As an aramusha main I just start spamming blade blockade any time I see an indicator from raider. If they don’t soft feint it will catch them, if they do soft feint into stunning tap it will catch them. If they softfeint to GB you’re screwed. But that’s the point, right? The devs make their favourite characters super powerful and nerf people like glad for literally no reason.
Jay Middleton what glad nerfs u talkin about? The latest one only had him have less stamina by not much. He only loses about a heavy feint. I’m a rep 15 glad main I know that it wont change how ppl play glad that much
I rarely hit like on videos since I primarily use that as a psudeo Playlist for music but I'm liking this one. Especially because of the information post punishes in the video. It's extra work like that that I appreciate immensely and why I'm subbed to you
Bastian Neumann you know they only sped his stun tap up? You know they took his stamina drain off of a gb tackle? they made his neutral zone vulnerable to gb as well
So basically master deflecter orochi now has one more character he can't deflect safely because of hyperarmor (while berserker can deflect anyone) And his dodge attack has gigantic recovery even though it says agile in hero description Ubisoft: Haha, classic So agile so counter attacker much wow
Gooey Green True, Orochi could also just grovel when being used by someone who doesn't understand his deflect combos. Seeing some of the experienced players using Orochi can tell us just how strong his deflects can be when used right. Hell, I remember when we could spam deflect Conqueror lights before the rework.
@@Gooey-Green or I can just use berserker for guaranteed damage on any character with ledge potential or wallsplat for massive top heavy damage, best offense in the game and not enter in a deflect mixup to possibly get 35 dmg for 2 successful deflects And berserker isn't considered a counter attacker but his counters arent worse than orochi's To make it viable orochi's deflect must stagger any HA on any character just like parry does Glad isn't counter attacker too My problem is that you can't use your signature counter moves safely now and dodge lights even whe you are an "agile counter attacker"
@@elite943able is tedious explaining all match ups in a video but freeze was kind enough to go through a very boring process just for examples vs match ups. Characters with superior block mechanics will always stop raider from continuing into a chain finisher after a stunning tap. Warlord for example with full block will always block raider to fullstop. Valkyries if she dodges into the stunning tap her pin will stop raider which is not the same as gladiator who in theory offers the same type punish but as an assassin. Kensei will always get a gb if he dodges superior block a stunning tap. Valkyrie also has the option instead of pin to do a guaranteed gb and that always comes from matchup knowledge
It’s nice that you show the possible counters for raider but let’s face it. Even someone who’s only played raider for an hour in training mode would be be able to figure out that “oh. he’s dodging. let me throw a gb in there.” and getting caught in a gb in the middle of dodging especially against raider is just a death sentence.
To defeat your enemy you must know your enemy as well as you can. Try to play raider online if you haven't until at least rep1 and you will get much better at fighting him.
with big boys stunning tap- BP and his pancake flip are a great counter. if you bulwark Counter on heavy timing if they stunning tap it will still flip, though you'll eat a soft-faint into GB if they go with that.
Freeze, a bit off topic, can u test something for me? U might already saw my post about this on the comp Reddit . I think Hitokiri's uncharged kick, when lands, has revenge lock, meaning it doesn't allow revenge activation to counter the follow up heavy.
It should be mentioned that stunning tap after the knee attack is not guaranteed if the opponent is a static guard character who already has their guard top. It is still confirmed in every other situation though.
Hey Freeze! Would you say that the unindicated, missing 100ms of ST animation is imperceptible? I'm interested to know if top tier players simply treat it like a 500ms attack and watch for the animation and ignore the indicator. Or contrarily, predict the ST soft feint more often than not. I have found the topic to be (although divisive) very interesting, with the huge polarisation of opinion around the speed of Stunning Tap. I love the video - it's very handy going into the detail around GB immunity for the different OOS +back throw punishes :)
@@jaymiddleton1782 Yeah I think the use of a hidden indicator is strange personally. And that the dmg/stamina dmg/cost needs to be adjusted a tad. The speed doesn't effect me too much, but I can understand that the indicator is strange and throws people off.
Its nice and all but raider is the only hero that has this many options in the current state of the game. Which raises the question why play someone that isnt raider i have 1 rep on raider mostly duels and i only lost against other raiders and the opponents werent stupid and were using proper mix ups and even parried the stunning tap every now and then. So am i a good Raider or is he op?
They can both trade but raider if moving to 2nd chain heavy will always land 2 heavies to both Shugo and Hitokiri because they will be in recovery while Raider will be midway combo hypearmored. If you are talking about after stunning both probably trade.
