Idk about everyone else but I’m extremely burnt out from arena. I’m just glad I have a mini account to use that may actually benefit more from this banquet. I could do with a lot of iso
The best way to grind the arena is to throw the headphones on and just go, but I'm an arena grinder, so it's only like an hour for the basic and feature arena, then the 4* is whenever I get time. Rich love the guides long time watcher always informative.
Last time for me that i saved up. This event is about as rewarding and exciting than Kabams Twitch stream was... Having diarrhea is more entertaining at this point...
So did Kabam say they recognize that the double track even is missing a ton of units and then do nothing about it after they said they would fix the issue?
See, you get around 1.1k units in the event if you want final milestones the 12.4k ( if you had done banquet tickets). Each SBC - 400( buy and open). So, depends on your target milestone!
@@MeisterburgerBurgermeister 😂 I hate kabam more than you dude. But this is the best rewarding event in a long time. Atleast we are getting all 7-star related stuff!
Idk about everyone else but I’m extremely burnt out from arena. I’m just glad I have a mini account to use that may actually benefit more from this banquet. I could do with a lot of iso
The best way to grind the arena is to throw the headphones on and just go, but I'm an arena grinder, so it's only like an hour for the basic and feature arena, then the 4* is whenever I get time. Rich love the guides long time watcher always informative.
At the end of cyber weekend I had 6k units left after spending. About 3 weeks later I gained another 7k units. Earing 7k in 3 weeks is really good
Aint worth farming, rewards isnt good enough 😂
Yeah I agree, I’m where I’m at, done with the grind
Its good. What else I want ?
@Future.IITian2001 it's more so underwhelming to be honest.
@@Future.IITian2001for noobs
@Future.IITian2001 are u an old valiant?
Was waiting for this, thanks. 😊
Last time for me that i saved up. This event is about as rewarding and exciting than Kabams Twitch stream was... Having diarrhea is more entertaining at this point...
So did Kabam say they recognize that the double track even is missing a ton of units and then do nothing about it after they said they would fix the issue?
They did fix it u get 500 units
Talk about the Bugs
You think we dont talk enough ab them already?
bro is not up to date 💀
Having a Samsung fold helps with arena grind if anyone want to invest to it. I have iPhone X from 2018 so I plan on buying one myself
Must grind arenaa❤🎉😂
Event is a total disappointment
And here comes the cry babies...
Yes.. Paragons are happy
It's great, Paragon Will be Valiant and Valiant Will have more ranks 3 7* soo if You don't have units it's not our problem. Asshole.
@@user-hz2mk8fh7hhere comes the zip opener make sure to zip up them after you done
Love the guides as always mate
If you have done good in the banquet tickets. Then the units you need are around 12.4k.
Bro I am already burnt out. If I want to reach personal milestones I will have to grind 24/7 for two weeks im cooked :/
The rewards are good just too expensive for the average player... just below 10k units for all milestones would've been more realistic.
No point of farming honestly as most people won't be hitting 25k points anyway,i grinded upto 5k and that's it
Same here man. But I'm still grinding in arena. I'm at 5.4k
hey o good mornings
Hi mr rich will 17200 units be enough for this banquet event ? Thanks for the help in advance
Can’t lie you should be good bro
I think it’s 15k this year for all rewards so you good
15k to get to the Realm Isophyne is what I heard
This banquets gonna be fire!!
You’re fire!
Not spending.. trash rewards for Valient players.. atleast it's 10th anniversary 💩💩💩
You don't have units , it's ok black friday cocked you
How many units is enough? I only have 1k 😂
Also as a casual player, the rewards don't really entice me as much because i dont enjoy grinding 😅
Rewards suck anyway, don’t bother.
See, you get around 1.1k units in the event if you want final milestones the 12.4k ( if you had done banquet tickets).
Each SBC - 400( buy and open). So, depends on your target milestone!
@@MeisterburgerBurgermeisterwhat more did you expect??
2-7* rank 4 gems for 300 units?
@@khil_zone_735 Ok Kabam simp calm down
@@MeisterburgerBurgermeister 😂
I hate kabam more than you dude. But this is the best rewarding event in a long time. Atleast we are getting all 7-star related stuff!
first rich