🏝️ Bendiciones 😇🙏🙏🙏 para usted también que siempre veo sus buenos deseos para la familia del señor Ngoc.
@alenakocova6502 Ahoj Alenko, zdravím Tě,já je sleduji už od začátku,co byla Kaka malinká...cca3.roky.Byla odebrána s Mit údajně,že jí měli nelegálně ( bez papírů 😲), ale nechápu,že až po 3.letech to předtím nikomu nevadilo 🤨. Takové tam mají zákony, jinak by musel táta do vězení.Ona je inteligentní, šikovná, je to můj miláček i celá jejich rodina je skvělá.Je to smutný příběh 🥹 i mě to moc zasáhlo💔.Jsem ráda,že si se ozvala ,s pozdravem ❤️.
@@dannyj.6220 Ďakujem pekne za informácie a držím palce aby Kaka prišla do Vianoc domov veľmi si prajem je tak krásna a vidno že ma smutne očká a prajem príjemné a veselé sviatky celej rodinke pa❤️❤️❤️
Dad Ngoc, thank you for taking us with you. You are a warrior and a true hero of love. God bless Kaka, our little lost princess. God bless you, your beautiful wife, sweet Grandma, and your adorable Quinh and Diem. We are with you ALL THE WAY. Whatever you do, I see you are following your heart. Please pay attention ONLY to the comments that support you 100 percent. You are strong, but be strengthened even more by we who are with you NO MATTER WHAT. Love and blessings from the USA..
Scriu asta pentru fanii orbiți de-a binelea de acest personaj egoist și lipsit de empatie și respect pentru cei din jur, fie acestea animale sau oameni. Acesta este un video din 12 noiembrie, primul dealtfel, atunci când de fapt nu a întâlnit-o pe Kaka, doar a fost să testeze terenul și să ia legătura cu cine trebuia😮, să i-o pregătească pe Kaka cât mai aproape de locul întâlnirii și unde el o aștepta cu fructele ei favorite. A, că nu avea voie să-i ducă nimic de mâncare, serios? Și containerele (coșurile) verzi de gunoi pentru ce sunt? Turiștii și ingrijitorii de pe insulă nu mănâncă și nu beau nimic, nu-i asa? Cât de naiv poți să fii să nu pricepi că această poveste s-a transformat într-un circ cu mari foloase financiare pe suferința acestei maimute chinuite și fără apărare? E LIBERĂ!!! Las-o unde-i este locul, nu mai ești stăpânul ei! Ai măcar bunul simț și nu mai pune videouri vechi, tăiate, repetate și amestecate, că i-ai zăpăcit de cap. Văd că sunt unii care plâng, se roagă, îți spun că te iubesc, ești cel mai cel... Aici nu mai e vorba de fanatism, este o problemă medicală și serioasă. PS. Astăzi, de exemplu a urcat 18 videouri pe YTb. Da, am zis bine, 3 aici pe MK, 2 pe FK și 13!!!!!! pe MHR, acesta din urmă are "doar" 3,57 de milioane de urmăritori și 2,32 miliarde de vizualizări. 😮
Ovaj j zakon u ovoj zemlji e odvratan.Toliko toga ima da riješe a oni se uhvatili jednog malog majmuna Kaka.Toliko drugih majmuna je u stvarno teskoj situaciji zbog ljudi a oni to ne rešavaju...😡
It's time for you to live in reality. It's time to stop asking for the impossible. He was never going to keep her 30 years. The government knows they don't. So SEparation was inevitable.
Папа подарит ей очень много боли😢Зачем играть с чувствами Каки, она не понимает почему ей не приносят еду😢Он издеваеться на Какой😢Он давно сам сказал Каку уже не вернуть
Dios permita y vuelvan encontrarse sr Ngco y Kaká dale todo el cariño del.mundo dios te considera todas las bendiciones del.mundo y puedan regresar Telo .dios es bueno y esperemos por su respuesta el tiempo de mi dios es perfecto .amén
Buonasera signora Elettta,, ho controllato tutti i video.. La macchina è la stessa, vestiti e tracolla, della prima volta che è partito x andare da kaka..esattamente un mese fa.. Cordialmente saluto..