Hey freeze, i was playing arcade against a raider bot, and i was OOS and he threw me and got a left light and two left heavies, all were guranteed. I got it on video, but i couldnt get it to work in the arena mode. I recorded it on my xbox, is there a way i could send it to you so you could check it out? If its a punish itd be 90 total without damage buffs EDIT: I figured it out, i had a modifier that gave me hyper armor. In the training arena when i did an OOS throw with raider the opponent was hit stunned if i threw the light as soon as i threw them and didnt fall. Seeing as i had hyper armor, i didnt get stunned and fell anyway, giving the raider bot a guranteed light-heavy-heavy punish
A Black Prior can shut down the heavy into stunning tap mix up if he goes for a bulwark counter at the parry timing, leaving Raider with only soft feinted gb's to counter this
Correct but that's called match up knowledge which is why several characters were demonstrated near the end of the video what options they have after a stunning tap and it raider follows with heavy attack.
curious how you didnt mention just block top, react block/parry everything else, as its by far the best thing to do for most players, as most cant parry it any more.
@@fkkfreeze hence why i said react parry/block and i find i can parry the heavy reactively, but not the stunning tap, dont know why but thats how it is for me.
@@KingTigerGuy hes saying they're the same reaction timing, so its literally the same issue whether you block/parry top or side. If you cant block/parry stunning tap on reaction from a side then you won't be able to do it the opposite way around and block/parry the heavy on reaction to it not being feinted, because of the exact same timing
@@FrostyNutz- i cant parry and only about 50% react block the tap, yet, i can get about an 80% heavy parry, 90% block, found a lot of other players are the same way so..
@@KingTigerGuy its the same timing, so you're not actually reacting purely to the heavy not being feinted, if you were you'd be able to parry the stun tap on reaction
@@lorddem1659 no because I can get hit by a side Heavy or light. This is the problem. Both of these outcomes result in taking retarded amounts of damage.
you simply wait a tiny bit after throwing... if you dont wait long enough, the opponent wont fall down, but if you wait too long your attack will miss. Just set a bot to "out of stamina" and then practice throwing him and hitting the light
@@jebidiahgrassoblue1879 You cannot follow up attacks for the zone which makes it useless. Raider has this only opening and it stuns that makes it useful when used. Lawbringer still has problems. His rework just sucks.
@@hightiernub1313 what I'm saying is raider doesn't have a large aoe parry punish. I wasn't debating if the character is good, but his parry punishes are good
It's too risky try to dodge the stunning tap, if the Raider simply feint in to gb, you will be oos and will get the stunning tap too...try to dodge the stunning tap it's a bad idea.
Trying to Parry is a bad idea. Trying to block is a bad idea (on nuxia). Trying to attack is a bad idea (oh because you might get parried). Trying to throw a bash is a bad idea because you might be dodged attacked. Trying to zone is a bad idea because you might get parried. etc etc. Learn Matchups!
@@lorddem1659 Against Raider, everything it's a bad idea, he's simply the strong character in game right now, he doesn't have negative match up, so what am i suppose to learn? If i dodge his mix up one time (if he's smart), next time he will catch me with the gb; and if i dodge every time the stunning tap, i can't even punish him with my Hitokiri. I prefer try to parry the stunng tap (i can do it the 30% of the time...i'm on console, so is not that easy), but, at least, it's more rewarding than simply dodge...
"People gonna complain about how it's OP but *it's your own for fault for deflecting such an attack* " wut Come on, if you get a deflect, you should get the punish in. You shouldn't ever be punished for punishing your opponent. WTF
If you deflect a zerker or Kensei they can trade on ha finishers. Is called match up knowledge depending on character. If you deflect shugokis 1st heavy his 2nd heavy can trade if buffered. If you deflect warlord opener light his second heavy will trade if buffered with most exception being zerker and shino always. Superior block deflect types always stop the chain of raider and he can't followup. Is best people buckle up and addapt instead of joining the sheep masses of people crying raider is not ok when he is fine
@@thescreamingguardsmen343 In 4s Deflects work with antiganking while parries not (you get hit out of your parry attack or get an untechable GB). Is all about matchup knowledge. You get a deflect be smart enough to know if opponent has Hypearmor or not to trade. Same is applied with Warlord if you deflect his opener light he can chain to finisher hypearmored heavy and trade with you but also depends on character. Sorry I am adamant about people learning that matchups vs each character is different. Take example Conqueror. Assasins always do a dodge attack on a conqueror seeing his bash but are more restrictive doing the same seeing an attack from a character because they know they can be punished for it. People need to be a bit more open to adapting to changes than just complaining (no offense). At this point I wonder what people wanted Raider Rework to have done? Keep him the same?
@M9dno yes, but heroes like nobu, cent or aramusha are viable only thanks to this pumped up damage, while for heroes like raider, jj or bp before nerf huge damage is only one of plenty powers
Raider max punish:.... light spam, dodge Stun tap/ guard break, soft feint UB, repeat. Raider is double SS class now, anyone can pick up Raider and kill ppl easily now.
