華府列根機場黑鷹空難引發「左右舌戰」 9萬不同集」344.7b 2025.01.31
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- 華府列根機場黑鷹空難引發「左右舌戰」
美東時間29日晚間20時48分華盛頓首府列根國際機場發生嚴重空難,當時載著64人的美鷹航空(American Airlines 附屬公司)5342號班機於降落時與軍方UH-60黑鷹直升機相撞,失控墜毀在波多馬克河(Potomac River),兩飛機共67人全數罹難。據報導黑鷹直升機標記為PAT 2-5,代表「優先航行」,通常用於陸軍執行VIP任務,例如搭載官員或重要政治人物,不過當時只是執行訓練任務,因此其「呼號」(call sign)的使用也引發謎團,公眾暫時難以理解這起悲劇事件的真正原因。
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Trump has an airliner and used to own a helicopter company. That’s why he knows so much about aviation.
本人相信 Trump 的發言。
Love your information sharing. It shows your knowledge and fairness.
You right, we need a good president who can help us to make the right choice for Americans. Thank you. God. President Trump. ❤
Donald Trump 就這次 空難事件 發表 演講 句句 都指出 左膠種下的 禍 根 !
多謝潘先生對這事的深度分析. 但我應為從事發到現在,我們都是在猜測. (吹水). 等到官方對此事發表完整公報時, 就可能真像大白!(如果是真的話)!🤔🧐
Confusing …!!!
首先責任在控制塔,等如香港七十年代的站崗交通警,我首先應聽從站崗交通警的指令,( 即控制塔 ),我若是民航機司會先信控制塔,之後再信自己的目測。左派癲癲地,錯在左派的可能性極高。
No matter what, the pilots have the final authority to ensure safety. The air traffic controllers are in a position to assist/recommend. Not knowing much about the accident, I wouldn’t say more. However, it reminds me of the Tokyo crash just over a year ago. I’ve not heard much reports about it since but it’s definitely the pilots’ fault not to abort the landing in that case!
Please note that all aircraft has highly visible lights required for nighttime operations. I can’t believe if any of those are missed in either cases!
Condolences to friends and families of those lost souls.
500 hrs flying experience is a rookie. Air traffic condition is way too complicated for the experience. With lots of lights reflecting from the river, she would not be able to see clearly with the goggle on. Communication from the air traffic controller is not clear about position of the plane expecting her to see. Specifically 10 & 2 o'clock, there are 2 planes in the sky. She answered too quickly without specifying which plane she referred to. Controller also did not know she is a rookie. At her high speed, she left herself no time to react by the time she may or may not have seeb the landing plane which could be blocked by the top panel of the chopper.
DEI 僱用條款咁隨便所以請唔到人、人手不足的問題!為咗quota 有條件申請人亦冇辦法被僱用
Gordon兄 當然是每個人都會有其發言權
The problem is P. Ob's Policy.
神秘學叫 Day ja Woo ( ? ) 法文。
似曾相識 ← 神秘經驗 ← 明明是片
但哥頓說話我的確早聽過 →
侵侵剛上任 → 巴啦巴啦 → 啊侵質疑 →
這集可早聽過! 非常神奇!
Déjà-vu 嗎?我也常常遇到,愚見認爲是因爲世事有雷同,經驗有類似吧。
deja vu
Trump 上台接二連三發生咁多意外很難令人不懷疑有沒有人為靠害因素
突破謠傳!NVDA 輝達 Jensen 黃仁勳 終於飛往 D.C. 白宮晉見侵帝共商如何解決DeepSeek 「共」事兼且如何處理晶片出口及AI發展政策。Let’s see what happens next,拭目以待!
I heard another KOL channel who reported that the helicopter replied to the control tower that the flight was in his sight. Actually, before the clash took place, there were two flights in the air: one landing and another one departing and lifting off. The pilot was believed to have mistaken the staffer from the tower for meaning a *departing flight* (so he replied to the Tower that he could see it) Trump's challenge meant why the pilot was unable to see the *landing flight* (He did not mean the *departing flight*) that it clashed the *landing flight*. That KOL did not clarify this point; Trump laid blame on Biden's administration which stems from reasons. His claim was not a made-up charge.
There are quite a few youtube videos describing it, pointing to the suspicion as I wrote, (though these videos are in English language; there is translation and press a button everyone can read it)
FAA 原文請人條件竟然要DEI 搞到機場控制塔要請啲又盲又聾又啞嘅精英員工!不如飛機都請啲盲飛機師啦!騎馬過海!
from window co-pilot:Yes, Trump did read from a document during a press conference, where he criticized the FAA's diversity hiring policies. He claimed that the FAA was recruiting individuals with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities for air traffic controller positions, which is not accurate. The FAA has strict medical and physical requirements for air traffic controllers to ensure they can perform their duties safely and effectively
The idea that the FAA would recruit individuals who are paralyzed, blind, deaf, or otherwise unable to perform the essential functions of the job is not accurate. Safety and efficiency are paramount in air traffic control, and the FAA's rigorous standards reflect that.
shut up, please don't make any conclusion before deeply investigation, No matter who you are, conclude before investigation is just not fair and it is completely bias.
If you don't like it, stay out of here, nobody force you to listen other people opinion. damn democrat