A letter from silvia mendoza she says correct. Conduct a RALLY FOR KAKA is it allowed in Vietnam A public meeting of a large group of people especially supporters of a particular opinion . We are praying for kaka.
O ruim dos videos antigos e que nos que torcemos por kaka queremos saber toda semana como ela esta. A um tempo atraz Sr Ngoc tinha nos informado que podia visitalas um vez por semana e porque tem 15 dias que ele me parece que nao faz essa visita. Seria bom nos informar o porque. Tem muitos seguidores comentando sobre isso
Dad you are the best. Kaka needs your hugs. Long hugs. She wants only her family’s hugs, no one else. And she only sees you one time a week. She deserves long long hugs ❤
Thank you dad for always there for Kaká, she needs you so much it’s a big joy in her heart seeing you, being with you and cuddling you. May God bless you and your family including kaka and Mit. Prayers for kakas good health and safety 🙏❤️🐒
Sr Ngoc realmente a usted le tienen envidia hasta cuentas le hacen , ya le hicieron inventario... Debes callarle las bocas a quienes te critican... La más sufrida es nuestra estrellita kaka...
Вообще не понимаю ничего, если запретили, то по какой причине!? Сейчас, Кака живёт своей жизнью, Нгок навещает ее, более того на острове есть люди а так же дети! Последнее видио, где Кака вышла из леса, ее снимал не Нгок,это был другой человек, Нгок появился позже и Кака прыгнула к нему на руки, значит с нимать видио можно!? По какой тогда причине запретили!?
❤Wow,BRAVO BEAUTIFUL❤ FATHER you really heard the ❤PRINCESS'S ❤❤❤KAKA'S voice she keeps belling you that I'm COLD,I'm HANGRY,I'm SCARED,etc.❤❤DEAR FATHER,we're going ❤❤HOME,I'm sad here,etc YOU can hear ❤❤❤KAKA'S FEAR!! ....❤❤❤PLEASE HELP,,,,,,THANK YOU❤❤❤❤!😇🙂🪬🧿💕👍🙏♥️🙊👩❤️💋👨🏡🙏
Kami para penggemar keluarga kaka , baik itu vidio lama ataupun baru ,bagi kami tidak masalah. ,kami terhibur......, Jika mau melihat , lihatlah....komentar yang baik..,jika tidak mau melihat...ya. jangan melihat & jangan komentar yang tidak tidak sebab itu tidak ...oke...👌
Permette. @surtrisnati6893 : chi è Lei x dare ordini?.. Ognuno è libero di guardare quello che vuole, non esisterebbe TH-cam, di che cosa ha paura?? I commenti negativi su questo canale sono pochissimi.. Rifletta cara signora..x ora c, è ancora Libertà di parola. Per.kaka❤❤ . Guardi che può vedere alcuni di questi video anche su Family Kaka, altro canale del Sig. Nogc.. . Buona visione..
Leave dad alone. He has a great heart. And his love is just as big!!! We all love kaka , and we all worry and prsy for her to come home. Not sleeping , prsying all the time. Grest jib dad. Dont listen to people and keep following your heart
He said in one of his comments that his whole family went to the island to visit Kaka,but there was no filming.There's nothing wrong with old videos if they're old, it's a memory from Kaka, because maybe we won't see her anymore because it's forbidden.don't hate anyone.❤
Apaixonados por kaka 🐒💕💕oba ! Videos de kaka sao sempre bem vindos👏👏👏👏👏👏👍🐒💕❤️❤️❤️❤️
O problema de videos antigos e porque deixamos de saber como kaka estar por esse motivo tem que ser visita semanal conforme o Sr Nog nos informe ha um tempo atraz que tinha obitido essa autirizacao um visita por semana.
Sera que mudou e ele nao nos informou?