Love your work, never biased about an update an you always have researched before your videos, its also good to see someone with a big audiance not yield to their collective outcries.. or in lamens terms you ain't no bitch an wont call a character broken because it may have a moveset that you or the community don't enjoy playing with or againts. In my personal opinion I think people have gotten used to beating down all but the very best of raiders an don't like their precious character choice being beaten by a character they don't agree with, an I say to that tuff it aint all about you 😂 But yeah rant over love your work 👍
@@lorddem1659 Yep same as they did with big daddy shug I even admit I though shug was broken after his rework but the more I took the time to actually learn his moveset I had less problems dealing with it lol.. anyways great reply I agree 100% an also nice appearance in the video 😊
@@lorddem1659 I am a kensei main but ive never thought he was OP just good in anti ganks but meh I like the new reworks an the community doesn't so I guess am worlds away from the general opinions of the community 😂 An I love it.
Wtf are you talking about ? I can't care less what hero beats me, if I get outplayed, I got outplayed, GG. The problem is raider is too safe right now. Amazing defence, amazing offense. He literally has the strongest kit in game rn. I never play raider, played him the other day just for the lols and try him out, stomped on everyone and I didn't even know wtf l was doing. You can't really predict against him since he has so many different options.
Freeze, Im pretty sure Stunning Tap is only confirmed on knee-stun if they opponent had their guard on either side direction. If they were in top stance before the charge it appears to be blockable. Also you should have mentioned Raiders 360 throw draining an opponents stamina when surrounded by minions/other players. It can easily swing a battle in mid when you get a GB and can land OOS punishes.
Do simple math and no point playing the other characters cuz like 4/5 characters curently are way too Stronger than Others I know Its a 1vs1 But thats not the Case ! Its a Points of mistakes ! Even if i am able to punish Raider /Shugoki /Warlord /JJ / BP 4/5 times and he did it 2 Guess who will win ! New meta sucks ! Heavy Characters overall To have Same speed/More than assasssins More health More damage and More options ! And YES Raider its Way too Much Overpowered Curently sits at top of every single character 400/500 MS lights + stun with High damage ! Heavy Damage 40/45/50 ! Unblockable ! Dodge GB ! Can't be gb after Dodge ! Out of stamina Pressure ! + High Damage on parry 3 combos on lights 3 combos at Heavy + SF and he has 130 hp + ! So Yes Raider is Busted
Do you not think cent deserves some attention his kit is pretty weak in my opinion an I don't even play him 😂 at all.. when I fight cents an they cutscene me I think yea this is kinda annoying but what mainly comes to mind is that they don't really have a choice which is sad. What's your thought's?
jordan cannon` I think i am a strange case. I seem to gravitate towards the weakest characters. First i was a shugo main, untill the rework made him a mixup machine, so i am worried that when Ubi gets to cent, they are gonna dumb him down to the point, that spamming is the best choice. Cent is the last true turtle in the game, since his kit relies either on the opponent's stupidity, or parrying in the right time and place. It's hard, true, but oh so satisfying. Even if the cutscene combo is kept, they are definately gonna speed it up, and that defeats it's entire purpose. Cent really feeds off salt, and he himself is the saltiest, since litterally everybody is stronger, give or take aramusha. The game is about fun, it's a casual experience. But Ubi doesn't understand that. And so, spam will reign supreme. Cent is just a temporary shelter, untill i'll be sent on another depressing journey to find a new main, and an even more depressing situation, when your once favourite hero becomes your worst enemy, like what happened to me and Shugoki, due to his chargable heavies and op second feat. Well i've rambled on long enough. But to sum up: this game had characters you could respect. When i was a shugo main, very often my opponents were more impressed to be beaten by a low tier, than salty. But, soon there won't be impressive feats in this game. It will all be spam. So what are your thoughts? What do you want from a hero and why?
Tahstig don’t worry dude there’s always Aramusha. King of the Trash tier. I also like low grade heroes. I like winning because I’m more skilled not because of the hero I chose. I’m sure a lot of us came from Dark Souls to For Honor so you will know what I mean. I look at people like Zerker and there’s literally nothing about that character that interests me. I could play an S tier hero for an easy time but... it’s too easy. I love beating a shaman or a BP as a lowly aramusha because they know they’ve been outskilled. I wouldn’t mind if both cent and aramusha had a quality of life buff though. Something like Kensei got. Kensei is only a C/B tier hero but when I play fours I usually get double digit kills and 0-2 deaths, anti-gank King, because Kensei actually has a pretty decent kit if you know his potential.
Well they have to update old heroes otherwise they become to lacking in terms of kit againts other characters so id say its definately coming at some point but maybe they wont make him spam an more use of his body as a tool his a centurian after all haha
@Xeno G What he’s saying is that he doesn’t believe Raider is broken at all, meaning he’s actually a rational individual and doesn’t jump on the “radar owpee” bandwagon
@@the_viriathus5719 People seems to defend raider eventhough his softfeint are janky although i can see people getting on bandwagon to complain about Orochi's light lmao .
**raider gets a gb**
I'll try spinning that's a good trick
I get the the reference!
