Zeke, thank you for sharing your experiences and your great board riding skills. Very inspiring and refreshing. Stay safe out there and keep pushing forward. There are many people out here rooting for you.
Heard from the judges booth.. "White Up!" ""White outside"! Pink inside! Pink inside!" " its always pink on the inside"! Its gravy boat by a nose over Zekebaal!
Please explain, respect for what exactly? Are you aware the majority of the industry disagreed and claimed him and he retracted, thus why video was deleted, and he actually apologized. So he was wrong and cried out first. Bad style man. But here you are praising the guy. And don’t act like it’s for the about face. You’re reacting to this video and Ben’s video
You do know he backpedaled and retracted and also apologized right? Thus making your comment factually incorrect and exposing how out of touch you actually are with the heartbeat of the real surf culture. You just clowned yourself. Oh and surfer staff writers, Derek Reilly from beach grit and mutltiple other actually industry buffs argued against him and debated him, successfully, thus prompting his regression and redaction. But here you are. Doing you. 🙈🫣
Instead of 'Big Brother' it's 'Surf Bro'. This week on Surf Bro, Bens wax goes missing and Zekes wetsuit smells suspiciously of piss... Ben and Zeke finally figure out you measure the length of a surfboard on the bottom.
Absolutely gut-busting best f****** video ever! Everyone fall in line stop being so serious life is too short have a great time and smile and laugh?!!!!!!!
Wait, whaaa?? Zeke was the one who took it too serious and was wrong. Over stepped his boundaries, retracted (uh deleted video) and lastly actually had to apologize! Zeke did not know his lane and had to step back. Dude. You a little ree-ree?? You literally contradicted yourself or just are not in touch with the industry.
I literally laughed out loud, thank you Zeke & Ben I needed that, BTW, 1.63???? where did that judge come from? the SCOTUS? maybe he should go back to judging hogs in Kansas, what a rip. If I ever run into you, I got your cereal covered, love you brothers.
I grew up in North County San Diego… That being said, Zeke is your typical rich kid who has never had to deal with poverty and its obstacles. He’s kind of a kook and I really don’t how big of airs he does , personality and soul means a lot more than how talented you are at anything
Everyone no matter who they are or how rich they are goes through something, but we go to surfing to get away and be part of a community. If you are just going to judge a book by its cover and say he doesn't have personality or soul you're a bigger piece of shit! You must be the asshole in the water people avoid.
Damn Gravy, why would you try to speer Barley through the temple? C'mon now. He's about the coolest surfer on the planet. I never knew what a vlog was until I saw his donkey Bay episode..
I love how this is just Ben driving in a van by himself ranting about Zeke into a cell phone about "eating his cereal..." I think you might be a bad housemate bro! haha, no worries, I just ate my housemates pizza and chocolates...
Hey Ben !! Growing up in North County San Diego. I come across these rich kids acting entitled, having no worries in life all the time, so don’t worry about them you seem like you have a good heart and a good soul so don’t worry about some of the San Diego locals,, they are a bunch of kooks.
@@A-Brax it’s actually karmically perfect. This user doesn’t know it’s a joke, also didn’t follow the fall out of the entire writers industry disagreeing with zeke-eventually falling into the position that he needed to backpeddle and reach statements AND apologize and deleted the video. So it unintentionally comes full circle correctly so aptly. So universally fitting and correct. Zeke embarrassed himself and the industry shamed him forcing a delete of video and apology. The comment section here shows how sadly the actual ignorance and low brow low rent the surf community is. Makes me embarrassed sometimes to be apart of the dick waving and the bullying and superiority complex many have. Most surfers desperately clamoring for attention and status and popularity as if surfing is the only identity they have. Like a gym guy with no other interests, a jock mentality that has no other defining accolades or successes. Sad how these people Define themsves this narrow and lack of broader spectrum of interests. If you are not high-level elite pros that literally can make and sustain your entire life off of only the surf industry paycheck. Then you had better have other interests in your life and you had better have other skills to define you.
