Hi Cici, made this recipe today and it was super good! It was so simple to make and tasted like it was right out of a restaurant. Thanks!! Adam Beef with Green Onions by Cici 4 oz. beef, sliced 2 green onions, white and green parts separated premix sauce: 1 T. shaoxing wine 1 T. water 2 tsp soy sauce (salt in soy sauce) 1/2 tsp sugar no salt black pepper to taste 1/8 tsp sesame oil slurry Stir fry the beef with the white parts of the green onion. Next, add the premix sauce and green parts of green onion. After a few minutes, add the slurry.
One-eighth teaspoon of sesame oil? LOL Why bother? I think it was more than that. In fact, most of your measurements are too low. But it was nice of you to write all that out for folks. But hopefully, they realize the amounts are a bit off.
CiCi look delicious will try sometime this week .. when I fry the beef can I not use too much oil as its home base can jus put some oil and jus fry them possible ...
I am in question about the ingredients. Especially what liquid is in the wok when you first start to cook the beef! And, which type of wine? Is there anyway you would be able to write down the ingredients here in the comment section? The page that you referred us to is no longer there. Thank you! I have most of the ingredients but there are few that I don't know what they are yet and I'm dying to try this recipe! Before my scallions go slimy!!!
Many thanks for the questions! I've edited the recipe link. And here's the recipe: Ingredients: 1 lb of beef, sliced 6 scallions, chopped into 3-inch pieces Marinade: A pinch of salt and sugar 1 /2 of an egg white 1 /2 teaspoon of cornstarch mix in 1 tablespoon of water 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil Sauce: 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce 2 tablespoon of Shao Xing wine 1/3 teaspoon of sugar 1/4 teaspoon of salt A pinch of white pepper A dash of sesame oil 1 teaspoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of water 1. In a bowl, mix the beef slices with the marinade seasonings for 30 minutes. 2. Add 3 cups of oil in a wok, in high heat add beef slices, spread them thoroughly, and cook till medium. Take them out and drain all the excess oil. 3. With the excess oil left in the wok, add the roots of scallions and cook till the fragrant comes out. Add the cooked beef slices. Add sauce and 2 tablespoons of water. And lastly, put all the green scallions in and stir everything thoroughly.
Brilliant recipe!!!My family loved it^^Whenever I make this I always add water spinach and crushed garlic and ginger to put more flavour. Glad to finally know how to make the beef chewy like what they do in restaurants. You deserve my praise :)
Okay. But you are not consuming alcohol here. You are USING alcohol to create chemical reactions. After the reactions, the amount of remaining alcohol is even less that the alcohol content you find in bread.
I thought Muslims are supposed to be clever in chemistry. But then I know Muslims in Malaysia are very narrow minded. They say they cannot consume alcohol, but they like to eat durian, which actually contains lots of alcohol !!
u getting too far from the discussion..... is there any ingredient that able to subtitute wine.... that is the question. im not asking for you knowledge about muslim in malaysia consuming alcohol. " i thought muslim are supposed to be clever in chemistry" fyi not all muslim are chemist, if im too clever in chemistry...the question of wine subtitution isnt exist in the first place.
Luv to watch CiCi's videos. I remembered the HK chefs @ Shangri-la's Shang Palace Restaurant, Singapore, were old grouchy sex starved a-holes. Turned me of from wanting to learn that cuisine till now. Thks Cici.
Non of the big Supermarkets sell any Dark Soy sauce with Mushroom's at all./ times like this I miss living near Chinatown,? For Shopping etc.? On Line it's expensive Plus the Shipping is more than the Sauce itself.?
Cici i dont understand your marination i need to know. You say its half of a teaspoon water and half of a teaspoon cornstarch. And then what? You mix them together before You put in Bowl with beef or one by one . Also is it really Only half teaspoon of those two or is it tablespoon?
Thx for the question! So here: first in a bowl, you mix the beef slices with the marination seasonings for 30 minutes. Marination: A pinch of salt and sugar 1 /2 of an egg white 1 /2 teaspoon cornstarch mixed in 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
cici...what did that chef said about ur dish? can u translate it to us..? i really want to know whats his comment. maybe we can get some tips here and there..lol...thanks..:))
I also don't drink alcohol. However, I do use a bit of wine while cooking because it can eliminate gamey taste of the meat. Plus, it will evaporate while cooking.
wow, are you missing out...even if you are allergic to alcohol it evaporates out during cooking process. if you have ever done fine dining then you've had alcohol added to your food but the alcohol has evaporated already. alcohol is used alot in fine western dining...like alot..lol
For me personally it was a bit too salty with the soy sauce and added salt. Next time I will try without added salt and maybe even a little less soy sauce. Otherwise, nice recipe, thanks very much for sharing!