For Honor And Stuff I’ll try making a prequel reference! That’s a good joke!
Raider mating ritual in the beginning
Lol Good one.
Everyone who gets stunning tapped: *ah shit, here we go again*
"Hostoilu!!", Raiders after they stunning tap someone to death.
As an aramusha main I just start spamming blade blockade any time I see an indicator from raider.
If they don’t soft feint it will catch them, if they do soft feint into stunning tap it will catch them.
If they softfeint to GB you’re screwed. But that’s the point, right? The devs make their favourite characters super powerful and nerf people like glad for literally no reason.
Jay Middleton what glad nerfs u talkin about? The latest one only had him have less stamina by not much. He only loses about a heavy feint. I’m a rep 15 glad main I know that it wont change how ppl play glad that much
Spec one less toe stab
Jay Middleton O damn. Didn’t realize that. One less pair of toes/10 dmg for me to get. Huge nerf. U is right
Still blind so I couldn't really get a visual representation for what was happening, but thanks for the tips
I rarely hit like on videos since I primarily use that as a psudeo Playlist for music but I'm liking this one. Especially because of the information post punishes in the video. It's extra work like that that I appreciate immensely and why I'm subbed to you
Raider eats raw eggs
Raider punish:
You dont need a punish video for Raider - playing against Raider after rework is punish enough
Bastian Neumann you know they only sped his stun tap up? You know they took his stamina drain off of a gb tackle? they made his neutral zone vulnerable to gb as well
The sad story of the deflects
A deflect what's that
So basically master deflecter orochi now has one more character he can't deflect safely because of hyperarmor (while berserker can deflect anyone)
And his dodge attack has gigantic recovery even though it says agile in hero description
Haha, classic
So agile so counter attacker much wow
Gooey Green True, Orochi could also just grovel when being used by someone who doesn't understand his deflect combos. Seeing some of the experienced players using Orochi can tell us just how strong his deflects can be when used right. Hell, I remember when we could spam deflect Conqueror lights before the rework.
Gladiator also can't deflect hyperarmor
@@Gooey-Green or I can just use berserker for guaranteed damage on any character with ledge potential or wallsplat for massive top heavy damage, best offense in the game and not enter in a deflect mixup to possibly get 35 dmg for 2 successful deflects
And berserker isn't considered a counter attacker but his counters arent worse than orochi's
To make it viable orochi's deflect must stagger any HA on any character just like parry does
Glad isn't counter attacker too
My problem is that you can't use your signature counter moves safely now and dodge lights even whe you are an "agile counter attacker"
Uh oh sisters, ive been stun tapped 20 times and im going to die
Ah that's wonderful. It looks like I've been playing correctly, so that's not the reason... 😢 Thank you freeze.
Are side deflect getting fixed or not?
Knowing ubisoft no
Raider max punish:
You forgot to show how to do the maximum punish. The legendary FLUX DELUXE COMBO!
You can delay the zone from left heavy to hit the opponent on wake up making it safe
I think deflects should act as an attack, so it takes down hyper-armor and confirms the deflect
HA deflect counter is pretty spicy, love going helm splitter -> side HA heavy as Kensei
You forgot that valkyrie kensei and conqueror can dodge counter into the stun tap and disrupt the chain
Any superior block will interrupt even warlords full block the chain
Please explain. I'm interested in what youre saying but I can't get my head around it. Rephrase it if you want.
@@elite943able is tedious explaining all match ups in a video but freeze was kind enough to go through a very boring process just for examples vs match ups. Characters with superior block mechanics will always stop raider from continuing into a chain finisher after a stunning tap. Warlord for example with full block will always block raider to fullstop. Valkyries if she dodges into the stunning tap her pin will stop raider which is not the same as gladiator who in theory offers the same type punish but as an assassin. Kensei will always get a gb if he dodges superior block a stunning tap. Valkyrie also has the option instead of pin to do a guaranteed gb and that always comes from matchup knowledge
@@lorddem1659 Thanks dude
It’s nice that you show the possible counters for raider but let’s face it. Even someone who’s only played raider for an hour in training mode would be be able to figure out that “oh. he’s dodging. let me throw a gb in there.” and getting caught in a gb in the middle of dodging especially against raider is just a death sentence.
To defeat your enemy you must know your enemy as well as you can. Try to play raider online if you haven't until at least rep1 and you will get much better at fighting him.
11:13 beautifull
How could the damage at 3:45 be 46? Being out of stamina is op 🤔
11:13 what a beautiful dance it was.
with big boys stunning tap- BP and his pancake flip are a great counter. if you bulwark Counter on heavy timing if they stunning tap it will still flip, though you'll eat a soft-faint into GB if they go with that.
Can you do a new max punshiment for Raider, not sure if only me but the wall side heavy punishment is no longer working for me, help!!!
Thats one really good thing, you cant just stand there wait for something and then just dodge attack...
Didn't expect LEGENDARY punishes to be so complex.
