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Testing The World's Smartest Crow
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- I, for one, welcome our avian overlords! Have fun learning to be resilient with CrunchLabs and get 2 FREE boxes at: crunchlabs.com/...
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Thanks to Earthwings.org for being an incredible collaborative partner on this project. Sheryl on facebook. www.facebook.c...
Check out Adam Savage’s video on building our awesome victorian era custom crow cage: • Adam Savage Builds a B...
Thanks to these folks for providing some of the music in the video:
Ponder - @Pondermusic
Laura Shigihara - @supershigi
Andrew Applepie - / andrewapplepie
Blue Wednesday - / bluewednesday
Danijel Zambo - open.spotify.c...
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I, for one, welcome our avian overlords! Have fun learning to be resilient with CrunchLabs and get 2 FREE boxes at: crunchlabs.com/Crow
love your videos! any tips for shorts?
You mentioned the crows throwing nuts in front of cars to open them. I have seen a fun variation on this. When I was a royal guard, and walking guarding outside a particular castle, the crows had noticed that we walked very particular routes, so particular that you can actually see the routes as the stones are more worn there. We had steel under our boots to make sound, and they would throw their nuts on my route, using me as they do cars to open their nuts.
Superb, thanks for sharing.
That is hilarious. I wonder if the crows also recognized the different guards and figured out "Oh that's John, we have to put the nut here because his stride length is shorter than Michael's."
you ARE the fun variation of this 😭💀
@@vix86 They either recognize the guards, or just observe them for a few minutes to (re)memorize their stride lengths.
My dad ended up getting trained by the neighborhood crows to do tricks for them... One day he noticed the crows throwing walnuts to the ground, clearly trying to break them but without much success, so he picked up the walnuts, stomped on them until they broke, and put them on the sidewalk for the crows. He did that a few more times on separate occasions, and the next thing he knew, the crows were waiting for him just to drop walnuts straight under his feet when he was passing by. They'd call him to get his attention if he didn't notice them. They trained him very well indeed... :)
That’s actually AWESOME :D
human training crows? ❌
crows training human? ✔
So precious!!
I've had the pleasure of meeting her on several occasions at different events. She likes money! 😅🌻
@justenoughrandomness8989 I think we train each other lmao
At 15:20 when she brings the wooden ball over to the scale, I think rather than thinking the ball is heavier than the coins, she almost immediately (and correctly, excepting a few puzzles) understands that things from the previous puzzles are important for the next. She might have thought the wooden ball was required to solve the scale.
That’s a great insight, totally seems to be the case. Glad you pointed that out!
She think more than i do,just realise past puzzle may have clue on next puzzle
lol she outsmarted mark there
the ball is floating on the water
@@rishikeshvajjla4996 Yes, but what I said was instead of the ball being heavier than the coins (it's clearly not), she thought the ball was required to solve the scale problem.
Wow, those wild crows trained Mark perfectly to leave them nuggets on the porch!
The coolest part imo is when the crow tries to take shortcuts to solve the problems faster. Really shows they understand the end goal and aren't just repeating actions mindlessly.
Hey, what are the three things humans always used their intelligence for ? Playing around, and being lazy, which directly leads to the third - cheating ! ^^
Nothing else is more efficient ; D
@@murphieslaw6932 my fave comment
@@murphieslaw6932 Actually, often cheating is less efficient, but the whole point is seeing what one can get away with. :P
@@sinteleonpure cope. Majority of modern technology is because we humans want to cheat via making shortcuts to laborious task.
@@sinteleon people would not cheat if cheating didn't work
Dude a crow bending the tip of metal to pull out the bucket and then retrieving the same bucket to complete the next puzzle is just mind bending to me!!
@@lex_tar exactly what I was thinking
@@lex_tar ohh!! still impressive dude!!
i see what you did there hehe mind BENDING
@@egregoire7461 lol
@@mihawkgorilla7124 ?
I wasn't actually surprised that she could complete any of the puzzles individually - they're all things crows are known to be able to do - but I was blown away by her ability to understand (immediately?) that she was completing a series of puzzles, that she should follow the lights, and that the puzzles were linked together.
That really amazed me ... Seeing her try different approaches, even when they didn't work, was fascinating. Mark definitely needs to get a scarecrow to defend his nugs though! 😅
(also really shocked she didn't just continue to aggro the cage- like you said, she realized quickly that she was participating in a challenge to win the nugs!)