Queremos vê vídeos atuais, pra saber e acompanhar a situação da Kaka, como ela está de saúde, seu estado emocional, se está triste, sua alimentação, enfim seu estado geral 😢❤😢❤😢❤😢❤
Le da igual que quieras tu. Le importa una...
Cette vidéo ne me parait pas ancienne, vérifiez le tableau de bord de la voiture. Ce n'est pas celui de la semaine dernière.
No problem. Let it be old for us. We like it old to refresh our love to the missing.
I could not imagine that it could be possible for Dad to meet Kaka, but God intervened and answered our prayers for those who were praying.cGod blessed us, who supported our Ngoc and Queen couple We love you very much. I claim the release of the kids in Jesus's name
@@BlondineNseyaFaith Amén 😇🙏🙏🙏 gracias 🫂🫂🫂
Brasil torcendo por kaka,nossa mascote, # kaka sempre kaka nossa meiguinha nossa guerreira.Toda sorte do mundo pra vcs.
More old footage. I remember that motorcycle they passed.
Yes is an old video
Go away
Repeated old video
@@BrightStar-u5r so what
Da, este din 12 noiembrie. La început, când nu a întâlnit-o pe Kaka, dar eu cred că da, pentru că sunt imagini amestecate cu fragmente și din această călătorie în restul de vizite. Este atunci când însoțitorul îi făcea drum și cărare prin pădure. 😮
Kakita mi princesita 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭😭😭🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
Since the last visit of Ngoc on 3rd December, he has not visited the island. I guess he has been banned. Ngoc should update the fans of Kaka. He uploads old videos with new titles. Old wine in new wineskins?
You do not know he has not been to island.
Dad is very tricky
Ridiculous. SEPARATION was inevitable. Ngoc was not going to keep her for 25 years. 😂😂😂😂
The last visit was December 11. The week before he was wearing a green jacket. On December 11, he was wearing a grey puffed jacket.
Les gens dénoncent à ENV
Encore une vieille video ! A mon avis il n’a plus droit d’aller voir kaka!
You are correct. He never had the right, he broke the agreement from when they were confiscated.
@@lorainebradley3919you are wrong, he did have the right. You always Contradicting yourself to fit your stories. Keep commenting 💰
In fact he's not allowed to visit kaka while captivity & no video how can he allowed to go to the forest , that kaka is fake is belong to someone that dad knew the monkey well too
@@BrightStar-u5rfake monkey loves him too my god what a guy.
@@BrightStar-u5r Не говорите ерунду, никакая это не подделка, это Кака настоящая!!! Ее можно узнать из миллиона обезьян, Каку нельзя спутать с другими обезьянами!
Esos vídeos ya vimos!!!! Queremos saber de Kaká ahora ...pasan solo videos antiguos,,,o es que el señor nog no ha ido??..estamos a 17 de diciembre,,,,y estos vídeos son viejos.....
Copieuse ! Lors d'un examen vous seriez exclue de la salle, ce n'est pas bien de copier sur ses voisins.
Acabei de lê um comentário dizendo que Sr Nogc não pode mais visitar kaka que a última visita foi em 03.12.
Sr Nogc nos informe se isso é verdade.
Он ничего не говорит. Делайте выводы!
he just blocked me for asking tough questions. Draw your own conclusions, alas...
Olá Ediana sera que e verdade que seu Nogc não pode visitar a Kaká. Estou muito aflita amo a Kaká do fundo da minha alma.
Tout est faux. La dernière visite remonte au 11 décembre. Demandez donc sa source et un lien à votre interlocuteur.
Ist das jetzt ein neues Video oder ein altes.Warum muss man hier immer rätseln.
Sehr alt.
အသစ် လို့ယူဆတယ်
@@ZawZaw-j9pHo controllato è un video di un mese fa..
Por qué este hombre no le dan la monita que a e cho tan mal bueno ya no hay visita abra videos y vidio repetido para su fan
Old videos again, this is the previous Old videos
Hope Kaka is still healthy in the jungle. Poor monkey Kaka
All old footage he put together.