Zeke you need to come to Florida for come chicken joe contest heat strategy coaching, my insights to high performance contest surfing are invaluable and have noted by the likes of joe turpel during surf commentary
... Entertaining Episode - First rule of anything "Media" or "Entertainment" is that without Conflict you got Nothing. A refreshing side-road from the usual Novelty Waves and Boat Wake. Obviously, if the B.G. brand is to thrive and prosper, this is a step into the Future. (Next time don't let-on that's it's a "Joke" so easily). Hopefully the Captain and Mr. Beard (ex ??) - remain good friends for Life and enjoy many swells together... As for the WSL and WQS; it's guys like J.O.B. and Ben Gravy that are slowly rendering them boring/obsolete representations of "Pro Surfing" relics' that will inevitably fade completely out of "mainstream" surfing consciousness in the near Future (Thank God) !!! - Surf or Die
... Oh yeah, cool to see you enjoying the Webcast of the Live surf-event (and commentary) - definitely worth a chuckle or two. More importantly; NICE yellow Strat' in the backgound - play that F*^cker Boiyyy'
Surfing needs so much more of this! If that is not the sign of a very true and loyal friend, I don’t know what is! EPIC
Defund the WSL
Hahahahaha…. Na, but funny S’ right there
Defund the softtops 🤪 omg never!!
That circus is overdone, put a fork in it.....😂
"I stayed at his place, I ate his cereal." 😂
Is that code for cock.
Capn crunk
Get that man a 6’0 soft top!!! 😂😂😂😂
Great fun! Zeke without his disguise? Hardly recognized him LOL!
Zeke, thank you for sharing your experiences and your great board riding skills. Very inspiring and refreshing. Stay safe out there and keep pushing forward. There are many people out here rooting for you.
Pulling out the Softie in Comp should definitely put Zeke's subscribers over 100k!! CLASSIC... and what Legends are made of!!! LOL
Heard from the judges booth.. "White Up!" ""White outside"! Pink inside! Pink inside!" " its always pink on the inside"! Its gravy boat by a nose over Zekebaal!
What? A foot over your head or less board length? Are they going to enforce that at Pipe and Sunset this year?
Classic indeed, such a fun watch, your face when you realise he's going in to get the foamie, soo good!
This is classic!!! Hilarious nobody does stuff like this anymore
Respect for Zeke!!! That was awesome!!!!!
Please explain, respect for what exactly? Are you aware the majority of the industry disagreed and claimed him and he retracted, thus why video was deleted, and he actually apologized. So he was wrong and cried out first. Bad style man. But here you are praising the guy. And don’t act like it’s for the about face. You’re reacting to this video and Ben’s video
Zeke is a wild man 🤣
"To my dismay" with the shadess on🤣🤣🤣🤟🥂 Legend
Bro I love you so much. This is making me smile ear to ear baby!!! CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are the best !! absolute legends! 🤙
So classic. Best vlog in ages! Y'all stay awesome!!!
That’s a good buddy !! Classic shenanigans.
I love your stuff thanks
The 7’0” for the dream!
Zeke is a geek and it's nice you still hang with him!
ZEKE the legend!
This is cracking me up, hope it’s not serious because it got me laughing, you and Zeke are hilarious.
Watched it live yesterday and it was epic!
That was hilarious!😂 😂😂
Epic, Ben!! Great fun!!
Epic video. Zeke is always fun to watch. He needs to go troll koa rothman and crew next.
If he wants to catch cracks sure
You do know he backpedaled and retracted and also apologized right? Thus making your comment factually incorrect and exposing how out of touch you actually are with the heartbeat of the real surf culture. You just clowned yourself.
Oh and surfer staff writers, Derek Reilly from beach grit and mutltiple other actually industry buffs argued against him and debated him, successfully, thus prompting his regression and redaction. But here you are. Doing you. 🙈🫣
Fantastik more of Zekeriya wwouuwwww😅🔥🔥🤙🤙🤙🤙
What an absolute legend!
This was 100% good fun 😂😂😂😂 I was nearly crying when you dropped the commentary from the weblive 🥳🤙 Zek needs a 6ft foamie for next time😂😂😂😂❤🍍
Zeke has the style of rich La Jolla kid who doesn’t want to be seen as a rich La Jolla kid. Ben is authentic. Haha
That’s cause he is a rich La Jolla kid , act entitled and greedy , just like most San Diego Surfers, I know because I grew up in Encinitas
trust funder to the max
@@averagejoegrows yes , full Trust fund guy , not trying to be mean or be a hater .. just telling it like it is
"We're done with the shenanigans"
"No, we're not" 😂
All’s well that ends well. You both are gentlemen. For the dream!