What was really cool to me was that she did all those puzzles (except the tourist snack) for fun and satisfaction alone. There were no rewards for each solved puzzle, just a room full of the smell of possible future nuggets. Yay, Cheryl! 🪶
She's already trained to do all these tricks on and off set.
@@lori11228yeah he showed us that. She’s not trained to understand a series of puzzles leading to the nuggets though
I’ve bleached and dyed my hair multiple times over the last couple years that I’ve been feeding my crow couple friends, and they always recognize me no matter what I’m wearing or what my hair color/style is. They are so clever and cute, I love them so much
You're changing clothes, so...
At first when I saw the puzzles, I was thinking ''there's no way a crow can do all that''. To say my mind has been blown is a gigantic understatement
Me and you same!
That's actually goes to show how smart the smartest family of birds are. Fun fact: Magpies can learn words and actually communicate.
The corvid family of birds is awesome
@@lestradewilson2962 Lots of bird species can learn human speech, it's just that most species of birds are not kept as pets, so we don't realize just how intelligent most of them are. Starlings, for example, can learn to talk quite well.
The last part with the crow giving the nugget is just so wholesome.
I literally teared up too😂
he fed birds to a bird😋
Ya, the crow was teaching Mark Rober what to do eh? After all the puzzles, the crow solved the puzzle Rober had with his thieving crows at his front door, the answer - a little sacrifice/offering
@@lotus_flower2000 DANG
The moment with the nugget offering to Mark was touching but the part where the crow made a hook was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen.
Yeah like what
Oh yeah, they are very adept at crafting their own tools when they need to.
@@draco18sPerhaps they will one day become the second advanced civilization.
@@Суалокин the crow is specifically trained on these tasks like creating a hook, stacking cups, and filling a beaker with rocks. They can be trained to do many odd tasks but this is not some ordinary stray crow
@@bmxscape this, many people are sadly failing to recognize that this is just a trained pet.
Love your videos! 🎉
plis donat
I got goosebumps this was such a cool video! I have been cultivating my girlfriend relationship with my neighborhood crows now for the last 3 years. They leave me presents, they come by all the time to say hello, and follow me on my walks. One of my neighbors lovingly called me birdman yesterday, and I couldn't help but smile. Thank you for this Mr rober.
*crow friend not girlfriend yikes
@@joshuaaaronfinn3212 never say never
@@joshuaaaronfinn3212 now we know your darkest secret
I adore the many beautiful crows in my neighborhood. Sadly I'm shunned by them because I have 5 cat kids so I leave my leftover goodies up the street.
Goosebumps only goosebumps..... Crows freak me out.
I absolutely LOVE crows! Also they are highly social creatures. I truly believe that the crow remembered Mark's portrait as a fairly recent addition to her home. I think she put 2 and 2 together and realized that Mark had something to do with her experience. I think she was trying to say that she had a fun time :)
Same! I love crows and Corvids in general!
1. They’re cute
2. They’re silly
3. They’re really smart
4. If you give them gifts, they might start to give you trinkets!
My mom hates crows and calls them unlucky animal
Yes she was imprisoned 😊
@@PlanXVwith how apartment rents are I’d say many people are too😭
Cheryls piece offering was the sweetest thing Ive ever seen an animal do. So cute and so genuine!
Other crows are known for regularly bringing gifts to their human friends. Mine have only brought me a (very beautiful) piece of metal once (I have no idea what that is).
Even with the little dip of water 😭😭😭😭
humans offer gifts to other humans as well - pretty sure you have interacted with humans before, who are an animal species, by the way.
It's the cutest thing I've seen all day. Made me tear up :')
Cats do that too
The lighting, the mood, the cinematography, the music, the story, the engineering. Everything comes together in the loveliest video on this channel , ever. Thank you, Mark and team.
SUCH a fun build! And we LOVE crows!
Wow, hello guys!
Hi , tested
Yo wsg
I rarely get my mind blown, but this truly was one of those times. Cheryl bending the hook was mind blowing and her giving you a nugget was even more insane. Because that demonstrated her ability to feel emotions, feel gratitude and know when someone helped her... insane
Or she was curious what would happen if she brought the nugget to the pictures. Usually she gets a treat from pictures of him. Who knows for sure what or if she was trying to communicate
I'm sorry you rarely get your mind blown. Perhaps you should try meeting new people
Aww, you got tricked too. So cute.
Reality: The crow was just curious about what would happen if he dropped the treat here.
Totally incorrect, but nice try, human.
