This... fellow is not Political Prof. He is...just A new politician... Better ask questions to A Political Science student... QUESTION ON politics CAN be well answered by political anylist ... students of Political Science will Give Perfect 💯% answers This fellow is dropped out Of Panchayat a Confused guy
Very good speech keep it up😊😊😊😊😊
Lobo have power to win
Anybody can contest from any constituency.May be elected or not.
Ya he true BJP is organised party even corruption like cash for job
Amit it's not a panchayat election if you want to contest election than you must work from today
JIT will take more votes in you ward (Sawantwada) mark my words He didn't even want you
Means all.ghathis gone to mandrem??.
This... fellow is not Political Prof. He is...just A new politician... Better ask questions to A Political Science student... QUESTION ON politics CAN be well answered by political anylist ... students of Political Science will Give Perfect 💯% answers This fellow is dropped out Of Panchayat a Confused guy
Well spoken every voter should open their eyes , excellent sir
Your the true future leader, democracy is by the people and for people of niz goinkar