Cuando kaka vuelve a su casa ,se dio cuenta la otra vez no quiso despegarse de usted ,la deja sufriendo en soledad ,alguna forma tiene que ver de sacarla de allí y llevársela a su casa ,háganle cartas al gobierno las mujeres niños ,un extranjero que la saque de allí por favor lloro cada vez que queda sola. 😢
Kaka is on the island to stay, the authorities will never release her.
No la entiendo soy de argentina
Hay muchas personas que están de acuerdo a lo que digo señora o señor
Why don't you try to see go see Mit instead of putting old videos. Mit doesn't bring in the money that Kaka brings. Its so sad for Mit.
Well said
@Kat-z8u8c I'd rather the authorities keep this man as far away from Mit as is humanly possible. He's an absolute menace to be around ANY animal IMO
Mucha suerte!! Te deseo que encuentres a Kaka. Y que la mimes mucho como siempre. Los queremos!!
Przecież to stary film i wiadomo co będzie dalej.
Séria muito bom que Kaká voltasse pra sua família 🙌🙌🙌😊
Yeh like he would keep her, changing large poopy diapers, being sassy wild, until she was 25 or 30 and him 65 or 70. You can't really believe that.
@@LaurieLT88ну и понятно, для чего их берут в семьи.
@@LaurieLT88 Vous réagissez comme si c"était à vous qu'on demandait de le faire ? Il y a des cas cependant, et certains célèbres de la vraie vie, bien avant l'existence de TH-cam. Vous manquez terriblement de culture en matière de singes. La chimpanzée Pépé par exemple, a vécu jusqu'à sa mort avec le célebre chanteur français Léo Ferré. Cherchez sur google, vous trouverez.
Repeated old video again
Me parece que novamente video antigo.
Nos que a seguimos temos o direito de saber a verdade de nao mais ir visitalas
Σε επαναληψη είναι πσλιο
It's an older vidéo of his visit. Theres's a problem if he 's posting an older vidéo
Es antiguo
Eu assisto os vídeos antigos, pq são de puro amor, talvez outro cuidador não faria uma viagem longa e cansativa, por um macaquinho, e ele foi
Por una ganancia de 1000 dolares diario?Sí. Escribí correcto no te preocupes. Ni sabéis dónde buscar eso. A qué si?
Przecież on nigdzie nie pracuje to są jego pieniądze on tylko potrafi PIC po prostu leniwy AZJATA 😂
Honestly if you call this pure love that is messed up. He was mean to her at home and he still is mean to her. Perhaps you lost your ability to see right from wrong.
@@lidalida4030 Un peu de racisme sur les bords au passage ?
Not a complaint of old video, rather it is a question of why no new video of visiting kaka. The reason of questing is that ENV now bans dad from visiting. So i hope dad can tell us it is not true and dad can still visit and show us new video. I watch every day but did not see any new video so I am worried.
There are many accomplices in this channel of dad that give wonderful comments & reply your comments too
Yo creo que va los miércoles,estos son antiguos
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤sweet kaka ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤from india
Até qdo vamos ver esses vídeos? Se vc não pode resolver com a justiça deixe kaka em paz a cada vez que vc vai embora é mais um sofrimento para ela.
Jedzie tylko poto aby ją pogłaskać nakręcić filmiki zarobić pieniądze i😅
Hmm brother Ngoc when are you going to look for MIT kaka's little sister. Too small for such separation but were living together at home peacefully. My heart aches when I think about the silence of her whereabouts . Very anxious to know where you can pay her a visit to know her present condition.🙏
I hope Dad found shortly Ka Ka.We also want to see Ka Ka. I miss also Mit and want to see him.
This is old footage.
Ему уже дома нечего с ней показывать, всё показали, а теперь на острове и все восхищаются, что Кака пришла, а что чувствует эта бедная обезьянка ни кому их них нет дела. Такое чувство, что её ни кто не забирал, это просто для нас видосы новые
This is an older video.