I guess we can try to deflect into deflect with Orochi, but is risky
Honestly just parry, the deflect dmg is 35, not worth the risk, the heavy deflect is 50 but it's not guaranteed.
@@randomuser-mv7bb yeah, parry is better than deflect in almost all situations for orochi
But we all need style points xD
@@andersonguimaraesmaia3957 he only get benefits form deflect when he deflect heavy or zone. But they are much harder compared to light.
@@randomuser-mv7bb cant defect his zone its unblockable.
Freeze, a bit off topic, can u test something for me? U might already saw my post about this on the comp Reddit . I think Hitokiri's uncharged kick, when lands, has revenge lock, meaning it doesn't allow revenge activation to counter the follow up heavy.
If raider and hi s opponent are OOS raider can get a back throw Into light on any side and then a side heavy
It should be mentioned that stunning tap after the knee attack is not guaranteed if the opponent is a static guard character who already has their guard top.
It is still confirmed in every other situation though.
W orochi, if u deflect u should do the heavy deflect punnish so u can feint is into neutral> bock/parry or even into a 2nd deflect
Ok I doubt u will see this but depending on what class you are do throw a aponnet farther?
every single character has a different throw distance.
But it doesn't matter who you throw. You throw a shinobi the same distance as a shugoki.
@@fkkfreeze ok thank u
11:13 to 11:24 simply majestic to watch
Hey Freeze!
Would you say that the unindicated, missing 100ms of ST animation is imperceptible? I'm interested to know if top tier players simply treat it like a 500ms attack and watch for the animation and ignore the indicator. Or contrarily, predict the ST soft feint more often than not.
I have found the topic to be (although divisive) very interesting, with the huge polarisation of opinion around the speed of Stunning Tap.
I love the video - it's very handy going into the detail around GB immunity for the different OOS +back throw punishes :)
On console most people just predict it, at least that’s what happens in diamond.
ST is broken at the moment and needs a fix.
Nah, better nerf glads stamina first. Take care of the important things.
@@jaymiddleton1782 Yeah I think the use of a hidden indicator is strange personally. And that the dmg/stamina dmg/cost needs to be adjusted a tad.
The speed doesn't effect me too much, but I can understand that the indicator is strange and throws people off.
“OG raider mains”
Cya rusty rat
doomshadow pepehands
raider time is about to get extra funky for the top tier players
That dodging by raider and tian di was so funny to watch.
Will you not make video on his flickering animation softfeints ? 🤔
He already did
12:00 it seems that lightspam is a possible solution to dodge gb, if the Raider didn’t dodge super early
I thought you could get Stunning tap in to zone or heave finisher on oss parry
So does Kensei's Superior Block work on Stunning Tap?
Its nice and all but raider is the only hero that has this many options in the current state of the game. Which raises the question why play someone that isnt raider i have 1 rep on raider mostly duels and i only lost against other raiders and the opponents werent stupid and were using proper mix ups and even parried the stunning tap every now and then. So am i a good Raider or is he op?
What about hito and shugo whit there charging h.They can do something whit the hyper armour?
They can both trade but raider if moving to 2nd chain heavy will always land 2 heavies to both Shugo and Hitokiri because they will be in recovery while Raider will be midway combo hypearmored. If you are talking about after stunning both probably trade.
If cent's ch land between his chains he can stop the chain?
Thanks for all the hard work freeze!
You know this game is too much for you when even Raider's punishes have you throwing your hands up in defeat.
They either need damage nerfs or slow down a couple choice attacks
No he doesent all heavies r 900 ms his neutral zone is 1000ms the lnly thing that is faster are his lights
He literally has the same speed of attacks as everyone else. Everyone's so used to Raider having 600ms.
Hey freeze, i was playing arcade against a raider bot, and i was OOS and he threw me and got a left light and two left heavies, all were guranteed. I got it on video, but i couldnt get it to work in the arena mode. I recorded it on my xbox, is there a way i could send it to you so you could check it out? If its a punish itd be 90 total without damage buffs
EDIT: I figured it out, i had a modifier that gave me hyper armor. In the training arena when i did an OOS throw with raider the opponent was hit stunned if i threw the light as soon as i threw them and didnt fall. Seeing as i had hyper armor, i didnt get stunned and fell anyway, giving the raider bot a guranteed light-heavy-heavy punish
just upload it somewhere and send me the link.
either here or on discord.
thanks for sharing
@@fkkfreeze here you go
@freeze Hope it helps, sorry for the poor quality lol 😊
interesting... that light should've interrupted the knockdown...
I'll test a little.
cheers man
do you remember the arcade modifiers of the raider?
What about SB heroes? Does that stop Raider's combo or nah
Bashes knock out raider from anything he attempts to do.
Lord Dem Sorry, to clarify I meant Superior Block not Shoulder Bash
Yes superior block stops both his stunning tap and ha heavies.