Crows equate gifts with food. Leave a gift and maybe food will appear. Reinforce by repetition.
Gifts can be anything, but Corvids value shiny objects because they stand out from the background, hence drawing attention more efficiently. They will also use other objects they have seen food providers handle often - paper money, coins, lipsticks, jewelry, whatever they observe that appears to have value to a food provider.
They also have extremely strong pattern recognition skills, so any human who does the same action or does something at the same time of day equates to a potentially useful tool.
How do I know all the previous? Logical deduction skills. 😉
I'm a very avid bird lover and knew crows are incredibly smart, but even so I was especially blown away at the fact that she knew to bend the hook!
Does your love for birds include the ones in slaughterhouses?
@@Lucas43434 What kind of a question even is that? You disappoint me.
@@Lucas43434 Of course i love those birds too, they taste great! Even the crows think so!
@@DaHolyCanadian Ultimate comeback
You’re an.. avid avian admirer?
LOVE CROWS. Wow her ability to connect ideas even between puzzles and even to come up with new strategies is crazy-- and that scene at the end of the offering is so cute!
60 million subscribers and Mark still manages to fill me with a feeling a hope. If he is faking his niceness, he deserves an Oscar. I believe he is genuinely that kind, despite his fortune and fame. Bravo Mr. Rober.
This might be the greatest and most consistent display of skill ive ever actually gotten to witness from a crow. I know they have the same average intelligence as an elementary school age human, so this was absoluteoy incredible to see
and a higher intelligence of anyone who voted for T___p.
@@dr.davidhersh5373 XD
@@dr.davidhersh5373 I love that he still lives rentfree in your head.
@@dr.davidhersh5373 When you leave your house and people outside are laughing at you, its still "T___p"'s fault, huh?
The "not afraid to fail" approach is the best part about working with kids.
Diddy get out of here
2024 and it's consequences with anything mentioning kids.
@@CasketGenneva Your brainrot is showing
Growing up with Mark as dad would be a lot like growing up with Stephen King as a dad, never a boring moment. Great video, thanks for sharing.
the part where the crow offered the nug to your picture almost made me cry.. like that was so adorable
its edited for entertainment value
@@CookieTube jeez sorry for finding something cute
@@CookieTube how is that a magpie?
@@CookieTubeI’m no crow expert, but that looks more like a pied crow than a magpie to me.
@@Nachat_L3ilmi crows always do that, give something in return
Melted my heart. I've known crows and magpies are extremely intelligent and that they hold grudges, even that they will leave shiny objects for those who leave food for them, but she offered food first to Mark, as opposed to eating herself and then offering gratitude. Such an intelligent being!
this is my favorite MR video of all time. sheryl is a treasure and I love her so much. the feathery crow "sigh." before she did mark's escape room was freakin ADORABLE and hilarious. please have sheryl in all your videos thus forward, mark!
i also could almost hear her thougths be like "Oh no.. that kid playing tricks with me again.... tssss..... " 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I dunno, the octopus was pretty darn special. 😁💞🤟
The crow sees you as friend and realizes you are the one who gave her gifts. So she in turn returned the favor. Crows have been known to give gifts. They are very intelligent and aware creatures 😁
To prevent birds from eating all my blueberries before we got any, I put netting over the tops. Next a m. I looked out to see a mourning Dove hopping on top of a plant while another bird waited under the netting to retrieve fallen berries! As I watched, they then switched places! So smart!!
OMG😂 A for team effort
I love mourning doves❤ they’re my favorite birbs
? I don't understand, what does hopping on a plant do?
@aguyontheinternet8436 shakes the plant to make the blueberries fall
Birds are government spies
Mark, I really gotta say, you are a wonderful example of a human being. Your intelligence, compassion, and generosity (even to hungry neighborhood crows!) does not go unnoticed. You deserve all the success in life for that big heart and brain of yours. I'm always so delighted to come across your videos when you upload. I always learn something new and I'm always enjoying myself while learning and seeing the fun engineering you come up with. Please never stop doing what you're doing. The world needs more people like you so desperately.
Well said.
He isn't letting you hit bro
@@Dolabg49can't even leavw a positive comment 😭😂
I second that! :) ♥
My heart absolutley melted when she gave the nugget to the picture if mark. Also when she put her favorite ball on the scale. She is so cute. This would make a great voiceover
Honestly, that shows a lot of understanding of symbolism and justice. She was like "yep, I have you to thank for this, so you get this"
Are you copying @MariaHie or is she copying you?
I don’t understand. Grammar please!
