Of course it looks easy when your in completely clean and obstruction free open environment. Show a valid and realistic video in a working environment with real world obstructions. Then get back to me.
I've replaced 100s of these transnorm beaded powerturns and yall are doing way too much. Like why are you fuckin with the inside radius? Leave that alone. Pulling back guide wheels on the bottom. Just feed it in, have someone underneath to make sure it doesn't get hung up then pull it all the way through and pin it then. Aint no way in real life you're gonna be able to change it like this, theres never going to be room for that. Edit. If thats and endless belt without a pin and lacing i will never work for an airport that has a power turn like that.
How you track this conveyor?
Of course it looks easy when your in completely clean and obstruction free open environment. Show a valid and realistic video in a working environment with real world obstructions. Then get back to me.
I've replaced 100s of these transnorm beaded powerturns and yall are doing way too much. Like why are you fuckin with the inside radius? Leave that alone. Pulling back guide wheels on the bottom. Just feed it in, have someone underneath to make sure it doesn't get hung up then pull it all the way through and pin it then. Aint no way in real life you're gonna be able to change it like this, theres never going to be room for that.
Edit. If thats and endless belt without a pin and lacing i will never work for an airport that has a power turn like that.
Not as easy when it's 5m above your head 🙄