I saw the devs in kaiju battlegrounds and the special devs creatures, they were there for like an hour but I was having so ,icy fun I forgot to record the whole thing
@@MrPringle. Lying? alr I'll tell U all the attacks. LC - stomp and then tail hit thing, 1 - leap forward, grab, 2 swipes, 2 - ground stomp and tail swing stone, or if close stomp and tail swing person, 3 - damaging roar, 4 - two footsteps then 2 tick dmg spray including backwards one, f - mist spray, X - can be amiable using Ctrl lock. Does this prove to U that I had a gojira above 6000xp (5000xp is gold)? The thing was a 1 time thing that randomly happened in the middle of the fight. Gave me a golden sparkle aura that damaged things once and sent them ragdolling for around 3 secs. If eva01 berserk halo Easter egg exists, why not this?
its just sad seeing people just assume him as an exploiter/admin abuser even though its a fucking dev, he can do whatever he wants to do as long as its not annoying the hell out of people
the guy who was using the red manda lookin creature was shadddoooo
Manda is real
I saw the devs in kaiju battlegrounds and the special devs creatures, they were there for like an hour but I was having so ,icy fun I forgot to record the whole thing
Bro is kaido💀
Not kaido
Kaido is 900 meters
@@thisboymejack7445 900 meters of kaido🥵🥵
nah bro that’s shenron
nah bro that’s a COC-
Nah that’s a Cheeto
devs work on new kaijus ✖✖ work on this✔✔
i remember when riot saw that one when he was testing gawa out in the testing
I saw that like in January all he did was walk around teleport to people and they die
Yooo, thats the same dev kaiju in the ka testing server but with no attacks
This happened to me I saw a angel Eva and I was so confused so I killed the dev
bro finna boro blast the entire map 💀
Kaiju arisen is shut down now ):
What is the world is that thing? It’s like a massive six eye lung dragon
Hi man so how did you like move your screen to the dev kaiju
shift+p :)
The game was made very cool!!!!! Even better than the last game
shadow was my friend but they unadded me for some reason
bro I met her too bro and it was cool as fuck man like bro do everything to be friends with them
Same bro
Shut up you make everything a female
my golden gojira had a mist aura similar to ultima's below 5000 X, except it did a ton of dmg. just sayin
@@jlbjlb4604 stop lying lil bro
@@MrPringle. Lying? alr I'll tell U all the attacks. LC - stomp and then tail hit thing, 1 - leap forward, grab, 2 swipes, 2 - ground stomp and tail swing stone, or if close stomp and tail swing person, 3 - damaging roar, 4 - two footsteps then 2 tick dmg spray including backwards one, f - mist spray, X - can be amiable using Ctrl lock. Does this prove to U that I had a gojira above 6000xp (5000xp is gold)? The thing was a 1 time thing that randomly happened in the middle of the fight. Gave me a golden sparkle aura that damaged things once and sent them ragdolling for around 3 secs. If eva01 berserk halo Easter egg exists, why not this?
@@MrPringle. Also if U want to make sure I'm not a random ass person, tell me to list the Moveset of ANY kaiju
I subbed
That’s the new best kaiju (natsunimeryu is better still and always will)
its just sad seeing people just assume him as an exploiter/admin abuser even though its a fucking dev, he can do whatever he wants to do as long as its not annoying the hell out of people
1 head Orochi 🤑
Bro blox fruit dragon in kaiju arisen 5.0 💀
That’s not him he green the long dragon is red
Sike i know i was playning dumn
red kaido on golly
1:37 “is it alive”
*but your not*
Well i know that kaiju and the name also
That is literally kaido💀
What the hell is kaido doin in kaiju arisen💀?
is daiju
nah i'd win 🗿
Bro its hacker Bro its a hacker
What is that
“That’s not manda…”
Red manda