If you want a health conscious Chinese cooking you do not want a Cantonese girl teaching you. Xi'an or Beijing area cooking much less oil in their cooking. If you want delicious Chinese-American food this girl knows her stuff.
Actually you don't need baking soda. Only some restaurants use it because they use extra cheap beef and they want to make it tender to the extreme with baking soda. If you use reasonably good quality beef, all you really need is plenty of water, a bit of soy sauce (for the salt inside), corn starch, oil and above all, be sure to cut across the beef muscles. The objective is to infuse the water and salt into the beef fiber and let the water expand the muscle clusters, and let the salt cut through the muscles. And use corn starch to protect the marinate. Finally, put a bit oil to protect the whole structure. Marinate for couple hours and it is as tender as it gets. And you can tell the difference. The meat is tender but still have a good chew. It is not tenderize so much that it is losing the muscle integrity. Be sure to do it in the right order. That is, do not put in corn starch and oil first, that will prevent the marinate to go into the fiber.
@@jimkuan8493 can you please tell me what cuts of beef to use for these kinds of dishes? I tried baking soda and it tenderized the beef a lot but also gave it a nasty taste :(
@@oldtruckdriver9305 Just cut against the muscle. (muscle is the dash line) ---------------| (the pipe is the knife) So slice your meat against the muscle. I put on a kitchen glove, a bit of soy sauce, a bit of salt, four table spoon of garlic and scallion water (chop up some garlic and scallion and dip in water), a bit of sugar, a bit of corn starch, a bit of oil, and keep stirring and squeezing with my hand (with kitchen glove on). It will take about 5 minutes of abuse to make the meat tender. Then keep it in the frig for 30 minutes or 1 hour. And the meat will be very tender. The operating material to make it tender is water and salt. Let the meat sponge up water (don't worry the meat will absorb all water), and let the salt cut through the meat tissue.
udis udist 5 ggg55yyyyyy5 yt btygt 5 ggyt t yyg65g6t gy ygy yt gygyyt ggyyyt g5yyg6t r t 5 gr g4 tghr ygggt r y5 ghgtyr gyt tr gyygyh r yyg5y5g6yggy5 yt yg5 gg5 yg5 ggg66ggy5yt grr yyg6gyy65y5g5yr y666yr 5t t r 55y5 t6gy4 yt gyg5g6y5gty5yyy6555g6t 6t gtt t g5yyt gt ygyyyyygb gt h46 y5ygt t yytgt t gty666yr 55yr yt ytygy5yr yr gt 6t yyyr gyt ghr yh gt yg5g5t h r yt yyygggtyt yyyyggt ygggyyyy6gy66t t yy5 ygt g4 yr y66ygyy66565yt gy5 t5t ggyyggy566yy4 yy6gyyg5g5t yggygyyy5gt ggy6gt t 6r t6t6t yyyyygyyyyr gyyy5ytbyytt gyggygyyyygt ygyy4 6yy t hr 66y6ygt y tr yyr y5yr 6r t y5yt yr 4 yyygg5gh yy yg6yy4 yyt rygyt yt y yt yt ggt yt r gyt tggyr g5yhr yt y y556ygt yt g yr y5 t gy yt g6yg5 r 5 y5y yt y gy h tt gt 6yyyy6yt yyyy ggt bgyyyyt gyhyyt yyygggytyh 5 g5t yt gt y yygygt g5 byt gy 5 gyr gyggyt yt 5 tgt y t t btgyt y5 y66yygt 655 rt yt t gggy4 yr yt gyyygyg5 gy ggt ygyg6yyyt gt tyg4 gyr t r y gg6gt yr r r 6t ygg56y5 gyyt r gyr t gbygyt tg5gg56ggt 5gt yg6g5555yg6g6yy6g55yygt t yy5 tr 5y6r t h yg56yygt y6t6t 6y5yr g5655yyr 6y6665ty6ggyr 5y56t gt yyy y ygyr 6gg6yyyyt g5 t yyr 5gy6g5 y yyyyygythr 6t g65t gt 6hr 5 r t tyg yt55t yr 6yyyygyt tyyt yygt ggtgrygggy55 btggy yt6r t t ghrtyr gy5 6ty5hyr yyy5t ty5yyyr ggyy6g6ygyr 4 yr 65yyyr 5 yyg5yyy 5yygy5yyy5 5ygy5ygygt yyyyggyt yt yt gry55 6yyt yr