Vai dar tudo certo ❤ amo muito Kaka ❤❤
Περιμένω με ανυπομονησία να δω τη γλυκιά μου Κακά ❤ Με αγάπη από την Ελλάδα
It's an older video.
Altes Video!
Yes from a while back, I remember that motor cycle they passed.
@@LaurieLT88 stále tie isté videá dookola, nie sme zvedaví na vašu cestu autom a na jej konci ako zvyčajne, nevidíme nič.
@@mariacernovaI guess he is going to split it up again and do 4 fake parts. Fake part 1, fakes part 2, fake part 3, fake part 4. He's going further back thinking people are to dumb to recognize and remember. Sadly some chose to look with one eye open and the other half closed.
Como? Y tú por qué sabes que le han prohibido la entrada?
It was announced on the ENV face book.
@@LaurieLT88I’ve caused quite a stir with my comment. It’s at the top of the page. I’m going to leave them to it now.
@@LaurieLT88oui je l ai vu aussi et les gens continuent de dénoncer à chaque videos
Sorry Loraine but your comment along with the whole thread has been deleted yet again !! Hopefully enough people saw it before he did to make a difference 🤞🤞
Por favor sr.Nhoc qdo vc for visitar Kaka leve sua família pra passar o dia com Kaka, tenho certeza ❤❤❤❤que ela ficará muito feliz
Why is there no other wildlife on this island??? Something doesn't add up here!
Kaka je naša ljubav naša princeza naš borac zajedno sa svima nama koji se borimo za njenu sreću bezbrižan život kakav je imala u porodici g Ngoca.Volim te moja najveća najsjajnija zvezdo 🙊🙊🐒❤️❤😭
Su esposa ya le ha dejado tirado( si era su esposa)
Ya le conoce las malas artes para educar a kaka como un humano.
Estaba harta de ser su sumisa.
Edte hombre tiene una cara de poco fiar.
Kaka esta mejor donde está que ni es bosque ni nada es como un parque donde va la gente y hasta un barquito con turistas.
Que no engañe más
Bonjour monsieur Ngoc, merci beaucoup pour visiter Kaka toujours et nous amener avec vous, c'est très important pour nous les fans de Kaka que Dieu vous bénisse toujours 🙏🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🐒💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
да он все повтаряет,это уже было
I knew this was gonna happen....those people were watching...you and kaka...they probably told on you...that is why I said to bring kaka home ...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤if you get her in your arms again donot waste her life with abandoning...all the time...😂😂😂😂😂😂
You really really think he can grab her and take her home- committing the same offence twice- and not go to jail?? And you really think he was going to keep two monkeys till he was 70 years old? How does any if this make sense to you.
Why do people come here and complain about some being old or repeated videos? Some may have been long and he may have broke them up in different parts. If you see they are old then just don’t watch them instead of making negative comments. I personally go back and watch many of their videos again because I enjoy them. Please don’t make mean comments about such a lovely family. Do you realize how much he has given to charities and helped less fortunate families? Many of us appreciate the kind work and love he has shown to others and many of us understand the love he has for Kaka. I love this family and they have brought me a lot of joy with their videos. Be kind as they are. It’s a much better world when we are kind to one another and have love and compassion in our hearts.
So let me see if I have this right to you- people who want transparency are mean, but the one who is not providing it to faithful followers, is a saint? Well that rationalizing is messed up. But that's how it is in a pseudo cult. Everyone is guilty but the guilty one. 😂😂😂😂
Dad no words to explain your love for Kaka❤❤ may God bless you and be always with you
@@kaberisengupta282 Amén 😇🙏🙏🙏 hay que hacer cadena de oración para que Kaká regrese a casa 🏡🏡 Amén 😇🙏🙏🙏
@@gracielagonzalez3451 Please do something to reunite kaka with dad
I always pray for Kaka every moment. But if it's a chain prayer that would be the best one.