@@RB-bd5tz Both of them are bots, don't mind them.
@@Plaquar Ah, frick. Of course. Thanks.
Wow, crows are not just smart, they're brilliant! The way they problem-solve and remember is just incredible. Mark, you've really outdone yourself with this experiment. Keep up the amazing work, and thanks for the laughs with the crow shenanigans!
20:58 we're out here making peace with countries and failing, bro's successfully just creating peace with DA CROWS
soon the Mark Crowber Alliance will be marching on all major countries
There is no escape, the 1st crow battalion is coming
The crow! CAW
The crowbling (rumbling)
Making friends with crows is my dream lol
You brought up crows doing things for fun. I used to live over in West Hollywood and would head up Runyan Canyon for exercise. The crows used to love diving down the side of the canyon and then doing barrel rolls once they hit top speed. They are some of the most imaginative creatures for their size and intelligence.
I don't live in the US, but I love to seeing your videos, and your are one of my FAVORITE youtubers so, I wish the best for your chanell, and for your all life. Thanks for all
2:30 Oh hey it’s my babies!! 🥰 I have tended 7 crows for 7 years, they come to my house for music multiple times a day. They are so cool!
That is awesome!
I don’t know your beliefs, but in a lot of cultures 7 is a very lucky number! 2 7s is especially lucky. ❤
for music? wow!
Woah crows appreciate the arts!
Honestly I got emotional at that final part from the Crow, thats just Respectful
Hello guys from Indonesia
literally same!
Under 1 hour
19:21 you missed the opportunity to make the tourist trap a plague doctor.
yeah that would have been iconic 😂
@@peebeemoau mean ironic
@Gamer_Aviationfan both!
@@notafraidofchange 😂
you are incredible! a kiss from Brazil 😍
Of course we are all blown away by the crow’s incredible intelligence, but let’s take a moment to appreciate the immense amount of hard work, planning and execution Mark did to create this experiment.
I live in northern canada, and some of our street lights used to be on uv sensors that would turn on the street lamp at dusk as the daylight faded. The lamps must have had metal halide or sodium bulbs in them producing heat. Not only would the Ravens sit on the lamps at night to keep warm, they would also sit on them and fold their wings down over the sensor to turn the bulbs on during the daylight hours....
This made me cry, crows are so cute, I always smile when I hear them, thank you for making this video
I like this guy more and more. Cheryl, I wish everyone on earth could see that final gesture ❤
I love how smart crows are. Nature is awesome.
It's incredible to see how crows can connect *CAWS* and effect to solve problems relating to a bigger picture
She didn't even have incentive after most of the puzzles, but she continued doing them as if she knew there was something more to gain
I think it's because they're intelligent and curious; they want to find out what will happen if they interact with something 😊
I see what you did there 😂
They love to use their capabilities. I once read that a Swedish(?) scientist had five hand-reared crows. But he did experiments with six crows. Because a wild crow watched them and volunteered to participate...
i fell in love with her from the moment i saw her. But when she shared her winnings with you my heart was 100% won.
4:39 I've heard of that experiment being done before, apparently, a crow that was in the experiment decided to do probably the smartest and simplest thing in that situation, tip the beaker over.
Isn’t this one of the anciient Chinese proverbs or smthing
I think the beaker was attached to the wooden board
@@arksayhiits an aesops fable
@ k thank you for clarifying 👍
@@arksayhiOh yes, the Crow and the Pitcher!
Crows are awesome. Sadly my crow friend/neighbour I think has passed away recently, I haven't heard them since a nasty storm. I would always say hello, and always my crow friend would caw at me, sometimes we exchanged things, like food/shiny objects. The magpies are still doing well though.. and they are just as smart i think.
Magpies are supposedly even smarter, but they are both from the corvid family.
I hope to improve the relationship / mutual understanding with my long-term crow friend up to the point where they understand that they can stay on my balcony or even inside in terrible wheather.
The kids have a definite advantage, they know and are told, they are supposed to do the puzzles but the crow is just brought in and needs to figure out that there is puzzles and a reward.
That's not true. Most of the puzzles were things the crow was trained to do for a reward. I would argue the crow had the advantage of having literally seen some of these puzzles before. The kids basically had to figure out what Mark Rober expects a bird to do.
@@offbranddorito9668 aight bro, let the crow have this one
Also huge benefit from editing. I'm sure the raw footage is a lot more boring.