gggt5 yy5 yr yb gy 5 ygt y5ygy5g55ggyr r 5tgyyyy ygt yr gyggt t t y ggyy5yyg6t yg gy t yg55 g5 hy 5gt ggy g 55g6yt y yyr gt 5gt yr ggyt gyhygyyyt 5y65g65yy5y65r y6t5 yg5t gh 5 yt hr y5gyt r 5ygyyr t gtt 5g5 yt yr y5 yt5t 5h tgt gy6ggt r yt 6t gggy ygyyt gygy5ygt gyyt gyy55ygygyr ygyytyyyyy 5t ygt tyr t t yt 5 ggt g5t y gyt yt ygt yr 5 y ggyggyyt r t gyygyr ygt y5 5yyggt yygt yt yt t5ggy5yyygyyt r 6y6yyyt t yr t gy gt 5y brgbrr t t gggy gbtt gggyghr t gggt ghr 5 gyyhr ty t 5yg5 r gty5yr g5gt tygt gyt gtgyy t g ggrgtyg5gyyyy ggyyg5yyygt t y ty6y6ygt y y vtgy tygt t b6t y4 tggy bbt g gt t gt5 r ytggy t yygyr g gt rg 4 ygy5y65 yyggyyy5 5 ygyt yyt tr yt gt ggtt r t ggy yyyy5 5gy 5 yt yt y y5 gyt 5t ggyt t tgt bt t55yyt bggtyg ggbvgy gyyyy6t g4 gggb bgr gt gy gtg gggygt yr gt gtt ygt tt ttyt yt 5 t gt tgt t t ygygggt tyt ggt tygt y yg5 yt t gyyt g tt yyr t tgt gt y5 t bgtt gggt gyyt tt rt y g btrrt y tt gbbtg yt gbbr tgt rtr t yt ggrrgbtyt rgg t y4 y y gt ty 6 gy y trt ggt t t gggtg tg5yt ggry65t yyggh t gy gt y y gt yyt gt tt yg ggy tt r bgy g gt t g 5gy4 y tgt yty r y y r t yggggyytgg gggy tt t t g vtgygt y y tr g t y gby gbbr t t y t ggb y yr gy ryyt y g gbt t t yt rr ygt t ggg y g r gbgtr tgy5 ggt t yggg y yt tgytyt t ggt r t g r tgt gyt r b bgbgt tyt tby rr t t t rt bt t rgt bt r4 yt gygtgggt r grg bgbt y gtg r yt ggt g t gyr rr t gbt ggt r rtr bbggb g vggbg y t gbgbg gggbrt r bt y g t bbt ygr gggbvt gbtbtgt grrt t rr y gtgt gb t bt gt rt bg b y 5gt y t gvt g y bgr rt b t r t 6 ty tbgy gggt g br gvy bgbtgrgy bgtbbbg y gb y gtbgrt gy gby y r rrggbr tt bvr rryr rgygr gt bygt y ggvt yyg gvtgt g tt gbgggby gggb gtt y gt yt gy t rr g rt r yt t ggbg bt gtt r bgt g tt ggyg t gt b ygy gt yyt tt gt gggtr g r tg gg 5 y t y gy t t y b6 gb ty5 gyt yyygygyr r gtt gy rbr gygt gyggt t yt r tyyt yyt yr 6 ggygt 6yt t 5yt 4 6g5t y tgy t 5yt tyyyyt t4 5 6t gt yyt yyyy5gyy5 yyyt 5t 5 y5yy5y5yyggt ggtgt y5 yg55yyy5t ggygyt 5 yt yy t gg t yhr 6r 5yyyy6yyyygy5 5y55 y5t yr y6y6gyy5 y5yyt r5gyyggt yygt t 5 y r y6yg5 5y5t 5 5 6g5 5 gy5yt yyy5 yt gyt t gy ggtyg5ygygyyyy5gg5yt rt r t g6t gggygr ygyyt gtt t t ty yt gt ggtt gy5gt bggty tgy tyygggg ygyy5 tgy5 gtgt yy5 gyt tyg tgyt t gyr t yr tt gr t gtt btt tr ggg bgy rg y5 gyr gyyyg gtygyyyyt r yygg r5 gt t t 5 yt ttyyt5 y t yyt 6t tytg tyt g gtt yyt yt yy ygggyg5t t rryyt gyy5 yt yg6 6y6t gt yyyyy5 t ygy4 55yt r t t gtt tt tbgyt r tt gt r y5ygy5gyy6yyggg5 yt ty tgtgy ygyr 5y5 tyggyt yr yr t t tt yt 5g5y5yyygy6y5yt yt y65 5tt t 6yyyg65ggt y5gyggytgt 5y5gt gy gygy4 t yy55 gyyyyt yyg5 yt yyyyy5 5gt t y6t gy6 t ggty yyyyt tyyt tggy tt gggbtgg ggbt gb5 g ggbbt v5t gt gbtt bt r g tgt gtt y yt ygt gy t ggtgt bt tgt gy y gr tyt t bbbg 5gyyt ttgggggt y tt yt ggt gtygyt gt5t b6yg5yyy5yt yyyyyyg6t 6gyt t yggh 6yt gr yy4 t6t gggbt yggg6yt h gy t btgrygt ygyt by ty gry5 5t yt 5t y yt 5 5 yh 6 6yt ygt ggbgt gty yyyyt r bbr g gggt tgg
Hi Cici, made this recipe today and it was super good! It was so simple to make and tasted like it was right out of a restaurant. Thanks!! Adam
Beef with Green Onions by Cici
4 oz. beef, sliced
2 green onions, white and green parts separated
premix sauce:
1 T. shaoxing wine
1 T. water
2 tsp soy sauce
(salt in soy sauce)
1/2 tsp sugar
no salt
black pepper to taste
1/8 tsp sesame oil
Stir fry the beef with the white parts of the green onion. Next, add the premix sauce and green parts of green onion. After a few minutes, add the slurry.
