Here's an interesting trivia fact: At all of the hundreds of airports in the USA that actually have an IATA airport code, the FAA location identifier is always exactly the same with only the following 15 exceptions: BVU=BLD, FHR=FRD, GPI=FCA, HEF=MNZ, HXD=HHH, IWA=AZA, JQF=USA, NYL=YUM, SAW=MQT, SGJ=UST, UNV=SCE, GRO=ROP, GSN=SPN, TNI=TIQ, and AVA=NRR. Beyond these 15, all of the rest are identical. For example: JFK=JFK, LAX=LAX, ORD=ORD, ATL=ATL, MIA=MIA, DFW=DFW, BOS=BOS, IAD=IAD, SFO=SFO, DEN=DEN, etc.
That was really good information; you should add that to your PPL course. I always wondered about this. I routinely fly from KHEG (Herlong) to 24J (Suwannee Country). Other nearby airports like Keystone (42J) and Palatka (28J) always made me wonder what the real difference was.
What's your home airport code? ↓
BJX (Mexico) 😂
Here's an interesting trivia fact: At all of the hundreds of airports in the USA that actually have an IATA airport code, the FAA location identifier is always exactly the same with only the following 15 exceptions: BVU=BLD, FHR=FRD, GPI=FCA, HEF=MNZ, HXD=HHH, IWA=AZA, JQF=USA, NYL=YUM, SAW=MQT, SGJ=UST, UNV=SCE, GRO=ROP, GSN=SPN, TNI=TIQ, and AVA=NRR. Beyond these 15, all of the rest are identical. For example: JFK=JFK, LAX=LAX, ORD=ORD, ATL=ATL, MIA=MIA, DFW=DFW, BOS=BOS, IAD=IAD, SFO=SFO, DEN=DEN, etc.
That was really good information; you should add that to your PPL course. I always wondered about this. I routinely fly from KHEG (Herlong) to 24J (Suwannee Country). Other nearby airports like Keystone (42J) and Palatka (28J) always made me wonder what the real difference was.
Thank you! I really felt understood.
Lots of great information very helpful.
Glad it was helpful! 🙌