11:25 In case someone else wonders, there would be 90 more points to spend, not 60. Wouldn't be able to buy the Sherman tank with only 60 points as it costs 70.
Majestic gets 3 order tokens, you forgot about Two Guns Bob. You didn't really explain the discard/draw cards phase which has caused lots of discussion on BGG as it's VERY badly explained (or not explained) in the rules.
11:25 In case someone else wonders, there would be 90 more points to spend, not 60. Wouldn't be able to buy the Sherman tank with only 60 points as it costs 70.
Yes! And the original theme song is still in use! Epic!
Majestic gets 3 order tokens, you forgot about Two Guns Bob. You didn't really explain the discard/draw cards phase which has caused lots of discussion on BGG as it's VERY badly explained (or not explained) in the rules.
Found this video AFTER we read the handbook a million times 😅
Muchas gracias por este estupendo tutorial.
wow thats some annoying intro music, but good explanation and visuals