Gracias 🙏
One-eighth teaspoon of sesame oil? LOL Why bother? I think it was more than that. In fact, most of your measurements are too low. But it was nice of you to write all that out for folks. But hopefully, they realize the amounts are a bit off.
I like your recipeThankyou
Thank you for stopping by! ☺️
CiCi look delicious will try sometime this week .. when I fry the beef can I not use too much oil as its home base can jus put some oil and jus fry them possible ...
Yes, definitely! You can simply pan fry them as well. 👍
@@CiCiLi tks for the information.
nice job on instructing on how to prepare the dish.
What cut of beef would you use? Great recipe, just want to be exact. Thanks☺
Wow its so delicious
Glad that you like it! 😊
Artofcooking nailed itDeep fry with oil
Then rinse in boiling water.
Restaurant style!
Mad vid. 10/10
I love cooking Chinese😘🌺🍁🌷💓👍💯💚👈
Thanks for stopping by! 😊
I need to get to an Asian market to get all the things I need to make Chinese dishes. Thank you for this recipe! Looks so good!
Hey if you find a jet engine at the Asian market let me know, also ask if they will ship it to Minnesota lol..
Thank you so much for sharing host ❤️🥰
You are so welcome! Thanks for watching! :)
Ma sha Allah very nice
Delicious Chinese foods
I will have to try your recipe!
Esa carne con cebollita cambray se ve muy rica, gracias, rendiciones
woooow ! That was brilliant CICI Li ..... luks lovely on plate ...Really I'm gonna try this
Wow...look delicious
Is the man chef is a cooking competition champion?
Hi Cici, when you will add up the corn starch water? Did you mix it with the raw beef before deep frying or adding up during the stir frying?
Adrijzon Tenijaya, I added a little of cornstarch slurry in both in the marinade and the sauce. Here's the recipe cicili.tv/beef-with-scallions/ ☺️
Thank you so much Cici
Your cooking of this recipe resulted in a Meal that looks Scrumptious! Thank you.
I am in question about the ingredients. Especially what liquid is in the wok when you first start to cook the beef! And, which type of wine? Is there anyway you would be able to write down the ingredients here in the comment section? The page that you referred us to is no longer there. Thank you! I have most of the ingredients but there are few that I don't know what they are yet and I'm dying to try this recipe! Before my scallions go slimy!!!
Many thanks for the questions! I've edited the recipe link. And here's the recipe:
1 lb of beef, sliced
6 scallions, chopped into 3-inch pieces
A pinch of salt and sugar
1 /2 of an egg white
1 /2 teaspoon of cornstarch mix in 1 tablespoon of water
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce
2 tablespoon of Shao Xing wine
1/3 teaspoon of sugar
1/4 teaspoon of salt
A pinch of white pepper
A dash of sesame oil
1 teaspoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of water
1. In a bowl, mix the beef slices with the marinade seasonings for 30 minutes.
2. Add 3 cups of oil in a wok, in high heat add beef slices, spread them thoroughly, and cook till medium. Take them out and drain all the excess oil.
3. With the excess oil left in the wok, add the roots of scallions and cook till the fragrant comes out. Add the cooked beef slices. Add sauce and 2 tablespoons of water. And lastly, put all the green scallions in and stir everything thoroughly.
@@CiCiLi Thank you! What kind of oil do you recommend for the 3 cups of oil?
Very nice,amazing simple but real Flavors,keep up the good work,and keep posting such nice and real yum recipes.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
By looking at the beef I would assume that this have been treated with a pinch of baking soda and some corn starch in the marinade as well.
What does the Baking soda do to the meat?
I was actually writing the same thing, seems to me there's a bit of starch in the marinade as well..
