Before rework ksante early was pretty shit and with grasp you didnt really wanted to auto tryndamere cuz he would punish you much harder with his early strength, in matchups where you cant really use grasp or dont want to aftershock is better. With the rework you almost always want to grasp cuz you are much stronger early
Cuz u can't really poke trynda out of lane, he has much more sustain than u r poking him with grasp. So u go aftershock to burst him down and bait out his ulti with "ult-w" to do high dmg, or even "short w - ult not in a wall - w" as a kinda max burst combo
And also it allows u to counter his engage-type trading better, u cc him with everything and tryna run away while aftershoking, so his damage in ur back is severely mitigated
2:03 - I'm a newbie K'Sante player, why did he go After Shock in this match up? (Tryndamere)
Before rework ksante early was pretty shit and with grasp you didnt really wanted to auto tryndamere cuz he would punish you much harder with his early strength, in matchups where you cant really use grasp or dont want to aftershock is better. With the rework you almost always want to grasp cuz you are much stronger early
aftershock is better when you deal with some counters that is too hard for Grasp , example like Gnar , Vayne Top ( they should kys ) , Tryndamere
Cuz u can't really poke trynda out of lane, he has much more sustain than u r poking him with grasp. So u go aftershock to burst him down and bait out his ulti with "ult-w" to do high dmg, or even "short w - ult not in a wall - w" as a kinda max burst combo
And also it allows u to counter his engage-type trading better, u cc him with everything and tryna run away while aftershoking, so his damage in ur back is severely mitigated
Post rework you should always go aftershock, its just better now
what software is that? why can you see hud during replay
Magic tank with dmg
this champ is so broken lmao
Not in the sense of being OP in 99,9% of his players, but yeah he's such a mess and mistake, he needs an actual full redesign to be fixed.
From the very first seconds u see why concept of this champ so fcking broken.
There's nothing broken about him
a title call "K'Sante main" doesn't sound like a compliment at all lol
Oh but it is