Co jeszcze głupiego wymyślisz 😂😂😂
@kaberisengupta282 La oración es muy poderosa y en cadena mucho más, tengo mucha fe y también oro en todo momento, gracias 🫂🫂🫂 por orar por Kaká,. Mit y puka que no se sabe nada, habían dicho que a puka y Kaká fueron liberadas juntas y entonces, dónde está? Dios la cuide pero hay algo que no se sabe y Mit según ellos en otra isla 🏝️ Bendiciones 😇🙏🙏🙏 para usted también que siempre veo sus buenos deseos para la familia del señor Ngoc.
semoga ada keajaiban kaka bisa pulang kerumah.
K garu k garu
Esta visita de cuando es ? De ayer ?
Ούτε χθες περασμενο μηνα σε επαναληψη είναι
Is an old video
Je pense qu’il lui est interdit de visiter kaka!
Posílám Vám hodně štěstí a síly k dalšímu setkání 🙏. Miluji Kaka a Mit, fandím celé její lidské rodině - Česká republika 🇨🇿❤️🫶🫂
Ahoj aj Ja som zo Slovenska ties fandím Kaka ale neviem prečo im ju zobrali ved viacerí si robia videjka s opickou pa❤❤❤ Alena Slovakia
Ahoj Alenko, zdravím Tě,já je sleduji už od začátku,co byla Kaka malinká...cca3.roky.Byla odebrána s Mit údajně,že jí měli nelegálně ( bez papírů 😲), ale nechápu,že až po 3.letech to předtím nikomu nevadilo 🤨. Takové tam mají zákony, jinak by musel táta do vězení.Ona je inteligentní, šikovná, je to můj miláček i celá jejich rodina je skvělá.Je to smutný příběh 🥹 i mě to moc zasáhlo💔.Jsem ráda,že si se ozvala ,s pozdravem ❤️.
@@dannyj.6220 Ďakujem pekne za informácie a držím palce aby Kaka prišla do Vianoc domov veľmi si prajem je tak krásna a vidno že ma smutne očká a prajem príjemné a veselé sviatky celej rodinke pa❤️❤️❤️
Dad Ngoc, thank you for taking us with you. You are a warrior and a true hero of love. God bless Kaka, our little lost princess. God bless you, your beautiful wife, sweet Grandma, and your adorable Quinh and Diem. We are with you ALL THE WAY. Whatever you do, I see you are following your heart. Please pay attention ONLY to the comments that support you 100 percent. You are strong, but be strengthened even more by we who are with you NO MATTER WHAT. Love and blessings from the USA..
Plz help poor kaka to reunite with dad
Te amo hermosa Kaka❤❤🇦🇷
en plus claire KaKa est maintenant totalement livrée a elle même juste c est pas dit
Scriu asta pentru fanii orbiți de-a binelea de acest personaj egoist și lipsit de empatie și respect pentru cei din jur, fie acestea animale sau oameni.
Acesta este un video din 12 noiembrie, primul dealtfel, atunci când de fapt nu a întâlnit-o pe Kaka, doar a fost să testeze terenul și să ia legătura cu cine trebuia😮, să i-o pregătească pe Kaka cât mai aproape de locul întâlnirii și unde el o aștepta cu fructele ei favorite. A, că nu avea voie să-i ducă nimic de mâncare, serios? Și containerele (coșurile) verzi de gunoi pentru ce sunt? Turiștii și ingrijitorii de pe insulă nu mănâncă și nu beau nimic, nu-i asa? Cât de naiv poți să fii să nu pricepi că această poveste s-a transformat într-un circ cu mari foloase financiare pe suferința acestei maimute chinuite și fără apărare? E LIBERĂ!!! Las-o unde-i este locul, nu mai ești stăpânul ei!
Ai măcar bunul simț și nu mai pune videouri vechi, tăiate, repetate și amestecate, că i-ai zăpăcit de cap. Văd că sunt unii care plâng, se roagă, îți spun că te iubesc, ești cel mai cel... Aici nu mai e vorba de fanatism, este o problemă medicală și serioasă.