Maybe is the secret ingredients that they don't want to share 😉😂😂😂
i think she did mentioned corn starch mixed?
I need a recipe list of ingrideents
Can you use haday seasoning wine?
Finally a fantastic welldone video keep it up, would love to see a noodle and beef one
Brilliant recipe!!!My family loved it^^Whenever I make this I always add water spinach and crushed garlic and ginger to put more flavour. Glad to finally know how to make the beef chewy like what they do in restaurants. You deserve my praise :)
Thank you for sharing how you make it with me! And I'm really happy that you like this recipe! :)
Your very welcome^^It was very good!! :)
what could be used as a substitute for the wine?
Satisfied Servant and what other veggies would be nice to add?
+Satisfied Servant Any types of liquor would work. :)
thank you, but i'm looking for a substitute without alcohol :)
I love this beef scallions so much so delicious 🤤 😋
Scallion is it spring onion?
Yes! Green onions
What is the cut of the beef?
Hey CiCi Li what's a good substitute for the wine you gave for this recipe
+Anthony Perez, You could fine Shaoxing wine in any Chinese supermarkets. If you don't have one around then you could use rice wine as a substitute.
Dry Sherry
Can we omit the wine or is there any other substitute for it?
Do you have to smell it before you eat it?
How authentic is this. WOW! Fabulous 😋 Thank you for sharing 🤗
That looks really tasty ! Thanks for the video 😃
One of my favourite dishes when I go out to eat
Great recipes .Thx
Most of these dishes you just can’t replicate without the intense fire and wok
The wok wasn't very hot.
can i skip the wine?? any substitute for the particular ingredient?
Axel Lee the wine is for cooking, for the chemical reaction to remove the meat stench.
coz im muslim so cant consume alcohol
Okay. But you are not consuming alcohol here. You are USING alcohol to create chemical reactions. After the reactions, the amount of remaining alcohol is even less that the alcohol content you find in bread.
I thought Muslims are supposed to be clever in chemistry. But then I know Muslims in Malaysia are very narrow minded. They say they cannot consume alcohol, but they like to eat durian, which actually contains lots of alcohol !!
u getting too far from the discussion..... is there any ingredient that able to subtitute wine.... that is the question. im not asking for you knowledge about muslim in malaysia consuming alcohol. " i thought muslim are supposed to be clever in chemistry" fyi not all muslim are chemist, if im too clever in chemistry...the question of wine subtitution isnt exist in the first place.
Hi cici could you give me the name of the wine...or can i use sake instead of.
look really tasty
oh my god. i wish you show us how to marinate the beef.
What can I substitute in lieu of the wine?
is that called velveting when cooked in the hot oil?
Blanch with oil?
What cut of beef did you use?
Luv to watch CiCi's videos. I remembered the HK chefs @ Shangri-la's Shang Palace Restaurant, Singapore, were old grouchy sex starved a-holes. Turned me of from wanting to learn that cuisine till now. Thks Cici.
The English subtitles at 5:35 are just hilarious. Godzilla and yoga tunas on the freeway. Wow.
The subtitles are auto-generated by TH-cam. That does sound funny 😁
Yummy I am going to trying it out that recipe thank you from Malaysia
What cut of beef is used in this dish?
How was the meat soften, was it pounded?
Most likely the best way to make it tender is to pound it.?
It's known a 'velveting'
CiCi if I want to buy the dark soy sauce, how should I ask for it at my local asian market?
You can ask them for "老抽" lao chou. They should be under the sauce section.
Non of the big Supermarkets sell any Dark Soy sauce with Mushroom's at all./ times like this I miss living near Chinatown,? For Shopping etc.? On Line it's expensive Plus the Shipping is more than the Sauce itself.?
What kind of beef?
So so good...
looks lovely BUT wheres the full recipe
Can I have the measurement of the ingredients please I try going to the link posted on the box but say error 407.
yummy we love chinese food 😄😄😄
What type of
Salad oil
Love your videos
What type of beef do you use?
The chef is so beautiful
Some ingredients might not be available in the USA. Can you suggest a substitute that are more available?
All those ingredients are easily available online or an asian market.
or amazon
if it is not available in the USA, gosh I dont know where it is available! lol
Xiè xiè CC! As ever, you make this look so easy! I shall try it later this week, fingers crossed!
what cut of beef is this??
hi ,wat kind of beef u using? was it chinese stir fry beef?
that's cool and all but should take into account that not all normal household stove can fit an industrial wok that size.
Looks good, i was looking for this recipe and I subscribed! Thanks Cici!
Welcome my new subscriber! :)
What's a scalion? I thought that was onion? Can I use onion instead of scalion?