These guys make me laugh so much! 😂
I liked both your videos. You guys got different vlog styles which is cool too 🤙🏼
That opening monologue was hilarious! Loved the whole thing.
Filming, FaceTiming, and driving!
Classic bro classic loved it
What an amazingly funny double act bring on the gravy tv channel 🎉
Instead of 'Big Brother' it's 'Surf Bro'.
This week on Surf Bro, Bens wax goes missing and Zekes wetsuit smells suspiciously of piss... Ben and Zeke finally figure out you measure the length of a surfboard on the bottom.
I'm soooo mad....how could you Ben? Blowing up my "secret" spots with landmarks...now they'll be full of soft tops! 😂
You broke the surfer's code.
Big waves big legends
Always entertaining!
Absolutely gut-busting best f****** video ever! Everyone fall in line stop being so serious life is too short have a great time and smile and laugh?!!!!!!!
Wait, whaaa?? Zeke was the one who took it too serious and was wrong. Over stepped his boundaries, retracted (uh deleted video) and lastly actually had to apologize! Zeke did not know his lane and had to step back. Dude. You a little ree-ree?? You literally contradicted yourself or just are not in touch with the industry.
I literally laughed out loud, thank you Zeke & Ben I needed that, BTW, 1.63???? where did that judge come from? the SCOTUS? maybe he should go back to judging hogs in Kansas, what a rip. If I ever run into you, I got your cereal covered, love you brothers.
More Puerto Rico vlogs this year?
Ha ha....you guys are off the chain! 😂
You 2 barneys just need to co-exist! 😆
😆😆😆 well done 👏 typical surf humour 😉
Dude, this was an absolute blast to watch. Team BenZekeeee.
OTCP.... Off The Chained ⛓️ Pineapple 🍍
😂😂😂😂 I'm expecting a merch drop from the OTCP collab that week you ate Zeke's cereal
Yes a zekergravyboat trenchcoat! Ill get one!
Zeke looks 30 years younger without his beard.
Man, I didn't notice until now. Zekes got a razor to the -f-baal!
“..I Ate his Cereal..”😂🤙🏻
That’s awesome!! Little late catching up! But great vlog! Just made my day! Thank you 🤙🤙🤙🤙
I was on the pier for that one. Good stuff!
Did you see that one of your boards made it on to “Made in Chelsea” a UK reality series on Channel 4?!
That's so funny we want more..🪂👍
😂😂😂😂 Classic!!
Zeeke is such a San Diego surfer 😂
So good 😂. Legends
Ben where can I buy those sun glasses 🙌
Him living at his MOMS house SAYS IT ALL. Grown men who live with their moms😅😂😅😂😅😂
Zeke loves to hear his own voice 😢
Awesome video!! So funny!!
I grew up in North County San Diego… That being said, Zeke is your typical rich kid who has never had to deal with poverty and its obstacles. He’s kind of a kook and I really don’t how big of airs he does , personality and soul means a lot more than how talented you are at anything
Everyone no matter who they are or how rich they are goes through something, but we go to surfing to get away and be part of a community. If you are just going to judge a book by its cover and say he doesn't have personality or soul you're a bigger piece of shit! You must be the asshole in the water people avoid.
Bro get over yourself ! Hate him cuz he took a chance u wish u did !!!
@@chadgorski9028 ?
@@chadgorski9028 you’ve never been around him 😂😂
@@PurpleCabbage neither have you so why you judging… lol
Damn Gravy, why would you try to speer Barley through the temple? C'mon now. He's about the coolest surfer on the planet. I never knew what a vlog was until I saw his donkey Bay episode..
East Coast, bring it!
Hahaha Love You bro❤️🔥❤️🔥
Gravys the goat, zeke buys followers
We need to get Zeke a soft top contract and a signature board that's Exactly one foot taller than he is. What would his print look like?
Haha, perfect. The “One Foot” model
I love how this is just Ben driving in a van by himself ranting about Zeke into a cell phone about "eating his cereal..." I think you might be a bad housemate bro! haha, no worries, I just ate my housemates pizza and chocolates...
