"La Temelie" - ”At the Foundation” Church (Suceava County, Romania)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • The "La Temelie" (”At the Foundation”) Church is located near the European road E85, 8 km south of Falticeni (Suceava County, Moldova, Romania). It is a particular Orthodox church, both as property, as a realization and conception. It does not belong to the Romanian Orthodox Church, but to its founder, Mr. Vasile Apopei. The church was erected in 2003 (?) and sanctified in 2006. As we can see at least in the interior, this holy place does not respect exactly the archetype of Orthodox churches. According to the founder, it is an Orthodox church that respects (some) old canons before the Council of Nicaea. "In this holy place, any man in this world can pray to the good God, regardless of the religion or confession to which he belongs". In ”La Temelie” church there are many elements and symbols that transcended the Christianity, heading for esoterics, energetic, perhaps even paleoastronautical and ufological conceptions (see the subtitle !). According to the founder, the altar of the church is built on the site of an ancient Dacian altar marking a powerful energy center. Outside the church there is an energy pyramid with inside access, an astral cross, and a tetrahedron star, representing the MerKaBa principle, an ancestral "ascension to heaven" technique (anti-gravity propulsion and a space-time travel vehicle). From the Pisania written on the wall of the church we find that the Dacian altar here was followed by a wooden church (which accompanied a fortification) that was burnt down in the years 950. During the medieval period here was a stone church and a boyar court, which in their turn were burned and destroyed in 1821 on the occasion of the battles between the Turks and the Eterists. Their ruins, or perhaps older, give the name of this place ”La Temelie” (”At the Foundation”).

ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @ellamocanu1838
    @ellamocanu1838 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    O casă a Domnului, unde orice credincios s-ar putea simți ca acasă, cu mintea eliberată de tiparele exterioare, dimensionate pe mega-structuri și super-viteze copleșitoare. Întoarcerea la simplitate bucură sufletul într-un fel aparte. Biserica aceasta este croită pe măsura omului și îi face bine. O casă în care te poți simți în intimitate cu Domnul. Totul e să vrei această liniște. Gardul, poarta, clopotnița și Casa se oferă generos spre aducere aminte: oameni suntem chiar și atunci când căutăm cu ardoare comunitatea cu Domnul. Biserica aceasta îmi sugerează că trebuie să mai creștem foarte mult. Ar fi o condiție pentru ca rugăciunile să fie ascultate.

  • @eugenenciu902
    @eugenenciu902 5 ปีที่แล้ว