Looks delicious mouth watering 😋 just subscribe your channel
#Work Lover Welcome to my channel and thank you for subscribing! 😄
Yum! Looks great!
Where do you buy this beef in the store? I can never seem to find the right one
Recipe ingredients please
What are the other alternative wine I can use?
Basically any kinds of spiced unsweetened cooking wine, asian ones preferred.
if you can't find an asian cooking wine use dry sherry
what s the point in unsweetened when you need to add sugar into it hehe
Cici i dont understand your marination i need to know.
You say its half of a teaspoon water and half of a teaspoon cornstarch.
And then what? You mix them together before You put in Bowl with beef or one by one . Also is it really Only half teaspoon of those two or is it tablespoon?
Thx for the question! So here: first in a bowl, you mix the beef slices with the marination seasonings for 30 minutes.
A pinch of salt and sugar
1 /2 of an egg white
1 /2 teaspoon cornstarch mixed in 1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
***** thank you for this recipe I have always wonder what was in this dish that makes it so delicious!
CiCi Li I'm surprised you don't use baking soda to tender the beef
CiCi Li Can u write the list of the ingredients pleaseeeee
This is making me hungry
how do you make
cici...what did that chef said about ur dish? can u translate it to us..? i really want to know whats his comment. maybe we can get some tips here and there..lol...thanks..:))
chef said..not bad...right flavor and texture of beef was right too.
what we can add instead of wine for muslims pls advise
I also don't drink alcohol. However, I do use a bit of wine while cooking because it can eliminate gamey taste of the meat. Plus, it will evaporate while cooking.
Hoping that nx time the ingredients has its name appear on the screen while one by one putting at the wok., love this tofu
+Anna May Gabad Thx for the comment! Yes, my new videos all have the list of ingredients on the screen. Check them out! :)
That is nice to know! Yes i will i will check it.
Hi CiCi, thanks for sharing! What can I substitute for alcohol? I have bad reaction to alcohol. Thanks!
wow, are you missing out...even if you are allergic to alcohol it evaporates out during cooking process. if you have ever done fine dining then you've had alcohol added to your food but the alcohol has evaporated already. alcohol is used alot in fine western dining...like alot..lol
isn't the dark n light soy sauce already salty? why use more salt?
For me personally it was a bit too salty with the soy sauce and added salt. Next time I will try without added salt and maybe even a little less soy sauce. Otherwise, nice recipe, thanks very much for sharing!
usually chinese use less salty soy sauce
Michael Goetze usually hard for me to over salt Chinese dishes cuz I’m gonna eat this on a bed of rice
nice food
Wow that's a lot of oil. Isn't that deep frying?
That's what I thought also.?
We'll sort of, but she pulled the meat out when the beef is about 70% cooked
If you want a health conscious Chinese cooking you do not want a Cantonese girl teaching you. Xi'an or Beijing area cooking much less oil in their cooking. If you want delicious Chinese-American food this girl knows her stuff.
regardless, still 10 times healthier than a MckyD's burger. Don't act like you guys don't eat that.
How do you deal with the oil? Will you consider reuse it?
sufejohn she deep fried the meat.
맛있어 보이네요. 소고기를 튀기는 구나. 감사합니다.
Looks delicious. Cant wait to try. I just subscribed. You make me hungry...;-)
she forgot to tell us the secret ingredient to keep the beef tender which is baking soda
Actually you don't need baking soda. Only some restaurants use it because they use extra cheap beef and they want to make it tender to the extreme with baking soda. If you use reasonably good quality beef, all you really need is plenty of water, a bit of soy sauce (for the salt inside), corn starch, oil and above all, be sure to cut across the beef muscles. The objective is to infuse the water and salt into the beef fiber and let the water expand the muscle clusters, and let the salt cut through the muscles. And use corn starch to protect the marinate. Finally, put a bit oil to protect the whole structure.
Marinate for couple hours and it is as tender as it gets. And you can tell the difference. The meat is tender but still have a good chew. It is not tenderize so much that it is losing the muscle integrity.
Be sure to do it in the right order. That is, do not put in corn starch and oil first, that will prevent the marinate to go into the fiber.