Can you still do the heavy into zone oos gb punish without a wall?
That was taken out a while ago
@@MordeanSchein well thank god for that
Can Zerker dodge attack, start heavy and deflect raider side heavy???
You can trade maybe but I dunno if you can deflect.
Silly me, I thought this was a guide on how to parry and guardbreak the Raider. We fucking need it.
i wanna know how to make raider to go very far when you use guardbreak
Hold the GB button while they’re on your back
A Black Prior can shut down the heavy into stunning tap mix up if he goes for a bulwark counter at the parry timing, leaving Raider with only soft feinted gb's to counter this
Correct but that's called match up knowledge which is why several characters were demonstrated near the end of the video what options they have after a stunning tap and it raider follows with heavy attack.
@@lorddem1659 I know, i just i had to point it out anyways
Lemme get this straight....raider gets a stuntap on gb?? Is this as gauranteed as the light on gb???
He gets a heavy softfeint into stunning tap from GB guaranteed for 18 damage.
Did berserkers max punish get changed?
Yes. It's now throw forward into forward dash light into side heavy and into side light.
I thought the heavy into zone was doable without wall given some practice? Regardless, good video as always
curious how you didnt mention just block top, react block/parry everything else, as its by far the best thing to do for most players, as most cant parry it any more.
if you cant parry the stunning tap, then you cant reaction parry a heavy after the feint window
@@fkkfreeze hence why i said react parry/block
and i find i can parry the heavy reactively, but not the stunning tap, dont know why but thats how it is for me.
@@KingTigerGuy hes saying they're the same reaction timing, so its literally the same issue whether you block/parry top or side. If you cant block/parry stunning tap on reaction from a side then you won't be able to do it the opposite way around and block/parry the heavy on reaction to it not being feinted, because of the exact same timing
@@FrostyNutz- i cant parry and only about 50% react block the tap, yet, i can get about an 80% heavy parry, 90% block, found a lot of other players are the same way so..
@@KingTigerGuy its the same timing, so you're not actually reacting purely to the heavy not being feinted, if you were you'd be able to parry the stun tap on reaction
Tysm this really helped me get better
Who keeps getting disconnected? I see no video about it and I’m started to think it’s just me
M i the only warden who likes new raider and his ̶F̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶e̶r̶ stuning tap ?
Wow someone who actually knows how to adapt! :)
Lord Dem Adapting bad. Adapting stupid. Make game easy! No adapting!
Not everybody has a tool that counters Raiders shit.
@@Ropewatch ermm parry top you get a heavy because you parry raiders stunning tap is a light attack
@@lorddem1659 no because I can get hit by a side Heavy or light. This is the problem. Both of these outcomes result in taking retarded amounts of damage.
seriously freeze, you're awesome, please never stop making these
How do you delay a light
you simply wait a tiny bit after throwing... if you dont wait long enough, the opponent wont fall down, but if you wait too long your attack will miss.
Just set a bot to "out of stamina" and then practice throwing him and hitting the light
This rework makes me hate new raiders, cause I mained him prior
@@Glueman_TM yep
@@Glueman_TM BETA boys
Same. And most of the new guys just abuse his Stampede constantly.
Thank you freeze very cool
Very good man, Raider has some of the most interesting punish opportunities in the game :D
Why'd you say that 3 times
nice job earning more likes than all 3 too lol
Still stunning tap does 18 damage. Compared to a zone of Lawbringer which does the same. They never fixed Lawbringer's actual problems.
Stunning tap also doesn't turn into an unblockable AOE after parry
@@jebidiahgrassoblue1879 You cannot follow up attacks for the zone which makes it useless. Raider has this only opening and it stuns that makes it useful when used. Lawbringer still has problems. His rework just sucks.
@@hightiernub1313 what I'm saying is raider doesn't have a large aoe parry punish. I wasn't debating if the character is good, but his parry punishes are good
The problem of how op raider not with his kit as a separate tools as many trying to review him but with him as a whole
Zone is no longer free gb tho right?
That got patched
is that lord dem?
How's it going everybody
11:12 you spin me right round baby right round
It's too risky try to dodge the stunning tap, if the Raider simply feint in to gb, you will be oos and will get the stunning tap too...try to dodge the stunning tap it's a bad idea.
Trying to Parry is a bad idea. Trying to block is a bad idea (on nuxia). Trying to attack is a bad idea (oh because you might get parried). Trying to throw a bash is a bad idea because you might be dodged attacked. Trying to zone is a bad idea because you might get parried. etc etc. Learn Matchups!
@@lorddem1659 Against Raider, everything it's a bad idea, he's simply the strong character in game right now, he doesn't have negative match up, so what am i suppose to learn? If i dodge his mix up one time (if he's smart), next time he will catch me with the gb; and if i dodge every time the stunning tap, i can't even punish him with my Hitokiri. I prefer try to parry the stunng tap (i can do it the 30% of the time...i'm on console, so is not that easy), but, at least, it's more rewarding than simply dodge...