2.29 Crows playing piano keyboard: Pretty impressive the crows could play a melody spanning three different notes while only hitting one key each. And the crow at the low end of the keyboard was able to play higher notes than the one in the middle of the keyboard.
This is like the combination of the squirrel, porch pirates, and octopus video that no one knew we needed
Yeah, well, Phat Gus seems to get what she can while she can....
1:31 Crow laughing after bullying mark is diabolical lol
fr bro
Mark Rober thank you so much for giving crunch lab kits to the petoskey middle school! My brother had so much fun helping out the 6th graders! Even if you don’t come across this comment it’s ok. I just wanted to tell you thank you! My brother was so happy!
I loved how she went straight to the food first, tried a few things, and then seemed to breathe deeply and say, “Okay, let’s do this.” 13:00
Cheryl offering a nugget to Mark's picture at the end made me go from smiling in admiration to tears trickling down my cheeks in awe :')
My mind is blown. How is everyone's jaw not on the floor watching this video. This bird is amazing. I have friends who couldn't solve this room
my jaw descended 3 floors at this point. Mye yes are on the way to the moon!
the crow has been trained to do the specific steps necessary to solve the room (evident in the training at the start).Still impressive, but a bit deceptive imo
@@AlanZou I mean c'mon , you can let that pass.
@@DebshankarPathak-hb8tf but at the same time im not disagreeing with you, this is amazingly impressive and i had no idea a crow could do anything like this
@@AlanZou I think you missed the point where all the puzzles were based off things that WILD crows also do?
Such an amazing video! Crows are so smart and thoughtful-they even wait for their friends to eat before digging in themselves. That moment at the end when the crow shared her food with her human friend was so sweet and emotional. It’s awesome to see such a unique bond 💌
Both Mark and Cheryl are very clever. This was fun to watch!
Hey mark rober i go to school with ur son, some of my friends have met u but I haven’t. Ur son is very nice and I always see him walking around with a smile.
As an aspiring ornothologist with a specific interest in crow this video was perfect for me. Thank you.
Thwy are so cool omg
@@CookieTube it's a pied crow dude magpies have a long tail and are usually smaller and at higher elevation
Same! They're my favorite animal
Mark you have inspired me ever since I was little to become an engineer, and recentyl I have gol into college as a mechanical engineering major, thank you mark
Sorry for this burn but I think you needed more spelling classes
@@ianelpopo English potentially isint their first language
Cheryl's persistence and patience was incredible to see, and her offering of a gift to your portrait was so clever and touching.😄
Amazing. There are some wild ravens at work. I have trained them to knock on the door and I bring them a cookie. Or maybe they have me trained, not quite sure.
I feel it’s likely the latter… 😅
10 years later breaking news crows just became smarter than humans now we needto worship our crow overlords
What I love most of this video is how Mark not only designed all the clever tests, but went all the way to engineer automatic detections for each one, when he could just turn on the lights for the next test manually.
Like he had to for the first one😂
lol thats what I was thinking, he couldve just triggered everything manually 😅 but Im guessing this probably took the crow a very long time to do and they may not have been watching the entire time
I’ve been obsessed with these birds since watching the TED talk about crows and how intelligent they are. Amazing video Mark!
If these crows had opposing thumbs instead of wings they'd rule the world.
Mark Rober: "I'm a genius inventor who can outsmart and track down criminals."
Crows and squirrels: "Yet, you can't outsmart us."
And an octopus😂
I have to wonder how much he holds back without saying he holds back.
Is this the new backyard squirrel obstacle course? Awesome!
Maybe we should have a Squirrels Vs Crows episode one day!
Squirrel VS octopus VS crow battle of the wits
squirrels vs racoons
@@Greenpopin. Recall that Mark failed to outsmart a tracking dog too.
Squirrel vs. Octopus vs. Crow
This was all really impressive but watching the crow bend that piece of metal into a hook was amazing.
You should look up New Caledonian crows then. They actually make tools in the wild, with no training. They're the smartest birds in the world
this might be the best video i've ever watched
People like you, Mark, people who inspire the next generation to get into STEM fields, are some of the most valuable human beings on this planet. Much respect to you.
Wow! The crow gave Mark Rober the answer to his original puzzle of how to get the other crows to stop thieving his nugs from his front door - sacrifice some nugs as an offering!
He could just have the Doordash person use the cage to put his food in.
That, and get a food box for deliveries, haha. Just a simple wooden box with a latch will do (one strong enough for the crows not to open of course).
@@Smutter86 until they figure out how to use levers to open them anyway...