@@jimkuan8493 can you please tell me what cuts of beef to use for these kinds of dishes? I tried baking soda and it tenderized the beef a lot but also gave it a nasty taste :(
@@oldtruckdriver9305 Just cut against the muscle. (muscle is the dash line) ---------------| (the pipe is the knife) So slice your meat against the muscle. I put on a kitchen glove, a bit of soy sauce, a bit of salt, four table spoon of garlic and scallion water (chop up some garlic and scallion and dip in water), a bit of sugar, a bit of corn starch, a bit of oil, and keep stirring and squeezing with my hand (with kitchen glove on). It will take about 5 minutes of abuse to make the meat tender. Then keep it in the frig for 30 minutes or 1 hour. And the meat will be very tender. The operating material to make it tender is water and salt. Let the meat sponge up water (don't worry the meat will absorb all water), and let the salt cut through the meat tissue.
how cute! The master chef gets to critique her food
Love from pakistan
Thank you for watching! ☺️🙏
Bpor favor agan traducción no se entiendo en Mexico
Which part of cow meat do you use?
can u show chicken and mixed vegetable dish. or hunan chicken dish
udis udist For this recipe, you can also replace the beef with chicken slices. :)
***** o ok thanks, i will try that, so can u be my gf
udis udist 5 ggg55yyyyyy5 yt btygt 5 ggyt t yyg65g6t gy ygy yt gygyyt ggyyyt g5yyg6t r t 5 gr g4 tghr ygggt r y5 ghgtyr gyt tr gyygyh r yyg5y5g6yggy5 yt yg5 gg5 yg5 ggg66ggy5yt grr yyg6gyy65y5g5yr y666yr 5t t r 55y5 t6gy4 yt gyg5g6y5gty5yyy6555g6t 6t gtt t g5yyt gt ygyyyyygb gt h46 y5ygt t yytgt t gty666yr 55yr yt ytygy5yr yr gt 6t yyyr gyt ghr yh gt yg5g5t h r yt yyygggtyt yyyyggt ygggyyyy6gy66t t yy5 ygt g4 yr y66ygyy66565yt gy5 t5t ggyyggy566yy4 yy6gyyg5g5t yggygyyy5gt ggy6gt t 6r t6t6t yyyyygyyyyr gyyy5ytbyytt gyggygyyyygt ygyy4 6yy t hr 66y6ygt y tr yyr y5yr 6r t y5yt yr 4 yyygg5gh yy yg6yy4 yyt rygyt yt y yt yt ggt yt r gyt tggyr g5yhr yt y y556ygt yt g yr y5 t gy yt g6yg5 r 5 y5y yt y gy h tt gt 6yyyy6yt yyyy ggt bgyyyyt gyhyyt yyygggytyh 5 g5t yt gt y yygygt g5 byt gy 5 gyr gyggyt yt 5 tgt y t t btgyt y5 y66yygt 655 rt yt t gggy4 yr yt gyyygyg5 gy ggt ygyg6yyyt gt tyg4 gyr t r y gg6gt yr r r 6t ygg56y5 gyyt r gyr t gbygyt tg5gg56ggt 5gt yg6g5555yg6g6yy6g55yygt t yy5 tr 5y6r t h yg56yygt y6t6t 6y5yr g5655yyr 6y6665ty6ggyr 5y56t gt yyy y ygyr 6gg6yyyyt g5 t yyr 5gy6g5 y yyyyygythr 6t g65t gt 6hr 5 r t tyg yt55t yr 6yyyygyt tyyt yygt ggtgrygggy55 btggy yt6r t t ghrtyr gy5 6ty5hyr yyy5t ty5yyyr ggyy6g6ygyr 4 yr 65yyyr 5 yyg5yyy 5yygy5yyy5 5ygy5ygygt yyyyggyt yt yt gry55 6yyt yr gggt5 yy5 yr yb gy 5 ygt y5ygy5g55ggyr r 5tgyyyy ygt yr gyggt t t y ggyy5yyg6t yg gy t yg55 g5 hy 5gt ggy g 55g6yt y yyr gt 5gt yr ggyt gyhygyyyt 5y65g65yy5y65r y6t5 yg5t gh 5 yt hr y5gyt r 5ygyyr t gtt 5g5 yt yr y5 yt5t 5h tgt gy6ggt r yt 6t gggy ygyyt gygy5ygt gyyt gyy55ygygyr ygyytyyyyy 5t ygt tyr t t yt 5 ggt g5t y gyt yt ygt yr 5 y ggyggyyt r t gyygyr ygt y5 5yyggt yygt yt yt t5ggy5yyygyyt r 6y6yyyt t yr t gy gt 5y brgbrr t t gggy gbtt gggyghr t gggt ghr 5 gyyhr ty t 5yg5 r gty5yr g5gt tygt gyt gtgyy t g ggrgtyg5gyyyy ggyyg5yyygt t y ty6y6ygt y y vtgy tygt t