Lawbringer pls
Lol so I heard “if you stampede run someone into a wall...” as “if you stam-pizza someone into a wall...”
I’m hungry, fuck off.
I thought ubi already patched the GB vulnerability
They patched the neutral zone from a GB punish GB vulnerability. Raider always had unsafe punishes out of stamina is just most people didn't know.
Oh i see
How do you feel about the new raider and his nerf
Very good vid man, Raider has some of the most interesting punish opportunities in the game :D
When is comment number 3 coming out bro?
@@elite943able good question, dunno what my laptop decided to do double posting
"People gonna complain about how it's OP but *it's your own for fault for deflecting such an attack* "
Come on, if you get a deflect, you should get the punish in. You shouldn't ever be punished for punishing your opponent. WTF
If you deflect a zerker or Kensei they can trade on ha finishers. Is called match up knowledge depending on character. If you deflect shugokis 1st heavy his 2nd heavy can trade if buffered. If you deflect warlord opener light his second heavy will trade if buffered with most exception being zerker and shino always. Superior block deflect types always stop the chain of raider and he can't followup. Is best people buckle up and addapt instead of joining the sheep masses of people crying raider is not ok when he is fine
@@lorddem1659 I still think a deflect should beat out hyper amour on all heros. I mean imagine if the same thing happened on parrys.
@@thescreamingguardsmen343 In 4s Deflects work with antiganking while parries not (you get hit out of your parry attack or get an untechable GB). Is all about matchup knowledge. You get a deflect be smart enough to know if opponent has Hypearmor or not to trade. Same is applied with Warlord if you deflect his opener light he can chain to finisher hypearmored heavy and trade with you but also depends on character. Sorry I am adamant about people learning that matchups vs each character is different. Take example Conqueror. Assasins always do a dodge attack on a conqueror seeing his bash but are more restrictive doing the same seeing an attack from a character because they know they can be punished for it. People need to be a bit more open to adapting to changes than just complaining (no offense). At this point I wonder what people wanted Raider Rework to have done? Keep him the same?
"Now safe on hit as well". Very sad that it needed to be said.
Berserker, Shinobi, AND Kensei get damage on stun tap :)
Alicaido how does kensei get damage?
@@jaymiddleton1782 Forward dodge GB has superior block property, which guarantees a guard break
Alicaido and valk and bp (i think it's superior block) and conq
Navi thanks bro. Yeah I realised that after I said it I did used to main kensei.
Lawbringer soon pls
Nice damage. Thanks ubi, pretty balanced
Blocking is a good option you know
@@lorddem1659 blocking his punishes? Interesting, tell me more
@M9dno yes, but heroes like nobu, cent or aramusha are viable only thanks to this pumped up damage, while for heroes like raider, jj or bp before nerf huge damage is only one of plenty powers
Lord Dem you’re a raider main huh, he’s as fast as everyone else and deals way too much damage
@M9dno yeah, only thanks to damage he was No.1 based on the duel statistics xD
0:02 Still bug? Really?
And raider can punish oos parry stuning tap and top heavy. However I don't know is this combo safety.
Raider max punish:.... light spam, dodge Stun tap/ guard break, soft feint UB, repeat. Raider is double SS class now, anyone can pick up Raider and kill ppl easily now.
Keep saying that to yourself.
Thanks I will
You're probably a casual player then
Lord Starkiller and what does that make you?
Are you one of those guys that think playing this game and being good at it earns you prestige or something?
It baffles me that slipperyt is still in the game, let alone as a T4.
I'm pretty sure everyone already make a punish and GB guide
well then, here's one more
3:45 46 dmg?
oh wow I didn't even notice...
I have no idea why... it should be 45 O_o
His chain zone has been doing 51 damage sometimes lately
Freeze forgot the gear stats on while recording.
Good job fellas
Love your work, never biased about an update an you always have researched before your videos, its also good to see someone with a big audiance not yield to their collective outcries.. or in lamens terms you ain't no bitch an wont call a character broken because it may have a moveset that you or the community don't enjoy playing with or againts.
In my personal opinion I think people have gotten used to beating down all but the very best of raiders an don't like their precious character choice being beaten by a character they don't agree with, an I say to that tuff it aint all about you 😂 But yeah rant over love your work 👍
People were so used of boping raider out of everything and now that raider has changed and has attack options people complain for no reason.
@@lorddem1659 Yep same as they did with big daddy shug I even admit I though shug was broken after his rework but the more I took the time to actually learn his moveset I had less problems dealing with it lol.. anyways great reply I agree 100% an also nice appearance in the video 😊
@@BlushingPico144 If you were at the time of Kensei Rework the outcry for Kensei OP was massive! Look at Kensei now.
@@lorddem1659 I am a kensei main but ive never thought he was OP just good in anti ganks but meh I like the new reworks an the community doesn't so I guess am worlds away from the general opinions of the community 😂
An I love it.