Don’t let them do that to you Gravy 💪🏼
Hey Ben !! Growing up in North County San Diego. I come across these rich kids acting entitled, having no worries in life all the time, so don’t worry about them you seem like you have a good heart and a good soul so don’t worry about some of the San Diego locals,, they are a bunch of kooks.
lol what is your deal.
@@A-Brax it’s actually karmically perfect. This user doesn’t know it’s a joke, also didn’t follow the fall out of the entire writers industry disagreeing with zeke-eventually falling into the position that he needed to backpeddle and reach statements AND apologize and deleted the video. So it unintentionally comes full circle correctly so aptly.
So universally fitting and correct. Zeke embarrassed himself and the industry shamed him forcing a delete of video and apology.
The comment section here shows how sadly the actual ignorance and low brow low rent the surf community is. Makes me embarrassed sometimes to be apart of the dick waving and the bullying and superiority complex many have. Most surfers desperately clamoring for attention and status and popularity as if surfing is the only identity they have. Like a gym guy with no other interests, a jock mentality that has no other defining accolades or successes. Sad how these people
Define themsves this narrow and lack of broader spectrum of interests. If you are not high-level elite pros that literally can make and sustain your entire life off of only the surf industry paycheck. Then you had better have other interests in your life and you had better have other skills to define you.
@@hoopslaa5235 I think I got 2 sentences in and gave up.
that ollie was lit
Zeek seems like a duesche anyhow. I wouldn't worry about it
Zekes a drop out , dropping in, fuurbaal from islamabaad!. Keep taking off gravy boat! Nice pic!
Resentments in the making 😂😂😂 Aloha N.U.B
🤙🤙ride the softy
Classic GravEKE hijinks 😂
no chicken for dinner, all beef
Zeke is da man
Right now you're looking like a better surfer than Felipe at Blacks!
Two brothers from different mothers.
Nice wedding ring back on
Classic 1.63
Now we know where Zeke lives 😅
We're putting our lives on the line!
Good video. Entertaining. 😊
We all you know missed it live on zeke's vid bruh xD
Zeke you need to come to Florida for come chicken joe contest heat strategy coaching, my insights to high performance contest surfing are invaluable and have noted by the likes of joe turpel during surf commentary
... Entertaining Episode - First rule of anything "Media" or "Entertainment" is that without Conflict you got Nothing. A refreshing side-road from the usual Novelty Waves and Boat Wake. Obviously, if the B.G. brand is to thrive and prosper, this is a step into the Future. (Next time don't let-on that's it's a "Joke" so easily). Hopefully the Captain and Mr. Beard (ex ??) - remain good friends for Life and enjoy many swells together... As for the WSL and WQS; it's guys like J.O.B. and Ben Gravy that are slowly rendering them boring/obsolete representations of "Pro Surfing" relics' that will inevitably fade completely out of "mainstream" surfing consciousness in the near Future (Thank God) !!! - Surf or Die
Historic. 😂😂😂
😈😈😈 zeek looked like grizzly adams and now he looos you .... Did he find any strange critters living in the muff gruff 😈😈😈
... Oh yeah, cool to see you enjoying the Webcast of the Live surf-event (and commentary) - definitely worth a chuckle or two. More importantly; NICE yellow Strat' in the backgound - play that F*^cker Boiyyy'
whahahahahahahahaha '' you never even had your car '' Does that count as a double pun... 😜
Shenanigans will get you gravy in the pants .
Zeke has now ascended to legendary status. What an awesome hobbit he is. 😂😂 awesome sauce BG. 👏🏽🫱🏼🫲🏽🤜🏽🤛🏄🏼♂️🏄🏼♂️🏄🏼♂️🍍🍍🍍
His most viewed video by far is him getting beat up in the lineup, he’s far from a legend
@@ChickenJoe-tq6xd he's legend. Yr mom said so this morning while making breakfast.
@@ianwilkinson3425 I know Kelly slater
@@ChickenJoe-tq6xd 🤣🤣🤣you also have become legendary. 🤣🤣🫱🏼🫲🏽🤜🏽🤛🏄🏼♂️
@@ianwilkinson3425 haha I’m just playing, I actually like Zeke after his newest video he put out
Zeke looks so much better without a beard
Believe the hype, ben vs zeke mma match.
Ben v zeke blow job match
Ben's got the reach advantage .It would be over first round with the Gravinator being triumphant.
your all KOOKS anyway😭