PS. Astăzi, de exemplu a urcat 18 videouri pe YTb. Da, am zis bine, 3 aici pe MK, 2 pe FK și 13!!!!!! pe MHR, acesta din urmă are "doar" 3,57 de milioane de urmăritori și 2,32 miliarde de vizualizări. 😮
Ovaj j zakon u ovoj zemlji e odvratan.Toliko toga ima da riješe a oni se uhvatili jednog malog majmuna Kaka.Toliko drugih majmuna je u stvarno teskoj situaciji zbog ljudi a oni to ne rešavaju...😡
True very true comment.
Kaka ❤❤❤
Kaká princesa mereces lo mejor y así será en el tiempo ⏲️ de Dios. Amén 😇 🙏🙏🙏
Ka ❤❤😢😢
Каканечка ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🏻🙏🏻
Kaka donde quiera que estés siempre serás mi hermosa y dulce kaka te amo mi niña
She can't read. And doesn't have a phone on the island.
Saludos cordiales desde Valencia España 👍❤..
Sempre seguindo a ver kaka nossa amada princesa Deus te abençoe dady
Llévale comida a kaka
Graciass sr Ngoc por estar con ella
Is Monkey Mit on You tube a scammer too? Take a look Kaka fans. If so report!
Ja, er ist ein Betrüger.
Gracias Ngoc por a ver a kakita ya es tiempo que kaja regrese a casa con la familia please please 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🙏🏻
It's time for you to live in reality. It's time to stop asking for the impossible. He was never going to keep her 30 years. The government knows they don't. So SEparation was inevitable.
Kaka mit puka nd other ❤❤❤❤❤you so much dear.
KAKA ❤😊❤😮
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊deseando ver ha kaka de nuevo ❤❤❤❤❤papá dale mucho cariño y traela de vuelta 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗💗🐒
Папа подарит ей очень много боли😢Зачем играть с чувствами Каки, она не понимает почему ей не приносят еду😢Он издеваеться на Какой😢Он давно сам сказал Каку уже не вернуть
Sr. Ngoc por favor buzque ayuda para la adopción de Kaka. Nada es imposible para Dios. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🐒🐒🐒❤️❤️❤️
Dios permita y vuelvan encontrarse sr Ngco y Kaká dale todo el cariño del.mundo dios te considera todas las bendiciones del.mundo y puedan regresar Telo .dios es bueno y esperemos por su respuesta el tiempo de mi dios es perfecto .amén
Dad u r best. We love u and kaka and family
Old videos or new video I never get bored to watch my darling kaka. My darling kaka I love you so much. ..I miss you so much ❤
Je pense que c'est une nouvelle, la voiture me semble différente.
Buonasera signora Elettta,, ho controllato tutti i video.. La macchina è la stessa, vestiti e tracolla, della prima volta che è partito x andare da kaka..esattamente un mese fa.. Cordialmente saluto..
Pozdrawiam z Polski proszę zeby Kaka była z ważą rodziną
Oh God no.
God bless this family with Kaka and Mit.
Does God bless the unrighteous?
A letter from silvia mendoza she says correct.
Conduct a RALLY FOR KAKA is it allowed in Vietnam
A public meeting of a large group of people especially supporters of a particular opinion .
We are praying for kaka.
O ruim dos videos antigos e que nos que torcemos por kaka queremos saber toda semana como ela esta.
A um tempo atraz Sr Ngoc tinha nos informado que podia visitalas um vez por semana e porque tem 15 dias que ele me parece que nao faz essa visita.
Seria bom nos informar o porque.
Tem muitos seguidores comentando sobre isso
Como hay que decirlo que ya esté senor no adicho ni adiós
카카방문이 정말 금지 되었는지 응옥씨 꼭 말씀해주세요. 카카가 아직 적응을 못하고 있는데 사실이면 정말 걱정입니다.