Wtf are you talking about ? I can't care less what hero beats me, if I get outplayed, I got outplayed, GG. The problem is raider is too safe right now. Amazing defence, amazing offense. He literally has the strongest kit in game rn. I never play raider, played him the other day just for the lols and try him out, stomped on everyone and I didn't even know wtf l was doing. You can't really predict against him since he has so many different options.
You seem to like raider’s buff
Freeze, Im pretty sure Stunning Tap is only confirmed on knee-stun if they opponent had their guard on either side direction. If they were in top stance before the charge it appears to be blockable.
Also you should have mentioned Raiders 360 throw draining an opponents stamina when surrounded by minions/other players. It can easily swing a battle in mid when you get a GB and can land OOS punishes.
5:05 rip
Do simple math and no point playing the other characters cuz like 4/5 characters curently are way too Stronger than Others
I know Its a 1vs1 But thats not the Case ! Its a Points of mistakes ! Even if i am able to punish Raider /Shugoki /Warlord /JJ / BP
4/5 times and he did it 2 Guess who will win !
New meta sucks ! Heavy Characters overall To have Same speed/More than assasssins More health More damage and More options ! And YES Raider its Way too Much Overpowered Curently sits at top of every single character
400/500 MS lights + stun with High damage ! Heavy Damage 40/45/50 ! Unblockable ! Dodge GB ! Can't be gb after Dodge !
Out of stamina Pressure ! + High Damage on parry 3 combos on lights 3 combos at Heavy + SF and he has 130 hp + !
So Yes Raider is Busted
At least Shugoki mains and Raider mains have something in commom. Thanks Ubisoft, if you touch Cent, i'll kill ya.
Do you not think cent deserves some attention his kit is pretty weak in my opinion an I don't even play him 😂 at all.. when I fight cents an they cutscene me I think yea this is kinda annoying but what mainly comes to mind is that they don't really have a choice which is sad. What's your thought's?
jordan cannon` I think i am a strange case. I seem to gravitate towards the weakest characters. First i was a shugo main, untill the rework made him a mixup machine, so i am worried that when Ubi gets to cent, they are gonna dumb him down to the point, that spamming is the best choice.
Cent is the last true turtle in the game, since his kit relies either on the opponent's stupidity, or parrying in the right time and place. It's hard, true, but oh so satisfying.
Even if the cutscene combo is kept, they are definately gonna speed it up, and that defeats it's entire purpose.
Cent really feeds off salt, and he himself is the saltiest, since litterally everybody is stronger, give or take aramusha.
The game is about fun, it's a casual experience. But Ubi doesn't understand that. And so, spam will reign supreme. Cent is just a temporary shelter, untill i'll be sent on another depressing journey to find a new main, and an even more depressing situation, when your once favourite hero becomes your worst enemy, like what happened to me and Shugoki, due to his chargable heavies and op second feat.
Well i've rambled on long enough. But to sum up: this game had characters you could respect. When i was a shugo main, very often my opponents were more impressed to be beaten by a low tier, than salty. But, soon there won't be impressive feats in this game. It will all be spam.
So what are your thoughts? What do you want from a hero and why?
Tahstig don’t worry dude there’s always Aramusha. King of the Trash tier.
I also like low grade heroes. I like winning because I’m more skilled not because of the hero I chose. I’m sure a lot of us came from Dark Souls to For Honor so you will know what I mean.
I look at people like Zerker and there’s literally nothing about that character that interests me. I could play an S tier hero for an easy time but... it’s too easy.
I love beating a shaman or a BP as a lowly aramusha because they know they’ve been outskilled.
I wouldn’t mind if both cent and aramusha had a quality of life buff though.
Something like Kensei got. Kensei is only a C/B tier hero but when I play fours I usually get double digit kills and 0-2 deaths, anti-gank King, because Kensei actually has a pretty decent kit if you know his potential.
Well they have to update old heroes otherwise they become to lacking in terms of kit againts other characters so id say its definately coming at some point but maybe they wont make him spam an more use of his body as a tool his a centurian after all haha
@@jaymiddleton1782 Kensei has a great kit, and his massive range is what gets many ganks.
good video
Bro it came out one minute ago how did you comment 12 hrs ago
@@alexanderhayton9386 Is called hax
Probably private until it's fully uploaded.
I would like to hear an extended thought from you about the current state of raider and his utterly broken kit
oh you wont like what I have to say
@@fkkfreeze Oh I am thirsty for salt mate
@@mhmmm99riga you will definitely not like what he has to say then.
@Xeno G What he’s saying is that he doesn’t believe Raider is broken at all, meaning he’s actually a rational individual and doesn’t jump on the “radar owpee” bandwagon
@@the_viriathus5719 People seems to defend raider eventhough his softfeint are janky although i can see people getting on bandwagon to complain about Orochi's light lmao .
Buff Kensei pls