b6t y4 tggy bbt g gt t gt5 r ytggy t yygyr g gt rg 4 ygy5y65 yyggyyy5 5 ygyt yyt tr yt gt ggtt r t ggy yyyy5 5gy 5 yt yt y y5 gyt 5t ggyt t tgt bt t55yyt bggtyg ggbvgy gyyyy6t g4 gggb bgr gt gy gtg gggygt yr gt gtt ygt tt ttyt yt 5 t gt tgt t t ygygggt tyt ggt tygt y yg5 yt t gyyt g tt yyr t tgt gt y5 t bgtt gggt gyyt tt rt y g btrrt y tt gbbtg yt gbbr tgt rtr t yt ggrrgbtyt rgg t y4 y y gt ty 6 gy y trt ggt t t gggtg tg5yt ggry65t yyggh t gy gt y y gt yyt gt tt yg ggy tt r bgy g gt t g 5gy4 y tgt yty r y y r t yggggyytgg gggy tt t t g vtgygt y y tr g t y gby gbbr t t y t ggb y yr gy ryyt y g gbt t t yt rr ygt t ggg y g r gbgtr tgy5 ggt t yggg y yt tgytyt t ggt r t g r tgt gyt r b bgbgt tyt tby rr t t t rt bt t rgt bt r4 yt gygtgggt r grg bgbt y gtg r yt ggt g t gyr rr t gbt ggt r rtr bbggb g vggbg y t gbgbg gggbrt r bt y g t bbt ygr gggbvt gbtbtgt grrt t rr y gtgt gb t bt gt rt bg b y 5gt y t gvt g y bgr rt b t r t 6 ty tbgy gggt g br gvy bgbtgrgy bgtbbbg y gb y gtbgrt gy gby y r rrggbr tt bvr rryr rgygr gt bygt y ggvt yyg gvtgt g tt gbgggby gggb gtt y gt yt gy t rr g rt r yt t ggbg bt gtt r bgt g tt ggyg t gt b ygy gt yyt tt gt gggtr g r tg gg 5 y t y gy t t y b6 gb ty5 gyt yyygygyr r gtt gy rbr gygt gyggt t yt r tyyt yyt yr 6 ggygt 6yt t 5yt 4 6g5t y tgy t 5yt tyyyyt t4 5 6t gt yyt yyyy5gyy5 yyyt 5t 5 y5yy5y5yyggt ggtgt y5 yg55yyy5t ggygyt 5 yt yy t gg t yhr 6r 5yyyy6yyyygy5 5y55 y5t yr y6y6gyy5 y5yyt r5gyyggt yygt t 5 y r y6yg5 5y5t 5 5 6g5 5 gy5yt yyy5 yt gyt t gy ggtyg5ygygyyyy5gg5yt rt r t g6t gggygr ygyyt gtt t t ty yt gt ggtt gy5gt bggty tgy tyygggg ygyy5 tgy5 gtgt yy5 gyt tyg tgyt t gyr t yr tt gr t gtt btt tr ggg bgy rg y5 gyr gyyyg gtygyyyyt r yygg r5 gt t t 5 yt ttyyt5 y t yyt 6t tytg tyt g gtt yyt yt yy ygggyg5t t rryyt gyy5 yt yg6 6y6t gt yyyyy5 t ygy4 55yt r t t gtt tt tbgyt r tt gt r y5ygy5gyy6yyggg5 yt ty tgtgy ygyr 5y5 tyggyt yr yr t t tt yt 5g5y5yyygy6y5yt yt y65 5tt t 6yyyg65ggt y5gyggytgt 5y5gt gy gygy4 t yy55 gyyyyt yyg5 yt yyyyy5 5gt t y6t gy6 t ggty yyyyt tyyt tggy tt gggbtgg ggbt gb5 g ggbbt v5t gt gbtt bt r g tgt gtt y yt ygt gy t ggtgt bt tgt gy y gr tyt t bbbg 5gyyt ttgggggt y tt yt ggt gtygyt gt5t b6yg5yyy5yt yyyyyyg6t 6gyt t yggh 6yt gr yy4 t6t gggbt yggg6yt h gy t btgrygt ygyt by ty gry5 5t yt 5t y yt 5 5 yh 6 6yt ygt ggbgt gty yyyyt r bbr g gggt tgg
First of all, did you know you have a jet engine burner as a stove top? 😂
Holy Jesus that's turning up the heat.
ddavid122 Your wok is cleared for takeoff 😀
ddavid122 hhghakxxh
meskerem asarat j
all the sound from the vent reminds me of home and dinner time when we were young.
Lmao ddavid122, you never lied about the inferno stove
Cici why u never do tenderizing the beef ? If u cook that way, my beef will be like rubber. Tips and trick pls :)
Beef, scallions, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, sugar, cornstarch, jet engine ✔
The fire under that wok is like a volcano.
hey sweet yr recepie really tempting some ingrideint dont suit me anyways love ur recepie
CiCi Can you please add translations on what the chef is saying? I really want to learn more! :D
So true!
Love your videos, your personality is adorable and ignore the haters.
genghistron88 Thank you! :)