Dad you are the best. Kaka needs your hugs. Long hugs. She wants only her family’s hugs, no one else. And she only sees you one time a week. She deserves long long hugs ❤
Ciao .Aspettiamo guardare Kaka ❤❤❤
Gracias papá por hir a visitar a mí hermosa Kaká traerla a casa por favor 🙏 autoridades devuelvalo por favor 🙏❤️
Thank you dad for always there for Kaká, she needs you so much it’s a big joy in her heart seeing you, being with you and cuddling you. May God bless you and your family including kaka and Mit. Prayers for kakas good health and safety 🙏❤️🐒
Sr Ngoc realmente a usted le tienen envidia hasta cuentas le hacen , ya le hicieron inventario... Debes callarle las bocas a quienes te critican... La más sufrida es nuestra estrellita kaka...
Love' uuuuuuuuuuu lot Kaka
Неужели запретили посещать Кака.Как же так. Значит они не борются за Кака .Я ВСЕ НАДЕЯЛАСЬ, ЖДАЛА ,ЧТО.ОНИ ДОБЬЮТСЯ ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЯ Кака
Вообще не понимаю ничего, если запретили, то по какой причине!? Сейчас, Кака живёт своей жизнью, Нгок навещает ее, более того на острове есть люди а так же дети! Последнее видио, где Кака вышла из леса, ее снимал не Нгок,это был другой человек, Нгок появился позже и Кака прыгнула к нему на руки, значит с нимать видио можно!? По какой тогда причине запретили!?
ENV interfère encore
❤Wow,BRAVO BEAUTIFUL❤ FATHER you really heard the ❤PRINCESS'S ❤❤❤KAKA'S voice she keeps belling you that I'm COLD,I'm HANGRY,I'm SCARED,etc.❤❤DEAR FATHER,we're going ❤❤HOME,I'm sad here,etc YOU can hear ❤❤❤KAKA'S FEAR!! ....❤❤❤PLEASE HELP,,,,,,THANK YOU❤❤❤❤!😇🙂🪬🧿💕👍🙏♥️🙊👩❤️💋👨🏡🙏
Leve kaka pra casa com o senhor por favor nós amamos muito kaka ❤❤❤❤❤
Stop telling him to commit crimes or I will report you.
Kami para penggemar keluarga kaka , baik itu vidio lama ataupun baru ,bagi kami tidak masalah. ,kami terhibur......,
Jika mau melihat , lihatlah....komentar yang baik..,jika tidak mau melihat...ya. jangan melihat & jangan komentar yang tidak tidak sebab itu tidak ...oke...👌
By pass comments you do not like.
Permette. @surtrisnati6893 : chi è Lei x dare ordini?.. Ognuno è libero di guardare quello che vuole, non esisterebbe TH-cam, di che cosa ha paura?? I commenti negativi su questo canale sono pochissimi.. Rifletta cara signora..x ora c, è ancora Libertà di parola. Per.kaka❤❤ . Guardi che può vedere alcuni di questi video anche su Family Kaka, altro canale del Sig. Nogc.. . Buona visione..
Bien dit
Por favor pai da kaka e mit traga eles pra casa em quanto a tempo não vão suportar por mais tempo 😢
Are you new here?
@LaurieLT88 🤣🤣🤣
Que arregle los papeles para poder llevarla para casa,lo demás a mí personalmente no me interesa 😢
More people jealous kaka and kaka's family, it is more people watching and described kaka videos . ❤
Leave dad alone. He has a great heart. And his love is just as big!!! We all love kaka , and we all worry and prsy for her to come home. Not sleeping , prsying all the time. Grest jib dad. Dont listen to people and keep following your heart
Le da igual a tú papá de tus deseos. Se está burlando de ti y de los demás igual que tú.
He said in one of his comments that his whole family went to the island to visit Kaka,but there was no filming.There's nothing wrong with old videos if they're old, it's a memory from Kaka, because maybe we won't see her anymore because it's forbidden.don't hate anyone.❤
Lack of transparency is not honorable.
Im from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰. I wount return kaka and mit back home plz plz plz🙏🙏🙏