This is largely true, but in most cases due to the fact that Italy is a very, very, old country... (and I mean not only infrastructure or organization...) What to you seems chaos, for us italians is culture! It may be right or wrong, but it has always been part of Europe's history and we are doing our best to improve it! XD
il significato secondo me sta nel fatto che abbiamo una caratteristica che altri non hanno, o almeno non tutti: sappiamo ridere di noi stessi. Ciò può essere interpretato come il fatto che non abbiamo bisogno di sentirci superiori. Aggiungerei che ho vissuto 25 anni all'estero, mio marito è inglese, mio cognato giapponese, mia madre austriaca. Loro sono più bravi nella facciata. Nessuno al mondo, che io sappia, come noi sa trovare un modo per ridere ed alleviare la brutale quotinianità
Quite frankly some of the scenes are in part true but most of them are a laugh- inducing exageration. It is notorious that our beaurocracy is slow and tortuouse and indeed we have a culture of coffee. However be careful with smoking in public places because the law is very strict. Highway traffic is pretty good while driving in small medieval towns and villages can be tricky. We usually close the historical center to traffic as it is not design for cars but for donkeys and horses. Rispect for pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing is getting better although there is room for improvement. After 20 years abroad have found that Italians like to laugh about themselves in an self critical way...the trouble is that abroad they take our jokes seriously and we appear like a barbarian chaotic bunch of lazy people. Well it is not true. Thank you
It simply shows that we can laugh about ourseves. Unlike other culture we don't keep a "facade" . this piece of art is in part true, although i object about some parts. For heaven sake let us laugh and be critical. Not hypocritical
Even within countries, different regions will have a pretty good amount of variety to them. If you go to Germany, Prussia and Bavaria may as well be two different countries. (Probably because they were, once upon a time.)
...mah, sinceramente ho visto le stesse cose anche negli altri Paesi europei, anzi con l'aggravante che là sono tutti alcolizzati, non ne ho visto uno, che sia uno, sobrio!
hahahaha... is true!! che figura di merda che facciamo sempre!! ci vedono tutti come dei caproni!! :S comunque non è sempre così l'italia soprattutto al nord!
yasubei1947 話せれるようになれましたか?
あれにはまじびびった。w でもまた行きたい。
面白い! 特に2:23の政治(politics)に出て来る首相の椅子を放さない人物は、ベルルスコーニ(silvio-berlusconi)の事だと思います。3:57の着陸時(air-landing)アリタリア航空(AZ-Alitalia)の事ですよね!直接的には、本当なのかと思いますが、物事の要点を確実に捉えており、イタリアの明るい表現方法で伝えているところが最高ですね!
This is largely true, but in most cases due to the fact that Italy is a very, very, old country... (and I mean not only infrastructure or organization...) What to you seems chaos, for us italians is culture! It may be right or wrong, but it has always been part of Europe's history and we are doing our best to improve it! XD
Tomohiro Mori 住んでた北イタリアもこんなでしたよ。
@@candywhite4100 そーなんだ!自分はロンバルディア州(ミラノあるとこ)少し住んでたけど、こうじゃなかったです
il significato secondo me sta nel fatto che abbiamo una caratteristica che altri non hanno, o almeno non tutti: sappiamo ridere di noi stessi. Ciò può essere interpretato come il fatto che non abbiamo bisogno di sentirci superiori. Aggiungerei che ho vissuto 25 anni all'estero, mio marito è inglese, mio cognato giapponese, mia madre austriaca. Loro sono più bravi nella facciata. Nessuno al mondo, che io sappia, come noi sa trovare un modo per ridere ed alleviare la brutale quotinianità
Approvo completamente !!!
Però siamo simpatici.
Ma quanto sono perfetti nel resto d'Europa così sembrerebbe io ne ho girati alcuni e ho visto molto più schifo.
Quite frankly some of the scenes are in part true but most of them are a laugh- inducing exageration. It is notorious that our beaurocracy is slow and tortuouse and indeed we have a culture of coffee. However be careful with smoking in public places because the law is very strict. Highway traffic is pretty good while driving in small medieval towns and villages can be tricky. We usually close the historical center to traffic as it is not design for cars but for donkeys and horses. Rispect for pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing is getting better although there is room for improvement. After 20 years abroad have found that Italians like to laugh about themselves in an self critical way...the trouble is that abroad they take our jokes seriously and we appear like a barbarian chaotic bunch of lazy people. Well it is not true. Thank you
I prefer that italy's road signal.
It simply shows that we can laugh about ourseves. Unlike other culture we don't keep a "facade" . this piece of art is in part true, although i object about some parts. For heaven sake let us laugh and be critical. Not hypocritical
Italy rules!
Bella Italia
2:45のbureaucracyと4:11のmobile phoneはどういうことでしょう??
ZOMG! This is so bad, it's funny!
this video is very offensive for my confront, because I'm Italian. So don't write offensive content.
The coffee scene:TRUE STORY XDDD
i love this lol
This is funny, but that thing about the smoking is not true at all!!! Pay attention, because we are really strict about the smoking ban!!!!!
lol lol i'm japanese and i always thought all european people are same in and out. i don't know they have different perosonalities!
Even within countries, different regions will have a pretty good amount of variety to them. If you go to Germany, Prussia and Bavaria may as well be two different countries. (Probably because they were, once upon a time.)
0:32 日本だったら うぜえ イタリアン ひでえ 止めかた僕イタリア生まれ なくなってよかった ひどいところだったよ。 日本だったら こーゆー止めかた ありえない。
...mah, sinceramente ho visto le stesse cose anche negli altri Paesi europei, anzi con l'aggravante che là sono tutti alcolizzati, non ne ho visto uno, che sia uno, sobrio!
molt interessante! mi piace.
hahahaha... is true!! che figura di merda che facciamo sempre!! ci vedono tutti come dei caproni!! :S comunque non è sempre così l'italia soprattutto al nord!
il bus non è così, per il resto non ci metto la mano sul fuoco ; -)
haha già ma a noi va bene così
1212 yka this video is very offensive for my confront, because I'm Italian. So don't write offensive content.
That's not true.
purtroppo cosi. che minchia devo dire per loro'''
Concordo xD
english comment passing through