I have the exact tripple black C400GT and love it for everyday commuting. It has excellent wind protection and headlights. Your review is spot on, and if you get over the stigma of owning a scooter, you will not look back if you buy one.
Ta pikir sing nulis buku faktur hukum produksi utekke mboh kui sing gawe mesin awal... Pinter tenan kui gawe hukum negarane termasuk.......dewo dunia 😂 mboh itaky opo sopo soale deknen sing metu berita jauh hajri regulasi kui imitasi...kui nek toy dll katut walah remuk tenan ...termausk deknen intok bayarane hasile kudune lho ya.
I have the exact tripple black C400GT and love it for everyday commuting. It has excellent wind protection and headlights. Your review is spot on, and if you get over the stigma of owning a scooter, you will not look back if you buy one.
When coming
Ta pikir sing nulis buku faktur hukum produksi utekke mboh kui sing gawe mesin awal... Pinter tenan kui gawe hukum negarane termasuk.......dewo dunia 😂 mboh itaky opo sopo soale deknen sing metu berita jauh hajri regulasi kui imitasi...kui nek toy dll katut walah remuk tenan ...termausk deknen intok bayarane hasile kudune lho ya.
Like a sheep😂