20:30 i cried. that's the connection we all need
Hey Mark Rober! I’m in 6th grade and me and 20 other students have been tasked with trying to make a cannon like weapon to help a wheelchair kid at my school who has always wanted to, play dodgeball, can you give me some ideas to make for him? Anything will be greatly appreciated and needed ( we need this done by May)
The whole time she was doing the puzzles was so cute, but when she gave your picture a nugget was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
20:41 I actually started crying... it's just amazing!
Me, too!
I think there is medication to help with that kind of emotional volatility
@@franzpattisonit’s a child bro chill ❤
@big-g-1 The collector Bro is a child?
@@franzpattison What's so wrong about that?
I haven't even watched the full video jet but I'm so excited for this! Crows are so smart, and the stuff I've seen online didn't really that challenging or just reuploads, so seeing something fresh really gets me excited about crows again!
Great episode! I have loved Crows & Ravens for years. They are very intelligent and probably the only living thing that uses the majority of their brain. You're doing a great job Mark!
20:40 Вау, ворона запомнила, что портрет Марка каждый раз давал ей еду и решила отплатить ему тем же, невероятно
Вороны хорошо запоминают. Как добро, так и зло.
не просто угостила, да еще и перед этим помыла, потому что он валялся на полу, капец
0:01 эти сочные наггетсе убила😂😂😂
I do not think I have watched a video like this in a long time, where I have been interested from the start, to end. Feeled with curiosity, that could a Crow really do all these puzzles? Amazed at every second of this crows screen time, pulled everything off. Amazing video.
The fact that the only assistance that bird had were the lights turning on leading her to each puzzle is actually insane😂
omg - the ending (when she offered the nugget to your picture) had me in tears!!!
14:30 Mark drags Cheryl for making a mistake, but praised the kids for trying interesting things - she was eliminating potential options and not afraid to fail, just like the kids ❤
Well no-
Cheryl put the stone into the corks and the empty beaker
That’s different from trying to raise the water level with different methods and obbjects
@TheSkinStealer-p8m She's just looking for cheat codes.
I like Mark's arc of birdwatching and trying to protect the bird food from squirrels, to loving squirrels and now trying to fight off birds.
I went In thinking this would be just a normal video of yours, but her gesture to share with you was genuinely heartwarming.
My heart is bursting with awe, shock and gratitude ❤ thank you so much for your work
10:38 "Think like a crow." 👏 Amazing use of psychology ! 👍
She's adorable.
That part with the nugget was SO ADORABLE!
Crows are so cool!
he* 9:43
@@QaxalerHe says her.
Mark, you never cease to amaze! Watching Cheryl tackle those puzzles was both entertaining and enlightening. It's fascinating how crows, often seen as bad omens, can display such incredible intelligence. Cheryl’s cleverness is a perfect reminder that nature has its own surprises! Kudos for showcasing her skills and turning the narrative around on crows!
Pretty sure it's "Sheryl". Lol. 😂
People don't like smart alecks telling them the obvious bad things that's about to happen. :P
This is by far the best thing I've seen on youtube, and I've seen many.
Crows are awesome.
I remember when I went to elementary school, in the morning when I walked to school there were often crows around. I always thought they are trying to communicate with me with their caws.
I almost never comment on anything. OMG! This is the most heartwarming video I've ever seen!! Thank you so much, Mark! This makes me so hopeful for the future of our planet. Keep up the great work! Tears of happiness!
11:26 "the guy who helped with the lemon guy" - random kid, 2024
And william weeps
This was really beautiful to see, I never knew this about crows
Imagine that
i feel bad for any ONE or any THING that minorly inconveniences Mark Rober
We got progamerdude commenting on a mark rober video before gta 6 😭
who is this guy
The chances pro comments on a mark rorber vid lol
Ayo Pro? Small world!
The end of the crow arc was so heartwarming, she's so precious. I love the avian genius
20:30 какая добрая ворона. Боже, это так мило. Если бы около моего портрета птица оставила угощение, я был бы готов ей хоть метровый домик сделать
Вау русский коммент!
@ADM-612 Ага :)
Ну а почему нет?
@@NoriNorn Вот именно. Вдруг русских найду :)
That was one of the best videos my son and I have seen in a while. Brilliant Mark! Brilliant!!
Hey mark, I love the way you turn such a simple solution into a scientific explanation of crows actually solve puzzles, that is much cooler than just making a box where the door dasher puts the food in.
Don't know if this is sarcastic or something